which of the following biomolecules contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

MCQ: which of the following biomolecules contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen?


(B).carbon dioxide



Question’s Answer: carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are group of organic compound that contain carbon hydrogen and oxygen in 1:2:1 ratio. These compounds are used as a source of energy while performing function such as glucose fructose etc.


Characteristics Details
Symbol H
Atomic mass 1.008 u
Atomic number 1
Atomic mass 1.008 u
Electronic configuration 1s<sup>1</sup>
Period 1
Block S
Electronegativity 2.20 (Pauling scale)
Density 0.08988 g/L at STP
State of matter at room temperature Gas
Oxidation states +1, -1
Ionization energy 1312.0 kJ/mol
Isotopes Hydrogen has three isotopes;

1.      protium (1H)

2.      deuterium (2H)

3.      tritium (3H).

Melting point -259.14°C
Boiling point -252.87°C