dbms MCQS


Multiple Choice Questions

Introduction To Database Systems

Set 1

1) DBMS stands for what

  1. Database Management System
  2. Database Master System
  3. Database Management Structure
  4. None of the above

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2) Database is an organized collection of related………

  1. Data
  2. Modules
  3. Programs
  4. None of the above

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3) Before use of DBMS information was stored using __________.

  1. Cloud Storage
  2. Data System
  3. File Management System
  4. None of the above

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4) Keys involved in relationship between tables is called

  1. Primary key
  2. Secondary key
  3. Foreign key
  4. A and B

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5) The DBMS is the software that interacts with the ……………….and thedatabase.

  1. User’s application programs
  2. User’s system programs
  3. User’s system database
  4. None of the above

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6) DDL stands for what

  1. Database Definition Level
  2. Data Definition Language
  3. Data Device Latency
  4. None of the above

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7) DBMS helps achieve

  1. Data independence
  2. Centralized control of data
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

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8) An advantage of the database management approach is

  1. Data is dependent on programs
  2. Data redundancy increases
  3. Data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs
  4. None of the above

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9) How to write the database schema?

  1. HLL
  2. DML
  3. DDL
  4. None of the above

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10) Which two files are used during operation of the DBMS

  1. Query languages and utilities
  2. DML and query language
  3. Data dictionary and transaction log
  4. None of the above

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Select which is not an object-based logical model
A The infological model
B The entity-relational model
C The binary model
D None of these
E all of the above
Answer: A
Which design is both software and hardware independent
A Conceptual
B Physical
C Logical
D both a and b
E none of these
The Object based data models are used to define the abstraction __________ level :
A Only physical
B Physical and conceptual
C both a and b
D Conceptual and view
E None of the above
Answer: D
A schema is
A Record Relationship
B Data Elements
C Record and files
D Both a and b
E All of the above
Answer: E
An abstraction concept for building composite object from their component object known as
A Aggregation
B Normalization
C Generalization
D Specialization
Answer: A
The DBMS is used for what
A Eliminate data redundancy
B Maintain data integrity
C Establish relationships among different files
D both A and B
E All of the above
Which type of information is used by the top level managers
A Operational information
B Strategic information
C Both [A] and [B]
D Technical information
E All of the above
Answer: B
Identify the package not belong DBMS
A Ingress
B Unify
D All are DBMS packages
Answer: D
A collection of objects that use common structure and a common behavior is known as
A Object
B Entity
C Class
D both a and b
E All of the above
Answer: C
The data dictionary tells_________to the DBMS :
A What files are in the database
B What these files contain
C What attributes are possessed by the datav
D All of the above
E none of the above
Answer: D
An relationship among students and courses is
A M:M relationship
B 1:M relationship
C 1:1 relationship
D None of these
Answer: A
The Database has all of themention below components except
A users
B database administrator
C database
D separate files
E none of the above
Answer: D
The key used for cost-effective data input is
A employee motivation
B validity checks
C validation
D OCR equipment
E All of the above
Complex entities can be formed by the following operation :
B Union
C Collection
D Aggregation
E Both A and C
Answer: D
Which is belong to metadata :
A Data dictionary
B Table
C E-R diagram
D View of a database
E none of the above
Answer: A
Periodically adding, changing and deleting file records is known as
A Renewing
B Upgrading
C Restructuring
D Updating
E both a and b
Answer: Option D
The Primitive operations usuallu to all record management systems is
A Look-up
B Sort
C Print
D All of the above
E none of these
Answer : A
Administrative supervision of database are the responsibility _______________?
A DP Administrator
B DP Manager
C DB Manager
D Database administrator
E none of these
Answer : D

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  13. SET 13: database mcqs online test (database mcqs online test)
  14. SET 14: database interview questions mcqs (database interview questions mcqs)
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  17. SET 17: Database mcqs PPSC (Database mcqs PPSC)
  18. SET 18: Database mcqs FPSC (Database mcqs FPSC)
  19. SET 19: DBMS mcqs FPSC (DBMS mcqs FPSC)

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