Physics Research Topics for Masters

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Cosmological Parameters

Research Paper Topics for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Ultralarge-scale approximations and galaxy clustering: Debiasing constraints on cosmological parameters
  2. Cosmological Parameter Estimation Using Current and Future Observations of Strong Gravitational Lensing
  3. AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: Constraints on cosmological parameters and on the normalisation of the mass-richness relation from clustering
  4. Cosmological Parameter Inference with Deep Learning
  5. Directional Variations of Cosmological Parameters from the Planck CMB Data
  6. Cosmological constraints without nonlinear redshift-space distortions
  7. Constraining hydrostatic mass bias and cosmological parameters with the gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters
  8. Constraining the cosmological parameters using gravitational wave observations of massive black hole binaries and statistical redshift information
  9. Platinum Dainotti-correlated gamma-ray bursts, and using them with standardized Amati-correlated gamma-ray bursts to constrain cosmological model parameters
  10. Cosmological implications of the full shape of anisotropic clustering measurements in BOSS and eBOSS
  11. Euclid preparation: XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis
  12. Retrieving cosmological information from small-scale CMB foregrounds-I. The thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect
  13. The Heisenberg limit at cosmological scales
  14. A standard siren cosmological measurement from the potential GW190521 electromagnetic counterpart ZTF19abanrhr
  15. The Pantheon+ Analysis: Cosmological Constraints
  16. Euclid preparation-XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis
  17. Cosmological Constraints on Nonflat Exponential f (R) Gravity
  18. Cosmological constraints from H ii starburst galaxy, quasar angular size, and other measurements
  19. Translation and Rotation Equivariant Normalizing Flow (TRENF) for Optimal Cosmological Analysis
  20. CosmoPower: emulating cosmological power spectra for accelerated Bayesian inference from next-generation surveys
  21. A path to precision cosmology: Synergy between four promising late-universe cosmological probes
  22. Galaxy cluster strong lensing cosmography-Cosmological constraints from a sample of regular galaxy clusters
  23. Cosmological constraints from weak lensing peaks: Can halo models accurately predict peak counts?
  24. Bianchi type–I dark energy cosmological model coupled with a massive scalar field
  25. … Dainotti-correlated gamma-ray bursts, and using them with standardized Amati-correlated gamma-ray bursts to constrain cosmological model parameters
  26. The Copernican principle in light of the latest cosmological data
  27. New evidence for a cosmological distribution of stellar mass primordial black holes
  28. Stability analysis of anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmological model in teleparallel gravity
  29. Late time cosmological evolution of the DBI model with collisional matter
  30. Optimal machine-driven acquisition of future cosmological data
  31. Do quasar X-ray and UV flux measurements provide a useful test of cosmological models?
  32.  Cosmological search for sterile neutrinos after Planck 2018
  33. The Copernican principle in light of the latest cosmological data
  34. Cosmological forecasts on thermal axions, relic neutrinos, and light elements
  35. Phenomenological dark energy model with hybrid dynamic cosmological constant
  36. Improved cosmological fits with quantized primordial power spectra
  37. An exploration of an early gravity transition in light of cosmological tensions
  38. Fisher matrix for the one-loop galaxy power spectrum: measuring expansion and growth rates without assuming a cosmological model
  39. A null test of the Cosmological Principle with BAO measurements
  40. Novel cosmological bounds on thermally-produced axion-like particles
  41.  Cosmological implications of ns≈ 1 in light of the Hubble tension
  42. Cosmological constraints on dark matter interactions with ordinary matter
  43. Cosmological models with cubically varying deceleration parameter in f (R, T) gravity
  44. Cosmological Analysis of Three-Dimensional BOSS Galaxy Clustering and Planck CMB Lensing Cross Correlations via Lagrangian Perturbation Theory
  45. Constraining cosmological extra dimensions with gravitational wave standard sirens: From theory to current and future multimessenger observations
  46. Evaluation of cosmological models in f (R, T) gravity in different dark energy scenario
  47. Cosmological evolutionary model for time-varying deceleration parameter in f (R, T) gravity
  48. The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological implications from multitracer BAO analysis with galaxies and voids
  49. Positivity bounds from multiple vacua and their cosmological consequences
  50. Teleparallel scalar-tensor gravity through cosmological dynamical systems
  51. Weaker yet again: mass spectrum-consistent cosmological constraints on the neutrino lifetime
  52. Joint analysis of DES Year 3 data and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck II: Cross-correlation measurements and cosmological constraints
  53. Cosmological Results from the RAISIN Survey: Using Type Ia Supernovae in the Near Infrared as a Novel Path to Measure the Dark Energy Equation of State
  54. Cosmological model-independent measurement on cosmic curvature using distance sum rule with the help of gravitational waves
  55.  Cosmological strangeness abundance
  56. Synergy between cosmological and laboratory searches in neutrino physics: a white paper
  57. AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: Cosmological constraints from counts and stacked weak lensing
  58. Mapping the cosmic expansion history from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA in synergy with DESI and SPHEREx
  59. Rip cosmological models in extended symmetric teleparallel gravity
  60. Cosmological perturbation theory in f (Q, T) gravity
  61. Dark energy survey year 3 results: cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing
  62. Cosmological constraints from gas mass fractions of massive, relaxed galaxy clusters
  63. Cosmological dynamical systems in modified gravity
  64. Estimating the Cosmological Constant from Shadows of Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes
  65. Quintessence or Phantom: Study of scalar field dark energy models through a general parametrization of the Hubble parameter
  66. The dynamics of scalar-field Quintom cosmological models
  67. Achieving precision cosmology with gravitational-wave bright sirens from SKA-era pulsar timing arrays
  68. Velocity-dependent annihilation radiation from dark matter subhalos in cosmological simulations
  69. Constraining cosmology with a new all-sky Compton parameter map from the Planck PR4 data
  70. Redshift-space effects in voids and their impact on cosmological tests–II. The void-galaxy cross-correlation function
  71. Cosmological scenario in gravity
  72. Cosmological dynamics of multifield dark energy
  73. Constraining self-interacting dark matter with dwarf spheroidal galaxies and high-resolution cosmological -body simulations
  74. Can varying the gravitational constant alleviate the tensions?
  75. Galaxy velocity bias in cosmological simulations: towards per cent-level calibration
  76. Astrophysical and Cosmological Probes of Dark Matter
  77. Lifting weak lensing degeneracies with a field-based likelihood
  78. Time dependent G and Λ cosmological model in f (R, T) gravity
  79. The effective field theory of large-scale structure and multi-tracer
  80. Bouncing cosmological isotropic solutions in scalar-tensor gravity
  81. Squeezing Cosmological Phase Transitions with International Pulsar Timing Array
  82. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: cosmological constraints from the analysis of cosmic shear in harmonic space
  83.  A unified geometric description of the Universe: From inflation to late-time acceleration without an inflaton nor a cosmological constant
  84. Modified amplitude of boson star rotation by the cosmological constant and coupling term of the curvature of the Universe
  85.  Estimating the Cosmological Constant from Shadows of Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes. Universe 2022, 8, 52
  86. Model-independent reconstruction of cosmological accelerated–decelerated phase
  87. Misinterpreting modified gravity as dark energy: a quantitative study
  88. Thermodynamic ensembles with cosmological horizons
  89. Barrow holographic dark energy in Bianchi- universe with -essence
  90. Cosmological perturbations: non-cold relics without the Boltzmann hierarchy
  91. Thermodynamic Phase Transition of Generalized Ayon-Beato Garcia Black Holes with Schwarzschild anti de Sitter space time perspective
  92. Potentialities of Hubble parameter and expansion rate function data to alleviate Hubble tension
  93. Gravitational waves× HI intensity mapping: cosmological and astrophysical applications
  94. Neutrino Flavor Conversions in High-Density Astrophysical and Cosmological Environments
  95. Discordances in cosmology and the violation of slow-roll inflationary dynamics
  96. A new model for including galactic winds in simulations of galaxy formation II: Implementation of PhEW in cosmological simulations
  97. Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Cosmological Simulations for Dark Matter Physics
  98. CMB at small scales: Cosmology from tSZ power spectrum
  99. Mapping the cosmic expansion history from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA in synergy with DESI and SPHEREx
  100. Exploring the Milky Way Circumgalactic Medium in a Cosmological Context with a Semianalytic Model
  101. Detection of cosmological 21 cm emission with the Canadian hydrogen intensity mapping experiment
  102. A Full CDM Analysis of KiDS-1000 Weak Lensing Maps using Deep Learning
  103.  Screening vs. gevolution: In chase of a perfect cosmological simulation code
  104. Observational constraints on the deceleration parameter in a tilted universe
  105. Observational constraints and predictions of the interacting dark sector with field-fluid mapping
  106. Kernel-based emulator for the 3D matter power spectrum from CLASS
  107. Large-Field Inflation and the Cosmological Collider
  108. Late time cosmology in f (R, G)-gravity with interacting fluids
  109. A minimal self tuning model to solve the cosmological constant problem
  110. Cosmological constraints on dark scalar
  111. Bias on Tensor-to-Scalar Ratio Inference With Estimated Covariance Matrices
  112. Combined full shape analysis of BOSS galaxies and eBOSS quasars using an iterative emulator
  113. Precision analysis of the redshift-space galaxy bispectrum
  114. Cosmological models reconstructed from jerk: A thermodynamic analysis
  115. LRS Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with Late Time Acceleration
  116. Exact general solutions for cosmological scalar field evolution in a background-dominated expansion
  117. PT challenge: Validation of ShapeFit on large-volume, high-resolution mocks
  118. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: marginalization over redshift distribution uncertainties using ranking of discrete realizations
  119. Investigating the dynamical models of cosmology with recent observations and upcoming gravitational-wave data
  120. Ability of LISA to detect a gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin: the cosmic string case
  121. Anisotropic cosmological model involving null radiation flow and magnetic field.
  122. Cosmological effects of Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking on QCD axion dark matter
  123. Inferring and with cosmic growth rate measurements using machine learning
  124. In-flight polarization angle calibration for LiteBIRD: blind challenge and cosmological implications
  125. Cosmological direct detection of dark energy: non-linear structure formation signatures of dark energy scattering with visible matter
  126. Cosmological constraints from the tomographic cross-correlation of DESI Luminous Red Galaxies and Planck CMB lensing
  127. Accelerating expansion of the universe in modified symmetric teleparallel gravity
  128. Limits on the Light Dark Matter–Proton Cross Section from Cosmic Large-Scale Structure
  129. Stable exponential cosmological type solutions with three factor spaces in EGB model with a -term
  130. How the Big Bang Ends Up Inside a Black Hole
  131. Effect of evolving physical constants on type Ia supernova luminosity
  132. The density distributions of cosmic structures: impact of the local environment on weak-lensing convergence
  133. Investigating dark energy by electromagnetic frequency shifts
  134. Cosmological implications of generalized holonomy corrections
  135. Dark Energy Survey Hits a Triple
  136. Imprints of interacting dark energy on cosmological perturbations
  137. Full-shape cosmology analysis of the SDSS-III BOSS galaxy power spectrum using an emulator-based halo model: A 5% determination of
  138. Dynamical friction modelling of massive black holes in cosmological simulations and effects on merger rate predictions
  139. Class I stars in the background of f (T, τ) cosmological model
  140. Exploring CDM extensions with SPT-3G and Planck data: 4 evidence for neutrino masses, full resolution of the Hubble crisis by dark energy with phantom crossing …
  141. Exponentially Small Cosmological Constant in String Theory
  142. Galaxy cluster number counts with individual lensing mass estimates: forecasts for Euclid
  143.  Bianchi Type Ix Axially Symmetric Cosmological Model with Negative Deceleration Parameter in General Relativity
  144. Unveiling the Universe with Emerging Cosmological Probes
  145. Dynamical renormalization and universality in classical multifield cosmological models
  146. Cosmology and modified gravitational wave propagation from binary black hole population models
  147. The Ellipsoidal Universe and the Hubble tension
  148. Baryonic feedback biases on fundamental physics from lensed CMB power spectra
  149.  Superstrings and cosmological dark energy
  150.  The Impact of Observing Strategy on Cosmological Constraints with LSST
  151.  New Tsallis holographic dark energy
  152. The CAMELS Multifield Data Set: Learning the Universe’s Fundamental Parameters with Artificial Intelligence
  153. Spatial curvature sensitivity to local H0 from the Cepheid distance ladder
  154. Cosmological 21cm line observations to test scenarios of super-Eddington accretion on to black holes being seeds of high-redshifted supermassive black holes
  155.  Gravitational waves from the birth of the universe with extended General Relativity
  156. Reconstructing the Hubble diagram of gamma-ray bursts using deep learning
  157. Compressed Python likelihood for large scale temperature and polarization from Planck
  158. Generalized tachyonic teleparallel gravity: cosmic and thermodynamic aspects
  159. BOSS full-shape analysis from the EFTofLSS with exact time dependence
  160. Constraints on prerecombination early dark energy from SPT-3G public data
  161. Implications of the tension for decaying dark matter with warm decay products
  162.  A GREAT model comparison against the cosmological constant
  163. Cosmological implications of axion-matter couplings
  164. Thermal perturbations from cosmological constant relaxation
  165. Cross-correlating dark sirens and galaxies: measurement of from GWTC-3 of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA
  166. matryoshka: halo model emulator for the galaxy power spectrum
  167. Constraining variability of coupling constants with bright and extreme quasars
  168. Cosmology with galaxy clusters: Impact of theoretical and observational systematic uncertainties
  169. Interacting Rényi holographic dark energy with parametrization on the interaction term
  170.  Cosmology intertwined: A review of the particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology associated with the cosmological tensions and anomalies
  171. Prospects for measuring dark energy with 21 cm intensity mapping experiments
  172. Model-independent constraints on and from the link between geometry and growth
  173. A Great Model Comparison Against the Cosmological Constant
  174. Constraints on Single-Field Inflation from the BOSS Galaxy Survey
  175. Yukawa vs. Newton: gravitational forces in a cubic cosmological simulation box
  176.  Nearby Type Ia Supernovae
  177. Comparing weak lensing peak counts in baryonic correction models to hydrodynamical simulations
  178. Dynamical relaxation of cosmological constant
  179. One-point statistics matter in extended cosmologies
  180. Did the Universe Experienced a Pressure non-Crushing Type Cosmological Singularity in the Recent Past?
  181. The 6× 2pt method: supernova velocities meet multiple tracers
  182. arXiv: Constraints on Single-Field Inflation from the BOSS Galaxy Survey
  183. Dark energy survey year 3 results: Cosmology with peaks using an emulator approach
  184. Solar system peculiar motion from the Hubble diagram of quasars and testing the Cosmological Principle
  185. Response approach to the integrated shear 3-point correlation function: the impact of baryonic effects on small scales
  186.  Observation of CL 0107+ 31 and No-identified Di use X-ray Sources around NRAO 58
  187. Renormalizing the vacuum energy in cosmological spacetime: implications for the cosmological constant problem
  188. Clustering of Gravitational Wave and Supernovae events: a multitracer analysis in Luminosity Distance Space
  189. The cosmological moduli problem and naturalness
  190. Bias to cosmic microwave background lensing reconstruction from the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect at reionization
  191. Toward a Better Understanding of Cosmic Chronometers: A New Measurement of H (z) at z∼ 0.7
  192. Simultaneously constraining cosmology and baryonic physics via deep learning from weak lensing
  193. Cosmological constraints on massive gravity
  194. Mass Estimation of Planck Galaxy Clusters using Deep Learning
  195. Cosmological structure formation in scalar field dark matter with repulsive self-interaction: the incredible shrinking Jeans mass
  196. Influence of cosmological expansion in local experiments
  197. Constraints on Multi-Field Inflation from the BOSS Galaxy Survey
  198. Cosmology from clustering, cosmic shear, CMB lensing, and cross correlations: combining Rubin observatory and Simons Observatory
  199. Weak Lensing Systematics in the Era of the LSST
  200. Dark energy with oscillatory tracking potential: Observational Constraints and Perturbative effects
  201. Spectral sirens: cosmology from the full mass distribution of compact binaries
  202. One spectrum to cure them all: Signature from early Universe solves major anomalies and tensions in cosmology
  203.  Data from 14,577 cosmological objects and 14 FRBs confirm the predictions of new tired light (NTL) and lead to a new model of the IGM
  204. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from cosmic shear and robustness to data calibration
  205. Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy clustering and systematics treatment for lens galaxy samples
  206. Looking for a twist: probing the cosmological gravitomagnetic effect via weak lensing-kSZ cross-correlations
  207. Augmenting astrophysical scaling relations with machine learning: application to reducing the SZ flux-mass scatter
  208. Galaxy luminosity function pipeline for cosmology and astrophysics
  209. The parameter-level performance of covariance matrix conditioning in cosmic microwave background data analyses
  210. What does cosmology tell us about the mass of thermal-relic dark matter?
  211. Analytic solutions of scalar field cosmology, mathematical structures for early inflation and late time accelerated expansion
  212. Can phantom transition at z∼ 1 restore the Cosmic concordance?
  213. Determining the Hubble constant without the sound horizon: Perspectives with future galaxy surveys
  214. BOSS DR12 full-shape cosmology: constraints from the large-scale galaxy power spectrum and bispectrum monopole
  215. The BPT Diagram in Cosmological Galaxy Formation Simulations: Understanding the Physics Driving Offsets at High-Redshift
  216. Cosmology of an axion-like majoron
  217. The effect of selection–a tale of cluster mass measurement bias induced by correlation and projection
  218. The homogeneity scale and the growth rate of cosmic structures
  219. Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
  220. Exploring the Hubble Tension and Spatial Curvature from the Ages of Old Astrophysical Objects
  221. Snowmass 2021 Cosmic Frontier White Paper: Cosmology with Millimeter-Wave Line Intensity Mapping
  222.  Large-scale dark matter simulations
  223. Quantum analysis of the recent cosmological bounce in comoving Hubble length
  224.  Holographic dark energy in Gauss-Bonnet gravity with Granda-Oliveros cut-off
  225. On the evolution of the Hubble constant with the SNe Ia Pantheon Sample and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations: a feasibility study for GRB-cosmology in 2030
  226. Clarifying transfer function approximations for the large-scale gravitational wave background in ΛCDM
  227. Effect of peculiar velocities of inhomogeneities on the shape of gravitational potential in spatially curved universe
  228. Coupled dark energy model inspired from general conformal transformation
  229. Cosmological global dynamical systems analysis
  230.  Late time transition of Universe and the hybrid scale factor
  231. Applying chaos indicators to Bianchi cosmological models
  232. Chameleon early dark energy and the Hubble tension
  233. Towards a solution to the tension

Research Topics Physics
