Research Topics – Learning Theory

Research Area/ Research Interest: Learning Theory

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Mathematical reasoning outside the classroom-A case study with primary school students solving math trail tasks
  2. Elementary math class in face-to-face, fully online, and flipped mode: A comparative study on students’ achievement and satisfaction
  4. Action Research to Examine the Effects of Integrating Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in Online Math Classes on Students’ Engagement
  5. Parents’ math anxiety and their controlling and autonomy-supportive involvement in children’s math learning: Implications for children’s math achievement.
  6. The principles of deep learning theory
  7. … and longitudinal associations between parental educational involvement, teacher support, and math anxiety: The role of math learning involvement in elementary …
  8. Student Teams Achievement Type Cooperative Learning Model Division For Increase Results Learn Math On Student
  9. The Anxiety in the Room: An IPA Study of Coaching as an Intervention for Elementary Teachers with Math Anxiety
  10. Motivation outcomes in math-related videogames
  11.  The effect of problem solving first vs explicit instruction first on math learning
  12. The home math environment and math achievement: A meta-analysis.
  13. Presenting a model of elementary school math curriculum with a mobile learning approach
  14.  Contextualized Mathematics: Teaching and Learning Math with Contextualized Mathematics
  15. Maker Math: Exploring Mathematics through Digitally Fabricated Tools with K–12 In-Service Teachers
  16. Building a math-talk learning community through number talks
  17. The Effect of Prekindergarten Participation on Third-Grade Reading and Math
  18.  Linking academic buoyancy and math achievement in secondary school students: Does academic self-efficacy play a role?
  19. Longitudinal prediction of children’s math anxiety from parent-child relationships
  20. The Effects of Singaporean Math Model Method in Learning Place Values in Mathematical Operations
  21. Math anxiety interferes with learning novel mathematics contents in early elementary school.
  22. Identifying Non-Math Students from Brain MRIs with an Ensemble Classifier Based on Subspace-Enhanced Contrastive Learning
  23. Math learning module model to stimulate critical thinking skills for elementary school students
  24. An attempt of adaptability of the learning process and content in mobile math educational game
  25. Achievement goals as predictors of female pre-service elementary school teachers’ self-efficacy for learning math in a methods course
  26. Improvements in math instruction and student achievement through professional learning around the Common Core State Standards in Chicago
  28. Teacher implemented communal learning in math: Boosting learning with African American elementary students
  29.  Multi-Group Measurement Invariance of the IXL Real-Time Diagnostic Math Assessment
  30.  A literature review on math anxiety and learning mathematics: A general overview
  32. Living math: Lave and Walkerdine on the meaning of everyday arithmetic
  33. Effect on Student Achievement for Middle School Math Students Using Blackboard, Canvas and Schoology in the State of Virginia
  34.  The Effect of a Contextualized Dosage Calculation Learning Intervention on Pre-Nursing Students’ Math Self-Efficacy and Ability to Pass High Stakes Dosage …
  35.  The Home Math Environment and Math Achievement: A Meta-Analysis* Mia C. Daucourt, MS Amy R. Napoli, Ph. D. 3 Jamie M. Quinn, Ph. D. 2
  36.  Math trails supporting the collaboration between mathematics teachers in professional development
  37. Multi-Representation Discourse Model and Math Problem Solving Skills of High School Students
  38. Cooperation between preschool peers in relation to their math learning
  39. Modelling Learner Growth for The Management of Math Anxiety and Fostering Achievement Through Resilience
  40. Best Practices in Assessing and Intervening with Children with Math Disorders
  41. Comparison of Differences in Levels per Group on Math Self-Regulated Learning Factors of High School Students
  42. Geography and math teachers in distance learning education amid COVID-19 pandemic in Albania
  43.  The Impact of IXL on Math and ELA Learning in Wyoming
  44. Improving mathematic communication ability through islamic math e-comic media: A study on building flat sides
  45. Latine family math engagement: a phenomenological study of co-design approaches
  46. A Teaching Practice Design Based on a Computational Thinking Approach for Prospective Math Teachers Using Ed-Tech Apps.
  48. Clause-level Relationship-aware Math Word Problems Solver
  49. Math Anxiety, Engagement, and Performance in High and Low-stakes Tests in AP Statistics
  50. Computer aided math learning as a tool to assess and increase motivation in learning math by visually impaired students
  51.  Practicing the Right Math: Enhancing Trust in an E-Learning Platform Using an Explainable Recommender System
  52. The Intelligence Quotient-math achievement link: evidence from behavioral and biological research
  53. Examining the contribution of student anxiety and opposition-defiance to the internal dynamics of affective, Cognitive and Behavioural Engagement in Math
  54.  Flexible Assessment in Math During (and After) COVID
  55. Promoting Latinx adolescents’ math motivation through competence support: Culturally responsive practices in an afterschool program context
  56. Learning Spatial Transformations and their Math Representations through Embodied Learning in Augmented Reality
  57. A Pilot Movement Integrity with Intelligent Play Program (MIIP): Effects on Math Performance and Enjoyment for Preschoolers in China
  58. An Examination of the Effect of Fine Arts Programs on Math Standardized Test Performance: A Quantitative Non-experimental Study
  59.  The influence of ict use and related attitudes on students’ math and science performance: multilevel analyses of the last decade’s pisa surveys
  60. Handmade diagrams-learners doing math by using gestures
  61. Old Math? New Math? Math!
  62. Whiteboard seminars in an undergraduate math class: learning by doing
  63. An Automatic Optimal Course Recommendation Method for Online Math Education Platforms Based on Bayesian Model
  64. Task similarity aware meta learning: Theory-inspired improvement on maml
  65. Students’ Activity in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Math Classroom Be Oriented Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC)
  66.  Does Handwriting Impact Learning on Math Tutoring Systems?.
  67. The Dynamic Influence of Remedial Teaching on Students’ Math Learning Motivation
  68. Community math stories: Informal adult educators exploring mathematics identity through digital mathematics storytelling
  69.  Comparative study of gender on mental health selected aspects of problematic ses of the mobile phones (PUMP), stress, self-efficacy and locus of control …
  70. Remote Teaching and Learning Math in English Through CLIL
  72. Does Daily Support of an In-School Math Tutoring Program Improve the Academic Performance of Subgroups in Seventh-Grade Mathematics in a Focus School?
  73. ‘I Can Create and Eat it for Snack’: How Can Cooking Activities Support Early Math Learning?
  74. Meditative math-making
  75.  Effects of digital tasks on learning math for first-year engineering students
  77. An Ontology-based Approach to Annotating Enactive Educational Media: Studies in Math Learning
  78.  Marvelous Math Club as a Catalyst for Asset-and Justice-based Thinking and Practices
  79. Learning a Trade: Increasing Success Rates of African American Males in Gateway English and Math Courses in Trade Programs at Wilson Community College
  80. Analyzing the Effects of Mathematical Mindsets and Self-regulation of Middle School Students to Overcome the Challenges of Math Anxiety
  81.  Elementary math in elementary school: The effect of interference on learning the multiplication table
  82.  Kernel Methods for Machine Learning with Math and Python: 100 Exercises for Building Logic
  83.  Math for the Masses
  84.  Making the difference: Training early childhood math teachers in STEM skills
  85. Machine-learning mathematical structures
  86. Identification of math teacher’s capabilities in classroom action research
  87. After plantations’ precarities: curating math-thematic curriculum plots in initial teacher education for multispecies’ flourishing and a freedom-yet-to-come
  88.  Math abilities in deaf and hard of hearing children: The role of language in developing number concepts.
  89. Responsive Math Teaching Heuristic: An Intervention for Supporting the Cognitive and Emotional Needs of Preservice Teachers
  90. Embedded Tutors for Remedial Math
  91.  Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara
  92. Evidence and Promises of AI Predictions to Understand Student Approaches to Math Learning in Abu Dhabi K12 Public Schools
  93. Exploring the nature of math anxiety in young children: Intensity, prevalence, reasons
  94. A scholarship of teaching and learning study of hospitality students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of math
  95.  Using logic to determine key items in math education
  96. A sustainable model to structurally improve outcomes in Math courses for Engineering students.
  97.  Is the Mathematics Diagnostic Test a Good Predictor of College Students’ Prior Knowledge in Math?.
  98.  On the uniform approximation estimation of deep ReLU networks via frequency decomposition
  99. Giving Number Words a Hand: Iconic Gesture’s Role in Supporting Children’s Math Language Development
  100. Effectiveness of Sensory-Motor Integration on Self-Esteem and Performance Mathematical in Male Students with Math Learning Disorder in Kerman
  101. Essential Math
  102. An Examination of Effects and Interaction between Grade Looping, Grade Level, Elementary Math and English Language Arts Achievement
  103. Maternal support of children’s math learning in associations between family income and math school readiness
  104.  The Principles of Deep Learning Theory: An Effective Theory Approach to Understanding Neural Networks
  105. Direct numeracy activities and early math skills: Math language as a mediator
  106.  … Knowledge, Use, and Self-Efficacy of Teachers Teaching English Language Learners on Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Social Studies …
  107. Math-odology: Methodology for teaching mathematics and tools for the implementation of virtual classes
  108. The relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in young children is mediated through working memory, not by number sense, and it is not direct
  109. Numbers (but not words) make math anxious individuals sweat: Physiological evidence
  110. Student Success Analysis from Running a Pre-College Computer Science and Math Summer Program
  111.  Enhancing children’s math motivation with a joint intervention on mindset and gender stereotypes
  112. The City as a Tool for STEAM Education: Problem-Posing in the Context of Math Trails
  113.  Learning Theory from First Principles
  114. Model complexity of deep learning: A survey
  115. The Role of Professional Learning Communities in Helping Teachers Use Metacognitive Discourse in Their Math Classroom
  116.  Influence of Math Anxiety on the Academic Performance of Grade 7 Students in Mathematics
  117.  Gender by racial/ethnic intersectionality in the patterns of Adolescents’ math motivation and their math achievement and engagement
  118. The Patterns of Adolescents’ Math and Science Motivational Beliefs: Examining Within–Racial/Ethnic Group Changes and Their Relations to STEM Outcomes
  119. Using the Rasch’s Partial Credit Model to Analyze the Quality of an Essay Math Test
  120. An examination of gender differences in spatial skills and math attitudes in relation to mathematics success: A bio-psycho-social model
  121. Development of math attitudes and math self-concepts: Gender differences, implicit–explicit dissociations, and relations to math achievement
  122. The Role ofCLIL Integrated Mental Math Enhancement Technique’in Mathematical Reasoning Abilities of Secondary School Children
  123. Can a short math video enhance the brain’s mathematical networks?
  124.  Rescuing Math and Science from Critical Race Theory’s Racial Discrimination. Issue Brief No. 5201.
  125. Educational Environment As A Form For Development Of Math Teachers Methodological Competence
  126. Do grades make me big? School effects of math ability and math grades on math self-concept
  127.  Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
  128.  “There are Always Ways to Cheat” Academic Dishonesty Strategies During Online Learning
  129. The quality of teacher feedback matters: Examining Chinese teachers’ use of feedback strategies in preschool math lessons
  130. A mixed-method cluster analysis of physical computing and robotics integration in middle-grade math lesson plans
  131.  Math Catcher Outreach Program
  132. Differential patterns of growth in reading and math skills during elementary school.
  133.  Using Chess for Identifying and Correcting “Problem Areas” in the School Math Course
  134. Modeling nonlinear dynamics of fluency development in an embodied-design mathematics learning environment with Recurrence Quantification Analysis
  135. The association between student socioeconomic status and student–teacher relationships on math achievement.
  136. Executive functions, math anxiety and math performance in middle school students
  137. Exploring the mediating effect of academic engagement on math and reading achievement for students who have experienced maltreatment
  138. The effectiveness of dynamic geometry software applications in learning mathematics: A meta-analysis study
  139. The immigrant paradox and math self-concept: An SES-of-origin-country hypothesis
  140. “I Can Math, Too!”: Reducing Math Anxiety in STEM-Related Courses Using a Combined Mindfulness and Growth Mindset Approach (MAGMA) in the Classroom
  142. How Ms. Mayen and her students co-constructed good-at-math
  143. Optimal dimension dependence of the metropolis-adjusted langevin algorithm
  144. The Effect Of Think Talk Write (TTW) Towards On Ability To Solve Math Story Questions In SD Negeri Tidung Rappocini District Makassar City
  145. Applied Math in Introductory Chemistry
  146. The Application of Rasch Model and MCI in Math Measurement in Grade 5th
  147.  Future math teachersreadiness to develop mathematical abilities of pupils
  148.  Effectiveness of Mother Tongue Based (MTB) Instruction in the Performance of Grade I Pupils in Math
  149. Effects of Virtual Math Mentorships on Elementary Student Math Scores
  150. A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement.
  151. The effect of brief anxiety interventions on reported anxiety and math test performance
  152.  Developing math talent: A comprehensive guide to math education for gifted students in elementary and middle school
  153. Student perceptions of homework quality, autonomy support, effort, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects
  154. Experimental analysis of machine learning methods for credit score classification
  155. Using Wikis to Support Student Inquiry in Large Math Classes.
  156. Skill, thrill, and will: the role of metacognition, interest, and self-control in predicting student engagement in mathematics learning over time
  157. The Effect of Giving Ill-structured Math Problem and Well-structured Math Problem on the Self-efficacy of Junior High School Students
  158. Using visual manipulatives to enhance math instruction
  160. Small random initialization is akin to spectral learning: Optimization and generalization guarantees for overparameterized low-rank matrix reconstruction
  161. Polytopes and machine learning
  162. Structural Relationships Among School-Family Partnerships, Parental Involvement, Students’ Self-Efficacy, and Students’ Math Achievement: A Multilevel SEM …
  163. … Teachers’ Beliefs and Awareness about Design Features and Academic Language Features When Choosing and Evaluating Digital Math Games for English …
  164.  Random processes in the brain: From experimental data to Math and back
  165. Ambitious instruction and student achievement: Evidence from early career teachers and the TRU math observation instrument
  166. Implementation of Educative Learning Media Counting Tree to Improve Student’s Cognitive Abilities in Kartika Tanjung Morawa Kindergarten
  167. Identifying Students at Risk Using a New Math Skills Assessment
  168. Effects of schematic chunking on enhancing geometry performance in students with Math difficulties and students at risk of Math failure
  170. Rural Teachers’ and School Leaders’ Perceptions of School Climate and Student Achievement in Math and Reading: A Multiple Case Study
  171. Tensor programs iv: Feature learning in infinite-width neural networks
  172. Enforcing exact physics in scientific machine learning: a data-driven exterior calculus on graphs
  173. A test for identification of math talent: developing a three-tier number sense test
  174. Project-based learning and its potential in physical education: an instructional model inquiry
  175. Fostering Critical Thinking Skills, and Engagement to Produce Better Retention of 4th Grade Math
  176. Family cohesion facilitates learning-related behaviors and math competency at the transition to elementary school
  177. Beyond Skill: Students’ Dispositions towards Math.
  178. Using math in physics: Overview
  179. A survey of on-device machine learning: An algorithms and learning theory perspective
  180. A math-avoidant profession?: Review of the current research about early childhood teachers’ mathematics anxiety and empirical evidence
  181. ODBOT: Outlier detection-based oversampling technique for imbalanced datasets learning
  182. Teachers caring for students and students caring for math: The development of culturally and linguistically diverse adolescents’ math motivation
  183.  Ph. D. in Computer Science management in Social and Economic Systems Sajjad Haghgoo, 1st year student Computer Science math and computer science …
  184. The stem of meaningful learning
  185. Algorithms for solving high dimensional PDEs: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to machine learning
  186. An improved Yolov3 based on dual path network for cherry tomatoes detection
  187. Expectancy-value profiles in math and science: A person-centered approach to cross-domain motivation with academic and STEM-related outcomes
  188. Long-Term Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS
  189. What kinds of functions do deep neural networks learn? Insights from variational spline theory
  190. “I can math!”: Reducing math anxiety and increasing math self-efficacy using a mindfulness and growth mindset-based intervention in first-year students
  191.  Development of math efficacy scale for junior high school student in Indonesia
  192. Prediction of cement-based mortars compressive strength using machine learning techniques
  193. Promoting children’s math motivation by changing parents’ gender stereotypes and expectations for math.
  194. Always look on the bright side of math: A Closer Look at the Role of Emotion Regulation in Math Anxiety
  195.  Machine learning of high dimensional data on a noisy quantum processor
  196. The influence of teachers’ math instructional practices on English learners’ reading comprehension and math problem-solving performance in Spanish and English
  198. The ability to solve mathematical problems through realistic mathematics learning based on ethnomathematics
  199. But I’m Bad at Math: Students’ Feelings about Math and Intention to Declare a Degree in Psychology
  200.  A review of psychological impact on students online learning during covid-19 in malaysia
  201.  … ‘ Intelligence Mindset on Math Anxiety of Boys and Girls and the Role of Parents’ Failure Beliefs and Evaluation of Child’s Math Performance as Mediators
  202. Length measurement in the early years: teaching and learning with learning trajectories
  203. The impact of parents’ home-and school-based involvement on adolescents’ intrinsic motivation and anxiety in math
  204. Multi-group analysis of the effects of coping with mathematics on math anxiety and achievement
  205. How specific are learning disabilities?
  206. Efficient measure for the expressivity of variational quantum algorithms
  207. Skill-by-Treatment Interaction: Increasing the Likelihood for Success in Reading and Math
  208. Learning in matrix games can be arbitrarily complex
  209. The Design of Religious Value-Based Teaching Materials in Increasing Students’ Learning Achievement Elementary School
  210.  Only a burden for females in math? Gender and domain differences in the relation between adolescents’ fixed mindsets and motivation
  211. Virtual Activities to Strengthen Basic Math Skills in Children
  212.  Visualizing Commognitive Responsibility Shift in Collaborative Problem-Solving During Computer-Supported One-to-One Math Tutoring
  215. A patient network-based machine learning model for disease prediction: The case of type 2 diabetes mellitus
  216. Perceptions of mathematical creativity among math teachers in special education classrooms
  217. Where’s the Math in Engineering?
  218. Biology Students’ Math and Computer Science Task Values Are Closely Linked
  219. Bilingualism, Math Anxiety, and Math Performance
  220. An improved DQN path planning algorithm
  221. Learning Size and Shape of Calabi-Yau Spaces
  222. Trying to Make the Math World a Better Place
  223. Stable sample compression schemes: New applications and an optimal SVM margin bound
  224. Math Tasks to Promote Oral Language Development With English Learners
  225. Applying learning analytics to detect sequences of actions and common errors in a geometry game
  226. Network psychometrics and cognitive network science open new ways for understanding math anxiety as a complex system
  227. Students’ motivational trajectories and academic success in math-intensive study programs: Why short-term motivational assessments matter.
  228. A priori generalization analysis of the deep ritz method for solving high dimensional elliptic partial differential equations
  229.  Comorbidity between math and reading problems: Is phonological processing a mutual factor?
  230. Machine learning applied on the district heating and cooling sector: A review
  231. Matthew or compensatory effects? Factors that influence the math literacy of primary-school children in Germany
  232.  Convolutional neural network with group theory and random selection particle swarm optimizer for enhancing cancer image classification
  233. Soft Computing
  234. Effects of digital learning skill training on the academic performance of undergraduates in science and mathematics.
  235. Effect of teacher support on students’ math attitudes: Measurement invariance and moderation of students’ background characteristics
  237. Proximal causal learning with kernels: Two-stage estimation and moment restriction
  238. High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes
  239. Deep neural networks for choice analysis: A statistical learning theory perspective
  240. Learning with user-level privacy
  241.  Themes in High School Math Teachers Racial Attitudes and the Impacts of Socio-demographic Factors
  242. Soil–conduit interaction: an artificial intelligence application for reinforced concrete and corrugated steel conduits
  243. Developmental dynamics between reading and math in elementary school
  244.  Are Students’ Math and Verbal Beliefs Malleable? the Roles of Theories of Intelligence and Praise
  245. Teacher Perception of Implicit Mindset and its Influence on Math Instruction in Elementary Classrooms
  246. Whose Math and For What Purpose? A Community Seminar on Identity, Culture, and Mathematics
  247. Self-regulated learning and satisfaction: A key determinants of MOOC success
  248. My 4 in 1 Math Plate
  249.  Artificial intelligence-based predictive model of nanoscale friction using experimental data
  250.  Superfast second-order methods for unconstrained convex optimization
  251. Should I Start at MATH 101? Content Repetition as an Academic Strategy in Elective Curriculums
  252. Exponential savings in agnostic active learning through abstention
  253.  Machine learning based energy-free structure predictions of molecules, transition states, and solids
  254. Learning nonlinear dynamics with behavior ordinary/partial/system of the differential equations: looking through the lens of orthogonal neural networks
  255. Leader in Me: Effects on Math Achievement
  256. Calculated Avoidance: The Role of Effort-Based Valuations in the Relation Between Math Anxiety and Math Avoidance
  257. A manifold p-spectral clustering with sparrow search algorithm
  258. Machine learning for mobile network payment security evaluation system
  259. The reciprocal 2I/E model: An investigation of mutual relations between achievement and self-concept levels and changes in the math and verbal domain across three …
  260.  Developmental trajectories of number line estimations in math anxiety: evidence from bounded and unbounded number line estimation
  262. Reducing Math Anxiety Through Art
  263. What does gender has to do with math? Complex questions require complex answers
  264. A novel transfer learning approach for the classification of histological images of colorectal cancer
  265. Psychometric properties of the Ani Banani Math test
  266.  Improving Lesson Plan Models Using Online-Based in the New Normal Era
  267.  Feasibility-based fixed point networks
  268.  Quantum compiling by deep reinforcement learning
  269. Comparison of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for hourly global/diffuse solar radiation predictions
  270.  An Investigation of the Relationship between the Parents’ Math Literacy Self-Efficacy and Their Math Anxieties
  271. String Model Building, Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Algorithms
  272.  Physical education teachers’ online teaching experiences and perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic
  273. Social persuasions in math and their prediction of stem courses self-efficacy in middle school
  274. A weighted network community detection algorithm based on deep learning
  275. Parental math input is not uniformly beneficial for young children: The moderating role of inhibitory control.
  276. Convergence rates for learning linear operators from noisy data
  277.  Voltage-sag source detection: Developing supervised methods and proposing a new unsupervised learning
  278. Cultural reproduction theory and schooling: The relationship between student capital and opportunity to learn
  279.  Longitude & Latitude Latitude-8, 13, 42, Longitude-77, 24, 55 Phone number 04652 237400 Fax Number 04652290466 Office Hours at the institution 9: 00 AM …
  280. Sample complexity bounds for stochastic shortest path with a generative model
  282. Intergenerational features of math skills: symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude comparison and written calculation in mothers and children
  283. Universal compiling and (no-) free-lunch theorems for continuous-variable quantum learning
  284. Rademacher complexity of noisy quantum circuits
  285.  Explainable machine learning can outperform Cox regression predictions and provide insights in breast cancer survival
  286.  Electrophysiological evidence for internalized representations of canonical finger-number gestures and their facilitating effects on adults’ math verification …
  287. A framework for machine learning of model error in dynamical systems
  288. Evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on math self-concept and math anxiety of elementary school students
  289. Incorporating problem-based learning in a secondary school mathematics preservice teacher education course
  290. Rates of estimation of optimal transport maps using plug-in estimators via barycentric projections
  291.  A novel ensemble learning-based grey model for electricity supply forecasting in China
  292. Machine Learning-driven optimization for SVM-based intrusion detection system in vehicular ad hoc networks
  293.  A cautionary tale of decorrelating theory uncertainties
  294. Relationship Among Class Perceptions, Math Identification, and STEM Choice: Examining Gender and Racial Differences
  295. Math for Liberation: Designing a Math of Voting Systems Unit for Lewiston Middle School
  296. The Association between Approximate Number Sense (ANS) and Math Achievement Depends on the Format of the ANS Test
  297. Integration of social media for smart pedagogy: initial perceptions of senior high school students in Ghana
  298. Latinx High School Students’ Math/Science Motivational Beliefs Predicting AP Math and AP Science Enrollment and the Role of Educators
  299. Evaluation quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) using ensemble learning methods on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease
  300.  Do I belong in my math class? The importance of perceived racial/ethnic context and math course sequence
  301. Preschool Teachers Perspectives on Math Curriculum Orientations: A cross-cultural study between Portugal and Sweden
  302. Zeroth-order algorithms for smooth saddle-point problems
  303.  Digital medicine and the curse of dimensionality
  304. Challenging the Gold Standard in Lifespan Cognitive Neuroscience: An Event-Related Potential Analysis of Math as We Grow and Reading as We Age
  306. Tensor programs iib: Architectural universality of neural tangent kernel training dynamics
  307. Feel-good thompson sampling for contextual bandits and reinforcement learning
  308. A dimension-free computational upper-bound for smooth optimal transport estimation
  309. Adversarial laws of large numbers and optimal regret in online classification
  310. Augmented reality technology in science education for students with specific learning difficulties: Its effect on students’ learning and views
  311.  Factor Structure and Gender Invariance of the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) in Middle School Students
  312. Learning to unknot
  313. International differences in math and science tilts: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria
  314. Numerical estimation strategies are correlated with math ability in school-aged children
  315.  On fitting and forecasting the log-returns of cryptocurrency exchange rates using a new logistic model and machine learning algorithms
  316. Risk assessment and management of excavation system based on fuzzy set theory and machine learning methods
  317. Machine-learning-enhanced tail end prediction of structural response statistics in earthquake engineering
  318.  The Warped Resolvent of a Set-Valued Operator: Theory and Applications
  320. Machine Learning Kreuzer–Skarke Calabi–Yau Threefolds
  322. Distribution-free robust linear regression
  323. A systematic review of research on personalized learning: Personalized by whom, to what, how, and for what purpose (s)?
  324. An evaluation of the incremental impact of math intervention on early literacy performance
  325. What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles
  326.  Personalized Computer Support of Performance Rates and Education Process in High School: Case Study of Engineering Students.
  327. The effectiveness of hybrid learning in improving of teacher-student relationship in terms of learning motivation
  328.  The Warped Resolvent of a Set-Valued Operator: Theory and Applications
  330. Machine Learning Kreuzer–Skarke Calabi–Yau Threefolds
  332. Distribution-free robust linear regression
  333. A systematic review of research on personalized learning: Personalized by whom, to what, how, and for what purpose (s)?
  334. An evaluation of the incremental impact of math intervention on early literacy performance
  335. What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles
  336.  Personalized Computer Support of Performance Rates and Education Process in High School: Case Study of Engineering Students.
  337. The effectiveness of hybrid learning in improving of teacher-student relationship in terms of learning motivation
  338. Improved slime mould algorithm by opposition-based learning and Levy flight distribution for global optimization and advances in real-world engineering problems
  339. The Culture of Acquisition and the Practice of Understanding 1
  340. Color difference classification of dyed fabrics via a kernel extreme learning machine based on an improved grasshopper optimization algorithm
  341. Kernel distributionally robust optimization: Generalized duality theorem and stochastic approximation
  342. Moderators of dimensional comparison effects: A comprehensive replication study putting prior findings on five moderators to the test and going beyond.
  343. Learning temporal quantum tomography
  344. Local and global stimuli in reinforcement learning
  345. Global optimality beyond two layers: Training deep relu networks via convex programs
  346. Identifying Correlations in Academic Anxiety to Coin the Term” Math-Related Testing Anxiety”
  348. Safe learning in robotics: From learning-based control to safe reinforcement learning
  349. Sustainable process improvements: Evidence from intervention-based research
  350.  Boyer 4th
  351. Embodiment as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning
  352. “Math gives me a tummy ache!” Mathematics anxiety in kindergarten
  353.  Statistics for kids: Model-eliciting activities to investigate concepts in statistics
  354. An ensemble of prediction and learning mechanism for improving accuracy of anomaly detection in network intrusion environments
  355. Resetting education priorities during COVID-19: Towards equitable learning opportunities through inclusion and equity
  356. Mathematics Self-Efficacy and the Use of Virtual Math Manipulatives Among Pre-Service Teachers
  357. Math Aiders Mentoring Program as Remedial Class for Low-Performing Learners
  358. Uniform convergence of interpolators: Gaussian width, norm bounds and benign overfitting
  359.  Hilbert series, machine learning, and applications to physics
  360.  CALL-enhanced L2 vocabulary learning: using spaced exposure through CALL to enhance L2 vocabulary retention
  361. A novel method of spectral clustering in attributed networks by constructing parameter-free affinity matrix
  362.  TLMPA: Teaching-learning-based Marine Predators algorithm
  363. Machine learning-data mining integrated approach for premature ventricular contraction prediction
  364. The Effects of Mental Abacus Instruction on First and 2nd Grade Students’ Math Assessment Scores in a Small Northeastern US State
  365.  A meta-analysis of Geogebra software decade of assisted mathematics learning: what to learn and where to go?
  366. Early damage detection by an innovative unsupervised learning method based on kernel null space and peak-over-threshold
  367. Alternating DCA for reduced-rank multitask linear regression with covariance matrix estimation
  368. Learning maximally monotone operators for image recovery
  369. Fit without fear: remarkable mathematical phenomena of deep learning through the prism of interpolation
  370. Manifold learning with arbitrary norms
  371. A new approach for generation of generalized basic probability assignment in the evidence theory
  372. Reduction of computational error by optimizing SVR kernel coefficients to simulate concrete compressive strength through the use of a human learning optimization …
  373. Students’ modelling processes when working with math trails
  374. Deep reinforcement learning techniques in diversified domains: a survey
  375. Modelling the mechanical behaviour of soils using machine learning algorithms with explicit formulations
  376. Statistical machine learning in model predictive control of nonlinear processes
  377. Fractal structure and generalization properties of stochastic optimization algorithms
  378.  Data-driven vector soliton solutions of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation using a deep learning algorithm
  379.  Semantic segmentation of PolSAR image data using advanced deep learning model
  380. A framework based on sparse representation model for time series prediction in smart city
  381.  Graphic Calculators: Effect on the Mathematical Performance of Students
  382. PotNet: Pothole detection for autonomous vehicle system using convolutional neural network
  383. Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale for children in Serbia
  384. Fuzzy rough sets and fuzzy rough neural networks for feature selection: A review
  385. Differentially private stochastic optimization: New results in convex and non-convex settings
  386. A Phenomenological Study of Perceived Factors Influencing Math Teachers’ Technology Self-Efficacy
  387. Mirror descent and the information ratio
  388.  Training image free high-order stochastic simulation based on aggregated kernel statistics
  389.  Machine learning Lie structures & applications to physics
  391. Leveraging Formulae and Text for Improved Math Retrieval
  392. State-of-the-art review of machine learning applications in constitutive modeling of soils
  393.  DPRL Systems in the CLEF 2022 ARQMath Lab: Introducing MathAMR for Math-Aware Search
  394. Flex: fixing flaky tests in machine learning projects by updating assertion bounds
  395. Development of an authentic assessment model in mathematics learning: A science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) approach
  396. The Relationships among Locus of Control, the Impostor Phenomenon, and Math Anxiety in Business Majors
  397. The effectiveness of child-centered play therapy on improving working memory and attention in children with math disorders
  398. A meta-analysis of COVID learning loss
  399.  An exploratory study on academic staff perception towards blended learning in higher education
  400. Structured logconcave sampling with a restricted gaussian oracle
  401.  Improving the Academic Self-Efficacy of Students Using Mobile Educational Apps in Virtual Learning: A Review.
  402. On optimal recovery in L2
  403.  Extensive studies of the neutron star equation of state from the deep learning inference with the observational data augmentation
  404. The COVID-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education
  405. Investigating factors that influence math homework purposes: A multilevel analysis
  406. Learning nonlinear operators via DeepONet based on the universal approximation theorem of operators
  407. Digital learning enhancement through social network site (SNS)
  408. Assessment practices and beliefs: Teachers’ perspectives on assessment during long distance learning
  409. Task features change the relation between math anxiety and number line estimation performance with rational numbers: Two large-scale online studies
  410. An intelligent diagnosis framework for roller bearing fault under speed fluctuation condition
  411. Stability and Deviation Optimal Risk Bounds with Convergence Rate
  412. The neural network collocation method for solving partial differential equations
  413. Averaging on the Bures-Wasserstein manifold: dimension-free convergence of gradient descent
  414. Using large-scale experiments and machine learning to discover theories of human decision-making
  415. University students’ self-regulation, engagement and performance in flipped learning
  416. Examining the Impacts of Florida’s Developmental Education Reform for Non-Exempt Students: The Case of First-Year English and Math Course Enrollment and …
  417.  Facial emotion expressions in human–robot interaction: a survey
  418. Enabling security for the Industrial Internet of Things using deep learning, blockchain, and coalitions
  420.  Advancing mathematics by guiding human intuition with AI
  421. Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture
  422. Understanding deep learning (still) requires rethinking generalization
  423. Predictors and Consequences of Math Course Repetition: The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Repetition in Success Among Community College Transfer Students
  424. Digital Educational Computer Games Environments Supporting Education (DECGE-SE).
  425. Adaptive momentum-based optimization to train deep neural network for simulating the static stability of the composite structure
  426. A virtual coaching model of professional development to increase teachers’ digital learning competencies
  427. Robust semi-supervised support vector machines with Laplace kernel-induced correntropy loss functions
  428. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of a Synchronous Online CS1
  429. Bio-inspired design of a porous resorbable scaffold for bone reconstruction: A preliminary study
  430.  Guided math in action: Building each student’s mathematical proficiency with small-group Instruction
  431. Chaos and complexity from quantum neural network. A study with diffusion metric in machine learning
  432. Machine learning approach for the prediction and optimization of thermal transport properties
  433. Minimax regret for stochastic shortest path with adversarial costs and known transition
  434. Real-time fire detection algorithm based on support vector machine with dynamic time warping kernel function
  435. Provably efficient reinforcement learning in decentralized general-sum markov games
  436.  Artificial intelligence in education: The three paradigms
  437. Matching-theory-based low-latency scheme for multitask federated learning in MEC networks
  438. The Factor Structure of Parents’ Math-Related Talk and Its Relation to Children’s Early Academic Skills
  439. Self-concept and self-efficacy in math: longitudinal interrelations and reciprocal linkages with achievement
  440.  Gender differences in digital learning during COVID-19: competence beliefs, intrinsic value, learning engagement, and perceived teacher support
  441.  Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments–A bibliometric study and research agenda
  442. The Impact of Computer Based Test and Students’ Ability in Computer Self-Efficacy on Mathematics Learning Outcomes
  443. Deep learning-influenced joint vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communication approach for internet of vehicles
  444. Large-scale pinball twin support vector machines
  445. Understanding what determines university students’ behavioral engagement in a group-based flipped learning context
  446.  The effects of scientific self-efficacy and cognitive anxiety on science engagement with the “question-observation-doing-explanation” model during school …
  447. Machine learning applications for building structural design and performance assessment: State-of-the-art review
  448. Detection of the multivariate geochemical anomalies associated with mineralization using a deep convolutional neural network and a pixel-pair feature method
  449. Foundations of online learning: Challenges and opportunities
  450. Illusory gender-equality paradox, math self-concept, and frame-of-reference effects: New integrative explanations for multiple paradoxes.
  451. Probalistic Thinking Based on Probabilistic Thinking Responses to Math Problem Solving
  452. A precise and stable machine learning algorithm: eigenvalue classification (EigenClass)
  453. Encoding the atomic structure for machine learning in materials science
  454. Application of Collaborative Teamwork Learning Model and Guided Note Taking Model and Their Influence on Students’ Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts
  455.  An extended hesitant fuzzy set using SWARA-MULTIMOORA approach to adapt online education for the control of the pandemic spread of COVID-19 in …
  456. Variable-order approach to nonlocal elasticity: Theoretical formulation, order identification via deep learning, and applications
  457.  A review on extreme learning machine
  458. Stochastic training is not necessary for generalization
  459. Few-shot language coordination by modeling theory of mind
  460.  Bayesian Topology Learning and noise removal from network data
  461.  Scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks
  462.  … . University of California, Riverside, California, November 9–10, 2019. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 774, 97-151 …
  463. Learning Poisson systems and trajectories of autonomous systems via Poisson neural networks
  464. Fl-ntk: A neural tangent kernel-based framework for federated learning analysis
  465. A practical perspective on knowledge space theory: ALEKS and its data
  466. The intrinsic learning goals of elementary school students, in their own words
  467. Enhancing the understanding of hydrological responses induced by ecological water replenishment using improved machine learning models: A case study in …
  468. Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
  469. Using machine learning to predict the sentiment of online reviews: a new framework for comparative analysis
  470. Stock market trend detection and automatic decision-making through a network-based classification model
  471.  Amorphous metal oxide semiconductor thin film, analog memristor, and autonomous local learning for neuromorphic systems
  472. Deep learning for geophysics: Current and future trends
  473. Growth mindset predicts achievement only among rich students: examining the interplay between mindset and socioeconomic status
  474. Recent advances for quantum classifiers
  475. Expressive Writing Intervention Effects on Math Anxiety and Math Performance
  476. Machine learning-based genetic feature identification and fatigue life prediction
  477. Disrupting deficit narratives in informal science education: applying community cultural wealth theory to youth learning and engagement
  478. Stunted upward mobility in a learning environment reduces the academic benefits of growth mindsets
  479. Generalization of model-agnostic meta-learning algorithms: Recurring and unseen tasks
  480. Development of math anxiety in prospective elementary teachers
  481.  Effects of fuzzy settings in Korovkin theory via P p-statistical convergence
  482. Stability and generalization of stochastic gradient methods for minimax problems
  483. Modeling: ratio between means of teaching and motor training in junior school physical education classes
  484. Magnetic resonance parameter mapping using model-guided self-supervised deep learning
  485. Improving climate change awareness of preservice teachers (Psts) through a university science learning environment
  486. An intelligent computer method for vibration responses of the spinning multi-layer symmetric nanosystem using multi-physics modeling
  487. Learning rates for stochastic gradient descent with nonconvex objectives
  488.  A unifying representer theorem for inverse problems and machine learning
  489. Advanced metaheuristic techniques for mechanical design problems
  490. Intelligent problem-solving as integrated hierarchical reinforcement learning
  491. Brain tumor diagnosis based on metaheuristics and deep learning
  492. An overview of MCMC methods: from theory to applications
  493. Learning and exploring motor skills with spacetime bounds
  494. … effect of game–based immersive virtual reality learning environment on learning outcomes: designing an intrinsic integrated educational game for pre–class learning
  495. Teacher Professional Development on Self-Determination Theory–Based Design Thinking in STEM Education
  496. High performance correctly rounded math libraries for 32-bit floating point representations
  497.  High school students’ acceptance and use of mobile technology in learning mathematics
  498. The Relationship between Prekindergarten and Math Achievement of First Graders in a Title One School
  499.  Poetry and math: The philosophy of education throughout history
  500. Resource-rational decision making
  501. Which class matters? Juxtaposing multiple class environments as frames-of-reference for academic self-concept formation.
  502. A survey of defensive deception: Approaches using game theory and machine learning
  503.  Adaptive Reasoning Profile Field-Dependent And Field-Independent Cognitive Style Of Students In Planing Solutions To Solve The Math-Problem
  504. To flip or not to flip? A meta-analysis of the efficacy of flipped learning in higher education
  505. Tight bounds on the Fourier growth of bounded functions on the hypercube
  506. An approach to generate correctly rounded math libraries for new floating point variants
  507. The Economic In International Islamic Education Strategy Collaboration: A Rapid Review
  508. Walk-forward empirical wavelet random vector functional link for time series forecasting
  509.  DeepGreen: Deep learning of Green’s functions for nonlinear boundary value problems
  510. A novel approach for forecasting of ground vibrations resulting from blasting: modified particle swarm optimization coupled extreme learning machine
  511. Learning points, lines, and plane geometry with Hawgent dynamic mathematics software
  512. Neighborhood and center difference-based-LBP for face recognition
  513. Quantum information processing algorithms with emphasis on machine learning
  514.  Strategic learning towards equilibrium. Exploratory analysis and models.
  515.  Machine learning with quantum computers
  516.  A machine-learning-based alloy design platform that enables both forward and inverse predictions for thermo-mechanically controlled processed (TMCP) …
  517.  Teachers’ potential to promote students’ deeper learning in whole-class teaching: An observation study in Norwegian classrooms
  518. Image deconvolution for optical small satellite with deep learning and real-time GPU acceleration
  519. Inquiring tweets want to know:# Edchat supports for# RemoteTeaching during COVID-19
  520.  Using the UTAUT model to understand students’ usage of e-learning systems in developing countries
  521.  Supervised machine learning models for prediction of COVID-19 infection using epidemiology dataset
  522. Curriculum design in the flipped classroom for elementary math lessons
  523. Investigating bidirectional links between the quality of teacher–child relationships and children’s interest and pre-academic skills in literacy and math
  524. A survey on machine-learning approaches: Theory and their concepts
  525.  Systematics of type IIB moduli stabilisation with odd axions
  526. A survey of learning-based intelligent optimization algorithms
  527. Separating adaptive streaming from oblivious streaming using the bounded storage model
  528. Efficient constrained sampling via the mirror-Langevin algorithm
  529.  Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning
  530. A new transductive learning method with universum data
  531. Sample-efficient learning of interacting quantum systems
  532. Evaluation of self-regulated learning on problem-solving skills in online basic Physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
  533.  A quantum-inspired classifier for clonogenic assay evaluations
  534. Artificial intelligence to model the performance of concrete mixtures and elements: a review
  535.  Entanglement-based feature extraction by tensor network machine learning
  536. Analysis of blended learning model application using text mining method
  537. Learning Moore machines from input–output traces
  538.  Digital support for student engagement in blended learning based on self-determination theory
  539. Nonparametric variational learning of multivariate beta mixture models in medical applications
  540. Tea leaf disease detection using multi-objective image segmentation
  541.  Forecasting stock price using integrated artificial neural network and metaheuristic algorithms compared to time series models
  542. I Don’T Know What to Do: a Mixed Method Study of Math Anxiety as Perceived by Students and Their Parents
  543. Density-weighted support vector machines for binary class imbalance learning
  544. New technology, new role of parents: How parents’ beliefs and behavior affect students’ digital media self-efficacy
  545.  Educational theory and its application to advanced life support courses: a narrative review
  546. Mathematical problem solving ability and student interest in learning using google classroom
  547. Using the first principles of instruction and multimedia learning principles to design and develop in-game learning support videos
  548. Extracurricular activities and Chinese children’s school readiness: Who benefits more?
  549. Applying machine learning approach in recycling
  550. Monte Carlo method at the 24 game and its application for mathematics education
  551. The discovery of dynamics via linear multistep methods and deep learning: Error estimation
  552. Facilitating young children’s numeracy talk in play: The role of parent prompts
  553.  A review on COVID-19 forecasting models
  554.  DeepTCR is a deep learning framework for revealing sequence concepts within T-cell repertoires
  555.  Train to Reason: Sports and the Girls’ Math-Reading Gap
  556. Engagement and satisfaction: Mixed-method analysis of blended learning in the sciences
  557. Developing research-based instructional materials to support large-scale transformation of science teaching and learning: The approach of the OpenSciEd middle …
  558.  ‘ELLevating’the Success of High School Emergent Bilinguals in Math:: Appropriate Accommodations and Strategies for Building Confident Learners
  559.  Efficient and targeted COVID-19 border testing via reinforcement learning
  560. Learning technology models that support personalization within blended learning environments in higher education
  561. Data augmentation and feature selection for automatic model recommendation in computational physics
  562. Partially online damage detection using long-term modal data under severe environmental effects by unsupervised feature selection and local metric learning
  563.  Relations between perceived teacher’s autonomy support, cognitive appraisals and boredom in physics learning among lower secondary school students
  564. Motivating Online Learning through Project-Based Learning during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
  565. Improved rates for differentially private stochastic convex optimization with heavy-tailed data
  566.  Spectral bias and task-model alignment explain generalization in kernel regression and infinitely wide neural networks
  567.  Negative emotions, cognitive load, acceptance, and self-perceived learning outcome in emergency remote education during COVID-19
  568. Null relations between CLASS scores and gains in children’s language, math, and executive function skills: A replication and extension study
  569. A knowledge-enhanced deep reinforcement learning-based shape optimizer for aerodynamic mitigation of wind-sensitive structures
  570. Crack detection using fusion features-based broad learning system and image processing
  571. Stochasticity helps to navigate rough landscapes: comparing gradient-descent-based algorithms in the phase retrieval problem
  572. Linking inhibitory control to math achievement via comparison of conflicting decimal numbers
  573. A new base basic probability assignment approach for conflict data fusion in the evidence theory
  574.  The moderating effect of social capital on co-regulated learning for MOOC achievement
  575. On the statistical complexity of quantum circuits
  576. Emerging neurodevelopmental perspectives on mathematical learning
  577. Translating math formula images to LaTeX sequences using deep neural networks with sequence-level training
  578. An Investigation of the Factors that Motivate Students in Algebra II Math Class at a Selected High School in Tennessee.
  579. Supportive Environments for Developing Talent 2
  580. Intelligent fault diagnosis of hydraulic piston pump based on wavelet analysis and improved alexnet
  581.  Same But Different Math: Helping Students Connect Concepts, Build Number Sense, and Deepen Understanding
  582.  The role of strategy-based motivation in mathematical problem solving: The case of learner-generated drawings
  583. Is skill type the key to the prek fadeout puzzle? Differential associations between enrollment in preK and constrained and unconstrained skills across kindergarten
  584. The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: The role of virtual and remote laboratories in education
  585. Robust regional coordination of inverter-based Volt/Var control via multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
  586. Fine-tuning is fine in federated learning
  587. The Effectiveness of Educational Pillars Based on Vygotsky’s Theory in Achievement and Information Processing Among First Intermediate Class Students
  588.  Explicit soft supersymmetry breaking in the heterotic M-theory B− L MSSM
  589. Benefits of additional online practice opportunities in higher education
  590. Discrepancy bounds for a class of negatively dependent random points including Latin hypercube samples
  591. Data-driven mechanism based on fuzzy Lagrangian twin parametric-margin support vector machine for biomedical data analysis
  592. A Holistic Digital Game-Based Learning Approach to Out-of-School Primary Programming Education.
  593. A deep survey on supervised learning based human detection and activity classification methods
  594. Non stationary multi-armed bandit: Empirical evaluation of a new concept drift-aware algorithm
  595. Performance analysis on liquid-cooled battery thermal management for electric vehicles based on machine learning
  596.  The role of affective teacher-student relationships in adolescents’ school engagement and achievement trajectories
  597. Higher education students’ online instruction perceptions: A quality virtual learning environment
  598. Management and entrepreneurship management mechanism of college students based on support vector machine algorithm
  599.  Scalable kernel-based SVM classification algorithm on imbalance air quality data for proficient healthcare
  600. Energy consumption prediction method based on LSSVM-PSO model for autonomous underwater gliders
  601. Improving students’ retention using machine learning: Impacts and implications
  602. Near-optimal no-regret learning for correlated equilibria in multi-player general-sum games
  603.  Control Systems and Reinforcement Learning
  604. Teacher Mindsets Help Explain Where a Growth-Mindset Intervention Does and Doesn’t Work
  605.  Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara
  606.  Grokking Machine Learning
  607. Data-enabled extremum seeking: a cooperative concurrent learning-based approach
  608.  Robust learning from noisy, incomplete, high-dimensional experimental data via physically constrained symbolic regression
  609. Review on machine learning algorithm based fault detection in induction motors
  610. Agent architecture of an intelligent medical system based on federated learning and blockchain technology
  611. Math Attitudes and Achievement: The Moderating Role of Perceived Same-Ethnic Representation in Math Class
  612. Deep-learning-based inverse modeling approaches: A subsurface flow example
  613.  Performance task assessment supported by the design thinking process: Results from a true experimental research
  614. Revealed preferences of fourth graders when requesting face-to-face help while doing math exercises online
  615. PPT-Audio; The Alternative Audio-Visual Media for Online Learning during the Corona Pandemic
  616. Graph neural networks for distributed linear-quadratic control
  617.  Medical image analysis based on deep learning approach
  618. Learning dynamical systems from data: a simple cross-validation perspective, part I: parametric kernel flows
  619. Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for prediction of smart grid stability†
  620. Online reinforcement learning for a continuous space system with experimental validation
  621. Parents’ perceived goals for early mathematics learning and their relations with children’s motivation to learn mathematics
  622. Full STEAM Ahead, but Who Has the Map for Integration?–A PRISMA Systematic Review on the Incorporation of Interdisciplinary Learning into Schools.
  623.  A blended learning teaching strategy strengthens the nursing students’ performance and self-reported learning outcome achievement in an anatomy …
  624. Stein’s Method Meets Statistics: A Review of Some Recent Developments
  625.  Classification by ordinal sums of conjunctive and disjunctive functions for explainable AI and interpretable machine learning solutions
  626.  Aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in machine learning: An introduction to concepts and methods
  627.  Numerical solution and bifurcation analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations with extreme learning machines
  628. Impact Evaluation of Technology Driven Mental Health Capacity Building in Bihar, India
  629. Why college students procrastinate in online courses: A self-regulated learning perspective
  630. Detection and severity analysis of tea leaf blight based on deep learning
  631. Interpretable machine learning: Fundamental principles and 10 grand challenges
  632. Solving localized wave solutions of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation using an improved PINN method
  633.  Profiles of teachers’ need-support: How do autonomy support, structure, and involvement cohere and predict motivation and learning outcomes?
  634. Secure prediction and assessment of sports injuries using deep learning based convolutional neural network
  635. Near-optimal lower bounds for convex optimization for all orders of smoothness
  636. Building bridges to advance the community of inquiry framework for online learning
  637.  The development of learning innovation to enhance higher order thinking skills for students in Thailand junior high schools
  638. The Context-Oriented System Based on ELECTRA for Solving Math Word Problem
  639. A survey of active learning for quantifying vegetation traits from terrestrial earth observation data
  640. Autonomy support predicts language mindsets: Implications for developing communicative competence and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms
  641. Blockchain technology adoption in smart learning environments
  642. Improved fuzzy-assisted hierarchical neural network system for design of computer-aided English teaching system
  643. Estimation of flood in a river basin through neural networks: a case study
  644. Individual differences in self-regulated learning: Exploring the nexus of motivational beliefs, self-efficacy, and SRL strategies in EFL writing
  645.  Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
  646. Let’s do the Math… About Creativity and Mathematical Reasoning: A Correlational Study in Primary School Children
  647. Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
  648. The Context-Oriented System Based on ELECTRA for Solving Math Word Problem
  649. A survey of active learning for quantifying vegetation traits from terrestrial earth observation data
  650. Autonomy support predicts language mindsets: Implications for developing communicative competence and willingness to communicate in EFL classrooms
  651. Blockchain technology adoption in smart learning environRegret minimization in stochastic non-convex learning via a proximal-gradient approach
  652. Online inverse reinforcement learning for nonlinear systems with adversarial attacks
  653. Reward biased maximum likelihood estimation for reinforcement learning
  654. In-depth analysis of SVM kernel learning and its components
  655. Decentralized Q-learning in zero-sum Markov games
  656. The impact of the virtual learning platform EDUKA on the academic performance of primary school children
  657.  Construction of statistical SVM based recognition model for handwritten character recognition
  658. Materialist epistemology lends design wings: educational design as an embodied process
  659. On the trade-off between number of examples and precision of supervision in machine learning problems
  660. Mathbert: A pre-trained model for mathematical formula understanding
  661. ments
  662. Improved fuzzy-assisted hierarchical neural network system for design of computer-aided English teaching system
  663. Estimation of flood in a river basin through neural networks: a case study
  664. Individual differences in self-regulated learning: Exploring the nexus of motivational beliefs, self-efficacy, and SRL strategies in EFL writing
  665.  Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
  666. Let’s do the Math… About Creativity and Mathematical Reasoning: A Correlational Study in Primary School Children
  667. Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
  668. Asymptotics for semidiscrete entropic optimal transport
  669. Flipped learning design fidelity, self-regulated learning, satisfaction, and continuance intention in a university flipped learning course
  670.  JFB: Jacobian-free backpropagation for implicit networks
  671. Comparison of high-dimensional neural networks using hypercomplex numbers in a robot manipulator control
  672.  Five strategies for optimizing instructional materials: Instructor-and learner-managed cognitive load
  673. Evaluating Math to Mastery using brief experimental analysis procedures
  674. Mindfulness and other simple neuroscience-based proposals to promote the learning performance and mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic
  675. A single-timescale stochastic bilevel optimization method
  676. No-go theorem for acceleration in the hyperbolic plane
  677.  Motivation-achievement cycles in learning: A literature review and research agenda
  678. Noise stability of weighted majority
  679. Compressive statistical learning with random feature moments
  680. Tropical geometry and machine learning
  681. Roles and research trends of artificial intelligence in mathematics education: A bibliometric mapping analysis and systematic review
  682. The contribution of dispositional learning analytics to precision education
  683. Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 Using SIR, SEIQR, and machine learning models: Australia, Italy, and UK Cases
  684. State-dependent temperature control for Langevin diffusions
  685. How “Flipped RTI” Affects Middle School Student Math Growth and Self-Efficacy Perceptions
  686.  Evolving deep convolutional neutral network by hybrid sine–cosine and extreme learning machine for real-time COVID19 diagnosis from X-ray images
  687. Comparing the Efficacy of Two Affirmation Interventions to Reduce Stereotype Threat Effects on Women’s Math Performance
  688. Math Education and Piaget’s Theory: A Conversation with Constance Kamii.
  689. On the different effects of teacher–student rapport on urban and rural students’ math learning in China: An empirical study
  690. Exploring the Material-to-Abstract Transition in Mathematical Thinking to Increase the Performance in Math for Selected Fifth Grader Pupils
  691.  A Study of the Implementation of a Middle School Math Program and Student Achievement
  692. Math for Humans: Teaching Math Through 7 Intelligences
  693. Learning in the context of math anxiety
  694. Examining the influence of a mobile learning intervention on third grade math achievement
  695. The challenge of collaborative learning in engineering and math
  697. University− Urban high school partnership: Math and science professional learning communities
  698. Student Teams Achievement Type Cooperative Learning Model Division For Increase Results Learn Math On Student
  699. Positive mood and math performance
  700.  Developing A Math Learning Environment–A Learning Object Approach
  701.  The effect of problem solving first vs explicit instruction first on math learning
  703. Did Learning Mathematics Online increase Students’ Math Proficiency?: An Outcome Study of a Vocational High School’s use of an Online Mathematics Program
  704. Conceptual model for problem-based learning in learning media math
  705.  Students as Math Level Designers: How students position themselves through design of a math learning game
  706. Math learning environment with game-like elements: an incremental approach for enhancing student engagement and learning effectiveness
  707.  Math 322: Group Theory Fall Term, 2014
  708.  Using video prompting to teach math skills to adolescent students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) via iPad
  709. Creating Project-Based Math Curricula: A Narrative Inquiry
  711. Math reading comprehension: Comparing effectiveness of various conversation frameworks in an ITS
  712.  Efforts To Increase Learning Math Levels With Realistic Math Learning (Pmr) For Student Class V Min Bukit Kubu Beres
  713.  UDL Implementation in the Math Classroom: Practical Applications for Monday’s Lessons
  714.  Self-efficacy beliefs as mediators in math learning: A structural model
  715. A Quantitative Study of the Use of DreamBox Learning and Its Effectiveness in Improving Math Achievement of Elementary Students with Math Difficulties
  716. A two-phase classifier for automatic answer generation for math word problems
  717. Teacher perceptions of professional learning communities’ impact on math critical thinking pedagogy
  718.  The influence of math beliefs on math success in introductory college math classes
  719.  Effect of Collaborative Learning in Interaction with the Learning Styles (Dependent and Independent on Context) on Educational Achievement of Female …
  720. The effects of a learning station on the completion and accuracy of math homework for middle school students
  721. Two-stage screening for math problem-solving difficulty using dynamic assessment of algebraic learning
  722. Teaching with a Fully Digital, Year-Long Math Program: Learning Science Futures on the Front Line.
  723. Implementation of Web-based Learning Tool using Skemp’s Theory and Its applications to Multiplication and Division Operations in Elementary School Math …
  724. Service learning within a secondary math and science teacher education program: Preservice MAT teachers’ perspectives
  725.  Math History Study Abroad Program: Learning Math History in
  726. Sex differences in math performance: The role of children’s approach to schoolwork.
  727. The role of self-efficacy, achievement goals, learning strategies and persistence in math achievement of 11th Grade High Schools Students in Tehran
  728.  Connecting learning, memory, and representation in math education.
  729. E-learning resources for successful math teaching to pupils of primary school
  730. Selection Criterion for Log-Linear Models Using Statistical Learning Theory
  731.  The math of detecting communities
  732. Basics of Math and Graph
  734.  Self-selected learning communities for problem solving in online math courses
  735. Extended instruction in business courses to enhance student achievement in math
  737. Processing abilities associated with math skills in adult learning disability
  738. Development of math anxiety and its longitudinal relationships with arithmetic achievement among primary school children
  739. Self-regulation, motivation, and math achievement in middle school: Variations across grade level and math context
  740. Quality evaluation of learning math tests
  741. Flipping the math classroom for non-math majors to enrich their learning experience
  742.  How to do math with words: Learning algebra through peer discussions
  744.  A literature review on math anxiety and learning mathematics: A general overview
  745. Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Their Effects on MUFY Math Performance
  746.  Self-regulated learning between low, average, and high math achievers among pre-university international students in Malaysia
  747. … Qualitative Case Study: Early Childhood Teachers Applying the RTI Framework to At Risk Students to Support the Increase of Academic Scores in Reading and Math
  748.  Career development: A math and science social cognitive model
  749. Comparing mental maintenance in students with and without learning specific disorder (deficiencies in math)
  750.  An a-maze-ing approach to math
  751.  Innovative instructional strategies and improved math learning among grades 2 to 6 students
  752. Does Mathletics, A Supplementary Digital Math Tool, Improve Student Learning and Teaching Methods at Three Private Catholic Schools in Florida?-A Mixed Methods …
  753.  Designing assessment using the MATH taxonomy
  754. A user experience case study: two embodied cognition user interface solutions for a math learning game
  755.  Coordinating Language Use in Junior High School Math Instruction: Framework for Math Self-Learning Module Evaluation
  756.  Math Is Not for Girl? Investigating the Impact of e-Learning Platforms on the Development of Growth Mindsets in Elementary Classrooms
  757.  … models for investigating the effects of computer-based learning in math classrooms on science technology engineering and math (STEM) major selection …
  758. A systematic review on overfitting control in shallow and deep neural networks
  759. Machine learning framework for computing the most probable paths of stochastic dynamical systems
  760. From particle swarm optimization to consensus based optimization: stochastic modeling and mean-field limit
  761.  Curriculum innovation in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: the thinking-based instruction theory and its application
  762. Bayesian-optimized unsupervised learning approach for structural damage detection
  763. A novel approach for solving rough multi-objective transportation problem: development and prospects
  764. Effects of spherical video-based virtual reality on nursing students’ learning performance in childbirth education training
  765. Using PLS-SEM model to explore the influencing factors of learning satisfaction in blended learning
  766. A critical review on structural health monitoring: definitions, methods, and perspectives
  767. Achievement emotions of female students in mathematical problem-solving situations
  768. Automated COVID-19 detection in chest X-ray images using fine-tuned deep learning architectures
  769. Modeling illegal pedestrian crossing behaviors at unmarked mid-block roadway based on extended decision field theory
  770. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share (TPS) Pada Prestasi matematika Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
  771.  Landscape and training regimes in deep learning
  772.  Opportunity Grounded in Geography: Rural Transfer Students Majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
  773. Evolutionary warning system for COVID-19 severity: Colony predation algorithm enhanced extreme learning machine
  774. What are higher-order networks?
  775. Regularized System Identification: Learning Dynamic Models from Data
  776. Ethnomathematics on the Gringsing batik motifs in Javanese culture
  777. Generating conjectures on fundamental constants with the Ramanujan Machine
  778.  Stability analysis of neural networks
  779.  Engagement and companion constructs in language learning: Conceptualizing learners’ involvement in the L2 classroom
  780. Machine learning on sustainable energy: A review and outlook on renewable energy systems, catalysis, smart grid and energy storage
  781. Facilitating educationally disadvantaged students’ learning of torque using a design-based activity
  782. Multi-step-ahead crude oil price forecasting based on two-layer decomposition technique and extreme learning machine optimized by the particle swarm optimization …
  783. Closing the gap: Tighter analysis of alternating stochastic gradient methods for bilevel problems
  784. A conceptual model to investigate the role of mobile game applications in education during the COVID-19 pandemic
  785. Performance evaluation of hybrid GA–SVM and GWO–SVM models to predict earthquake-induced liquefaction potential of soil: a multi-dataset investigation
  786. Unsupervised learning for magnetization transfer contrast MR fingerprinting: Application to CEST and nuclear Overhauser enhancement imaging
  787. Hierarchical reinforcement learning: A comprehensive survey
  788. Ensemble learning-based structural health monitoring by Mahalanobis distance metrics
  789. Descent-to-delete: Gradient-based methods for machine unlearning
  790. Exploring the factors affecting mobile learning for sustainability in higher education
  791. More intelligent and robust estimation of battery state-of-charge with an improved regularized extreme learning machine
  792. The inverse variance–flatness relation in stochastic gradient descent is critical for finding flat minima
  793. Learning Markov models via low-rank optimization
  794. Application of convolutional neural network in image processing
  795. Natural language generation using deep learning to support MOOC learners
  796.  The utilization of mobile-assisted gamification for vocabulary learning: Its efficacy and perceived benefits
  797. True few-shot learning with language models
  798. Automated video interview personality assessments: Reliability, validity, and generalizability investigations.
  799. Performance optimization of support vector machine with oppositional grasshopper optimization for acute appendicitis diagnosis
  800. Gamification in science education. A systematic review of the literature
  801. Experimental investigation and comparative machine-learning prediction of compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete
  802.  The neural coding framework for learning generative models
  803.  A study of fixed point sets based on Z-soft rough covering models
  804. Reinforcement learning-based nonlinear tracking control system design via LDI approach with application to trolley system
  805. Research on intelligent algorithm for alerting vehicle impact based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
  806. Psychological Impact of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on Vocational Higher Education
  807. Engage in Practice: Hosting Math Competitions in College of Engineering
  808. Data Science and Human Behaviour Interpretation and Transformation
  809.  Assessment of cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning outcomes in massive open online courses: A systematic literature review
  810. Six solutions for more reliable infant research
  811. Prediction of the concentrations of PM1, PM2. 5, PM4, and PM10 by using the hybrid dragonfly-SVM algorithm
  812. Distributed formation control for multiple non-holonomic wheeled mobile robots with velocity constraint by using improved data-driven iterative learning
  813.  Exploring the Nature of Teachers’ Math-Gender Stereotypes: The Math-Gender Misconception Questionnaire
  814. Student engagement declines in STEM undergraduates during COVID-19–driven remote learning
  815.  Early prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response by exploiting a transfer learning approach on breast DCE-MRIs
  816. Comparing the efficacy of early arithmetic instruction based on a learning trajectory and teaching-to-a-target.
  817.  A survey of deep meta-learning
  818.  Characterizing network dynamics of online hate communities around the COVID-19 pandemic
  819. A reduced order model based on machine learning for numerical analysis: An application to geomechanics
  820.  Comparison of students’ use and acceptance of emergency online learning due to COVID-19 in the USA, Mexico, Peru, and Turkey
  821. Design of multi innovation fractional LMS algorithm for parameter estimation of input nonlinear control autoregressive systems
  822. A novel reasoning mechanism for multi-label text classification
  823.  Machine learning in construction: From shallow to deep learning
  824. Fast extra gradient methods for smooth structured nonconvex-nonconcave minimax problems
  825. Ranking of hospitals: A new approach comparing organizational learning criteria
  826. Copulae: An overview and recent developments
  827. Educational data mining versus learning analytics: A review of publications from 2015 to 2019
  828.  Exploiting heterogeneity in operational neural networks by synaptic plasticity
  829. Design of online intelligent English teaching platform based on artificial intelligence techniques
  830. Stochastic assessment of hard rock pillar stability based on the geological strength index system
  831. Active learning Bayesian support vector regression model for global approximation
  832. Interpretable approximation of high-dimensional data
  833. Restricted Boltzmann machine: Recent advances and mean-field theory
  834.  Theoretical investigations: Philosophical foundations of group cognition
  835. Children’s and adults’ math attitudes are differentiated by number type
  836. Fostering students’ workplace communicative competence and collaborative mindset through an inquiry-based learning design
  837. A review of application of machine learning in design, synthesis, and characterization of metal matrix composites: current status and emerging applications
  838. An integrated entropy weight and grey clustering method–based evaluation to improve safety in mines
  839. ICTs and Speed Learning in Special Education: High-Consciousness Training Strategies for High-Capacity Learners through Metacognition Lens
  840.  Student’s mathematical connection ability through GeoGebra assisted project-based learning model
  841. Weisfeiler and Lehman go cellular: CW networks
  842. Deep-learning-based guided wave detection for liquid-level state in porcelain bushing type terminal
  843. Numerical solving of the generalized Black-Scholes differential equation using Laguerre neural network
  844.  Theory-guided deep-learning for electrical load forecasting (TgDLF) via ensemble long short-term memory
  845.  Pure non-local machine-learned density functional theory for electron correlation
  846. The support of the process of training pre-service mathematics teachers by means of cloud services
  847. Sustainable education through e-learning: The case study of ilearn2. 0
  848. Learning to optimize molecular geometries using reinforcement learning
  849. Distributed deep fusion predictor for a multi-sensor system based on causality entropy
  850.  Numerical solution of the parametric diffusion equation by deep neural networks
  851. Finite-sample analysis of off-policy natural actor-critic algorithm
  852. Enhanced grasshopper optimization algorithm using elite opposition-based learning for solving real-world engineering problems
  853. Mathematics education students’ experiences during lockdown: Managing collaboration in elearning
  854. When does inequality grow? A seasonal analysis of racial/ethnic disparities in learning from kindergarten through eighth grade
  855. Optimizing functionals on the space of probabilities with input convex neural networks
  856. Task scheduling, resource provisioning, and load balancing on scientific workflows using parallel SARSA reinforcement learning agents and genetic algorithm
  857.  Quantum cognition
  858. Neural network approximation of refinable functions
  859. Developing and evaluating language-based machine learning algorithms for inferring applicant personality in video interviews
  860. An empirical review of automated machine learning
  861. Reinforcement learning in robotic applications: a comprehensive survey
  862. Adaptive and universal algorithms for variational inequalities with optimal convergence
  863.  Sheaf-theoretic stratification learning from geometric and topological perspectives
  864. Machine learning arrives in archaeology
  865. Deep learning algorithms for cybersecurity applications: A technological and status review
  866. Tree boosting for learning EFT parameters
  867.  Reward is enough
  868. Collaborative innovation efficiency: From within cities to between cities—Empirical analysis based on innovative cities in China
  869. Learning loss in vulnerable student populations after the first COVID-19 school closure in the Netherlands
  870. Application of supervised machine learning paradigms in the prediction of petroleum reservoir properties: Comparative analysis of ANN and SVM models
  871. Stability of sgd: Tightness analysis and improved bounds
  872. Developing a hybrid model of salp swarm algorithm-based support vector machine to predict the strength of fiber-reinforced cemented paste backfill
  873.  Human representation learning
  874. Software reuse analytics using integrated random forest and gradient boosting machine learning algorithm
  875. Revealing the impact of global heating on North Atlantic circulation using transparent machine learning
  876. The presence and absence of barren plateaus in tensor-network based machine learning
  877. Critical attitude and ability associated with students’ self-confidence and attitude toward “predict-observe-explain” online science inquiry learning
  878. The effects of cooperative learning on trait emotional intelligence and academic achievement of Spanish primary school students
  879. Unsupervised deep learning and analysis of harmonic variation patterns using big data from multiple locations
  880. Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Model Discovery Learning
  881.  The Use of Generative Learning Model in Improving Students’ Understanding of Mathematical Concepts of Al-Azhar 19 Islamic High School