Software Process Models MCQs Questions Answers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: May 25, 2024

1-What is the disadvantage of the Spiral Model.

a. Does n’t work well for smaller projects
b. The high amount of risk analysis
c. Additional Functionality can be added later
d. Strong approval and documentation control
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Answer a

2-In Software Engineering the method of CMM model is used to _____ _.

a. Improve the testing process.
b. Improve the software process.
c. Develop the software.
e. maintain the software.
d. All of the above.
e. none of these
f.both a & c

Answer b

3-In which model the Project risk factor is considered?

a. Spiral model.
b. Waterfall model.
c. Prototyping model
d. incremental model
e. None of the above
f. All of the above

Answer a

4- RAD Software process model stands for what?

a. Rapid Application Development.
b. Relative Application Development.
c. Recent Application Development.
d. Rapid Application Design.
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Answer a

SET 2: Software Process Models MCQs

5-The spiral model was the first time proposed by
a. IBM
b. Pressman
c. Barry Boehm
d. Royce
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Answer c

6-Which of the one is not an Evolutionary Process Model?

a. Concurrent Development Model
b. Incremental Model
c. WINWIN Spiral Model
d. both a & b
e. All of the above
f. none of these

Answer e

7-What is the most important use of the incremental model?
a. Customers can respond to each increment
b. Easier to test and debug
c. To use it when we need to get a product to the market early
d. Easier to test and debug & use it when we need to get a product to the market early
e. None of these
f. both a & b

Answer d

8- The incremental model is the combination of which models?

a. Build & FIX Model & waterfall model
b. Linear model & waterfall model
c. Linear model & Prototyping model
d. linear model & RAD Model
d. both a & b
e. none of these
f. Al of the above

Answer c

SET 3: Software Process Models MCQs

9- The spiral model has two dimensions namely __ and __

a. diagonal, perpendicular
b. radial, perpendicular
c. radial, angular
d. diagonal, angular
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Answer c

10- How is the Incremental Model different from Spiral Model?

a. Progress is measured in Incremental Model for

b. Changing requirements in Incremental Model
c. in Incremental model we can see the system early
d. All of the mentioned
e. both a & b
f. none of these

Answer a

11- Which of the options is correct for the prototyping model of software development?

a. For projects with large development teams.
b. When requirements are well defined.
c. When a customer cannot define requirements clearly.
d. both a & b
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

Answer c

12- In which model the requirements are implemented b through its category?

a. Evolutionary Development Model
b. Waterfall Model
c. Prototyping
d. Iterative Enhancement Model
e. both a & b
f. none of these
Answer a

More MCQs on Software Process Models

  1. Iterative Model MCQs
  2. Spiral Model MCQs
  3. incremental Model MCQs
  4. Software Process Models MCQs

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