Characteristics and Difference between Mainframe Computer and Super Computer 

Characteristics and Difference between Mainframe Computer and Super Computer 

Mainframe computerssuper computers
Figure:  Mainframe computersFigure: Supercomputers

Characteristics of mainframe computers

A big computer. Mostly used as a big server. Ideal for businesses applications.

  1. IBM ES/9000 is an example of mainframe computers.
  2. Ideal for bulk data processing like business statistics and census industry.
  3. Ideal for bulk data processing like business statistics and census industry.
  4. Typically run a variant of Linux as their operating system.

Characteristics of Super computers

  1. Designed for high-speed processing. An extremely fast computer capable of performing hundreds of millions of instructions per second.
  2. Cray supercomputer is an example of supercomputers.
  3. Ideal for weather forecasting and for the preparation of Nuclear weapons.
  4. Can run many different types of operating systems

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