MCQs on Water Pollution and Noise Pollution

MCQs-based questions and answers on Water Pollution and Noise Pollution.

The minimum value of DO required for water to be pure is:

  1. 1 ppm
  2. 2 ppm
  3. 3 ppm
  4. 4 ppm

Question Answer: 4 ppm

Which value of COD will indicate more polluted water?

  1. Low value
  2. Both values
  3. Higher value
  4. All of these

Question Answer: Higher value

Biodegradable pollutant is:

  1. Plastic
  2. Sewage
  3. Asbestos
  4. Mercury

Question Answer: Sewage

Water is often treated with chlorine to:

  1. Increase oxygen content
  2. Remove suspended particles
  3. Remove hardness
  4. Kill germs

Question Answer: Kill germs

Permanent hardness of water is due to

  1. Sulphate of Ca
  2. Sulphate of Mg
  3. Chloride of Ca
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Temporary hard water is softened on industrial scale by adding

  1. Ca(OH)2
  2. Mg(OH)2
  3. KOH
  4. NaOH

Question Answer: Ca(OH)2

Permanent hard water is softened by addition of

  1. MgCO3
  2. CaCO3
  3. Na2CO3
  4. BaCO3

Question Answer: Na2CO3

Water pollution is due to

  1. Industrial effluents
  2. Swages and other wastes
  3. Agricultural discharges
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Water is often treated with chlorine to

  1. Kill germs
  2. Increase oxygen content
  3. Cause sedimentation
  4. Remove insoluble impurities

Question Answer: Kill germs

The presence of which in drinking water is responsible for mottling of teeth?

  1. Mercury
  2. Fluorine
  3. Chlorine
  4. Iodine

Question Answer: Fluorine

Which water require zero hardness?

  1. Boiler feed water
  2. Dyeing water
  3. Paper will water
  4. Laundry water

Question Answer: Laundry water

Which process is not physical in nature?

  1. Mixing
  2. Activated sludge process
  3. Sedimentation
  4. Flocculation

Question Answer: Activated sludge process

Which is a not physical characteristic of water?

  1. Smell
  2. Odor
  3. Chlorine contents
  4. Color

Question Answer: Chlorine contents

Which is a not chemical characteristic of water?

  1. pH
  2. Color
  3. BOD
  4. COD

Question Answer: Color

Which is a not biological characteristic of water?

  1. Animals
  2. Viruses
  3. Plants
  4. COD

Question Answer: COD

Which compounds has fishing odor?

  1. Amines
  2. Organic sulphides
  3. Ammonia
  4. Carboxylic acids

Question Answer: Amines

Which chemical strong 28. Which of oxidizing agent is aidful and used in COD test?

  1. KCI
  2. K₂Cr₂O7
  3. CH3COOH
  4. H₂SO4

Question Answer: K₂Cr₂O7

Ground water in threatened with pollution from which kind of wastes?

  1. Domestic wastes
  2. Agricultural wastes
  3. Industrial wastes
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statement is not true regarding harmful effects of ground water pollution?

  1. It causes lungs cancer
  2. It aids to prevent epidemics
  3. It causes typhoid, dysentery and diarrhea
  4. It causes jaundice

Question Answer: It aids to prevent epidemics

Which statement is not related with the effect of thermal pollution?

  1. Reduction in DO
  2. Increase in BOD
  3. Decrease in BOD
  4. Excessive eutrophication

Question Answer: Decrease in BOD

Which statement is not true regarding radioactive pollutants?

  1. Carcinoma and breast cancer
  2. Leukemia.
  3. Somatic and generic disorder
  4. Increases biological immune system

Question Answer: Increases biological immune system

Which techniques are aidful and used for minimizing water pollution?

  1. Stabilization of ecosystem
  2. Waste treatment
  3. Recharge of the waste
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

The expected specific waste of food industry

  1. Meats
  2. Bones
  3. Fats or oil
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

The expected specific wastes of textile industry is

  1. Dyes
  2. Fiber residue
  3. Cloth residue
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which of the following is the expected specific waste of paper and allied products industry?

  1. Chemicals
  2. Inks
  3. Paper and fiber residues
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which disposal method is aidful and used for municipal wastes?

  1. Recycling
  2. Composting
  3. Compaction
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which of the following is the Chief source of water and soil pollution?

  1. Mining of ores
  2. Agro-industry
  3. Thermal power plant
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Eutrophication is process which involves ______

  1. Depletion of ozone layer
  2. Decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water by algae
  3. Increase in the concentration of ozone in water
  4. Decrease in the level of SO2 in air

Decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water by algae

Which cause pollution?

  1. Smoke/fly ash
  2. Automobile exhausts
  3. Silt and pesticides
  4. Aero planes

Question Answer: Silt and pesticides

Disease caused by eating fish found in water contaminated with industrial waste having mercury is

  1. Minamata disease
  2. Bright’s disease
  3. Hashimoto’s disease
  4. Osteosclerosis

Question Answer: Minamata disease

Maximum desirable concentration of fluorides according to international standard is

  1. 10-100 ppm
  2. 100-200 ppm
  3. 1 ppm
  4. 10-20 ppm

Question Answer: 1 ppm

Fish die in water bodies polluted by sewage due to Which of the following?

  1. smell
  2. Clogging of gills by silt
  3. Reduction in dissolved oxygen
  4. Pathogens

Question Answer: Pathogens

Drained sewage has B.O.D.

  1. Equal to that of water
  2. Less than that of water
  3. More than that of water
  4. None of these

Question Answer: More than that of water

Which is a mode of controlling pollution in big cities?

  1. Broader roads and shifting of factories out of the residential areas
  2. Proper disposal of organic wastes, sewage and industrial effluents
  3. Cleanliness and less use of insecticides
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Domestic waste mostly constitutes

  1. Biodegradable pollution
  2. Non-biodegradable pollution
  3. Effluents
  4. Air pollution

Question Answer: Biodegradable pollution

Detergents are known to pollute rivers and water ways. However, detergents can be made biodegradable and pollution free by taking

  1. Cyclic hydrocarbon chain
  2. Unbranched hydrocarbon chain
  3. Shorter hydrocarbon chain
  4. Hydrocarbon with more branching

Question Answer: Unbranched hydrocarbon chain

Which factors aid to measure quality of water?

  1. BOD
  2. DO
  3. COD
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

In the purification of portable water the coagulant aidful and used is:

  1. Copper sulphate
  2. Nickel sulphate
  3. Alum
  4. Barium sulphate

Question Answer: Alum

Which statements is not related with principal requisites of water for industrial purposes?

  1. It should be hard as possible and does not contain nitrate
  2. It contains less quantity of line
  3. It should not contain iron
  4. It should be pure and cool

Question Answer: It contains less quantity of line

Which of the following is the water that easily forms a lather of films and froths when agitated with a soap solution?

  1. Hard water
  2. Heavy water
  3. Soft water
  4. Distilled water

Question Answer: Soft water

Which of the following is the water that does not form a lather of films when agitated with a soap solution?

  1. Deionized water
  2. Soft water
  3. Heavy water

D Hard water

Question Answer: Hard water

BOD refers to:

  1. Total oxygen demand of biosphere

  1. Biological oxygen deficit
  2. Biological oxygen demand of polluted water
  3. None of these

Question Answer: Biological oxygen demand of polluted water

Phosphate pollution is caused by:

  1. Weathering of phosphate rocks only
  2. Sewage and agricultural fertilizers
  3. Phosphate rocks and sewage
  4. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water

Question Answer: Sewage and agricultural fertilizers

Which substance not present in acid rain?

  1. Acetic acid
  2. Nitric acid
  3. Sulphurous acid
  4. Sulphuric acid

Question Answer: Acetic acid

Water pollution is mainly due to Which?

  1. Sulphur dioxide
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Industrial effluents
  4. Oxygen

Question Answer: Industrial Effluents

COD refers to:

  1. Catalyzed oxidation of diamond
  2. Chemistry of diamonds
  3. Chemical oxygen demand
  4. Catalyzed oxidation of dissolved salts.

Question Answer: Chemical oxygen demand

Spraying of DDT produces pollution of

  1. Air, water and soil
  2. Air and water
  3. Air and soil
  4. Air

Question Answer: Air, water and soil

Fluorosis, the bone disease, is caused by the presence of:

  1. Pesticides in water
  2. carbon monoxide in air
  3. Fluorides in water
  4. sulphur dioxide in air

Question Answer: Fluorides in water

The hardness of water is because of the presence of dissolved soluble salts of  ________.

  1. Iron
  2. Magnesium
  3. Calcium
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statement is not true regarding hardness of water?

  1. It is due to soluble salts of Ca
  2. It is due to soluble salts of Na
  3. It is due to soluble salts of Mg
  4. It is due to soluble salts of Fe

Question Answer: It is due to soluble salts of Na

Temporary hardness of water is due to

  1. Carbonates of Ca
  2. Bicarbonates of Na
  3. Bicarbonates of K
  4. Bicarbonates of Cs

Question Answer: Carbonates of Ca

Which environmental problem could lead to a rise in sea level?

  1. Acid rain
  2. Cutting down the trees in the rain forests
  3. Global warming
  4. Damage to the ozone layer

Question Answer: Global warming

Which of following is not a type of pollution for water bodies?

  1. Heat
  2. Organic metallic compounds
  3. Heavy metals
  4. None

Question Answer: None

EPA stands for?

  1. Environmental protection agency
  2. Environmental protection agreement
  3. Element protection agreement
  4. All of these

Question Answer: Environmental protection agency

ISO stands for?

  1. International Organization for Standardization
  2. International Standard Organization
  3. International Science organization
  4. All

Question Answer: International Organization for Standardization

Which pollutants does not leave a residue?

  1. Air pollutant
  2. Chemical pollutant
  3. Noise pollutant
  4. Soil pollutant

Question Answer: Noise pollutant

In plant noise control, Which method is aidful and used for reducing noise?

  1. Control of the transmitted noise
  2. Control at the source

C Plant planning

  1. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

The maximum noise level at which a man can work for hours is

  1. 80 d
  2. 90 dB
  3. 60 dB
  4. 70 dB

Question Answer: 90 dB

The unit of sound pressure level is

  1. Decibel
  2. Pascal
  3. Newton
  4. Ampere

Question Answer: Decibel

The range of sound pressure for uncomfortable level is

  1. 130-140 dB
  2. 100-120 dB
  3. 80-90 dB
  4. 50-90 dB

Question Answer: 80-90 dB

Which is non-auditory effect of noise on human body?

  1. Wakening of the colored vision
  2. Increase in the blood pressure
  3. Changes in the vascular tone
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which is/are non-point source(s) of water pollution?

  1. Emission from transport vehicles
  2. Urban runoff
  3. Agricultural runoff
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which is/are source(s) of water pollution?

  1. Fertilizers and pesticides
  2. Sewage and domestic wastes
  3. Industrial wastes
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which is/are causes of eutrophication?

  1. Sewage discharge
  2. Animal feeding operations
  3. Fertilizers
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statements is/are true with regard to the effect of eutrophication?

  1. load of fungi and bacteria
  2. Generation efv H2S gas causing foul smell
  3. Increase in BOD value
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which steps is/are involved in the primary treatment of wastewater?

  1. Sedementation
  2. Reduction in the size of trash and solid particles
  3. Grit scum removal
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which materials is/are POP?

  1. Diladrin
  2. DDT
  3. Aldrin
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which materials is/are POP?

  1. Heptachlor
  2. Endrin
  3. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which molds secrete aflatoxins which are poisonous and cancer causing chemicals?

  1. Aspergillus niger
  2. Aspergillus paarsiticus
  3. Aspergillus falavus
  4. Both B and C

Question Answer: Both B and C

Which steps is/are involved in the secondary treatment of wastewater?

  1. Coagulation/flocculation of colloidal organic matter
  2. Oxidation of dissolved organic matter
  3. Degradation of nitrogenous matter
  4. All of these steps

Question Answer: All of these steps

The dissolved organic matter of the wastewater is removed by biological process involving bacteria. This step is related to which treatment of wastewater:

  1. Tertiary treatment
  2. Secondary treatment
  3. Primary treatment
  4. All of these steps

Question Answer: Secondary Treatment

Which treatments is the best for degradation of organic/colloidal matter of wastewater?

  1. Activated sludge
  2. Rotation biological reactors
  3. Trickling filters
  4. None of these

Question Answer: Activated Sludge

Tertiary treatment is generally aidful and used to treat Which?

  1. Suspended solids
  2. Dissolved inorganic compounds
  3. Dissolved organic compounds
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which is/are causes of soil/land pollution?

  1. Oils spill
  2. Acid rain
  3. Deforestation
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which treatments is/are effective in controlling the soil/land pollution?

  1. Proper solid waste treatment
  2. Contribution of less waste to soil/land
  3. Reduction in the use of fertilizers/pesticides
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statements is/are true regarding green chemistry?

  1. Reduction in the adverse environmental impacts by proper choice of materials
  2. Development of processes based on renewable raw materials
  3. Development of processes that are less prone to release of toxic chemicals
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statements is/are true regarding green chemistry?

  1. Use of green solvents
  2. Design of energy efficient process
  3. Development of processes based on atom economy
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which statements is/are true regarding green chemistry?

  1. Development of pharmaceuticals
  2. Development of enzyme membrane reactors
  3. Development of biodegradable materials
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

Which materials is/are carcinogen?

  1. Benzedrine
  2. Ethylene dichloride
  3. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  4. All of these

Question Answer: All of these

The range of sound pressure which is painful is

  1. 130 140 dB
  2. 80-90 dB
  3. 90-80 dB
  4. 100-120 dB

Question Answer: 80-90 dB

Human hearing is sensitive to frequency in the range of about

  1. 10,000-20,000 Hz
  2. 20-20,000 Hz
  3. 10-10.000 Hz
  4. 10,000 30,000 Hz

Question Answer: 20-20,000 Hz

A high frequency sound has frequency

  1. 100 Hz
  2. 500 Hz
  3. 300 Hz
  4. 200 Hz

Question Answer: 500 Hz

Which level is an indicator of hearing loss?

  1. < 20 dB
  2. 25 dB
  3. > 20 dB
  4. > 25 dB

Question Answer: < 20 dB

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