Organic Spectroscopy MCQs [Organic Chemistry]

MCQs-based questions and answers on Organic Spectroscopy in organic chemistry.

A strong signal at 3400 cm-1 in an IR spectrum indicates the presence of a(n)

  1. Carbonyl
  2. Amine
  3. Alcohol
  4. Alkane

Question’s Answer: Alcohol

Which bonds would be expected to have the highest frequency stretch?

  1. Carbon-bromine single bond
  2. Carbon-carbon double bond
  3. Carbon-carbon triple bond
  4. Carbon-carbon single bond

Question’s Answer: Carbon-bromine single bond

Which bonds lowest frequency would be expected to have the lowest frequency stretch?

  1. C-CI
  2. C-Br
  3. C-I
  4. C-F

Question’s Answer: C-I

In UV-Visible spectroscopy, if an auxochrome shifts the position of absorption to longer wavelength there will be

  1. Hyperchromic effect
  2. Bathochromic shift
  3. Hypochromic effect
  4. Hypsochromic shift

Question’s Answer: Bathochromic shift

The separation of resonance frequencies of protons in different structural environments from some chosen standard is called______.

  1. Proton resonance
  2. Chemical exchange
  3. Spin-spin splitting
  4. Chemical shift

Question’s Answer: Chemical shift

Which is independent of applied magnetic field in the PMR spectroscopy?

  1. Spin-spin splitting
  2. Chemical shift
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Spin-spin splitting

The compound displays the following PMR spectrum only

(i) Triplet for 3 protons (ii) Quartet for 2 protons It is likely to be.

  1. CH3CH2Br
  2. CH3CH₂OCH3
  3. CH3CH2OH
  4. CH3–O–CH

Question’s Answer: CH3CH2Br

Which arrangement is most stable?

  1. Triplet state (T₁)
  2. Single states (S1)
  3. Singlet state (S2)
  4. Triplet state (T2)

Question’s Answer: Triplet state (T₁)

Quantum yield for most photochemical reaction is either less or greater than 1 whereas it should have been I according to Einstein law. It is because of

  1. Primary
  2. Termination processes
  3. Secondary processes
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Secondary processes

Benzophenone reacts with isopropyl alcohol in presence of light to form benzopinacol. the reaction is an example of

  1. Photodimerization
  2. Photodegradation
  3. Photoisomezization
  4. Photoreductionb

Question’s Answer: Photoreduction

Direct irradiation of butadiene along results in the reaction

  1. Photodimerization
  2. Photoisomerization
  3. Photoreduction
  4. Photooxidation

Question’s Answer: Photodimerization

Photolysis of acetone at room temperature to yield biacetyl and other products is

  1. Norrish type I reaction
  2. Norrish type II reaction
  3. Paterno Buchi reaction
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Norrish type I reaction

Photodimerization of dibenzyl ketone to form dibenzyl and CO is a reaction called______.

  1. Photodimerization
  2. Photoisomerization
  3. Norrish type I reaction
  4. Norrish type II reaction

Question’s Answer: Norrish type I reaction

Hexane-2-one undergoes photolysis to form propene and acetone. The reaction is an example of

  1. Norrish type I reaction
  2. Paterno Buchi reactionc
  3. Norrish type II reaction
  4. Photoaddition

Question’s Answer: Norrish type II reaction

Norrish type II reaction involves which of the following?

  1. Hydrogen abstraction B
  2. Hydride ion abstraction
  3. Proton abstraction
  4. Rearrangement without abstraction

Question’s Answer: Hydrogen abstraction B

Reaction of ketones and alkenes in the presence of light to form oxetanes is known

  1. Norrish type I reaction
  2. Paterno Buchi reaction
  3. Diels-Alder reaction
  4. Norrish type II reaction

Question’s Answer: Paterno Buchi reaction

Photoirradiation of cyclic α, β-unsaturated ketones result in

  1. Photoreduction
  2. Photodimerization
  3. Photodegradation
  4. Photoisomerization

Question’s Answer: Photodimerization

Which will absorb at higher wavelength in UV region?

  1. 1,4-Pentadiene
  2. 1,3-Pentadiene
  3. Anthracene
  4. Naphthalene

Question’s Answer: Anthracene

Which factor will not shift the absorption of ultraviolet radiation to longer wavelength?

  1. Steric hindrance
  2. Resonance
  3. Auxochrome
  4. Conjugation

Question’s Answer: Steric hindrance

Greatest energy is associated with which radiations?

  1. Ultraviolet
  2. X-ray
  3. Infrared
  4. Visible

Question’s Answer: X-ray

The electronic transition which required maximum energy is A. σ o

  1. n → σ
  2. π → π
  3. n → π
  4. σ → σ

Question’s Answer: σ → σ

The value of molar extinction coefficient (∈) is related to

  1. Wavelength of absorption
  2. Probability of transition.
  3. Frequency of absorption
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Probability of transition

Bathochromic shift is shifting to

  1. Lower wave number
  2. Higher wave number
  3. Lower wavelength
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Lower wave number

Hypsochromic effect in IR spectrum

  1. Increases the of absorption
  2. Lowers the intensity of absorption
  3. Lowers the wavelength of absorption
  4. Increase the frequency of absorption

Question’s Answer: Lowers the wavelength of absorption

A chemical reaction that occurs as a consequence of light absorption is called

  1. Fluorescence
  2. Photo reduction
  3. Chemiluminescence
  4. Photochemical reaction

Question’s Answer: Photochemical reaction

Dissociation of molecule to form free radicals on absorption of light is

  1. Secondary process
  2. Primary process
  3. Fluorescence
  4. Phosphorescence

Question’s Answer: Primary process

Magnetic properties are not observed in nuclei with

  1. Odd mass number and odd atomic number
  2. Even mass number and even atomic number
  3. Odd mass number and even atomic number
  4. Even mass number and odd atomic number

Question’s Answer: Even mass number and even atomic number

Which is the nuclei insensitive to nuclear magnetic resonance?

  1. 16O
  2. 2H
  3. 19F
  4. 1H

Question’s Answer: 16O

What is the spin quantum number (S) for proton?

  1. 0
  2. 4
  3. 1/2
  4. 3/2

Question’s Answer: 1/2

In vibrational rotational bands, the frequency or wavelength of absorption relies on

  1. Relative masses of the atoms
  2. The force constant of the bonds
  3. Geometry of the atoms
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

The relation between wave number (V) and wavelength is given by the expression (where c is the wavelength of light)

  1. v = c/λ
  2. v = 1/ λ2
  3. v = 1/λ

Question’s Answer: v = 1/λ

Vacuum ultraviolet region is __________ .

  1. 100-200 nm
  2. 200-400 nm
  3. 400-800 nm
  4. 100-400 nm

Question’s Answer: 100-200 nm

Absorption of ultraviolet radiations by a molecule causes which of the following?

  1. Rotational excitation
  2. Vibrational excitation
  3. Electronic excitation
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Electronic excitation

Spinning proton can take up how many orientations in an applied magnetic field

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 6

Question’s Answer: 2

Resonance is said to frequency of electromagnetic radiation in a constant magnetic field is equal to _______ spinning nuclei.

  1. Spinning frequency
  2. Spin quantum number
  3. Precessional frequency
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Precessional frequency

Total _______  absorption peaks will appear in the PMR spectra of CH3COCH3.

  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 2

Question’s Answer: 6

Which statement is true regarding PMR spectra of CH3CHO ?

  1. Duplet for 3 protons and quartet for 1 proton
  2. Duplet for 3 protons and singlet for 1 proton
  3. Singlet for 3 protons duplet for 1 proton
  4. Quartet for 3 protons and duplet for 1 proton

Question’s Answer: Quartet for 3 protons and duplet for 1 proton

Mass spectrometry studies the spectrum of _____.

  1. Positively charged ions
  2. Negatively charged ions.
  3. Neutral radicals
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Positively charged ions

Which is a forbidden transition?

  1. n-п*
  2. n-π*

С. π-π*

  1. None of these

Question’s Answer: n-п*

The parent molecular ion spectrometry is helpful and used to determine in

  1. Molecular weight
  2. Bond energy
  3. Functional group
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Molecular weight

Mass spectrum of an alcohol gives a strong peak at m/e 31. The alcohol is likely to be a

  1. Tertiary alcohol
  2. Secondary alcohol
  3. Primary alcohol
  4. Any one of these

Question’s Answer: Primary alcohol

The parent molecular ion [C6H5COCH3)+ is The parent likely to fragment as

  1. CH3 + C6H5 – C+ = O
  2. C6H5 + CH3 – C+ = O
  3. CH3 + C6H5 – C = O
  4. C6H5 + CH3 – C = O

Question’s Answer: CH3 + C6H5 – C+ = O

The number of rings and double bonds in a positive ion having the formula C7H7

  1. One ring + 2 double bonds
  2. Two rings + 1 double bond
  3. One ring + 3 double bonds
  4. Two rings + 3 double bonds

Question’s Answer: One ring + 3 double bonds

Which best describes the PMR spectrum of C6H5CHO?

  1. Two singlet peaks
  2. One duplet peak + one hexatet peaks
  3. One duplet + one singlet peaks
  4. Two duplet peaks

Question’s Answer: One duplet peak + one hexatet peaks

Absorption of radiation by olefins in proper ultraviolet region results in the electronic transition of the type

  1. σ → σ
  2. σ → π

С. π → π

  1. n → π

Question’s Answer: π → π

Excited state formed initially by absorption of radiation by a molecule is usually ___.

  1. Singlet state
  2. Triplet state
  3. Transition state
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Singlet state

The absorption of light by molecules undergoing photochemical reactions usually results in ________ .

  1. Phosphorescence
  2. Fluorescence
  3. Homolytic fission
  4. Heterolytic fission

Question’s Answer: Homolytic fission

Which electronic transition cannot be studied by quartz ultraviolet spectroscopy?

  1. n-o*
  2. п-п*
  3. 0-0*
  4. n-n*

Question’s Answer: 0-0*

Which is helpful and used as a source of visible radiation?

  1. Hydrogen discharge lamp

B: Tungsten filament lamp

  1. Deuterium discharge lamp
  2. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Tungsten filament lamp

Which solvents cannot be helpful and used for the UV/VIS spectral study of aldehydes?

  1. n-hexane
  2. Cyclohexane
  3. Acetronitrite
  4. Ethanol

Question’s Answer: Ethanol

Which modes of vibrations is in-plane bending?

  1. Rocking
  2. Wagging
  3. Twisting
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Twisting

What is the vibration degree of freedom of molecule of methane?

  1. Fifteen
  2. Nine
  3. Five
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Fifteen

Which bonds show stretching absorption in the 3700-2500 cm¹ region?

  1. C-C
  2. C-N
  3. C-O
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: None of these

Which bonds do not show stretching absorption in the 3700-2500 cm-1 region?

  1. C-H
  2. C-C
  3. O-H
  4. N-H

Question’s Answer: C-C

Which is not helpful and used as a source of IR radiation?

  1. Nernst filament
  2. Globar
  3. Tungsten filament
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Tungsten filament

Which material is helpful and used for making the circular flat plates to hold the sample for IR study?

  1. Rock salt
  2. Quartz
  3. Glass
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Rock salt

Which electronic transition occurs when methanol is exposed to ultraviolet radiation?

  1. n-o*
  2. п-п*
  3. n-n*
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: n-o*

In which form can a solid sample be studied by IR spectroscopy?

  1. As a solution
  2. As a KBr disc
  3. As a mull
  4. Any of these

Question’s Answer: Any of these

Which can be helpful and used to prepare the mull of a solid sample for its IR study?

  1. Toluene
  2. Benzene
  3. Nujol
  4. Water

Question’s Answer: Nujol

Which is commonly helpful and used as a solvent for IR study?

  1. Methanol
  2. Ethanol
  3. Water
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: None of these

Which is not commonly helpful and used as a solvent for IR study?

  1. Carbon disulfide
  2. Chloroform
  3. Carbon tetrachloride
  4. Ethanol

Question’s Answer: Ethanol

Where does the C-H stretching absorption of an olefin appear in an infrared spectrum?

  1. At 3000 cm-1
  2. Below 3000 cm-1
  3. Above 4020 cm-1
  4. In the 1650-1600 cm-1

Question’s Answer: Above 3000 cm-1

Which compounds does not absorb light in the UV/visible spectrum?

  1. Aspirin
  2. Benzene
  3. Phenol
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: All of A, B, and C

In infrared spectroscopy which frequency range is called______. the fingerprint region?

  1. 1400-1200 cm-1
  2. 600-250 cm-1
  3. 900-600 cm-1
  4. 400-900 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 400-900 cm-1

In UV-visible Spectrophotometer, what does absorbance absorption measure?

  1. The fraction of light of a particular wavelength absorbed by a sample.
  2. The fraction of light of a particular wavelength transmitted by a sample
  3. The total amount of light energy absorbed by a sample
  4. The intensity of light that emerges from a sample

Question’s Answer: The fraction of light of a particular wavelength transmitted by a sample

The main advantage of fluorescence over UV-vis spectroscopy is

  1. Its compatibility with separation techniques
  2. Its sensitivity
  3. That emission spectra give fairy sharp peaks
  4. Its compatibility with most analytes

Question’s Answer: Its sensitivity

Infrared spectroscopy gives us the important information about _______.

  1. Molecular weight.
  2. Melting point.
  3. Functional groups
  4. Conjugation.

Question’s Answer: Functional groups

In UV-Visible auxochrome shifts the position of absorption to shorter wavelength there will be

A Hypsochromic shift

  1. Hyperchromic effect
  2. Bathochromic shift
  3. Hypochromic effect

Question’s Answer: Hypsochromic shift

Homodienic components ______ than heterodienic system

  1. Equally shift the position of absorption to longer wavelength
  2. Shifts the position of absorption more to the longer wavelength
  3. Shifts the position of absorption less to the longer wavelength
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Shifts the position of absorption more to the longer wavelength

According to Woodward Fieser rules an increment of ______ is added to parent value for double bond extended conjugation

  1. 214
  2. 30
  3. 15
  4. 5

Question’s Answer: 30

The IR spectrum of amines show N-H stretching at

  1. 3050-3550 cm-1
  2. 1050-3550 cm-1
  3. 4050-5550 cm-1
  4. 2050-3550 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 3050-3550 cm-1

The IR spectrum of carboxylic acid show O-H stretching at

  1. 1250-3550 cm-1
  2. 1050-3550 cm-1
  3. 2500-3550 cm-1
  4. 4050-5550 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 2500-3550 cm-1

The IR spectrum of carboxylic acid show >C-O stretching at

  1. 2050-3550 cm-1
  2. 1700-1750 cm-1
  3. 3000-5000 cm-1
  4. 1050-3550 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 1700-1750 cm-1

PMR spectra of ethyl acetate is essentially

  1. Three singlet peaks
  2. One triplet, one duplet and one singlet peaks
  3. Two triplet and one singlet peaks
  4. One quartet, one triplet and one singlet peaks

Question’s Answer: One quartet, one triplet and one singlet peaks

In H-NMR circulating pi-electrons of benzene add to

  1. Deshielding effect
  2. Shielding effect
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Deshielding effect

In H-NMR high acetylene adds to electron density in

  1. Deshielding effect
  2. Shielding effect
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Shielding effect

In evaluating chemical shift value, the nucleus that is deshieled will have

  1. May have lower or higher value
  2. Lower chemical shift value
  3. Higher chemical shift value
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Higher chemical shift value

Woodward Fieser rules are applied for

  1. α, β, Unsaturated carbonyl compounds
  2. Cyclic Hydrocarbons
  3. Allenes
  4. Non conjugated polymer

Question’s Answer: α, β, Unsaturated carbonyl compounds

Homoannular diene λmax value according to Woodward Fieser rules

  1. 214
  2. 234
  3. 217
  4. None of them

Question’s Answer: None of them

Which is true regarding Auxochrome?

  1. Ph-
  2. OH, NH2, -OR
  3. Ethene & Ethyne
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: OH, NH2, -OR

Which part of spectrophotometer is helpful and used to convert electromagnetic radiation in to monochromatic radiation

  1. Deuterium lamp
  2. Monochromator
  3. Detector
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Monochromator

Scissoring, rocking, wagging are the vibration

  1. Stretching vibration
  2. Symmetrical vibration
  3. Bending vibration
  4. Both a & b

Question’s Answer: Bending vibration

Aromatics have diagnostic peaks in the ________ region of IR spectra

  1. 1200-1000 cm-1
  2. 900-700 cm-1
  3. 1700-1500 cm-1
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: 900-700 cm-1

Carbonyl displays absorption peaks in IR spectra

  1. 1900-1600 cm-1
  2. 1200-1000 cm-1
  3. Both a & b
  4. 2300-2100 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 1900-1600 cm-1

Monochromator helpful and used in UV spectroscopy ________

  1. Laser
  2. Glass prism
  3. Grating
  4. Glass print

Question’s Answer: Grating

The IR spectrum of aldehydes and ketones show strong>C-O stretching at

  1. 2050-3550 cm-1
  2. 2050-4000 cm-¹
  3. 4050-5550 cm-1
  4. 1700-1750 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 1700-1750 cm-1

The IR spectrum of phenol show O-H stretching at

  1. 2050-3550 cm-1
  2. 1050-3550 cm-1
  3. 4050-5550 cm-1
  4. 3200-3550 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 3200-3550 cm-1

The IR spectrum of alcohol show O-H stretching at

  1. 3580-3650 cm-1b
  2. 1050-3550 cm-1
  3. 5000-5550 cm-1
  4. 2050-3550 cm-1

Question’s Answer: 3580-3650 cm-1

Atomic spectra is an example of

  1. Continuous spectra-
  2. Line spectra
  3. Band spectra
  4. Both A and B

Question’s Answer: Line spectra

Modern method for separation of isotopes

  1. X-ray
  2. Chromatography
  3. Ionization
  4. Laser separation

Question’s Answer: Laser separation

In new spectrometers each ion hits a

  1. Ionizer
  2. Detector
  3. Collector
  4. Graph

Question’s Answer: Detector

Force constant gives an idea about the

  1. Dipole moment of bond
  2. Reduced mass
  3. Strength of bond
  4. Wave number of absorptions

Question’s Answer: Strength of bond

For a linear molecule the number of vibrational degrees of freedom are (where n = number of atoms)

  1. 3n-5
  2. 3n-6
  3. 3n
  4. Relies on type of atoms

Question’s Answer: 3n-5

Which pair of compounds cannot be distinguished on the basin of UV spectra?

  1. Ethyl format and methyl acetate
  2. Benzene and naphthalene
  3. 1,3-Pentadiene and 1,4-Pentadiene
  4. Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde

Question’s Answer: Ethyl format and methyl acetate

Which is not an auxochrome group?

  1. NHR-


  1. -NR
  2. -NO2

Question’s Answer: -NO2

Mass spectrometer to determine isotopes in solid state is

  1. Bohr’s
  2. dempester’s
  3. Aston’s
  4. Alison’s

Question’s Answer: dempester’s

In accelerating chamber of spectrometer potential difference is

  1. 600-7000
  2. 500-2000
  3. 300-8000
  4. 700-9000

Question’s Answer: 500-2000

Far infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation usually lies between

  1. 1-20 μm
  2. 100-400 μm
  3. 50-1000 μm
  4. 50-200 μm

Question’s Answer: 50-200 μm

Microwave region of electromagnetic spectrum usually lies between

  1. 500-1000 cm
  2. 50-100 cm
  3. 0.1-100 cm
  4. 60-150 cm

Question’s Answer: 0.1-100 cm

Radio waves region of the spectrum usually lies between

  1. 100-500 m
  2. 300-700 m
  3. 1-1000 m
  4. 1-100 m

Question’s Answer: 1-100 m

For a particular molecular species, this of the following terms is function of concentration

  1. Transmission
  2. Percent transmission
  3. Absorbance
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

Photomultipliers are very sensitive and rapid in their response and are helpful and used as

  1. Monochromator
  2. Detector
  3. Amplifier
  4. All

Question’s Answer: Detector

The most widely helpful and used flame in atomic absorption is

  1. Air-coal gas
  2. Air-propane
  3. Oxyacetylene
  4. Air-acetylene

Question’s Answer: Air-acetylene

Which devices is most commonly helpful and used for the formation of an atomic vapor in atomic absorption?

  1. Sputtering devices
  2. Electric atomization
  3. Flame atomization
  4. Ovens

Question’s Answer: Sputtering devices

Which molecules show rotational spectra?

  1. CH3CI
  2. CO
  3. HCI
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

Which statements are true?

  1. NO, CO, HCl and CHCl3 are infrared active
  2. CO2, H2O, CH4 and C2H4 are infrared active
  3. Both are true
  4. None is true

Question’s Answer: Both are true

Which involve a change in bond angle with reference to a set of co- ordinates arbitrarily set up within the molecule

  1. Rocking
  2. Torsional vibration
  3. Twisting
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

Which the following statements are true

  1. In a non-linear molecule, 3 degrees of freedom describe rotation and there describe transition1 Molecule of
  2. N atoms has 3N degrees of
  3. In non-linear molecule 3N-6 degrees of freedom are vibrational degrees of describes transition freedom
  4. All are true

Question’s Answer: All are true

Which electronic transition occurs when ethane is exposed to ultraviolet radiation?

  1. n-n*
  2. σ-σ*
  3. n-σ*
  4. n-n*

Question’s Answer: σ-σ*

In order to excite the spectra of many metals in flame photometry which of the B. Nitrogen following is are good oxidants

  1. Nitrous oxide
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Oxygen
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

The best flame temperature for an analysis is determined empirically and relies an upon.

  1. Excitation energy of the element
  2. How it is combined in the sample
  3. Presence of other elements
  4. The sensitivity required

Question’s Answer: The sensitivity required

Which process may occur in flames?

  1. Ionization
  2. Excitation
  3. Translational, vibrational and rotational motions
  4. Dissociation

Question’s Answer: Ionization

Heteronulear diene has Amax value according to Woodward Fieser rules

  1. 217
  2. 214
  3. 234
  4. None of them

Question’s Answer: 214

According to Woodward Fieser rules an increment of ____ is added to parent value for exocyclic double bond

A 214

  1. 30
  2. 5
  3. 15

Question’s Answer: 5

According to Woodward Fieser rules an increment of ________ is added to parent value for alkyl substituent or ring residue

  1. 5
  2. 30
  3. 15
  4. 214

Question’s Answer: 5

In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum does oxygen absorb?

  1. 400-800 nm
  2. 200-400 nm
  3. 10-200 nm
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: 10-200 nm

Which electronic transition occurs when acetone is exposed to visible radiation?

  1. п-n*
  2. n-n*
  3. n-o*
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: None of these

Absorbed wavelengths in atomic absorption spectrum appear as

  1. Dark background
  2. Light lines
  3. Light background
  4. Dark lines

Question’s Answer: Dark lines

Lines which appear in absorption and emission spectrum are

  1. Very different
  2. Different
  3. Same
  4. Far apart

Question’s Answer: Same

Background in atomic absorption spectrum

  1. Brown
  2. Dark
  3. Bright
  4. Purple

Question’s Answer: Bright

What is the wavelength range of ordinary infrared region?

  1. 1.8-2.7μm
  2. 4.0-8.0μm
  3. 16-1000μm
  4. 2.5-16μm

Question’s Answer: 2.5-16μm

The position of an infrared absorption band is commonly express by

  1. Wavelength
  2. Nanometer
  3. Wave number
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Wave number

Which modes of vibrations is different from the other?

  1. Bending
  2. Stretching
  3. Deformation
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Stretching

Instrument use to collect ions is

  1. Spectrometer
  2. Ionizer
  3. Electrometer
  4. None

Question’s Answer: Electrometer

Near ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum usually lies between

  1. 10-200 nm
  2. 300-500 nm
  3. 400-750 nm
  4. 200-400 nm

Question’s Answer: 200-400 nm

Far ultraviolet or vacuum ultraviolet region usually lies between

  1. 200-400 nm
  2. 10-200 nm
  3. 400-750 nm
  4. 300-500 nm

Question’s Answer: 10-200 nm

Which are classified as heat detectors?

  1. Bolometer
  2. Thermister
  3. Thermocouplec
  4. All

Question’s Answer: All

More Organic chemistry MCQs

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  2. Active Methylene Compounds MCQs
  3. Alcohols and Phenols MCQs
  4. Carbonyl Compounds MCQs
  5. Halogenated Organic Compounds MCQs
  6. Carboxylic Acids MCQs
  7. Hydrocarbons MCQs
  8. Nitrogen-Containing Organic Compounds MCQs
  9. Polymers MCQs
  10. Nomenclature of Organic Compounds MCQs
  11. Organic Acids and Bases MCQs
  12. Organic Spectroscopy MCQs
  13. Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds MCQs
  14. Reaction Mechanism MCQs
  15. Stereochemistry MCQs
  16. Organic Molecules MCQs
  17. CHEMISTRY MCQs From all subjects of  Chemistry