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How to take multiple values in an input type text (text box) separated by a comma in PHP, explode function, implode function 

How to take multiple values in an input type text (text box) separated by a comma in PHP, explode function, implode function 

In this tutorial, we will learn about the followings;

  1. Explode function in PHP
  2. Implode() Function in PHP
  3. How to take multiple values in an input type text (text box) separated by a comma in PHP 

Explode function in PHP

The explode function is used to split a string into pieces by a specified string i.e. it breaks a string into an array.

The explode function in PHP is used to break a string into smaller text with each break occurring at the similar symbol, commonly called delimiter.
Here in the code below, we are separating the multiple values of the textbox with a comma.

Implode() Function in PHP

The implode function is a function to join the elements of an array with a specific string.

The implode() function joins the strings by taking an array of strings and using a delimiter.

Program of multiple values in an input type text (text box) separated by a comma by using explode function


		<form method="post">
		   <table border="5" height="200" width="800"  >
		   <tr><td colspan="2">  <center>  show multiple values  </center> </td></tr>
             <tr><td>Enter values separated by comma</td>
            <td><input type="text" name="n" placeholder="1,2,3,4,5" /></td></tr>

							if (empty($result)) $result=' result comes here' ;
                              	echo "</br>";
                            echo "values separated by comma's are : ".$n1;
							echo "</br>";
							$n1arr=explode(',', $n1);
							echo "________________________";
							echo "</br>";
					echo "value after spliting comma separated values by variable in array is given below </br>";
					for ($i=0; $i <count($n1arr) ; $i++) 
						echo "$n1arr[$i]". " | ";
				 	echo "</br>";
				 	  echo "________________________";
				 	  echo "</br>";

                 <td><output><?php echo  $result  ?></output></td></tr>
                   <tr><td colspan="2" width="500" align="center"><input type="submit" name="save" value="calculate"></td></tr>




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