Data Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions
Data Analysis And Design Multiple Choice Questions
1. Heap is a …
a) binary tree
b) ordinary tree
c) complete binary tree
d) none of these
2. IPO stands for
a) Input Processing Output
b) Input Programming Option
c) Input Program Ordinary
d) none of these
3. The time complexity of binary search is
a) O (log n)
b) O (n)
c) O(2 log n)
d) none of these
4. How many passes are required to sort a file of size n by using the bubble sort method?
a) N/2
b) N-1
c) N-n
d) 2N
5. The running time for insertion sort is …
a) O(n^2)
b) O(log n)
c) O(n)
d) O(2 log n)
6. In stack, insertion operation is known as …
b) insertion operation
c) push operation
d) none of these
7. Which branch deal with the heuristic type of computer problems ?
a) artficial intelligence
b) real time software
c) system sofware
d) none of these
8. Last step in the problem solving is …
a) evaluate the solution
b) identify the problem
c) understand the problem
d) all of these
9. Straight selection is a method of
a) repeated searching
b) repeated position adjustment
c) repeated interchange
d) all of these