Alcohols and Phenols MCQs [Organic Chemistry]

MCQs-based questions and answers on Alcohols and Phenols in organic chemistry.

Which of the mentioned compounds should be least soluble in water?

  1. Chlorobenzene
  2. Ethanol
  3. Benzoic acid
  4. Phenol

Question’s Answer: Chlorobenzene

Which of the mentioned is most acidic?

  1. C3H7OH
  2. C2H5OH
  3. CH3OH
  4. H₂O

Question’s Answer: CH3OH

Which of the mentioned reagent cannot be used to detect the phenolic group?

  1. Neutral FeCl3
  2. Br₂/H2O
  3. NaOH solution
  4. I2/NaOH

Question’s Answer: I2/NaOH

An aromatic compound has a molecular formula C7H8O. How many isomers are possible for this compound?

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 6

Question’s Answer: 5

Which of the mentioned is a wood alcohol?

  1. Ethanol
  2. Metahnol
  3. Propanol
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Metahnol

Which of the mentioned alcohol is produced from fermentation of sugars?

  1. Ethanol
  2. Metahnol
  3. Propanol
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Ethanol

The composition of rectified spirit is

  1. 90% Ethanol
  2. 100% Ethanol
  3. 95% Ethanol
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: 95% Ethanol

Carbolic acid is ____.

  1. Salol
  2. Phenyl benzoate
  3. Phenol
  4. Phenyl acetate

Question’s Answer: Phenol

Which of the mentioned is trihydric phenol?

  1. Resorcinol
  2. Phloroglucinol
  3. p-Cresol
  4. Catechol

Question’s Answer: Phloroglucinol

Grignard reagent reacts with aldehydes and ketones to form.

  1. Aldehydes
  2. Ketones
  3. Alcohols
  4. Amines

Question’s Answer: Alcohols

There are total _________  primary alcohols that are possible for C4H9OH?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 2

Question’s Answer: 2

What is an isomer of ethanol?

  1. Methanol
  2. Ethanal
  3. Methoxy methane
  4. Ethoxy ethane

Question’s Answer: Methoxy methane

n-Propyl alcohol and iso-propyl alcohol is an example of which of the following?

  1. Position isomerism
  2. Chain isomerism
  3. Metamerism
  4. Tautomersim

Question’s Answer: Position isomerism

Reduction of aldehydes either by hydrogenation, or in the presence of metal catalyst such as Ni, Pt. or Pd gives

  1. Alcohols
  2. Carboxylic acid
  3. Amines
  4. Amides

Question’s Answer: Alcohols

Ethyl acetate reacts with Grignard reagent to form

  1. Secondary alcohol
  2. Tertiary alcohol
  3. Primary alcohol and acid
  4. Acid

Question’s Answer: Tertiary alcohol

In which of the mentioned group, each member gives a positive iodoform test?

  1. Methanol, ethanol, propanone
  2. Ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, methanol
  3. Propanal, 2-propanol, propanone
  4. Ethanol, ethanal, isopropyl alcohol

Question’s Answer: Ethanol, ethanal, isopropyl alcohol

The reaction of formaldehyde and Grignard reagent followed by acidification gives

  1. Aldehyde
  2. Primary alcohol
  3. Carboxylic acid
  4. Ketone

Question’s Answer: Primary alcohol

The enzyme that converts sucrose to glucose and fructose is called

  1. Zymase
  2. Diastase
  3. Maltase
  4. Invertase

Question’s Answer: Invertase

The enzyme that converts starch to maltose is called

  1. Maltase
  2. Diastase
  3. Invertase
  4. Zymase

Question’s Answer: Maltase

Which of the mentioned alcohol is least soluble in water?

  1. Methanol
  2. n-Butyl alcohol
  3. n-Propyl alcohol
  4. Ethanol

Question’s Answer: n-Butyl alcohol

What is the order of reactivity of alcohols with sodium metal?

  1. 3°>2″>1°
  2. 2°>3°>1°
  3. 1°>2°>3°
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: 1°>2°>3°

Phenol on heating with alc.KOH and chloroform undergoes __.

  1. Kolbe reaction
  2. Rosenmund reaction
  3. Cannizzaro reaction
  4. Reimer-Tiemann reaction

Question’s Answer: Reimer-Tiemann reaction

Which of the mentioned will be readily attacked by an electrophile?

  1. Phenol
  2. Benzene
  3. Chlorophenol
  4. Toluene

Question’s Answer: Phenol

Which of the mentioned statements regarding phenols is not correct?

  1. Phenols are soluble in both aqueous t NaOH and aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate
  2. Phenols are weaker acids than carboxylic acids
  3. Phenols are stronger acids than water and alcohols
  4. Phenoxides ions are more stable than the corresponding phenols

Question’s Answer: Phenols are soluble in both aqueous t NaOH and aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate

Phenol on reaction with ethanoic anhydride in the presence of sodium ethanoate gives

  1. Phenyl benzoate
  2. Ethyl benzoate
  3. Phenyl methyl ether
  4. Phenyl ethanoate

Question’s Answer: Phenyl ethanoate

Each of the following when present at para position decreases the acidic strength of phenol excluding which of the following?

  1. -NH2
  2. CH3O-
  3. -CI
  4. CH3

Question’s Answer: -CI

Which of the mentioned compounds is formed by catalytic reduction of phenol?

  1. Benzene
  2. Cyclohexane
  3. Cyclohexanol
  4. Benzyl alcohol

Question’s Answer: Cyclohexanol

Glycerol on dehydration produces __.

  1. Acrolein
  2. Allyl alcohol

Question’s Answer: Acrolein

Phenol on treatment with Con. HNO3 gives which of the following?

  1. o-Nitrophenol
  2. 2,4,6 Trinitrophenol
  3. o-and p-Nitrophenol
  4. p-Nitrophenol

Question’s Answer: 2,4,6 Trinitrophenol

Treatment of phenol with cold dilute nitric acid gives

  1. Only o-nitro phenol
  2. Mixture of o-and p-nitro phenol
  3. 2,4,6-Trinitro phenol
  4. Only p-nitro phenol base

Question’s Answer: Mixture of o-and p-nitro phenol

Which of the mentioned is the strongest base?

  1. Ethoxide
  2. Methoxide
  3. Ter-butoxide
  4. Iso-propoxide

Question’s Answer: Ter-butoxide

Which of the mentioned is the strongest base

  1. CH3
  2. OR
  3. OH
  4. NH2

Question’s Answer: CH3

What is the suitable reagent for dehydration of alcohol?

  1. PCI5
  2. CaCl2
  3. Al2O3
  4. NaCl

Question’s Answer: Al2O3

Which is the best reagent for producing an alkyl chloride from an alcohol?

  1. SOCI2
  2. PCl3
  3. PCl5
  4. HCI

Question’s Answer: SOCI2

On oxidation, which of the following gives ketone?

  1. Primary alcohol
  2. Tertiary alcohol
  3. Secondary Alcohol
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Secondary Alcohol

What is formed when a primary alcohol undergoes catalytic dehydrogenation?

  1. Ketone
  2. Aldehyde
  3. Alkene
  4. Acid

Question’s Answer: Ketone

Alcohols can be taken from all methods excluding which of the following?

A Hydroboration-oxidation

  1. Oxymercuration-demerucuration
  2. Fermentation of starch
  3. Reduction of carbonyl compounds with Zn-Hg/HCl

Question’s Answer: Reduction of carbonyl compounds with Zn-Hg/HCl

Alkyl halides react with aqueous NaOH to form ______ .

  1. Alcohols
  2. Ketones
  3. Amines
  4. Aldehydes

Question’s Answer: Alcohols

The acid-catalyzed addition of water to an alkene produces which of the following?

  1. Aldehydes
  2. Alcohols
  3. Amines
  4. Ketones

Question’s Answer: Alcohols

What is the increasing reactivity of CH3OH, CH3CH2OH, CH3CH2CH2OH and (CH3)2CHOH towards sodium metal?

  1. CH3OH < CH3CH₂OH < CH3CH2CH₂OH < (CH3)2CHOH
  2. (CH3)2CHOH < CH3CH2OH < CH3CH2CH2OH < CH3OH
  3. CH3CH2CH2OH < (CH3)2CHOH < CH3CH₂OH < CH3OH
  4. (CH3)2CHOH < CH3CH2CH2OH < CH3CH2OH < CH3OH

Question’s Answer: (CH3)2CHOH < CH3CH2CH2OH <  CH3CH2OH < CH3OH

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