Research Topics – Learning Theory
Research Area/ Research Interest: Learning Theory
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Mathematical reasoning outside the classroom-A case study with primary school students solving math trail tasks
- Elementary math class in face-to-face, fully online, and flipped mode: A comparative study on students’ achievement and satisfaction
- Action Research to Examine the Effects of Integrating Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in Online Math Classes on Students’ Engagement
- Parents’ math anxiety and their controlling and autonomy-supportive involvement in children’s math learning: Implications for children’s math achievement.
- The principles of deep learning theory
- … and longitudinal associations between parental educational involvement, teacher support, and math anxiety: The role of math learning involvement in elementary …
- Student Teams Achievement Type Cooperative Learning Model Division For Increase Results Learn Math On Student
- The Anxiety in the Room: An IPA Study of Coaching as an Intervention for Elementary Teachers with Math Anxiety
- Motivation outcomes in math-related videogames
- The effect of problem solving first vs explicit instruction first on math learning
- The home math environment and math achievement: A meta-analysis.
- Presenting a model of elementary school math curriculum with a mobile learning approach
- Contextualized Mathematics: Teaching and Learning Math with Contextualized Mathematics
- Maker Math: Exploring Mathematics through Digitally Fabricated Tools with K–12 In-Service Teachers
- Building a math-talk learning community through number talks
- The Effect of Prekindergarten Participation on Third-Grade Reading and Math
- Linking academic buoyancy and math achievement in secondary school students: Does academic self-efficacy play a role?
- Longitudinal prediction of children’s math anxiety from parent-child relationships
- The Effects of Singaporean Math Model Method in Learning Place Values in Mathematical Operations
- Math anxiety interferes with learning novel mathematics contents in early elementary school.
- Identifying Non-Math Students from Brain MRIs with an Ensemble Classifier Based on Subspace-Enhanced Contrastive Learning
- Math learning module model to stimulate critical thinking skills for elementary school students
- An attempt of adaptability of the learning process and content in mobile math educational game
- Achievement goals as predictors of female pre-service elementary school teachers’ self-efficacy for learning math in a methods course
- Improvements in math instruction and student achievement through professional learning around the Common Core State Standards in Chicago
- Teacher implemented communal learning in math: Boosting learning with African American elementary students
- Multi-Group Measurement Invariance of the IXL Real-Time Diagnostic Math Assessment
- A literature review on math anxiety and learning mathematics: A general overview
- Living math: Lave and Walkerdine on the meaning of everyday arithmetic
- Effect on Student Achievement for Middle School Math Students Using Blackboard, Canvas and Schoology in the State of Virginia
- The Effect of a Contextualized Dosage Calculation Learning Intervention on Pre-Nursing Students’ Math Self-Efficacy and Ability to Pass High Stakes Dosage …
- The Home Math Environment and Math Achievement: A Meta-Analysis* Mia C. Daucourt, MS Amy R. Napoli, Ph. D. 3 Jamie M. Quinn, Ph. D. 2
- Math trails supporting the collaboration between mathematics teachers in professional development
- Multi-Representation Discourse Model and Math Problem Solving Skills of High School Students
- Cooperation between preschool peers in relation to their math learning
- Modelling Learner Growth for The Management of Math Anxiety and Fostering Achievement Through Resilience
- Best Practices in Assessing and Intervening with Children with Math Disorders
- Comparison of Differences in Levels per Group on Math Self-Regulated Learning Factors of High School Students
- Geography and math teachers in distance learning education amid COVID-19 pandemic in Albania
- The Impact of IXL on Math and ELA Learning in Wyoming
- Improving mathematic communication ability through islamic math e-comic media: A study on building flat sides
- Latine family math engagement: a phenomenological study of co-design approaches
- A Teaching Practice Design Based on a Computational Thinking Approach for Prospective Math Teachers Using Ed-Tech Apps.
- Clause-level Relationship-aware Math Word Problems Solver
- Math Anxiety, Engagement, and Performance in High and Low-stakes Tests in AP Statistics
- Computer aided math learning as a tool to assess and increase motivation in learning math by visually impaired students
- Practicing the Right Math: Enhancing Trust in an E-Learning Platform Using an Explainable Recommender System
- The Intelligence Quotient-math achievement link: evidence from behavioral and biological research
- Examining the contribution of student anxiety and opposition-defiance to the internal dynamics of affective, Cognitive and Behavioural Engagement in Math
- Flexible Assessment in Math During (and After) COVID
- Promoting Latinx adolescents’ math motivation through competence support: Culturally responsive practices in an afterschool program context
- Learning Spatial Transformations and their Math Representations through Embodied Learning in Augmented Reality
- A Pilot Movement Integrity with Intelligent Play Program (MIIP): Effects on Math Performance and Enjoyment for Preschoolers in China
- An Examination of the Effect of Fine Arts Programs on Math Standardized Test Performance: A Quantitative Non-experimental Study
- The influence of ict use and related attitudes on students’ math and science performance: multilevel analyses of the last decade’s pisa surveys
- Handmade diagrams-learners doing math by using gestures
- Old Math? New Math? Math!
- Whiteboard seminars in an undergraduate math class: learning by doing
- An Automatic Optimal Course Recommendation Method for Online Math Education Platforms Based on Bayesian Model
- Task similarity aware meta learning: Theory-inspired improvement on maml
- Students’ Activity in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Math Classroom Be Oriented Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC)
- Does Handwriting Impact Learning on Math Tutoring Systems?.
- The Dynamic Influence of Remedial Teaching on Students’ Math Learning Motivation
- Community math stories: Informal adult educators exploring mathematics identity through digital mathematics storytelling
- Comparative study of gender on mental health selected aspects of problematic ses of the mobile phones (PUMP), stress, self-efficacy and locus of control …
- Remote Teaching and Learning Math in English Through CLIL
- Does Daily Support of an In-School Math Tutoring Program Improve the Academic Performance of Subgroups in Seventh-Grade Mathematics in a Focus School?
- ‘I Can Create and Eat it for Snack’: How Can Cooking Activities Support Early Math Learning?
- Meditative math-making
- Effects of digital tasks on learning math for first-year engineering students
- An Ontology-based Approach to Annotating Enactive Educational Media: Studies in Math Learning
- Marvelous Math Club as a Catalyst for Asset-and Justice-based Thinking and Practices
- Learning a Trade: Increasing Success Rates of African American Males in Gateway English and Math Courses in Trade Programs at Wilson Community College
- Analyzing the Effects of Mathematical Mindsets and Self-regulation of Middle School Students to Overcome the Challenges of Math Anxiety
- Elementary math in elementary school: The effect of interference on learning the multiplication table
- Kernel Methods for Machine Learning with Math and Python: 100 Exercises for Building Logic
- Math for the Masses
- Making the difference: Training early childhood math teachers in STEM skills
- Machine-learning mathematical structures
- Identification of math teacher’s capabilities in classroom action research
- After plantations’ precarities: curating math-thematic curriculum plots in initial teacher education for multispecies’ flourishing and a freedom-yet-to-come
- Math abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children: The role of language in developing number concepts.
- Responsive Math Teaching Heuristic: An Intervention for Supporting the Cognitive and Emotional Needs of Preservice Teachers
- Embedded Tutors for Remedial Math
- Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara
- Evidence and Promises of AI Predictions to Understand Student Approaches to Math Learning in Abu Dhabi K12 Public Schools
- Exploring the nature of math anxiety in young children: Intensity, prevalence, reasons
- A scholarship of teaching and learning study of hospitality students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of math
- Using logic to determine key items in math education
- A sustainable model to structurally improve outcomes in Math courses for Engineering students.
- Is the Mathematics Diagnostic Test a Good Predictor of College Students’ Prior Knowledge in Math?.
- On the uniform approximation estimation of deep ReLU networks via frequency decomposition
- Giving Number Words a Hand: Iconic Gesture’s Role in Supporting Children’s Math Language Development
- Effectiveness of Sensory-Motor Integration on Self-Esteem and Performance Mathematical in Male Students with Math Learning Disorder in Kerman
- Essential Math
- An Examination of Effects and Interaction between Grade Looping, Grade Level, Elementary Math and English Language Arts Achievement
- Maternal support of children’s math learning in associations between family income and math school readiness
- The Principles of Deep Learning Theory: An Effective Theory Approach to Understanding Neural Networks
- Direct numeracy activities and early math skills: Math language as a mediator
- … Knowledge, Use, and Self-Efficacy of Teachers Teaching English Language Learners on Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Social Studies …
- Math-odology: Methodology for teaching mathematics and tools for the implementation of virtual classes
- The relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in young children is mediated through working memory, not by number sense, and it is not direct
- Numbers (but not words) make math anxious individuals sweat: Physiological evidence
- Student Success Analysis from Running a Pre-College Computer Science and Math Summer Program
- Enhancing children’s math motivation with a joint intervention on mindset and gender stereotypes
- The City as a Tool for STEAM Education: Problem-Posing in the Context of Math Trails
- Learning Theory from First Principles
- Model complexity of deep learning: A survey
- The Role of Professional Learning Communities in Helping Teachers Use Metacognitive Discourse in Their Math Classroom
- Influence of Math Anxiety on the Academic Performance of Grade 7 Students in Mathematics
- Gender by racial/ethnic intersectionality in the patterns of Adolescents’ math motivation and their math achievement and engagement
- The Patterns of Adolescents’ Math and Science Motivational Beliefs: Examining Within–Racial/Ethnic Group Changes and Their Relations to STEM Outcomes
- Using the Rasch’s Partial Credit Model to Analyze the Quality of an Essay Math Test
- An examination of gender differences in spatial skills and math attitudes in relation to mathematics success: A bio-psycho-social model
- Development of math attitudes and math self-concepts: Gender differences, implicit–explicit dissociations, and relations to math achievement
- The Role ofCLIL Integrated Mental Math Enhancement Technique’in Mathematical Reasoning Abilities of Secondary School Children
- Can a short math video enhance the brain’s mathematical networks?
- Rescuing Math and Science from Critical Race Theory’s Racial Discrimination. Issue Brief No. 5201.
- Educational Environment As A Form For Development Of Math Teachers Methodological Competence
- Do grades make me big? School effects of math ability and math grades on math self-concept
- Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
- “There are Always Ways to Cheat” Academic Dishonesty Strategies During Online Learning
- The quality of teacher feedback matters: Examining Chinese teachers’ use of feedback strategies in preschool math lessons
- A mixed-method cluster analysis of physical computing and robotics integration in middle-grade math lesson plans
- Math Catcher Outreach Program
- Differential patterns of growth in reading and math skills during elementary school.
- Using Chess for Identifying and Correcting “Problem Areas” in the School Math Course
- Modeling nonlinear dynamics of fluency development in an embodied-design mathematics learning environment with Recurrence Quantification Analysis
- The association between student socioeconomic status and student–teacher relationships on math achievement.
- Executive functions, math anxiety and math performance in middle school students
- Exploring the mediating effect of academic engagement on math and reading achievement for students who have experienced maltreatment
- The effectiveness of dynamic geometry software applications in learning mathematics: A meta-analysis study
- The immigrant paradox and math self-concept: An SES-of-origin-country hypothesis
- “I Can Math, Too!”: Reducing Math Anxiety in STEM-Related Courses Using a Combined Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Approach (MAGMA) in the Classroom
- How Ms. Mayen and her students co-constructed good-at-math
- Optimal dimension dependence of the metropolis-adjusted langevin algorithm
- The Effect Of Think Talk Write (TTW) Towards On Ability To Solve Math Story Questions In SD Negeri Tidung Rappocini District Makassar City
- Applied Math in Introductory Chemistry
- The Application of Rasch Model and MCI in Math Measurement in Grade 5th
- Future math teachersreadiness to develop mathematical abilities of pupils
- Effectiveness of Mother Tongue Based (MTB) Instruction in the Performance of Grade I Pupils in Math
- Effects of Virtual Math Mentorships on Elementary Student Math Scores
- A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement.
- The effect of brief anxiety interventions on reported anxiety and math test performance
- Developing math talent: A comprehensive guide to math education for gifted students in elementary and middle school
- Student perceptions of homework quality, autonomy support, effort, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects
- Experimental analysis of machine learning methods for credit score classification
- Using Wikis to Support Student Inquiry in Large Math Classes.
- Skill, thrill, and will: the role of metacognition, interest, and self-control in predicting student engagement in mathematics learning over time
- The Effect of Giving Ill-structured Math Problem and Well-structured Math Problem on the Self-efficacy of Junior High School Students
- Using visual manipulatives to enhance math instruction
- Small random initialization is akin to spectral learning: Optimization and generalization guarantees for overparameterized low-rank matrix reconstruction
- Polytopes and machine learning
- Structural Relationships Among School-Family Partnerships, Parental Involvement, Students’ Self-Efficacy, and Students’ Math Achievement: A Multilevel SEM …
- … Teachers’ Beliefs and Awareness about Design Features and Academic Language Features When Choosing and Evaluating Digital Math Games for English …
- Random processes in the brain: From experimental data to Math and back
- Ambitious instruction and student achievement: Evidence from early career teachers and the TRU math observation instrument
- Implementation of Educative Learning Media Counting Tree to Improve Student’s Cognitive Abilities in Kartika Tanjung Morawa Kindergarten
- Identifying Students at Risk Using a New Math Skills Assessment
- Effects of schematic chunking on enhancing geometry performance in students with Math difficulties and students at risk of Math failure
- Rural Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Perceptions of School Climate and Student Achievement in Math and Reading: A Multiple Case Study
- Tensor programs iv: Feature learning in infinite-width neural networks
- Enforcing exact physics in scientific machine learning: a data-driven exterior calculus on graphs
- A test for identification of math talent: developing a three-tier number sense test
- Project-based learning and its potential in physical education: an instructional model inquiry
- Fostering Critical Thinking Skills, and Engagement to Produce Better Retention of 4th Grade Math
- Family cohesion facilitates learning-related behaviors and math competency at the transition to elementary school
- Beyond Skill: Students’ Dispositions towards Math.
- Using math in physics: Overview
- A survey of on-device machine learning: An algorithms and learning theory perspective
- A math-avoidant profession?: Review of the current research about early childhood teachers’ mathematics anxiety and empirical evidence
- ODBOT: Outlier detection-based oversampling technique for imbalanced datasets learning
- Teachers caring for students and students caring for math: The development of culturally and linguistically diverse adolescents’ math motivation
- Ph. D. in Computer Science management in Social and Economic Systems Sajjad Haghgoo, 1st year student Computer Science math and computer science …
- The stem of meaningful learning
- Algorithms for solving high dimensional PDEs: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to machine learning
- An improved Yolov3 based on dual path network for cherry tomatoes detection
- Expectancy-value profiles in math and science: A person-centered approach to cross-domain motivation with academic and STEM-related outcomes
- Long-Term Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS
- What kinds of functions do deep neural networks learn? Insights from variational spline theory
- “I can math!”: Reducing math anxiety and increasing math self-efficacy using a mindfulness and growth mindset-based intervention in first-year students
- Development of math efficacy scale for junior high school student in Indonesia
- Prediction of cement-based mortars compressive strength using machine learning techniques
- Promoting children’s math motivation by changing parents’ gender stereotypes and expectations for math.
- Always look on the bright side of math: A Closer Look at the Role of Emotion Regulation in Math Anxiety
- Machine learning of high dimensional data on a noisy quantum processor
- The influence of teachers’ math instructional practices on English learners’ reading comprehension and math problem-solving performance in Spanish and English
- The ability to solve mathematical problems through realistic mathematics learning based on ethnomathematics
- But I’m Bad at Math: Students’ Feelings about Math and Intention to Declare a Degree in Psychology
- A review of psychological impact on students online learning during covid-19 in malaysia
- … ‘ Intelligence Mindset on Math Anxiety of Boys and Girls and the Role of Parents’ Failure Beliefs and Evaluation of Child’s Math Performance as Mediators
- Length measurement in the early years: teaching and learning with learning trajectories
- The impact of parents’ home-and school-based involvement on adolescents’ intrinsic motivation and anxiety in math
- Multi-group analysis of the effects of coping with mathematics on math anxiety and achievement
- How specific are learning disabilities?
- Efficient measure for the expressivity of variational quantum algorithms
- Skill-by-Treatment Interaction: Increasing the Likelihood for Success in Reading and Math
- Learning in matrix games can be arbitrarily complex
- The Design of Religious Value-Based Teaching Materials in Increasing Students’ Learning Achievement Elementary School
- Only a burden for females in math? Gender and domain differences in the relation between adolescents’ fixed mindsets and motivation
- Virtual Activities to Strengthen Basic Math Skills in Children
- Visualizing Commognitive Responsibility Shift in Collaborative Problem-Solving During Computer-Supported One-to-One Math Tutoring
- A patient network-based machine learning model for disease prediction: The case of type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Perceptions of mathematical creativity among math teachers in special education classrooms
- Where’s the Math in Engineering?
- Biology Students’ Math and Computer Science Task Values Are Closely Linked
- Bilingualism, Math Anxiety, and Math Performance
- An improved DQN path planning algorithm
- Learning Size and Shape of Calabi-Yau Spaces
- Trying to Make the Math World a Better Place
- Stable sample compression schemes: New applications and an optimal SVM margin bound
- Math Tasks to Promote Oral Language Development With English Learners
- Applying learning analytics to detect sequences of actions and common errors in a geometry game
- Network psychometrics and cognitive network science open new ways for understanding math anxiety as a complex system
- Students’ motivational trajectories and academic success in math-intensive study programs: Why short-term motivational assessments matter.
- A priori generalization analysis of the deep ritz method for solving high dimensional elliptic partial differential equations
- Comorbidity between math and reading problems: Is phonological processing a mutual factor?
- Machine learning applied on the district heating and cooling sector: A review
- Matthew or compensatory effects? Factors that influence the math literacy of primary-school children in Germany
- Convolutional neural network with group theory and random selection particle swarm optimizer for enhancing cancer image classification
- Soft Computing
- Effects of digital learning skill training on the academic performance of undergraduates in science and mathematics.
- Effect of teacher support on students’ math attitudes: Measurement invariance and moderation of students’ background characteristics
- Proximal causal learning with kernels: Two-stage estimation and moment restriction
- High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes
- Deep neural networks for choice analysis: A statistical learning theory perspective
- Learning with user-level privacy
- Themes in High School Math Teachers Racial Attitudes and the Impacts of Socio-demographic Factors
- Soil–conduit interaction: an artificial intelligence application for reinforced concrete and corrugated steel conduits
- Developmental dynamics between reading and math in elementary school
- Are Students’ Math and Verbal Beliefs Malleable? the Roles of Theories of Intelligence and Praise
- Teacher Perception of Implicit Mindset and its Influence on Math Instruction in Elementary Classrooms
- Whose Math and For What Purpose? A Community Seminar on Identity, Culture, and Mathematics
- Self-regulated learning and satisfaction: A key determinants of MOOC success
- My 4 in 1 Math Plate
- Artificial intelligence-based predictive model of nanoscale friction using experimental data
- Superfast second-order methods for unconstrained convex optimization
- Should I Start at MATH 101? Content Repetition as an Academic Strategy in Elective Curriculums
- Exponential savings in agnostic active learning through abstention
- Machine learning based energy-free structure predictions of molecules, transition states, and solids
- Learning nonlinear dynamics with behavior ordinary/partial/system of the differential equations: looking through the lens of orthogonal neural networks
- Leader in Me: Effects on Math Achievement
- Calculated Avoidance: The Role of Effort-Based Valuations in the Relation Between Math Anxiety and Math Avoidance
- A manifold p-spectral clustering with sparrow search algorithm
- Machine learning for mobile network payment security evaluation system
- The reciprocal 2I/E model: An investigation of mutual relations between achievement and self-concept levels and changes in the math and verbal domain across three …
- Developmental trajectories of number line estimations in math anxiety: evidence from bounded and unbounded number line estimation
- Reducing Math Anxiety Through Art
- What does gender has to do with math? Complex questions require complex answers
- A novel transfer learning approach for the classification of histological images of colorectal cancer
- Psychometric properties of the Ani Banani Math test
- Improving Lesson Plan Models Using Online-Based in the New Normal Era
- Feasibility-based fixed point networks
- Quantum compiling by deep reinforcement learning
- Comparison of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for hourly global/diffuse solar radiation predictions
- An Investigation of the Relationship between the Parents’ Math Literacy Self-Efficacy and Their Math Anxieties
- String Model Building, Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Algorithms
- Physical education teachers’ online teaching experiences and perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Social persuasions in math and their prediction of stem courses self-efficacy in middle school
- A weighted network community detection algorithm based on deep learning
- Parental math input is not uniformly beneficial for young children: The moderating role of inhibitory control.
- Convergence rates for learning linear operators from noisy data
- Voltage-sag source detection: Developing supervised methods and proposing a new unsupervised learning
- Cultural reproduction theory and schooling: The relationship between student capital and opportunity to learn
- Longitude & Latitude Latitude-8, 13, 42, Longitude-77, 24, 55 Phone number 04652 237400 Fax Number 04652290466 Office Hours at the institution 9: 00 AM …
- Sample complexity bounds for stochastic shortest path with a generative model
- Intergenerational features of math skills: symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison and written calculation in mothers and children
- Universal compiling and (no-) free-lunch theorems for continuous-variable quantum learning
- Rademacher complexity of noisy quantum circuits
- Explainable machine learning can outperform Cox regression predictions and provide insights in breast cancer survival
- Electrophysiological evidence for internalized representations of canonical finger-number gestures and their facilitating effects on adults’ math verification …
- A framework for machine learning of model error in dynamical systems
- Evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on math self-concept and math anxiety of elementary school students
- Incorporating problem-based learning in a secondary school mathematics preservice teacher education course
- Rates of estimation of optimal transport maps using plug-in estimators via barycentric projections
- A novel ensemble learning-based grey model for electricity supply forecasting in China
- Machine Learning-driven optimization for SVM-based intrusion detection system in vehicular ad hoc networks
- A cautionary tale of decorrelating theory uncertainties
- Relationship Among Class Perceptions, Math Identification, and STEM Choice: Examining Gender and Racial Differences
- Math for Liberation: Designing a Math of Voting Systems Unit for Lewiston Middle School
- The Association between Approximate Number Sense (ANS) and Math Achievement Depends on the Format of the ANS Test
- Integration of social media for smart pedagogy: initial perceptions of senior high school students in Ghana
- Latinx High School Students’ Math/Science Motivational Beliefs Predicting AP Math and AP Science Enrollment and the Role of Educators
- Evaluation quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) using ensemble learning methods on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease
- Do I belong in my math class? The importance of perceived racial/ethnic context and math course sequence
- Preschool Teachers Perspectives on Math Curriculum Orientations: A cross-cultural study between Portugal and Sweden
- Zeroth-order algorithms for smooth saddle-point problems
- Digital medicine and the curse of dimensionality
- Challenging the Gold Standard in Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience: An Event-Related Potential Analysis of Math as We Grow and Reading as We Age
- Tensor programs iib: Architectural universality of neural tangent kernel training dynamics
- Feel-good thompson sampling for contextual bandits and reinforcement learning
- A dimension-free computational upper-bound for smooth optimal transport estimation
- Adversarial laws of large numbers and optimal regret in online classification
- Augmented reality technology in science education for students with specific learning difficulties: Its effect on students’ learning and views
- Factor Structure and Gender Invariance of the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) in Middle School Students
- Learning to unknot
- International differences in math and science tilts: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria
- Numerical estimation strategies are correlated with math ability in school-aged children
- On fitting and forecasting the log-returns of cryptocurrency exchange rates using a new logistic model and machine learning algorithms
- Risk assessment and management of excavation system based on fuzzy set theory and machine learning methods
- Machine-learning-enhanced tail end prediction of structural response statistics in earthquake engineering
- The Warped Resolvent of a Set-Valued Operator: Theory and Applications
- Machine Learning Kreuzer–Skarke Calabi–Yau Threefolds
- Distribution-free robust linear regression
- A systematic review of research on personalized learning: Personalized by whom, to what, how, and for what purpose (s)?
- An evaluation of the incremental impact of math intervention on early literacy performance
- What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles
- Personalized Computer Support of Performance Rates and Education Process in High School: Case Study of Engineering Students.
- The effectiveness of hybrid learning in improving of teacher-student relationship in terms of learning motivation
- The Warped Resolvent of a Set-Valued Operator: Theory and Applications
- Machine Learning Kreuzer–Skarke Calabi–Yau Threefolds
- Distribution-free robust linear regression
- A systematic review of research on personalized learning: Personalized by whom, to what, how, and for what purpose (s)?
- An evaluation of the incremental impact of math intervention on early literacy performance
- What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles
- Personalized Computer Support of Performance Rates and Education Process in High School: Case Study of Engineering Students.
- The effectiveness of hybrid learning in improving of teacher-student relationship in terms of learning motivation
- Improved slime mould algorithm by opposition-based learning and Levy flight distribution for global optimization and advances in real-world engineering problems
- The Culture of Acquisition and the Practice of Understanding 1
- Color difference classification of dyed fabrics via a kernel extreme learning machine based on an improved grasshopper optimization algorithm
- Kernel distributionally robust optimization: Generalized duality theorem and stochastic approximation
- Moderators of dimensional comparison effects: A comprehensive replication study putting prior findings on five moderators to the test and going beyond.
- Learning temporal quantum tomography
- Local and global stimuli in reinforcement learning
- Global optimality beyond two layers: Training deep relu networks via convex programs
- Identifying Correlations in Academic Anxiety to Coin the Term” Math-Related Testing Anxiety”
- Safe learning in robotics: From learning-based control to safe reinforcement learning
- Sustainable process improvements: Evidence from intervention-based research
- Boyer 4th
- Embodiment as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning
- “Math gives me a tummy ache!” Mathematics anxiety in kindergarten
- Statistics for kids: Model-eliciting activities to investigate concepts in statistics
- An ensemble of prediction and learning mechanism for improving accuracy of anomaly detection in network intrusion environments
- Resetting education priorities during COVID-19: Towards equitable learning opportunities through inclusion and equity
- Mathematics Self-Efficacy and the Use of Virtual Math Manipulatives Among Pre-Service Teachers
- Math Aiders Mentoring Program as Remedial Class for Low-Performing Learners
- Uniform convergence of interpolators: Gaussian width, norm bounds and benign overfitting
- Hilbert series, machine learning, and applications to physics
- CALL-enhanced L2 vocabulary learning: using spaced exposure through CALL to enhance L2 vocabulary retention
- A novel method of spectral clustering in attributed networks by constructing parameter-free affinity matrix
- TLMPA: Teaching-learning-based Marine Predators algorithm
- Machine learning-data mining integrated approach for premature ventricular contraction prediction
- The Effects of Mental Abacus Instruction on First and 2nd Grade Students’ Math Assessment Scores in a Small Northeastern US State
- A meta-analysis of Geogebra software decade of assisted mathematics learning: what to learn and where to go?
- Early damage detection by an innovative unsupervised learning method based on kernel null space and peak-over-threshold
- Alternating DCA for reduced-rank multitask linear regression with covariance matrix estimation
- Learning maximally monotone operators for image recovery
- Fit without fear: remarkable mathematical phenomena of deep learning through the prism of interpolation
- Manifold learning with arbitrary norms
- A new approach for generation of generalized basic probability assignment in the evidence theory
- Reduction of computational error by optimizing SVR kernel coefficients to simulate concrete compressive strength through the use of a human learning optimization …
- Students’ modelling processes when working with math trails
- Deep reinforcement learning techniques in diversified domains: a survey
- Modelling the mechanical behaviour of soils using machine learning algorithms with explicit formulations
- Statistical machine learning in model predictive control of nonlinear processes
- Fractal structure and generalization properties of stochastic optimization algorithms
- Data-driven vector soliton solutions of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation using a deep learning algorithm
- Semantic segmentation of PolSAR image data using advanced deep learning model
- A framework based on sparse representation model for time series prediction in smart city
- Graphic Calculators: Effect on the Mathematical Performance of Students
- PotNet: Pothole detection for autonomous vehicle system using convolutional neural network
- Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale for children in Serbia
- Fuzzy rough sets and fuzzy rough neural networks for feature selection: A review
- Differentially private stochastic optimization: New results in convex and non-convex settings
- A Phenomenological Study of Perceived Factors Influencing Math Teachers’ Technology Self-Efficacy
- Mirror descent and the information ratio
- Training image free high-order stochastic simulation based on aggregated kernel statistics
- Machine learning Lie structures & applications to physics
- Leveraging Formulae and Text for Improved Math Retrieval
- State-of-the-art review of machine learning applications in constitutive modeling of soils
- DPRL Systems in the CLEF 2022 ARQMath Lab: Introducing MathAMR for Math-Aware Search
- Flex: fixing flaky tests in machine learning projects by updating assertion bounds
- Development of an authentic assessment model in mathematics learning: A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) approach
- The Relationships among Locus of Control, the Impostor Phenomenon, and Math Anxiety in Business Majors
- The effectiveness of child-centered play therapy on improving working memory and attention in children with math disorders
- A meta-analysis of COVID learning loss
- An exploratory study on academic staff perception towards blended learning in higher education
- Structured logconcave sampling with a restricted gaussian oracle
- Improving the Academic Self-Efficacy of Students Using Mobile Educational Apps in Virtual Learning: A Review.
- On optimal recovery in L2
- Extensive studies of the neutron star equation of state from the deep learning inference with the observational data augmentation
- The COVID-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education
- Investigating factors that influence math homework purposes: A multilevel analysis
- Learning nonlinear operators via DeepONet based on the universal approximation theorem of operators
- Digital learning enhancement through social network site (SNS)
- Assessment practices and beliefs: Teachers’ perspectives on assessment during long distance learning
- Task features change the relation between math anxiety and number line estimation performance with rational numbers: Two large-scale online studies
- An intelligent diagnosis framework for roller bearing fault under speed fluctuation condition
- Stability and Deviation Optimal Risk Bounds with Convergence Rate
- The neural network collocation method for solving partial differential equations
- Averaging on the Bures-Wasserstein manifold: dimension-free convergence of gradient descent
- Using large-scale experiments and machine learning to discover theories of human decision-making
- University students’ self-regulation, engagement and performance in flipped learning
- Examining the Impacts of Florida’s Developmental Education Reform for Non-Exempt Students: The Case of First-Year English and Math Course Enrollment and …
- Facial emotion expressions in human–robot interaction: a survey
- Enabling security for the Industrial Internet of Things using deep learning, blockchain, and coalitions
- Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI
- Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture
- Understanding deep learning (still) requires rethinking generalization
- Predictors and Consequences of Math Course Repetition: The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Repetition in Success Among Community College Transfer Students
- Digital Educational Computer Games Environments Supporting Education (DECGE-SE).
- Adaptive momentum-based optimization to train deep neural network for simulating the static stability of the composite structure
- A virtual coaching model of professional development to increase teachers’ digital learning competencies
- Robust semi-supervised support vector machines with Laplace kernel-induced correntropy loss functions
- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of a Synchronous Online CS1
- Bio-inspired design of a porous resorbable scaffold for bone reconstruction: A preliminary study
- Guided math in action: Building each student’s mathematical proficiency with small-group Instruction
- Chaos and complexity from quantum neural network. A study with diffusion metric in machine learning
- Machine learning approach for the prediction and optimization of thermal transport properties
- Minimax regret for stochastic shortest path with adversarial costs and known transition
- Real-time fire detection algorithm based on support vector machine with dynamic time warping kernel function
- Provably efficient reinforcement learning in decentralized general-sum markov games
- Artificial intelligence in education: The three paradigms
- Matching-theory-based low-latency scheme for multitask federated learning in MEC networks
- The Factor Structure of Parents’ Math-Related Talk and Its Relation to Children’s Early Academic Skills
- Self-concept and self-efficacy in math: longitudinal interrelations and reciprocal linkages with achievement
- Gender differences in digital learning during COVID-19: competence beliefs, intrinsic value, learning engagement, and perceived teacher support
- Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments–A bibliometric study and research agenda
- The Impact of Computer Based Test and Students’ Ability in Computer Self-Efficacy on Mathematics Learning Outcomes
- Deep learning-influenced joint vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communication approach for internet of vehicles
- Large-scale pinball twin support vector machines
- Understanding what determines university students’ behavioral engagement in a group-based flipped learning context
- The effects of scientific self-efficacy and cognitive anxiety on science engagement with the “question-observation-doing-explanation” model during school …
- Machine learning applications for building structural design and performance assessment: State-of-the-art review
- Detection of the multivariate geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization using a deep convolutional neural network and a pixel-pair feature method
- Foundations of online learning: Challenges and opportunities
- Illusory gender-equality paradox, math self-concept, and frame-of-reference effects: New integrative explanations for multiple paradoxes.
- Probalistic Thinking Based on Probabilistic Thinking Responses to Math Problem Solving
- A precise and stable machine learning algorithm: eigenvalue classification (EigenClass)
- Encoding the atomic structure for machine learning in materials science
- Application of Collaborative Teamwork Learning Model and Guided Note Taking Model and Their Influence on Students’ Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts
- An extended hesitant fuzzy set using SWARA-MULTIMOORA approach to adapt online education for the control of the pandemic spread of COVID-19 in …
- Variable-order approach to nonlocal elasticity: Theoretical formulation, order identification via deep learning, and applications
- A review on extreme learning machine
- Stochastic training is not necessary for generalization
- Few-shot language coordination by modeling theory of mind
- Bayesian Topology Learning and noise removal from network data
- Scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks
- … . University of California, Riverside, California, November 9–10, 2019. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 774, 97-151 …
- Learning Poisson systems and trajectories of autonomous systems via Poisson neural networks
- Fl-ntk: A neural tangent kernel-based framework for federated learning analysis
- A practical perspective on knowledge space theory: ALEKS and its data
- The intrinsic learning goals of elementary school students, in their own words
- Enhancing the understanding of hydrological responses induced by ecological water replenishment using improved machine learning models: A case study in …
- Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Using machine learning to predict the sentiment of online reviews: a new framework for comparative analysis
- Stock market trend detection and automatic decision-making through a network-based classification model
- Amorphous metal oxide semiconductor thin film, analog memristor, and autonomous local learning for neuromorphic systems
- Deep learning for geophysics: Current and future trends
- Growth mindset predicts achievement only among rich students: examining the interplay between mindset and socioeconomic status
- Recent advances for quantum classifiers
- Expressive Writing Intervention Effects on Math Anxiety and Math Performance
- Machine learning-based genetic feature identification and fatigue life prediction
- Disrupting deficit narratives in informal science education: applying community cultural wealth theory to youth learning and engagement
- Stunted upward mobility in a learning environment reduces the academic benefits of growth mindsets
- Generalization of model-agnostic meta-learning algorithms: Recurring and unseen tasks
- Development of math anxiety in prospective elementary teachers
- Effects of fuzzy settings in Korovkin theory via P p-statistical convergence
- Stability and generalization of stochastic gradient methods for minimax problems
- Modeling: ratio between means of teaching and motor training in junior school physical education classes
- Magnetic resonance parameter mapping using model-guided self-supervised deep learning
- Improving climate change awareness of preservice teachers (Psts) through a university science learning environment
- An intelligent computer method for vibration responses of the spinning multi-layer symmetric nanosystem using multi-physics modeling
- Learning rates for stochastic gradient descent with nonconvex objectives
- A unifying representer theorem for inverse problems and machine learning
- Advanced metaheuristic techniques for mechanical design problems
- Intelligent problem-solving as integrated hierarchical reinforcement learning
- Brain tumor diagnosis based on metaheuristics and deep learning
- An overview of MCMC methods: from theory to applications
- Learning and exploring motor skills with spacetime bounds
- … effect of game–based immersive virtual reality learning environment on learning outcomes: designing an intrinsic integrated educational game for pre–class learning
- Teacher Professional Development on Self-Determination Theory–Based Design Thinking in STEM Education
- High performance correctly rounded math libraries for 32-bit floating point representations
- High school students’ acceptance and use of mobile technology in learning mathematics
- The Relationship between Prekindergarten and Math Achievement of First Graders in a Title One School
- Poetry and math: The philosophy of education throughout history
- Resource-rational decision making
- Which class matters? Juxtaposing multiple class environments as frames-of-reference for academic self-concept formation.
- A survey of defensive deception: Approaches using game theory and machine learning
- Adaptive Reasoning Profile Field-Dependent And Field-Independent Cognitive Style Of Students In Planing Solutions To Solve The Math-Problem
- To flip or not to flip? A meta-analysis of the efficacy of flipped learning in higher education
- Tight bounds on the Fourier growth of bounded functions on the hypercube
- An approach to generate correctly rounded math libraries for new floating point variants
- The Economic In International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
- Walk-forward empirical wavelet random vector functional link for time series forecasting
- DeepGreen: Deep learning of Green’s functions for nonlinear boundary value problems
- A novel approach for forecasting of ground vibrations resulting from blasting: modified particle swarm optimization coupled extreme learning machine
- Learning points, lines, and plane geometry with Hawgent dynamic mathematics software
- Neighborhood and center difference-based-LBP for face recognition
- Quantum information processing algorithms with emphasis on machine learning
- Strategic learning towards equilibrium. Exploratory analysis and models.
- Machine learning with quantum computers
- A machine-learning-based alloy design platform that enables both forward and inverse predictions for thermo-mechanically controlled processed (TMCP) …
- Teachers’ potential to promote students’ deeper learning in whole-class teaching: An observation study in Norwegian classrooms
- Image deconvolution for optical small satellite with deep learning and real-time GPU acceleration
- Inquiring tweets want to know:# Edchat supports for# RemoteTeaching during COVID-19
- Using the UTAUT model to understand students’ usage of e-learning systems in developing countries
- Supervised machine learning models for prediction of COVID-19 infection using epidemiology dataset
- Curriculum design in the flipped classroom for elementary math lessons
- Investigating bidirectional links between the quality of teacher–child relationships and children’s interest and pre-academic skills in literacy and math
- A survey on machine-learning approaches: Theory and their concepts
- Systematics of type IIB moduli stabilisation with odd axions
- A survey of learning-based intelligent optimization algorithms
- Separating adaptive streaming from oblivious streaming using the bounded storage model
- Efficient constrained sampling via the mirror-Langevin algorithm
- Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning
- A new transductive learning method with universum data
- Sample-efficient learning of interacting quantum systems
- Evaluation of self-regulated learning on problem-solving skills in online basic Physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
- A quantum-inspired classifier for clonogenic assay evaluations
- Artificial intelligence to model the performance of concrete mixtures and elements: a review
- Entanglement-based feature extraction by tensor network machine learning
- Analysis of blended learning model application using text mining method
- Learning Moore machines from input–output traces
- Digital support for student engagement in blended learning based on self-determination theory
- Nonparametric variational learning of multivariate beta mixture models in medical applications
- Tea leaf disease detection using multi-objective image segmentation
- Forecasting stock price using integrated artificial neural network and metaheuristic algorithms compared to time series models
- I Don’T Know What to Do: a Mixed Method Study of Math Anxiety as Perceived by Students and Their Parents
- Density-weighted support vector machines for binary class imbalance learning
- New technology, new role of parents: How parents’ beliefs and behavior affect students’ digital media self-efficacy
- Educational theory and its application to advanced life support courses: a narrative review
- Mathematical problem solving ability and student interest in learning using google classroom
- Using the first principles of instruction and multimedia learning principles to design and develop in-game learning support videos
- Extracurricular activities and Chinese children’s school readiness: Who benefits more?
- Applying machine learning approach in recycling
- Monte Carlo method at the 24 game and its application for mathematics education
- The discovery of dynamics via linear multistep methods and deep learning: Error estimation
- Facilitating young children’s numeracy talk in play: The role of parent prompts
- A review on COVID-19 forecasting models
- DeepTCR is a deep learning framework for revealing sequence concepts within T-cell repertoires
- Train to Reason: Sports and the Girls’ Math-Reading Gap
- Engagement and satisfaction: Mixed-method analysis of blended learning in the sciences
- Developing research-based instructional materials to support large-scale transformation of science teaching and learning: The approach of the OpenSciEd middle …
- ‘ELLevating’the Success of High School Emergent Bilinguals in Math:: Appropriate Accommodations and Strategies for Building Confident Learners
- Efficient and targeted COVID-19 border testing via reinforcement learning
- Learning technology models that support personalization within blended learning environments in higher education
- Data augmentation and feature selection for automatic model recommendation in computational physics
- Partially online damage detection using long-term modal data under severe environmental effects by unsupervised feature selection and local metric learning
- Relations between perceived teacher’s autonomy support, cognitive appraisals and boredom in physics learning among lower secondary school students
- Motivating Online Learning through Project-Based Learning during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Improved rates for differentially private stochastic convex optimization with heavy-tailed data
- Spectral bias and task-model alignment explain generalization in kernel regression and infinitely wide neural networks
- Negative emotions, cognitive load, acceptance, and self-perceived learning outcome in emergency remote education during COVID-19
- Null relations between CLASS scores and gains in children’s language, math, and executive function skills: A replication and extension study
- A knowledge-enhanced deep reinforcement learning-based shape optimizer for aerodynamic mitigation of wind-sensitive structures
- Crack detection using fusion features-based broad learning system and image processing
- Stochasticity helps to navigate rough landscapes: comparing gradient-descent-based algorithms in the phase retrieval problem
- Linking inhibitory control to math achievement via comparison of conflicting decimal numbers
- A new base basic probability assignment approach for conflict data fusion in the evidence theory
- The moderating effect of social capital on co-regulated learning for MOOC achievement
- On the statistical complexity of quantum circuits
- Emerging neurodevelopmental perspectives on mathematical learning
- Translating math formula images to LaTeX sequences using deep neural networks with sequence-level training
- An Investigation of the Factors that Motivate Students in Algebra II Math Class at a Selected High School in Tennessee.
- Supportive Environments for Developing Talent 2
- Intelligent fault diagnosis of hydraulic piston pump based on wavelet analysis and improved alexnet
- Same But Different Math: Helping Students Connect Concepts, Build Number Sense, and Deepen Understanding
- The role of strategy-based motivation in mathematical problem solving: The case of learner-generated drawings
- Is skill type the key to the prek fadeout puzzle? Differential associations between enrollment in preK and constrained and unconstrained skills across kindergarten
- The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: The role of virtual and remote laboratories in education
- Robust regional coordination of inverter-based Volt/Var control via multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
- Fine-tuning is fine in federated learning
- The Effectiveness of Educational Pillars Based on Vygotsky’s Theory in Achievement and Information Processing Among First Intermediate Class Students
- Explicit soft supersymmetry breaking in the heterotic M-theory B− L MSSM
- Benefits of additional online practice opportunities in higher education
- Discrepancy bounds for a class of negatively dependent random points including Latin hypercube samples
- Data-driven mechanism based on fuzzy Lagrangian twin parametric-margin support vector machine for biomedical data analysis
- A Holistic Digital Game-Based Learning Approach to Out-of-School Primary Programming Education.
- A deep survey on supervised learning based human detection and activity classification methods
- Non stationary multi-armed bandit: Empirical evaluation of a new concept drift-aware algorithm
- Performance analysis on liquid-cooled battery thermal management for electric vehicles based on machine learning
- The role of affective teacher-student relationships in adolescents’ school engagement and achievement trajectories
- Higher education students’ online instruction perceptions: A quality virtual learning environment
- Management and entrepreneurship management mechanism of college students based on support vector machine algorithm
- Scalable kernel-based SVM classification algorithm on imbalance air quality data for proficient healthcare
- Energy consumption prediction method based on LSSVM-PSO model for autonomous underwater gliders
- Improving students’ retention using machine learning: Impacts and implications
- Near-optimal no-regret learning for correlated equilibria in multi-player general-sum games
- Control Systems and Reinforcement Learning
- Teacher Mindsets Help Explain Where a Growth-Mindset Intervention Does and Doesn’t Work
- Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara
- Grokking Machine Learning
- Data-enabled extremum seeking: a cooperative concurrent learning-based approach
- Robust learning from noisy, incomplete, high-dimensional experimental data via physically constrained symbolic regression
- Review on machine learning algorithm based fault detection in induction motors
- Agent architecture of an intelligent medical system based on federated learning and blockchain technology
- Math Attitudes and Achievement: The Moderating Role of Perceived Same-Ethnic Representation in Math Class
- Deep-learning-based inverse modeling approaches: A subsurface flow example
- Performance task assessment supported by the design thinking process: Results from a true experimental research
- Revealed preferences of fourth graders when requesting face-to-face help while doing math exercises online
- PPT-Audio; The Alternative Audio-Visual Media for Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic
- Graph neural networks for distributed linear-quadratic control
- Medical image analysis based on deep learning approach
- Learning dynamical systems from data: a simple cross-validation perspective, part I: parametric kernel flows
- Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for prediction of smart grid stability†
- Online reinforcement learning for a continuous space system with experimental validation
- Parents’ perceived goals for early mathematics learning and their relations with children’s motivation to learn mathematics
- Full STEAM Ahead, but Who Has the Map for Integration?–A PRISMA Systematic Review on the Incorporation of Interdisciplinary Learning into Schools.
- A blended learning teaching strategy strengthens the nursing students’ performance and self-reported learning outcome achievement in an anatomy …
- Stein’s Method Meets Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments
- Classification by ordinal sums of conjunctive and disjunctive functions for explainable AI and interpretable machine learning solutions
- Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in machine learning: An introduction to concepts and methods
- Numerical solution and bifurcation analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations with extreme learning machines
- Impact Evaluation of Technology Driven Mental Health Capacity Building in Bihar, India
- Why college students procrastinate in online courses: A self-regulated learning perspective
- Detection and severity analysis of tea leaf blight based on deep learning
- Interpretable machine learning: Fundamental principles and 10 grand challenges
- Solving localized wave solutions of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation using an improved PINN method
- Profiles of teachers’ need-support: How do autonomy support, structure, and involvement cohere and predict motivation and learning outcomes?
- Secure prediction and assessment of sports injuries using deep learning based convolutional neural network
- Near-optimal lower bounds for convex optimization for all orders of smoothness
- Building bridges to advance the community of inquiry framework for online learning
- The development of learning innovation to enhance higher order thinking skills for students in Thailand junior high schools
- The Context-Oriented System Based on ELECTRA for Solving Math Word Problem
- A survey of active learning for quantifying vegetation traits from terrestrial earth observation data
- Autonomy support predicts language mindsets: Implications for developing communicative competence and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms
- Blockchain technology adoption in smart learning environments
- Improved fuzzy-assisted hierarchical neural network system for design of computer-aided English teaching system
- Estimation of flood in a river basin through neural networks: a case study
- Individual differences in self-regulated learning: Exploring the nexus of motivational beliefs, self-efficacy, and SRL strategies in EFL writing
- Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
- Let’s do the Math… About Creativity and Mathematical Reasoning: A Correlational Study in Primary School Children
- Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
- The Context-Oriented System Based on ELECTRA for Solving Math Word Problem
- A survey of active learning for quantifying vegetation traits from terrestrial earth observation data
- Autonomy support predicts language mindsets: Implications for developing communicative competence and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms
- Blockchain technology adoption in smart learning environRegret minimization in stochastic non-convex learning via a proximal-gradient approach
- Online inverse reinforcement learning for nonlinear systems with adversarial attacks
- Reward biased maximum likelihood estimation for reinforcement learning
- In-depth analysis of SVM kernel learning and its components
- Decentralized Q-learning in zero-sum Markov games
- The impact of the virtual learning platform EDUKA on the academic performance of primary school children
- Construction of statistical SVM based recognition model for handwritten character recognition
- Materialist epistemology lends design wings: educational design as an embodied process
- On the trade-off between number of examples and precision of supervision in machine learning problems
- Mathbert: A pre-trained model for mathematical formula understanding
- ments
- Improved fuzzy-assisted hierarchical neural network system for design of computer-aided English teaching system
- Estimation of flood in a river basin through neural networks: a case study
- Individual differences in self-regulated learning: Exploring the nexus of motivational beliefs, self-efficacy, and SRL strategies in EFL writing
- Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
- Let’s do the Math… About Creativity and Mathematical Reasoning: A Correlational Study in Primary School Children
- Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
- Asymptotics for semidiscrete entropic optimal transport
- Flipped learning design fidelity, self-regulated learning, satisfaction, and continuance intention in a university flipped learning course
- JFB: Jacobian-free backpropagation for implicit networks
- Comparison of high-dimensional neural networks using hypercomplex numbers in a robot manipulator control
- Five strategies for optimizing instructional materials: Instructor-and learner-managed cognitive load
- Evaluating Math to Mastery using brief experimental analysis procedures
- Mindfulness and other simple neuroscience-based proposals to promote the learning performance and mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic
- A single-timescale stochastic bilevel optimization method
- No-go theorem for acceleration in the hyperbolic plane
- Motivation-achievement cycles in learning: A literature review and research agenda
- Noise stability of weighted majority
- Compressive statistical learning with random feature moments
- Tropical geometry and machine learning
- Roles and research trends of artificial intelligence in mathematics education: A bibliometric mapping analysis and systematic review
- The contribution of dispositional learning analytics to precision education
- Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 Using SIR, SEIQR, and machine learning models: Australia, Italy, and UK Cases
- State-dependent temperature control for Langevin diffusions
- How “Flipped RTI” Affects Middle School Student Math Growth and Self-Efficacy Perceptions
- Evolving deep convolutional neutral network by hybrid sine–cosine and extreme learning machine for real-time COVID19 diagnosis from X-ray images
- Comparing the Efficacy of Two Affirmation Interventions to Reduce Stereotype Threat Effects on Women’s Math Performance
- Math Education and Piaget’s Theory: A Conversation with Constance Kamii.
- On the different effects of teacher–student rapport on urban and rural students’ math learning in China: An empirical study
- Exploring the Material-to-Abstract Transition in Mathematical Thinking to Increase the Performance in Math for Selected Fifth Grader Pupils
- A Study of the Implementation of a Middle School Math Program and Student Achievement
- Math for Humans: Teaching Math Through 7 Intelligences
- Learning in the context of math anxiety
- Examining the influence of a mobile learning intervention on third grade math achievement
- The challenge of collaborative learning in engineering and math
- University− Urban high school partnership: Math and science professional learning communities
- Student Teams Achievement Type Cooperative Learning Model Division For Increase Results Learn Math On Student
- Positive mood and math performance
- Developing A Math Learning Environment–A Learning Object Approach
- The effect of problem solving first vs explicit instruction first on math learning
- Did Learning Mathematics Online increase Students’ Math Proficiency?: An Outcome Study of a Vocational High School’s use of an Online Mathematics Program
- Conceptual model for problem-based learning in learning media math
- Students as Math Level Designers: How students position themselves through design of a math learning game
- Math learning environment with game-like elements: an incremental approach for enhancing student engagement and learning effectiveness
- Math 322: Group Theory Fall Term, 2014
- Using video prompting to teach math skills to adolescent students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) via iPad
- Creating Project-Based Math Curricula: A Narrative Inquiry
- Math reading comprehension: Comparing effectiveness of various conversation frameworks in an ITS
- Efforts To Increase Learning Math Levels With Realistic Math Learning (Pmr) For Student Class V Min Bukit Kubu Beres
- UDL Implementation in the Math Classroom: Practical Applications for Monday’s Lessons
- Self-efficacy beliefs as mediators in math learning: A structural model
- A Quantitative Study of the Use of DreamBox Learning and Its Effectiveness in Improving Math Achievement of Elementary Students with Math Difficulties
- A two-phase classifier for automatic answer generation for math word problems
- Teacher perceptions of professional learning communities’ impact on math critical thinking pedagogy
- The influence of math beliefs on math success in introductory college math classes
- Effect of Collaborative Learning in Interaction with the Learning Styles (Dependent and Independent on Context) on Educational Achievement of Female …
- The effects of a learning station on the completion and accuracy of math homework for middle school students
- Two-stage screening for math problem-solving difficulty using dynamic assessment of algebraic learning
- Teaching with a Fully Digital, Year-Long Math Program: Learning Science Futures on the Front Line.
- Implementation of Web-based Learning Tool using Skemp’s Theory and Its applications to Multiplication and Division Operations in Elementary School Math …
- Service learning within a secondary math and science teacher education program: Preservice MAT teachers’ perspectives
- Math History Study Abroad Program: Learning Math History in
- Sex differences in math performance: The role of children’s approach to schoolwork.
- The role of self-efficacy, achievement goals, learning strategies and persistence in math achievement of 11th Grade High Schools Students in Tehran
- Connecting learning, memory, and representation in math education.
- E-learning resources for successful math teaching to pupils of primary school
- Selection Criterion for Log-Linear Models Using Statistical Learning Theory
- The math of detecting communities
- Basics of Math and Graph
- Self-selected learning communities for problem solving in online math courses
- Extended instruction in business courses to enhance student achievement in math
- Processing abilities associated with math skills in adult learning disability
- Development of math anxiety and its longitudinal relationships with arithmetic achievement among primary school children
- Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school: Variations across grade level and math context
- Quality evaluation of learning math tests
- Flipping the math classroom for non-math majors to enrich their learning experience
- How to do math with words: Learning algebra through peer discussions
- A literature review on math anxiety and learning mathematics: A general overview
- Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Their Effects on MUFY Math Performance
- Self-regulated learning between low, average, and high math achievers among pre-university international students in Malaysia
- … Qualitative Case Study: Early Childhood Teachers Applying the RTI Framework to At Risk Students to Support the Increase of Academic Scores in Reading and Math
- Career development: A math and science social cognitive model
- Comparing mental maintenance in students with and without learning specific disorder (deficiencies in math)
- An a-maze-ing approach to math
- Innovative instructional strategies and improved math learning among grades 2 to 6 students
- Does Mathletics, A Supplementary Digital Math Tool, Improve Student Learning and Teaching Methods at Three Private Catholic Schools in Florida?-A Mixed Methods …
- Designing assessment using the MATH taxonomy
- A user experience case study: two embodied cognition user interface solutions for a math learning game
- Coordinating Language Use in Junior High School Math Instruction: Framework for Math Self-Learning Module Evaluation
- Math Is Not for Girl? Investigating the Impact of e-Learning Platforms on the Development of Growth Mindsets in Elementary Classrooms
- … models for investigating the effects of computer-based learning in math classrooms on science technology engineering and math (STEM) major selection …
- A systematic review on overfitting control in shallow and deep neural networks
- Machine learning framework for computing the most probable paths of stochastic dynamical systems
- From particle swarm optimization to consensus based optimization: stochastic modeling and mean-field limit
- Curriculum innovation in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: the thinking-based instruction theory and its application
- Bayesian-optimized unsupervised learning approach for structural damage detection
- A novel approach for solving rough multi-objective transportation problem: development and prospects
- Effects of spherical video-based virtual reality on nursing students’ learning performance in childbirth education training
- Using PLS-SEM model to explore the influencing factors of learning satisfaction in blended learning
- A critical review on structural health monitoring: definitions, methods, and perspectives
- Achievement emotions of female students in mathematical problem-solving situations
- Automated COVID-19 detection in chest X-ray images using fine-tuned deep learning architectures
- Modeling illegal pedestrian crossing behaviors at unmarked mid-block roadway based on extended decision field theory
- Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share (TPS) Pada Prestasi matematika Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
- Landscape and training regimes in deep learning
- Opportunity Grounded in Geography: Rural Transfer Students Majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
- Evolutionary warning system for COVID-19 severity: Colony predation algorithm enhanced extreme learning machine
- What are higher-order networks?
- Regularized System Identification: Learning Dynamic Models from Data
- Ethnomathematics on the Gringsing batik motifs in Javanese culture
- Generating conjectures on fundamental constants with the Ramanujan Machine
- Stability analysis of neural networks
- Engagement and companion constructs in language learning: Conceptualizing learners’ involvement in the L2 classroom
- Machine learning on sustainable energy: A review and outlook on renewable energy systems, catalysis, smart grid and energy storage
- Facilitating educationally disadvantaged students’ learning of torque using a design-based activity
- Multi-step-ahead crude oil price forecasting based on two-layer decomposition technique and extreme learning machine optimized by the particle swarm optimization …
- Closing the gap: Tighter analysis of alternating stochastic gradient methods for bilevel problems
- A conceptual model to investigate the role of mobile game applications in education during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Performance evaluation of hybrid GA–SVM and GWO–SVM models to predict earthquake-induced liquefaction potential of soil: a multi-dataset investigation
- Unsupervised learning for magnetization transfer contrast MR fingerprinting: Application to CEST and nuclear Overhauser enhancement imaging
- Hierarchical reinforcement learning: A comprehensive survey
- Ensemble learning-based structural health monitoring by Mahalanobis distance metrics
- Descent-to-delete: Gradient-based methods for machine unlearning
- Exploring the factors affecting mobile learning for sustainability in higher education
- More intelligent and robust estimation of battery state-of-charge with an improved regularized extreme learning machine
- The inverse variance–flatness relation in stochastic gradient descent is critical for finding flat minima
- Learning Markov models via low-rank optimization
- Application of convolutional neural network in image processing
- Natural language generation using deep learning to support MOOC learners
- The utilization of mobile-assisted gamification for vocabulary learning: Its efficacy and perceived benefits
- True few-shot learning with language models
- Automated video interview personality assessments: Reliability, validity, and generalizability investigations.
- Performance optimization of support vector machine with oppositional grasshopper optimization for acute appendicitis diagnosis
- Gamification in science education. A systematic review of the literature
- Experimental investigation and comparative machine-learning prediction of compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete
- The neural coding framework for learning generative models
- A study of fixed point sets based on Z-soft rough covering models
- Reinforcement learning-based nonlinear tracking control system design via LDI approach with application to trolley system
- Research on intelligent algorithm for alerting vehicle impact based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
- Psychological Impact of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Vocational Higher Education
- Engage in Practice: Hosting Math Competitions in College of Engineering
- Data Science and Human Behaviour Interpretation and Transformation
- Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: A systematic literature review
- Six solutions for more reliable infant research
- Prediction of the concentrations of PM1, PM2. 5, PM4, and PM10 by using the hybrid dragonfly-SVM algorithm
- Distributed formation control for multiple non-holonomic wheeled mobile robots with velocity constraint by using improved data-driven iterative learning
- Exploring the Nature of Teachers’ Math-Gender Stereotypes: The Math-Gender Misconception Questionnaire
- Student engagement declines in STEM undergraduates during COVID-19–driven remote learning
- Early prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response by exploiting a transfer learning approach on breast DCE-MRIs
- Comparing the efficacy of early arithmetic instruction based on a learning trajectory and teaching-to-a-target.
- A survey of deep meta-learning
- Characterizing network dynamics of online hate communities around the COVID-19 pandemic
- A reduced order model based on machine learning for numerical analysis: An application to geomechanics
- Comparison of students’ use and acceptance of emergency online learning due to COVID-19 in the USA, Mexico, Peru, and Turkey
- Design of multi innovation fractional LMS algorithm for parameter estimation of input nonlinear control autoregressive systems
- A novel reasoning mechanism for multi-label text classification
- Machine learning in construction: From shallow to deep learning
- Fast extra gradient methods for smooth structured nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems
- Ranking of hospitals: A new approach comparing organizational learning criteria
- Copulae: An overview and recent developments
- Educational data mining versus learning analytics: A review of publications from 2015 to 2019
- Exploiting heterogeneity in operational neural networks by synaptic plasticity
- Design of online intelligent English teaching platform based on artificial intelligence techniques
- Stochastic assessment of hard rock pillar stability based on the geological strength index system
- Active learning Bayesian support vector regression model for global approximation
- Interpretable approximation of high-dimensional data
- Restricted Boltzmann machine: Recent advances and mean-field theory
- Theoretical investigations: Philosophical foundations of group cognition
- Children’s and adults’ math attitudes are differentiated by number type
- Fostering students’ workplace communicative competence and collaborative mindset through an inquiry-based learning design
- A review of application of machine learning in design, synthesis, and characterization of metal matrix composites: current status and emerging applications
- An integrated entropy weight and grey clustering method–based evaluation to improve safety in mines
- ICTs and Speed Learning in Special Education: High-Consciousness Training Strategies for High-Capacity Learners through Metacognition Lens
- Student’s mathematical connection ability through GeoGebra assisted project-based learning model
- Weisfeiler and Lehman go cellular: CW networks
- Deep-learning-based guided wave detection for liquid-level state in porcelain bushing type terminal
- Numerical solving of the generalized Black-Scholes differential equation using Laguerre neural network
- Theory-guided deep-learning for electrical load forecasting (TgDLF) via ensemble long short-term memory
- Pure non-local machine-learned density functional theory for electron correlation
- The support of the process of training pre-service mathematics teachers by means of cloud services
- Sustainable education through e-learning: The case study of ilearn2. 0
- Learning to optimize molecular geometries using reinforcement learning
- Distributed deep fusion predictor for a multi-sensor system based on causality entropy
- Numerical solution of the parametric diffusion equation by deep neural networks
- Finite-sample analysis of off-policy natural actor-critic algorithm
- Enhanced grasshopper optimization algorithm using elite opposition-based learning for solving real-world engineering problems
- Mathematics education students’ experiences during lockdown: Managing collaboration in elearning
- When does inequality grow? A seasonal analysis of racial/ethnic disparities in learning from kindergarten through eighth grade
- Optimizing functionals on the space of probabilities with input convex neural networks
- Task scheduling, resource provisioning, and load balancing on scientific workflows using parallel SARSA reinforcement learning agents and genetic algorithm
- Quantum cognition
- Neural network approximation of refinable functions
- Developing and evaluating language-based machine learning algorithms for inferring applicant personality in video interviews
- An empirical review of automated machine learning
- Reinforcement learning in robotic applications: a comprehensive survey
- Adaptive and universal algorithms for variational inequalities with optimal convergence
- Sheaf-theoretic stratification learning from geometric and topological perspectives
- Machine learning arrives in archaeology
- Deep learning algorithms for cybersecurity applications: A technological and status review
- Tree boosting for learning EFT parameters
- Reward is enough
- Collaborative innovation efficiency: From within cities to between cities—Empirical analysis based on innovative cities in China
- Learning loss in vulnerable student populations after the first COVID-19 school closure in the Netherlands
- Application of supervised machine learning paradigms in the prediction of petroleum reservoir properties: Comparative analysis of ANN and SVM models
- Stability of sgd: Tightness analysis and improved bounds
- Developing a hybrid model of salp swarm algorithm-based support vector machine to predict the strength of fiber-reinforced cemented paste backfill
- Human representation learning
- Software reuse analytics using integrated random forest and gradient boosting machine learning algorithm
- Revealing the impact of global heating on North Atlantic circulation using transparent machine learning
- The presence and absence of barren plateaus in tensor-network based machine learning
- Critical attitude and ability associated with students’ self-confidence and attitude toward “predict-observe-explain” online science inquiry learning
- The effects of cooperative learning on trait emotional intelligence and academic achievement of Spanish primary school students
- Unsupervised deep learning and analysis of harmonic variation patterns using big data from multiple locations
- Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Model Discovery Learning
- The Use of Generative Learning Model in Improving Students’ Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Al-Azhar 19 Islamic High School