Data Analysis And Design MCQs
1. To solve any problem the first step is …
a) evaluate the problem
b) identify the problem
c) understand the problem
d) none of these
2. Solutions that requires reasoning built on knowledge and experiences are …
a) heuristic solutions
b) algorithmics solutions
c) random solutions
d) banker’s solutions
3. The complexity of worst-case in quick sort is …
a) O(log n2)
b) O(n)
c) O(n2)
d) O(n log2)
4. The efficiency of the algorithms is estimated byt…
a) memory and processor
b) time and space
c) complexity and capacity
d) none of these
5. Which one is not in complexity theory?
a) worst case
b) average case
c) null case
d) best case
6. To sort an array of n elements in merge sort the worst case time comlexity is …
a) O(log)
b) O(log_n)
c) O(n logn)
d) none of these
7. We can easily check the correctness and appropriateness of _____ solutions.
a) heuristic solutions
b) algorithmics solutions
c) random solutions
d) banker’s solutions
8. A sort in which it compares the adjacent elements in the list is …
a) bubble sort
b) merge sort
d) quick sort
9. Which one is best when th list is already sorted?
a) bubble sort
b) merge sort
d) quick sort
10. The true and false values are used to represent the …
a) digital data
b) logical data
c) graphical data
d) numerical data
11. PAC stands for
a) Problem Analysis Chart
b) Problem Act Chart
c) Problem Access Code
d) none of these
12. We can improve the efficiency of quick sort by using …
a) recursive method
b) non-recursive method
c) binary tree method
d) none of these