Halogenated Organic Compounds MCQs [Organic Chemistry]

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

MCQs-based questions and answers on Halogenated Organic Compounds in organic chemistry.

Vicinal dihalides also undergo both substitution and elimination reactions. The ideal reagent helpful and used to convert Cl- CH₂- CH2 -Cl into CH≡CH is

  1. Hot sodium hydroxide in ethanol
  2. Hot aqueous sodium hydroxide
  3. Hot sodamide
  4. Hot and ethanolic potash

Question’s Answer: Hot sodamide

Methanol can be obtained from CH3Mgl by treatment with which of the following?

  1. H2O
  2. CO2
  3. HCHO
  4. CINH2

Question’s Answer: HCHO

The reagent _________ can react with 1-chlorobutane to give substitution product.

  1. AICI3
  2. KOH-CH3OH
  3. Mg/ether
  4. NaCN

Question’s Answer: NaCN

Reaction of RMgBr with CO2 is an example of which of the following?

  1. Electrophilic addition
  2. Simple addition
  3. Nucleophilic substitution
  4. Nucleophilic addition

Question’s Answer: Nucleophilic addition

Which among the following is not nucleophile?

  1. CH3NH2
  2. CH3
  3. CH2
  4. OH

Question’s Answer: CH3

Acetic acid can be obtained from CH3Mgl by treatment with which of the following?

  1. CO₂
  2. HCHO
  3. H₂O
  4. CINH2

Question’s Answer: CO₂

Silver of a carboxylic upon refluxing with bromine in CCl4 gives the corresponding alkyl halide. The reaction is known as

  1. Wittig reaction
  2. Kolbe reaction
  3. Hunsdiecker reaction
  4. Fittig reaction

Question’s Answer: Hunsdiecker reaction

Which reagents cannot be helpful and used for the synthesis of alkyl halides from an alcohol?

  1. SOCI2
  2. PCl3
  3. PCl5
  4. NaCl

Question’s Answer: NaCl

Which is not nucleophile?

  1. H2O
  2. H₂S
  3. BF3
  4. NH3

Question’s Answer: BF3

Alkyl halides react with Zn-metal to form the reaction is called

  1. Frankland’s reaction
  2. Fittig’s reaction
  3. Clemensin’s reduction
  4. Wurtz’s reaction

Question’s Answer: Frankland,s reaction

Which alkyl halides is the most reactive towards attacking nucleophil?

  1. CH3F
  2. CH3Br
  3. CH3CI
  4. CH3l

Question’s Answer: CH3l

Ethyl chloride reacts with silver oxide in the presence of moisture to form

  1. Ether
  2. Ethanol
  3. Acetone
  4. Acetic acid

Question’s Answer: Ethanol

_______ are Monohaloderivatives of alkanes.

  1. Alkyl halides
  2. Allyl halides
  3. Aryl halides
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Alkyl halides

Which method is helpful and used to prepare any alkyl halide?

  1. ROH SOCI2→ RCI+ SO2 + HCL
  2. ROH+ PCI3 RCI+ H3PO3
  3. ROH+PCl3→→→ ROH + HCI + POCI3
  4. ROH = HCI–ZnCl2→ RCI+ H2O

Question’s Answer: ROH+PCl3→→→ ROH + HCI + POCI3

Chlorination of benzene with excess chlorine in the presence of FeCl3 as Lewis acid gives which of the following?

  1. Chlorobenzene as a major product
  2. A mixture of o- and p- dichlorobenzene
  3. p-dichloro benzene as an only product
  4. o-dichlorobenzene as major product

Question’s Answer: A mixture of o- and p- dichlorobenzene

Which is the ideal reagent for converting an alcohol into the corresponding chloride?

  1. PCl5
  2. PCl3
  3. SOCI2
  4. Zn/HCl

Question’s Answer: SOCI2

A reaction in which an atom or group in a molecule is replaced by another atom or molecule is called

  1. Substitution reaction
  2. Elimination reaction
  3. Cycloaddition reaction
  4. Addition reaction

Question’s Answer: Substitution reaction

Which chloride is the most reactive towards uni-molecular nucleophilic substitution reactions?

  1. iso-butyl chloride
  2. t-butyl chloride
  3. n-propyl chloride
  4. Benzyl chloride

Question’s Answer: Benzyl chloride

Reactions in which two atoms or groups are removing from two adjacent C-atoms of the substrate molecules to for a multiple bond are called

  1. Inversion
  2. Addition
  3. Beta-elimination
  4. Substitution

Question’s Answer: Beta-elimination

In beta-elimination reaction, the nucleophile attacks on which of the following?

  1. Gamma-H
  2. Alpha-H
  3. Beta-H
  4. Alpha-C

Question’s Answer: Beta-H

The substance which donates a pair of electrons to electrophile are

  1. Nucleophile
  2. Electrophile
  3. Lewis acid
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Nucleophile

In uni molecular reactions, the reaction completes in

  1. Three steps
  2. Two steps
  3. Single step
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Two steps

Which is not associated with SN2 mechanism?

  1. Inversion of configuration
  2. Change of hybridization from sp3 to sp2 in transition
  3. Second order kinetics
  4. Tertiary alkyl halide

Question’s Answer: Tertiary alkyl halide

Grignard reagent is reactive due to which of the following?

  1. Presence of Mg atom
  2. Presence of halogen
  3. The polarity of C-Mg bond
  4. Electrophilic carbon

Question’s Answer: Presence of Mg atom

Which one of the following would make an S2N mechanism more likely?

  1. Bulky substituents near the halogen
  2. A reactive nucleophilic
  3. A tertiary carbocation intermediate
  4. A polar solvent

Question’s Answer: A reactive nucleophilic

For Which compounds is the rate of hydrolysis by aqueous alkali most likely to be independent of the hydroxide ion concentration?

  1. 2-bromo-2-methyl butane
  2. 2-bromobutane
  3. 1-iodobutane
  4. 1-chlorobutane

Question’s Answer: 2-bromo-2-methyl butane

Ketone can be obtained from CH3Mgl with which of the following?

  1. H2O
  2. HCHO
  3. CH3CN
  4. CO₂

Question’s Answer: CH3CN

What is the number of optically active compounds in the isomers of C3H5Br3?

  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Question’s Answer: 2

Which of the following is a good solvent for a Grignard reagent formation would be

  1. t-butanol
  2. tetrahydrofuran
  3. difluoro ethane
  4. dimethyl ether

Question’s Answer: tetrahydrofuran

Tertiary alcohol can be obtained from CH3Mgl by treatment with not

  1. Ketone
  2. HCHO
  3. CO₂
  4. H₂O

Question’s Answer: Ketone

Secondary alcohol can be obtained from CH3MgI by treatment with which of the following?

  1. H2O
  2. HCHO
  3. CINH2c
  4. CH3CHO

Question’s Answer: CH3CHO

1-Bromobutane on reaction with alcoholic potassium hydroxide gives

  1. 1-butanal
  2. 1-butyne
  3. 2-butene
  4. 1-butene

Question’s Answer: 1-butene

Which is not a nucleophile?

  1. CI
  2. CH3+
  3. OH
  4. Br

Question’s Answer: CH3+

The SN2 reaction can be ideally carried out with which of the following?

  1. Primary alkyl halides
  2. Secondary alkyl halides
  3. Tertiary Alkyl halides
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Primary alkyl halides

How many structural isomers are possible for C4H9Br

  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Question’s Answer: 4

The SN1 reaction can be ideal carried out with which of the following?

  1. Primary alkyl halides
  2. Secondary alkyl halides
  3. Tertiary Alkyl halides
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Tertiary Alkyl halides

The rate of nucleophilic substitution reaction depends on

  1. Structure of substrate
  2. Nature of nucleophile
  3. Nature of solvent
  4. All of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: All of A, B, and C

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