Multiple Choice Questions
Set 4
1: SQL is a …
b- Procedural Language
2: Oracle Corporation started in
a. 1950
3: SQL is the …… and, so far, only standard database language to gain wide acceptance.
a– fourth b-second c-third d- first
4: SQL is used in other standards and even influences the development of other standards as a ……. tool.
a. addition
b- definitional
d- explanation
5: SQL allows the table produced as the result of the ……..statement to contain duplicate rows
6: An SQL statement consists of ……
a- functions
b- reserved words
d- alphabats
7: The use of parentheses is always recommended in order to…. any possible ambiguities.
a- increase
b- Overcome
c- compare
8: COUNT – returns the ……. in a specified column
a- Product
c- number of values
d- average
9: SUM – returns the …… of the values in a specified column
a- sum
10: AVG – returns the …….. of the values in a specified column
a- smallest
b- average
d- number
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