PowerPoint MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 5, 2025

1. Which of the following key Open a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + O
(b) Ctrl + k
(c) Ctrl+ A
(d) None of these

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2. Which of the following key create a new presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Ctrl + M
(c) Ctrl+ N
(d) None of these

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3. Which of the following key save a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + S
(c) Ctrl+ P
(d) Ctrl+ F
(e) None of these

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4. Which of the following key print a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ C
(b) Ctrl+ O
(c) Ctrl+ S
(d) Ctrl+ P
(d) None of these

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5. Which of the following key close a presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ C
(b) Alt+ S
(c) Ctrl+ O
(d) Ctrl+ W
(e) None of these

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6. of the following insert a new slide in the presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+ I
(b) Alt+ N
(c) Ctrl+ M
(d) None of these

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7. Which of the following key is used for Help in PowerPoint?
(a) F4
(b) F2
(c) F3
(d) F1
(d) None of These

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8. Which of the following key cut text in the presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+X
(b) Ctrl+C
(c) Ctrl+L
(d) Ctrl+S
(e) None of These

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9. Which of the following key copy text in presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+P
(b) Ctrl+C
(c) Ctrl+X
(d) Ctrl+F

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10. Which of the following key paste text in presentation in PowerPoint?
(a) Ctrl+Y
(b) Ctrl+Z
(c) Ctrl+A
(d) Ctrl+S
(e) Ctrl+V

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