1. What is the primary purpose of the external schema in the three-schema architecture?
a) To describe the physical storage of data
b) To provide a user-specific view of the data
c) To manage data security and integrity
d) To define the overall logical structure of the database
Answer: b) To provide a user-specific view of the data
2. The conceptual schema in a DBMS is primarily concerned with which of the following?
a) Physical data storage and retrieval
b) User-specific views of data
c) The overall logical structure of the database, including entities and relationships
d) Network communication between database servers
Answer: c) The overall logical structure of the database, including entities and relationships
3. Which schema in the three-schema architecture abstracts the complexity of the physical data storage from the users?
a) External Schema
b) Conceptual Schema
c) Internal Schema
d) All of the above
Answer: b) Conceptual Schema
4. The internal schema in the three-schema architecture is responsible for which aspect of the database?
a) Defining the user-specific views
b) Managing the logical structure and relationships of data
c) Describing the physical storage of data
d) Ensuring data security and permissions
Answer: c) Describing the physical storage of data
5. In the three-schema architecture, which schema can have multiple views for different users?
a) External Schema
b) Conceptual Schema
c) Internal Schema
d) Logical Schema
Answer: a) External Schema
6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the conceptual schema and the internal schema?
a) The internal schema is derived from the conceptual schema
b) The conceptual schema and internal schema are independent of each other
c) The conceptual schema determines the physical storage structure, which the internal schema implements
d) The internal schema defines user-specific views based on the conceptual schema
Answer: c) The conceptual schema determines the physical storage structure, which the internal schema implements
7. The external schema is also known as which of the following?
a) Physical View
b) Logical View
c) User View
d) Structural View
Answer: c) User View
8. Which schema level is responsible for data independence in a database?
a) External Schema
b) Conceptual Schema
c) Internal Schema
d) All levels contribute equally
Answer: b) Conceptual Schema
9. In the three-schema architecture, changes to the internal schema are intended to be transparent to which other schema(s)?
a) Only the external schema
b) Only the conceptual schema
c) Both external and conceptual schemas
d) Changes are not intended to be transparent
Answer: c) Both external and conceptual schemas
10. What type of independence does the separation between the conceptual schema and the internal schema provide?
a) Logical Data Independence
b) Physical Data Independence
c) Conceptual Data Independence
d) External Data Independence
Answer: b) Physical Data Independence
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