- Getting Started with PowerPoint
- Slides and Layouts
- Text and Formatting
- Graphics and Multimedia MCQs – PowerPoint
- Charts and Tables MCQs – PowerPoint
- Slide Show Presentation
- Annotations and Comments
- Advanced Features
1. Which of the following key Open a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + O
(b) Ctrl + k
(c) Ctrl+ A
(d) None of these
2. Which of the following key create a new presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + M
(c) Ctrl+ N
(d) None of these
3. Which of the following key save a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + S
(c) Ctrl+ P
(d) Ctrl+ F
(e) None of these
4. Which of the following key print a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ C
(b) Ctrl+ O
(c) Ctrl+ S
(d) Ctrl+ P
(d) None of these
5. Which of the following key close a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ C
(b) Alt+ S
(c) Ctrl+ O
(d) Ctrl+ W
(e) None of these
6. of the following insert a new slide in the presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ I
(b) Alt+ N
(c) Ctrl+ M
(d) None of these
7. Which of the following key is used for Help in PowerPoint?
(a) F4
(b) F2
(c) F3
(d) F1
(d) None of These
8. Which of the following key cut text in the presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+X
(b) Ctrl+C
(c) Ctrl+L
(d) Ctrl+S
(e) None of These
9. Which of the following key copy text in presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+P
(b) Ctrl+C
(c) Ctrl+X
(d) Ctrl+F
10. Which of the following key paste text in presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+Y
(b) Ctrl+Z
(c) Ctrl+A
(d) Ctrl+S
(e) Ctrl+V
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