Human and Cultural Geography MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 23, 2024

1. Human geography primarily studies:
A. Physical landscapes
B. Human societies and their relationship with the environment
C. Earth’s atmospheric patterns
D. Geological formations
Answer: B

2. Cultural geography focuses on:
A. The physical features of the Earth
B. The spatial distribution of cultural traits and the relationships between culture and space
C. Meteorological phenomena
D. Plate tectonics
Answer: B

3. Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape:
A. A desert
B. A mountain range
C. A city with historical buildings and modern architecture
D. A river delta
Answer: C

4. The study of population distribution and density is known as:
A. Urban geography
B. Demography
C. Climatology
D. Cartography
Answer: B

5. What term describes the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas:
A. Urbanization
B. Migration
C. Nomadism
D. Suburbanization
Answer: A

6. The concept of ‘place’ in human geography refers to:
A. The physical location of an area
B. The unique characteristics and meaning of a location
C. A specific latitude and longitude
D. A political boundary
Answer: B

7. Which of the following is NOT a factor in human migration:
A. Economic opportunities
B. Political instability
C. Natural disasters
D. Plate tectonics
Answer: D

8. The term ‘cultural diffusion’ refers to:
A. The isolation of cultures
B. The spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another
C. The destruction of cultural heritage
D. The creation of new cultures
Answer: B

9. A ‘nation-state’ is defined as:
A. A country with multiple nations
B. A political unit where the territorial state coincides with the area settled by a certain national group
C. A region with no central government
D. An area with diverse cultures
Answer: B

10. The term ‘ethnicity’ refers to:
A. Biological characteristics
B. Cultural identity and heritage
C. Geographical location
D. Economic status
Answer: B

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