How to check Bad RAM

How to check Bad RAM

First of all, you need to check for existing problems of RAM according to the followings;

  1. You may notice slower system performance or web page opening with a slow speed.
  2. When you boot the computer and it is possible that you hear a beep or multiple beeps.
  3. You can even know some data witness blue screen of death, even without the addition of new hardware or any software or new drivers and updates.
  4. Files may become corrupt on a system or suppose you are working with certain files and files are not saving properly.
  5. Strange color or line on the screen.

Test the RAM

First of all, you need to install the software to checks the RAM

Secondly, open the CPU and switch out the RAM.

The third better method is to open the computer and take out one stick of RAM and observe that the problems ended and if PC has two sticks than take out one and restart the computer. If still problems persist, turn off the computer and put back one you took out and take the other stick out.

If PC has more than two sticks of RAM, follow the same procedure.

In case only have one stick of RAM, then you’ll have to buy another stick or try to use a compatible stick from another computer. Each computer has a specific type of RAM, so make sure that a stick from another PC may compatible with yours.

Window Memory Diagnostics Tool

The window has its own memory diagnostic Tool that comes with a version of window.

For instance

  1. > Window Key + r
  2. > then type keyword “mdsched.exe”
  3. And press the run button.
  4. When the Window diagnostics window opened,
  5. Select the first option “Restart now and check the problem”, this will restart the PC, wait until the memory scan finished
  6. you can check the result by pressing WinKey+r button and type “eventvwr” in the field. This will open event viewer
  7. Double click further in the box of left side “Window logs”

then double click the system and then click “find” in the right sidebar. In the field type “memory diagnostic” and press the find next button. Click on first ever information icon to see the result of the memory scan.


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