Mathematical Finance – Research Topics
- Government Fighting Pandemic, Stock Market Return, and COVID-19 Virus Outbreak
- Analysis of commercial land leasing of the district governments of Beijing in China
- Stochastic dominance efficient sets and stochastic spanning
- A Unified Entropic Pricing Framework of Option: Using Cressie-Read Family of Divergences
- A Multilevel Study of the Impact of District-Level Characteristics on Texas Student Growth Trajectories on a High-Stakes Math Exam
- The demand for AI skills in the labor market
- How Does the Market React to Corporate Philanthropic Behavior?—evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock
- Mathematics learning opportunities in preschool: Where does the classroom library fit in?
- Non-life insurance ratemaking techniques
- The Role of Business Capabilities in Supporting Organization Agility and Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study in Indonesia
- Board interlocks and stock liquidity: New evidence from an emerging market
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Numerical Analysis – Research Topics
- Protecting the Historic Buildings of Mexico: The Barrel Vault of San Agustin Church in Morelia
- A Numerical Algorithm to Reconstruct the Missing Points from the Membrane Wings of a Bat via the Computerized Motion Capture System
- Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Definite Integration Mathematical Method Trapezoidal Rule
- Numerical investigation of reproducing kernel particle Galerkin method for solving fractional modified distributed-order anomalous sub-diffusion equation with error …
- Estimations of Vertical Rail Bending Moments from Numerical Track Deflection Measurements Using Wavelet Analysis and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
- Numerical investigation of nanoparticles shape impacts on thermal energy transfer and flow features of nanofluid impingement jets
- Numerical Investigation of High-Frequency Wave-Leak Interaction in Water-Filled Pipes
- Irreversibility investigation of Casson fluid flow in an inclined channel subject to a Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium: a numerical study
- Experimental and numerical failure analysis of horizontal axis water turbine carbon fiber-reinforced composite blade
- Numerical simulation and analysis of fracture etching morphology during acid fracturing of dolomite reservoirs
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Mathematical Biology – Research Topics
- Representation of solutions for linear fractional systems with pure delay and multiple delays
- Review of fractional epidemic models
- Mathematical analysis of crime dynamics in and out of prisons
- A Tutorial on the Mathematical Model of Single Cell Variational Inference
- Economic Dynamics with Memory: Fractional Calculus Approach
- International Conference «Marchuk Scientific Readings 2020»(MSR-2020), dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birthday of Academician Guri I. Marchuk
- Living Systems: The Epistemic Relation to Reality
- Data Integration Using Advances in Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Molecular Biology
- Expanded NK cells from umbilical cord blood and adult peripheral blood combined with daratumumab are effective against tumor cells from multiple myeloma patients
- A random multiplicative model of Piéron’s law and choice reaction times
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Symplectic geometry – Research Topics
- Shift operators and connections on equivariant symplectic cohomology
- The relation between Feynman diagrams and Kontsevich graphs in non-commutative star products
- Formal Global Perturbative Quantization of the Rozansky-Witten Model in the BV-BFV Formalism
- Contact Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems with nonholonomic constraints
- On the invariance of Welschinger invariants
- Holomorphic anomaly equation for
- A lift of the Seiberg–Witten equations to Kaluza–Klein five-manifolds
- Equivariant cohomology for differentiable stacks
- Billiard tables with rotational symmetry
- T-duality and T-folds for point particles
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Random Graphs – Research Topics
- A cycle-based formulation for the Distance Geometry Problem
- Two-type annihilating systems on complete and star graphs
- Minimizing the number of complete bipartite graphs in a -saturated graph
- Persistence of hubs in growing random networks
- Network dismantling: From vertex separator to edge separator using explosive percolation
- Failure and Communication in a Synchronized Multi-drone System
- Frozen 1-RSB structure of the symmetric Ising perceptron
- Two Problems in Extremal Combinatorics
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Fluidic shaping – Research Topics
- Area-optimal simple polygonalizations: The CG challenge 2019
- Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
- Computing coordinated motion plans for robot swarms: The cg: shop challenge 2021
- Connectivity constrains quantum codes
- Performance of PV integrated dynamic overhangs applied to US homes
- Quantifying potential dynamic façade energy savings in early design using constrained optimization
- Discrete conformal equivalence of polyhedral surfaces
- … extreme learning machine model coupled with K-means clustering and firefly algorithm for estimating monthly reference evapotranspiration in parallel computation
- Pre-surgical prediction of ischemic mitral regurgitation recurrence using in vivo mitral valve leaflet strains
- Feasibility study of urban flood mapping using traffic signs for route optimization
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Computational Geometry – Research Topics
- Fluidic shaping of optical components
- Pointwise Fabrication and Fluidic Shaping of Carbon Nanotube Field Emitters
- Fluidic-based virtual aerosurface shaping
- Thermal modulation of fluidic lenses in microgravity
- Fabrication of diffractive optical elements by programmable thermocapillary shaping of thin liquid films
- Programmable thermocapillary shaping of thin liquid films
- Stochasticity, succession, and environmental perturbations in a fluidic ecosystem
- Shaping acoustic fields as a toolset for microfluidic manipulations in diagnostic technologies
- Liquid crystal microfluidics for tunable flow shaping
- Opto-fluidic velocimetry using liquid crystal microfluidics
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Quantitative Biology – Research Topics
- Mathematica: a system for doing mathematics by computer
- Conservation priorities in a biodiversity hotspot: analysis of narrow endemic plant species in New Caledonia
- How does mathematics anxiety impair mathematical abilities? Investigating the link between math anxiety, working memory, and number processing
- Genetic architecture of mandible shape in mice: effects of quantitative trait loci analyzed by geometric morphometrics
- Integration of cadherin adhesion and the cytoskeleton at adherens junctions
- Quantitative analyses of empirical fitness landscapes
- Monte Carlo strategies in scientific computing
- Control theory for humans: Quantitative approaches to modeling performance
- Quantitative methods and biogeographic analysis
- An Introduction to Mathematical Biology
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Generalized complex geometry – Research Topics
- Generalized Ricci Flow
- A study on dual-generalized complex and hyperbolic-generalized complex Numbers
- Generalization across multiple mathematical domains: Relating, forming, and extending
- Generalized finite difference method for electroelastic analysis of three-dimensional piezoelectric structures
- Fractal structure and generalization properties of stochastic optimization algorithms
- New spaces in mathematics: Formal and conceptual reflections
- On the topology of warped product pointwise semi-slant submanifolds with positive curvature
- Improved Chen’s Inequalities for Submanifolds of Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms
- Generalized Gibbs’ Phase Rule
- A generalized finite difference method for solving Stokes interface problems
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Graphs clustering – Research Topics
- Test of understanding graphs in kinematics: Item objectives confirmed by clustering eye movement transitions
- Symbol alphabets from plabic graphs III: N= 9
- Supercritical percolation on nonamenable graphs: Isoperimetry, analyticity, and exponential decay of the cluster size distribution
- A novel method of spectral clustering in attributed networks by constructing parameter-free affinity matrix
- The PACE 2021 parameterized algorithms and computational experiments challenge: Cluster Editing
- Symbol alphabets from plabic graphs II: rational letters
- Automatic analysis of attack graphs for risk mitigation and prioritization on large-scale and complex networks in Industry 4.0
- Figures of graph partitioning by counting, sequence and layer matrices
- Combining clickstream analyses and graph-modeled data clustering for identifying common response processes
- Lexical Sense Labeling and Sentiment Potential Analysis Using Corpus-Based Dependency Graph
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Graphs Limits – Research Topics
- GAMES: A Gentle Approach to Math, Excel, and Stats (Course 2)
- Scaling limits for the Gibbs states on distance-regular graphs with classical parameters
- Common graphs with arbitrary connectivity and chromatic number
- Graph Indices for Cartesian Product of-sum of Connected Graphs
- Hydrodynamic limits of non-Markovian interacting particle systems on sparse graphs
- Local limits of spatial inhomogeneous random graphs
- Inverse limits with set-valued functions having graphs that are arcs
- Mean-field limits of phase oscillator networks and their symmetries
- On breadth-first constructions of scaling limits of random graphs and random unicellular maps
- Inverse Limits with Markov-Type Functions
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Research Topics on Hydrodynamic quantum analogs
- Real surreal trajectories in pilot-wave hydrodynamics
- A Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogue: Walking Droplets
- Fluid Dynamicists Need to Add Quantum Mechanics into their Toolbox
- A hydrodynamic analog of superradiant emission
- Hydrodynamic superradiance in wave-mediated cooperative tunneling
- Gravitational edge modes, coadjoint orbits, and hydrodynamics
- Walking droplets as a damped-driven system
- Hydrodynamic derivation of the Gross–Pitaevskii equation in general Riemannian metric
- A Minimal Orbital Quantization Model and Quantum Hall Effect Analog in Pilot-Wave Hydrodynamics
- Probing quantum effects with classical stochastic analogs
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Research Topics on Interfacial Phenomena
- Polyphenolic antioxidants in lipid emulsions: Partitioning effects and interfacial phenomena
- Mathematical modeling on transient multiphase flow and slag entrainment in continuously casting mold with double-ruler EMBr through LES+ VOF+ DPM method
- Plasmon and plexciton driven interfacial catalytic reactions
- Quantitative determination of lithium depletion during rapid cycling in sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries
- Mathematical analysis and its experimental comparisons for the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process with different superimposed layers
- Mathematical modeling of novel porous transport layer architectures for proton exchange membrane electrolysis cells
- Mechanical and durable properties of chopped basalt fiber reinforced recycled aggregate concrete and the mathematical modeling
- Mathematical modelling of food hydrolysis during in vitro digestion: From single nutrient to complex foods in static and dynamic conditions
- Lamb wave scattering analysis for interface damage detection between a surface-mounted block and elastic plate
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of inclusion motion under interfacial tension in a flash welding process.
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Research Topics on Large deviations
- Large deviations principle for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with space-time localized noise
- Large deviations of currents in diffusions with reflective boundaries
- Sanov-type large deviations and conditional limit theorems for high-dimensional Orlicz balls
- Dynamical Large Deviations for Homogeneous Systems with Long Range Interactions and the Balescu–Guernsey–Lenard Equation
- Asymptotically-preserving large deviations principles by stochastic symplectic methods for a linear stochastic oscillator
- Decision Theory and large deviations for dynamical hypotheses tests: The Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Min-Max and Bayesian tests
- Entropic optimal transport: Geometry and large deviations
- Multifractal analysis and large deviations of homological growth rates for hyperbolic surfaces
- Finite time large deviations via matrix product states
- Large deviations for the greedy exploration process on configuration models
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Research Topics on Partial differential equations, Nonlinear analysis
- Boundary Hölder regularity for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations
- Novel analysis of the fractional-order system of non-linear partial differential equations with the exponential-decay kernel
- Reducing computational efforts in linear and nonlinear analysis of peridynamic models under impact loads
- A reduced order method for nonlinear parameterized partial differential equations using dynamic mode decomposition coupled with k-nearest-neighbors regression
- Nonlinear analysis of the ballast influence on the train-bridge resonance of a simply supported railway bridge
- Goal-oriented model reduction for parametrized time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations
- The effect of a new two-point nonlocal condition on the eigenvalue problem of the difference scheme for an elliptic partial differential equation
- A novel method to impose boundary conditions for higher-order partial differential equations
- Efficient Approaches for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Time-Fractional Partial Differential Equations
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Research Topics on Medical imaging
- Introduction to the mathematics of medical imaging
- Active contour and segmentation models using geometric PDE’s for medical imaging
- Math, magnets, and medicine: Enabling personalized oncology
- Webb’s physics of medical imaging
- The Radon transform and medical imaging
- Towards new functional nanostructures for medical imaging
- Fluid–structure interaction in blood flows on geometries based on medical imaging
- Kyoto prizes in math and medical imaging.
- Relevance of accurate Monte Carlo modeling in nuclear medical imaging
- Compressive sensing in medical imaging
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Research Topics on Learning Theory
- A neural network solves, explains, and generates university math problems by program synthesis and few-shot learning at human level
- The math is not the territory: navigating the free energy principle
- A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Teachers’ Implemented Instructional Strategies and Perceived Effectiveness for Foundational Math Literacy Elements
- Mastery Learning and Specs Grading in Discrete Math
- The Magic Is in the Margins: UDL Math
- Development of an Android-Based for Math E-Module by using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 for Grade X Students of Senior High School
- Teacher capacity to adopt and use student-centered instruction in secondary math classrooms
- A self-regulated learner framework for students with learning disabilities and math anxiety
- Balance Board Math:“Being the graph” through the sense of balance for embodied self-regulation and learning
- A study of enjoyment of mathematics lessons and career aspirations of upper secondary students under Math-Science and Math-English programs
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Research Topics on Symplectic Geometry
- Symplectic geometry of Cartan–Hartogs domains
- Symplectic topology and algebraic families
- Symplectic geometry and necessary conditions for optimality
- When Symplectic topology meets Banach space geometry
- Flexible embeddings in contact and Symplectic geometry
- Symplectic geometry and the motion of a particle in a magnetic field
- New construction of authentication codes with arbitration from pseudo-Symplectic geometry over finite fields
- A survey on Symplectic and multi-Symplectic algorithm
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Research Topics on Stochastic processes
- Stochastic processes with applications
- Adventures in stochastic processes
- Detection of stochastic processes
- Basics of applied stochastic processes
- Stochastic processes and applications
- Elements of applied stochastic processes
- An introduction to stochastic processes with applications to biology
- Applied probability and stochastic processes
- Essentials of stochastic processes
- Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry
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Research Topics on Numerical Analysis
- Evidence for two Numerical systems that are similar in humans and guppies
- Numerical notation: A comparative history
- Asymmetric numeral systems : entropy coding combining speed of Huffman coding with compression rate of arithmetic coding
- Numerical system for infrared scanners and application to the subsurface control of materials by photothermal radiometry
- Quantities, amounts, and the Numerical core system
- Dynamical systems and Numerical analysis
- Development of optimum process design system by Numerical simulation
- Numerical representations in primates.
- Numerals: Comparative-etymological Analyses of Numeral Systems and Their Implications: Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic …
- Numerical analysis of dynamical systems
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