Database MCQs from the book chapter
1. Built-in functions are also named as …
a) user-defined
b) subprograms
c) subroutines
d) none
2. Which statement is not true about function?
a) it can not return any value
b) independent program
c) function is also referred as modules
d) Both (a) & (c)
3. A function that does not return any thing has return type…
a) void
b) null
c) float
d) nothing
4. Protype means …
a) sample
b) model
c) definition
d) both (a) & (b)
5. Declaring variables inside a function are called as …
a) private variables
b) external variables
c) local variables
d) global variables
6. We call pre-defined functions as …
a) subprograms
b) built-in functions
c) user -defined
d) subroutines
7. Which one is the advantage of a function?
a) re-usability
b) eliminate duplicate code
c) easy to understand
d) none
8. Sub-programs in C-language are called as …
a) procedures
b) functions
c) modules
d) methods
9. We can a function using the reference of its …
a) definition
b) parameter
c) name
d) all of the above
10. Which of the following can’t be nested?
a) do-while statament
b) if statement
c) while statement
d) user-defined functions
11. The parameters defined in the header of function are called as …
a) default parameters
b) actual parameters
c) command-line parameters
d) formal parameters
12. The global variables are created in …
a) hard disc
b) cache
d) ROM
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