Large deviations Research Topics
Research Area/ Research Interest: Large deviations
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Large deviations principle for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with space time localised noise
- Large deviations of currents in diffusions with reflective boundaries
- Sanov-type large deviations and conditional limit theorems for high-dimensional Orlicz balls
- Dynamical Large Deviations for Homogeneous Systems with Long Range Interactions and the Balescu–Guernsey–Lenard Equation
- Asymptotically-preserving large deviations principles by stochastic symplectic methods for a linear stochastic oscillator
- Decision Theory and large deviations for dynamical hypotheses tests: The Neyman-Pearson Lemma, Min-Max and Bayesian tests
- Entropic optimal transport: Geometry and large deviations
- Multifractal analysis and large deviations of homological growth rates for hyperbolic surfaces
- Finite time large deviations via matrix product states
- Large deviations for the greedy exploration process on configuration models
- Linear response in large deviations theory: a method to compute non-equilibrium distributions
- Large Deviations and Averaging for Stochastic Tamed 3D Navier–Stokes Equations with Fast Oscillations
- Local large deviations for periodic infinite horizon Lorentz gases
- A principle of large deviations for birth-death processes with a linear rate of downward jumps
- On large deviations for combinatorial sums
- Short time large deviations of the KPZ equation
- Large deviations for marked sparse random graphs with applications to interacting diffusions
- Optimal sampling of dynamical large deviations via matrix product states
- In the folds of the Central Limit Theorem: L\’evy walks, large deviations and higher-order anomalous diffusion
- Upper large deviations for power-weighted edge lengths in spatial random networks
- Large deviations of the greedy independent set algorithm on sparse random graphs
- Large deviations and the emergence of a logarithmic delay in a nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation
- Large deviations, central limit, and dynamical phase transitions in the atom maser
- Large deviations in random Latin squares
- Uniform Large Deviations for a Class of Burgers-Type Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in any Space Dimension
- Large deviations principle via Malliavin calculus for the Navier-Stokes system driven by a degenerate white-in-time noise
- A variational formula for large deviations in First-passage percolation under tail estimates
- Large deviations in the symmetric simple exclusion process with slow boundaries
- On large deviations and intersection of random interlacements
- Large deviations for a terminating compound renewal process
- Large deviations for Kac-like walks
- Large deviations for small noise hypoelliptic diffusion bridges on sub-Riemannian manifolds
- Large deviations principle for the cubic NLS equation
- Large deviations at various levels for run-and-tumble processes with space-dependent velocities and space-dependent switching rates
- A large-deviations principle for all the cluster sizes of a sparse Erdős–Rényi graph
- Functional large deviations for Stroock’s approximation to a class of Gaussian processes with application to small noise diffusions
- Inhomogeneous asymmetric exclusion processes between two reservoirs: large deviations for the local empirical observables in the mean-field approximation
- Large Deviations for SDE driven by Heavy-tailed L\’evy Processes
- Large deviations for random hives and the spectrum of the sum of two random matrices
- Large deviations in continuous-time random walks
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- Large deviations principle for stochastic delay differential equations with super-linearly growing coefficients
- Large deviations and gradient flows for the Brownian one-dimensional hard-rod system
- Large deviations asymptotics of rectangular spherical integral
- Dynamical large deviations of two-dimensional kinetically constrained models using a neural-network state ansatz
- Large deviations in the perceptron model and consequences for active learning
- Generalized optimal paths and weight distributions revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks
- Concurrent Donsker-Varadhan and hydrodynamical large deviations
- Large deviations of Kac’s conservative particle system and energy non-conserving solutions to the Boltzmann equation: a counterexample to the predicted rate …
- Large deviations of extreme eigenvalues of generalized sample covariance matrices
- Large Deviations for Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations driven by L\'{e} vy Noise
- Large deviations for grey Gaussian processes
- Spectral large deviations of sparse random matrices
- Central limit type theorem and large deviations for multi-scale McKean-Vlasov SDEs
- A pathwise stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with application to large deviations
- Metastable -expansion of finite state Markov chains level two large deviations rate functions
- Inverse scattering of the Zakharov-Shabat system solves the weak noise theory of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
- Large deviations principle for terminating multidimensional compound renewal processes with application to polymer pinning models
- Large deviations for generalized Gibbs ensembles of the classical Toda chain
- Large Deviations of Telecom Processes
- Long-ranged correlations in large deviations of local clustering
- Dynamical large deviations for plasmas below the Debye length and the Landau equation
- Large deviations for the interchange process on the interval and incompressible flows
- Pathwise large deviations for white noise chaos expansions
- Large deviations and central limit theorems for sequential and random systems of intermittent maps
- Concurrent Donsker-Varadhan and hydrodynamical large deviations
- Large deviations at level 2.5 for Markovian open quantum systems: quantum jumps and quantum state diffusion
- Pathwise Large deviations for the pure jump -nary interacting particle systems
- Large deviations built on max-stability
- Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of sub-Gaussian matrices
- Large deviations and entropy production in viscous fluid flows
- Multi-point Gaussian states, quadratic–exponential cost functionals, and large deviations estimates for linear quantum stochastic systems
- Large deviations of weighted sums of independent identically distributed random variables with functionally-defined weights
- High-dimensional CLT: Improvements, non-uniform extensions and large deviations
- Large Deviations for Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion
- Unique equilibrium states, large deviations and Lyapunov spectra for the Katok map
- Volume lemmas and large deviations for partially hyperbolic endomorphisms
- Sharpness of the phase transition for parking on random trees
- Inference of Markov models from trajectories via large deviations at level 2.5 with applications to random walks in disordered media
- Quenched limit theorems for expanding on average cocycles
- Hamilton-Jacobi equations with semilinear costs and state constraints, with applications to large deviations in games
- Short-dated smile under rough volatility: asymptotics and numerics
- Exact solution of the macroscopic fluctuation theory for the symmetric exclusion process
- Mixed random-quasiperiodic cocycles
- Particle creation in nonstationary large quantum mechanics
- Large deviations and Wschebor’s theorems
- H\” older continuity of the Lyapunov exponents of linear cocycles over hyperbolic maps
- Large-deviation approach to random recurrent neuronal networks: Parameter inference and fluctuation-induced transitions
- Math operation embeddings for open-ended solution analysis and feedback
- Role of current fluctuations in nonreversible samplers
- Run-and-tumble motion: the role of reversibility
- Importance of math prerequisites for performance in introductory physics
- A large deviation theory perspective on nanoscale transport phenomena
- Small-time, large-time, and asymptotics for the Rough Heston model
- Regularity method and large deviation principles for the Erd\H {o} s–R\’enyi hypergraph
- High-dimensional limit theorems for random vectors in -balls. II
- Efficient learning of a linear dynamical system with stability guarantees
- Quantum-classical path integral evaluation of reaction rates with a near-equilibrium flux formulation
- The maximum entropy principle and volumetric properties of Orlicz balls
- Correlation between molecular charge properties and impact sensitivity of explosives: nitrobenzene derivatives
- Molecular energies derived from deep learning: application to the prediction of formation enthalpies up to high energy compounds
- Variational Inference in high-dimensional linear regression
- Duality Symmetry, Two Entropy Functions, and an Eigenvalue Problem in Gibbs’ Theory
- The effect of brief anxiety interventions on reported anxiety and math test performance
- Distribution dependent stochastic differential equations
- Quantification of shear viscosity and wall slip velocity of highly concentrated suspensions with non-Newtonian matrices in pressure driven flows
- COVID-19: Short term prediction model using daily incidence data
- Measures matter: A meta-analysis of the effects of educational apps on preschool to grade 3 children’s literacy and math skills
- Noise-induced instability of a class of stochastic higher order continuum traffic models
- Optimal criteria and their asymptotic form for data selection in data-driven reduced-order modelling with Gaussian process regression
- Molecular energies derived from deep learning: application to the prediction of formation enthalpies up to high energy compounds
- Variational Inference in high-dimensional linear regression
- Duality Symmetry, Two Entropy Functions, and an Eigenvalue Problem in Gibbs’ Theory
- The effect of brief anxiety interventions on reported anxiety and math test performance
- Distribution dependent stochastic differential equations
- Quantification of shear viscosity and wall slip velocity of highly concentrated suspensions with non-Newtonian matrices in pressure driven flows
- COVID-19: Short term prediction model using daily incidence data
- Measures matter: A meta-analysis of the effects of educational apps on preschool to grade 3 children’s literacy and math skills
- Noise-induced instability of a class of stochastic higher order continuum traffic models
- Optimal criteria and their asymptotic form for data selection in data-driven reduced-order modelling with Gaussian process regression
- Using projection operators with maximum overlap methods to simplify challenging self-consistent field optimization
- On the upper tail problem for random hypergraphs
- Method for cognitive identification of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes
- Precise asymptotics: robust stochastic volatility models
- Large, moderate deviations principle and -limit for the 2D Stochastic LANS-
- Measurement-induced criticality and entanglement clusters: A study of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Clifford circuits
- PID passivity-based droop control of power converters: Large-signal stability, robustness and performance
- Fingerprinting heatwaves and cold spells and assessing their response to climate change using large deviation theory
- The Large Deviation Principle for Inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi Random Graphs
- Machine learning moment closure models for the radiative transfer equation II: enforcing global hyperbolicity in gradient based closures
- Expectancy-value profiles in math and science: A person-centered approach to cross-domain motivation with academic and STEM-related outcomes
- Machine learning moment closure models for the radiative transfer equation III: enforcing hyperbolicity and physical characteristic speeds
- The Bethe ansatz for sticky Brownian motions
- Approaching a large deviation theory for complex systems
- Machine learning moment closure models for the radiative transfer equation I: directly learning a gradient based closure
- The COVID-19 pandemic and school closure: learning loss in mathematics in primary education
- Updated thermochemistry for renewable transportation fuels: New groups and group values for acetals and ethers, their radicals, and peroxy species
- Large deviation principles for Langevin equations in random environment and applications
- Critical points in hamiltonian agnostic variational quantum algorithms
- Thermodynamic behavior of statistical event counting in time: Independent and correlated measurements
- Neutrino masses and Hubble tension via a Majoron in MFV
- Large and moderate deviations of weak record numbers in random walks
- Nonasymptotic bounds for suboptimal importance sampling
- Observing symmetry-broken optimal paths of the stationary Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface via a large-deviation sampling of directed polymers in random media
- The concentration inequality for a discrete height function model perturbed by random potential
- Convergence analysis of the modified adaptive extended Kalman filter for the parameter estimation of a brushless DC motor
- The high-dimensional asymptotics of first order methods with random data
- Do refugee students affect the academic achievement of peers? Evidence from a large urban school district
- Molecular dynamics study on the co-doping effect of Al2O3 and fluorine to reduce Rayleigh scattering of silica glass
- Can an Educational Activity Program Based on Feuerstein’s Program and Gardner’s Theory Increase Excellence and Creativity in Math in Omani Students?
- Inverse design of nonequilibrium steady states: A large-deviation approach
- An examination of gender differences in spatial skills and math attitudes in relation to mathematics success: A bio-psycho-social model
- Implementing robust thermodynamic model for reliable bubble/dew problem solution in cryogenic distillation of air separation units
- Submesoscale phenomena due to the Brazil current crossing of the Vitória-Trindade Ridge
- Comorbidity between math and reading problems: Is phonological processing a mutual factor?
- Recent Advances in Epidemic Modeling: Non-Markov Stochastic Models and their Scaling Limits
- Effect of particle orientation on the drag force in random arrays of oblate ellipsoids in low-Reynolds-number flows
- Numerical prediction of the frictional losses in sliding bearings during start-stop operation
- Math achievement outcomes associated with Montessori education
- Learning nonequilibrium control forces to characterize dynamical phase transitions
- Counting equilibria of large complex systems by instability index
- Student perceptions of homework quality, autonomy support, effort, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects
- Exact anomalous current fluctuations in a deterministic interacting model
- Rare-event simulation for neural network and random forest predictors
- Revisiting and refining relations between nonsymbolic ratio processing and symbolic math achievement
- Stochastic limit-cycle oscillations of a nonlinear system under random perturbations
- Thermal transport by electrons and phonons in PdTe 2: an ab initio study
- A model-based framework for correcting inhomogeneity effects in magnetization transfer saturation and inhomogeneous magnetization transfer saturation maps
- More on the long time stability of Feynman–Kac semigroups
- Language-focused interventions on math performance for English learners: A selective meta-analysis of the literature
- Saved to My library
- Quenched limit theorems for random U (1) extensions of expanding maps
- Mathematical modeling and dynamic analysis of SIQR model with delay for pandemic COVID-19
- Spatialization in working memory and its relation to math anxiety
- The Savitzky-Golay filter based bidirectional long short-term memory network for SOC estimation
- The ρ Ophiuchi region revisited with Gaia EDR3-Two young populations, new members, and old impostors
- Modeling extreme climatic events using the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution
- Single particle multipole expansions from Micromagnetic Tomography
- Work fluctuations in a generalized Gaussian active bath
- It matters how you start: Early numeracy mastery predicts high school math course-taking and college attendance
- Entropic optimal transport: Convergence of potentials
- Hyper-viscoelastic damage modeling of whole blood clot under large deformation
- Prediction of early compressive strength of mortars at different curing temperature and relative humidity by a modified maturity method
- Test score patterns across three COVID-19-impacted school years
- SrZnV2O7: A low-firing microwave dielectric ceramic with high-quality factor
- Reconstructing large interaction networks from empirical time series data
- Canonical versus explicitly correlated coupled cluster: Post-complete-basis-set extrapolation and the quest of the complete-basis-set limit
- Impacts of predator-induced behavioural plasticity on the temperature dependence of predator–prey activity and population dynamics
- How physical activity, fitness, and motor skills contribute to math performance: Working memory as a mediating factor
- Critical points in quantum generative models
- ProPIP: a tool for progressive multiple sequence alignment with Poisson Indel Process
- Water level predictive control in multi-cascade pools with large control interval demand based on constraint methods
- Precise large deviation estimates for branching process in random environment
- Accelerating college remediation: Examining the effects of math course redesign on student academic success
- Reduction of a stochastic model of gene expression: Lagrangian dynamics gives access to basins of attraction as cell types and metastabilty
- Differential patterns of growth in reading and math skills during elementary school.
- Bulk, spectral and deep water approximations for Stokes drift: Implications for coupled ocean circulation and surface wave models
- Accurately approximating extreme value statistics
- Third-order asymptotics of variable-length compression allowing errors
- Only a matter of time? The role of time in school on four-day school week achievement impacts
- More than growth mindset: Individual and interactive links among socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents’ ability mindsets, metacognitive skills, and math …
- Bahadur efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator and one-step estimator for quasi-arithmetic means of the Cauchy distribution
- A deep-learning-based experiment for benchmarking the performance of global terrestrial vegetation phenology models
- Threshold selection for cluster inference based on large deviation principles
- CNN/Bi-LSTM-based deep learning algorithm for classification of power quality disturbances by using spectrogram images
- Third-order Analysis of Channel Coding in the Moderate Deviations Regime
- Hawking–Penrose Black Hole Model. Large Emission Regime
- A familiar face: Student-teacher rematches and student achievement
- The relationship of reading abilities with the underlying cognitive skills of math: A dimensional approach
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among elementary students in rural China: Prevalence, correlates, and consequences
- Teaching hardy-weinberg equilibrium using population-level punnett squares: Facilitating calculation for students with math anxiety
- A note on the mean-field limit for the particle swarm optimization
- Anderson localisation for quasi-one-dimensional random operators
- Generalised oriented site percolation
- Dimension-free log-Sobolev inequalities for mixture distributions
- Investigation of nonisothermal fusion bonding for extrusion additive manufacturing of large structural parts
- Math anxiety affects females’ vocational interests
- From data to decisions: Distributionally robust optimization is optimal
- How Ms. Mayen and her students co-constructed good-at-math
- Gap statistics for confined particles with power-law interactions
- Full Propagation of Analytical Uncertainties in Δ47 Measurements
- Geometric reduced-attitude control of fixed-wing uavs
- The role of the construction and sensitive volume of compact ionization chambers on the magnetic field-dependent dose response
- First-order condensation transition in the position distribution of a run-and-tumble particle in one dimension
- Developmental dynamics between reading and math in elementary school
- Role of initial conditions in diffusive systems: compressibility, hyperuniformity and long-term memory
- What’s in an Atom? A Comparison of Carbon and Silicon-Centred Amidinium⋅⋅⋅ Carboxylate Frameworks
- Universal statistics of vortices in a newborn holographic superconductor: beyond the Kibble-Zurek mechanism
- Is four less than five? Effects of four-day school weeks on student achievement in Oregon
- Multiple mediators in the relationship between perceived teacher autonomy support and student engagement in math and literacy learning
- Revisiting the Ruelle thermodynamic formalism for Markov trajectories with application to the glassy phase of random trap models
- Seismic response distribution expressions for on-ground rigid rocking blocks under ordinary ground motions
- Only a burden for females in math? Gender and domain differences in the relation between adolescents’ fixed mindsets and motivation
- Turnaround physics beyond spherical symmetry
- Classroom-based physical activity and math performance: Integrated physical activity or not?
- Cram\'{e} r moderate deviations for a supercritical Galton-Watson process
- Accelerating early math learning with research-based personalized learning games: A cluster randomized controlled trial
- Approximate arithmetic training does not improve symbolic math in third and fourth grade children
- Disconnected development? The importance of specific human capital in the transition from student teaching to the classroom
- Improvements in math instruction and student achievement through professional learning around the Common Core State Standards in Chicago
- Maximum of catalytic branching random walk with regularly varying tails
- Riemann surface crossover for the spectral gaps of open TASEP
- Learning through atypical phase transitions in overparameterized neural networks
- Berry-Esseen type bounds for the matrix coefficients and the spectral radius of the left random walk on GLd (R)
- Quasinormal modes and their anomalous behavior for black holes in f (R) gravity
- Reduction of the Self-dual Yang-Mills Equations to Sinh-Poisson Equation and Exact Solutions
- Not too late: Improving academic outcomes among adolescents
- A matrix version of a higher-order Szegő theorem
- Illusory gender-equality paradox, math self-concept, and frame-of-reference effects: New integrative explanations for multiple paradoxes.
- Embodied cognition and its pathologies: the dynamics of institutional failure on wickedly hard problems
- Bending response of 3D-printed titanium alloy sandwich panels with corrugated channel cores
- Fuzzy-set approach to invariant idempotent measures
- Educational Equity Through Combined Human-AI Personalization: A Propensity Matching Evaluation
- Equipartition of entanglement in quantum Hall states
- Processing of mobile laser scanning data for large-scale deformation monitoring of anchored retaining structures along highways
- Gap sensitivity reveals universal behaviors in optimized photonic crystal and disordered networks
- Dynamic viscosity of binary fluid mixtures: a review focusing on asymmetric mixtures
- Do teacher assistants improve student outcomes? Evidence from school funding cutbacks in North Carolina
- A comparative review of 50 analytical representation of potential energy interaction for diatomic systems: 100 years of history
- How the covid-19 pandemic affected student learning in ohio: Analysis of spring 2021 ohio state tests
- How big are effect sizes in international education studies?
- On exact large deviation principles for compound renewal processes
- Moderate deviation principle for multiscale systems driven by fractional Brownian motion
- Implementing the precautionary approach into fisheries management: Biomass reference points and uncertainty buffers
- The simplest method for reliable prediction of autoignition temperature of organic hydroxyl compounds to assess their process safety in industrial applications
- Approximate optimal controls via instanton expansion for low temperature free energy computation
- The replica-symmetric free energy for Ising spin glasses with orthogonally invariant couplings
- Agent-based modeling: Population limits and large timescales
- A comparative study of gradient nonlinearity correction strategies for processing diffusion data obtained with ultra-strong gradient MRI scanners
- Instantons for rare events in heavy-tailed distributions
- Large and moderate deviations for a discrete-time marked Hawkes process
- Global attracting sets and exponential stability of stochastic partial functional differential equations
- Nonstationary spatial correlation in New Zealand strong ground-motion data
- Stochastic Chemical Reaction Systems in Biology
- Critical fluctuations in epidemic models explain COVID-19 post-lockdown dynamics
- Conformal testing in a binary model situation
- The southern annular mode in 6th coupled model intercomparison project models
- Early growing season anomalies in vegetation activity determine the large-scale climate-vegetation coupling in Europe
- Prior-free dynamic allocation under limited liability
- Unifying ecosystem responses to disturbance into a single statistical framework
- Two Approaches to Moderate Deviations in Triangle Count in G (n, m) Graphs
- Regularized unbalanced optimal transport as entropy minimization with respect to branching Brownian motion
- CG-SENSE revisited: Results from the first ISMRM reproducibility challenge
- Teachers caring for students and students caring for math: The development of culturally and linguistically diverse adolescents’ math motivation
- Leveraging large-deviation statistics to decipher the stochastic properties of measured trajectories
- Large and moderate deviation principles for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with jumps
- Mutual anticipation can contribute to self-organization in human crowds
- Silicone composites cured under a high electric field: An electromechanical experimental study
- The CL &Pol polarizable force field for the simulation of ionic liquids and eutectic solvents
- Propagation of stress pulses in a Rayleigh-Love elastic rod
- Well-posedness of the Dean-Kawasaki and the nonlinear Dawson-Watanabe equation with correlated noise
- A new acceptance model for artificial intelligence with extensions to UTAUT2: An empirical study in three segments of application
- Exploring the toolkit of Jean Bourgain
- The moderate deviations principle for the trajectories of compound renewal processes on the half–line
- Transitions in the ergodicity of subrecoil-laser-cooled gases
- Effects of flipped classroom instruction: Evidence from a randomized trial
- Quasinormal modes of growing dirty black holes
- Model free estimation of graphical model using gene expression data
- Large Deviation Principle for McKean–Vlasov Quasilinear Stochastic Evolution Equations
- Coulomb gases under constraint: some theoretical and numerical results
- The effects of perceived parental math support on middle school students’ math engagement: the serial multiple mediation of math self-efficacy and math enjoyment
- Bringing the full picture into focus: A consideration of the internal and external validity of charter school effects
- Modelling and forecasting of growth rate of new COVID-19 cases in top nine affected countries: Considering conditional variance and asymmetric effect
- Stabilizing spiral structures and population diversity in the asymmetric May–Leonard model through immigration
- Impact of broad categorization on statistical results: How underrepresented minority designation can mask the struggles of both Asian American and African American …
- Call for establishing benchmark science and engineering
- Robust regional coordination of inverter-based Volt/Var control via multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
- The marginal returns to distance education: Evidence from mexico’s telesecundarias
- Validation of (not-historical) large-event near-fault ground-motion simulations for use in civil engineering applications
- Hydrodynamic equations for the Ablowitz–Ladik discretization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Volume properties of high-dimensional Orlicz balls
- Flood evacuation during pandemic: a multi-objective framework to handle compound hazard
- Constrained spherical deconvolution of nonspherically sampled diffusion MRI data
- The effect of breakfast after the bell on student academic achievement
- Moderate Deviations for Drift Parameter Estimations in Reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process
- Accelerating high-throughput virtual screening through molecular pool-based active learning
- Numerical schemes for a multi-species BGK model with velocity-dependent collision frequency
- Universality of photon counting below a local bifurcation threshold
- The potential of relevance interventions for scaling up: A cluster-randomized trial testing the effectiveness of a relevance intervention in math classrooms.
- One-step replica symmetry breaking of random regular NAE-SAT
- Universal School Meals in the US: What Can We Learn from the Community Eligibility Provision?
- In vivo 3D brain and extremity MRI at 50 mT using a permanent magnet Halbach array
- Analysis of exit probability for a trajectory tracking robot in case of a rare event
- Dried blood spot collection, sample quality, and fieldwork conditions: Structural validations for conversion into standard values
- Kaniadakis holographic dark energy
- Rainbow matchings in -partite hypergraphs
- Transient analysis of an affine Queue-Hawkes process
- Development of machine learning models for the prediction of laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels
- Experimental evidence on learning using low-tech when school is out
- Quantum annealing with trigger Hamiltonians: Application to 2-satisfiability and nonstoquastic problems
- Is the Mathematics Diagnostic Test a Good Predictor of College Students’ Prior Knowledge in Math?.
- Measurement of red blood cell size based on a lensless imaging system
- Prenatal exposure to air pollution is associated with childhood inhibitory control and adolescent academic achievement
- Stochastic Models of Neural Synaptic Plasticity: A Scaling Approach
- Exact fluctuating hydrodynamics of active lattice gases—typical fluctuations
- High-Resolution Numerical Modeling of Barotropic Global Ocean Tides for Satellite Gravimetry
- Modeling drop breakage using the full energy spectrum and a specific realization of turbulence anisotropy
- Estimating dispersion coefficient in flow through heterogeneous porous media by a deep convolutional neural network
- Partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects with an application to the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP)
- Explaining achievement gaps in kindergarten and third grade: The role of self-regulation and executive function skills
- Are Cramér-Rao lower bounds an accurate estimate for standard deviations in in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy?
- What is life? A perspective of the mathematical kinetic theory of active particles
- Turbulence closure for high Reynolds number airfoil flows by deep neural networks
- Nowcasting earthquakes: imaging the earthquake cycle in California with machine learning
- Multiplicative chaos of the Brownian loop soup
- Impacts of School Reforms in Washington, DC on Student Achievement
- Reaction wheel pendulum control using fourth-order discontinuous integral algorithm
- Multifault Opposing-Dip Strike-Slip and Normal-Fault Rupture During the 2020 Mw 6.5 Stanley, Idaho Earthquake
- MCML: Combining physical constraints with experimental data for a multi-purpose meta-generalized gradient approximation
- Performance of robust count regression estimators in the case of overdispersion, zero inflated, and outliers: simulation study and application to German health data
- Nonrandom two-liquid activity coefficient model with association theory
- Design, analysis, and real-time validation of type-2 fractional order fuzzy PID controller for energy storage–based microgrid frequency regulation
- Robust global stabilization of a class of underactuated mechanical systems of two degrees of freedom
- The impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on cognitive outcomes following radiotherapy for pediatric brain tumors: a prospective, longitudinal trial
- Random diffusivity models for scaled Brownian motion
- Melting of iron explored by electrical resistance jump up to 135 GPa
- Assessing the effect of sample orientation on dimensional X-ray computed tomography through experimental and simulated data
- Anomalous spreading in reducible multitype branching Brownian motion
- Stochastic control liaisons: Richard sinkhorn meets gaspard monge on a schrodinger bridge
- Closed-loop convergence for mean field games with common noise
- Toward a formal theory of embodied cognition
- Experimental methods in chemical engineering: High throughput catalyst testing—HTCT
- Application limits of conservative source interpolation methods using a low Mach number hybrid aeroacoustic workflow
- Polynomial voting rules
- Predicting chemical reaction equilibria in molten carbonate fuel cells via molecular simulations
- Confidence intervals for nonparametric regression
- Language skills and their relationship to learning difficulties in English language from the students’ point of view
- From random failures to targeted attacks in network dismantling
- A numerical approach for evaluating the time-dependent distribution of a quasi birth-death process
- Energy conversions associated with magnetic reconnection
- The path to college education: The role of math and verbal skills
- The structural, functional, and dynamic effect of Tau tubulin kinase1 upon a mutation: A neuro-degenerative hotspot
- A deep learning framework for drug repurposing via emulating clinical trials on real-world patient data
- Evaluating the internal consistency of subtraction-based and residualized difference scores: Considerations for psychometric reliability analyses of event-related …
- Strategies to improve intratrain prospective motion correction for turbo spin-echo sequences with constant flip angles
- A promise kept? The impact of the El Dorado promise scholarship on student achievement
- Growth-Mindset Intervention Delivered by Teachers Boosts Achievement in Early Adolescence
- An efficient binary Gradient-based optimizer for feature selection
- Deriving the bidomain model of cardiac electrophysiology from a cell-based model; properties and comparisons
- Which class matters? Juxtaposing multiple class environments as frames-of-reference for academic self-concept formation.
- The crucial role of local excess charges in dendrite growth on lithium electrodes
- Protein shape sampled by ion mobility mass spectrometry consistently improves protein structure prediction
- Application of turbulent diffusion term of aerosols in mesoscale model
- The home math environment and math achievement: A meta-analysis.
- Precise deviations for Hawkes processes
- What do test scores really capture? Evidence from a large-scale student assessment in Mexico
- Isobaric heat capacity measurements of natural gas model mixtures (methane+ n-heptane) and (propane+ n-heptane) by differential scanning calorimetry at …
- Computer-assisted beam modeling for particle therapy
- Entropy production fluctuations encode collective behavior in active matter
- Machine learning differentiates enzymatic and non-enzymatic metals in proteins
- Understanding the initial educational impacts of COVID-19 on communities of color
- Generator parameter calibration by adaptive approximate bayesian computation with sequential monte carlo sampler
- The returns to public library investment
- Condensation transition and ensemble inequivalence in the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Augmenting state capacity for child development: Experimental evidence from india
- Reaction-based machine learning representations for predicting the enantioselectivity of organocatalysts
- Configurational analysis by residual dipolar couplings: Critical assessment of “structural noise” from thermal vibrations
- Estimation of Li-Ion Degradation Test Sample Sizes Required to Understand Cell-to-Cell Variability
- On Stablecoin Price Processes and Arbitrage
- Asymptotics for semidiscrete entropic optimal transport
- Steam consumption prediction of a gas sweetening process with methyldiethanolamine solvent using machine learning approaches
- Buckling properties of bulged barrels under external pressure
- Heteroscedasticity-aware residuals-based contextual stochastic optimization
- The effect of school closures on standardised student test outcomes
- Reconstruction of large-scale flow structures in a stirred tank from limited sensor data
- Distributed fiber optic shape sensing along shotcrete tunnel linings: Methodology, field applications, and monitoring results
- Reversible cellular automata as integrable interactions round-a-face: deterministic, stochastic, and quantized
- Math track placement and reflected classroom appraisals are related to changes in early adolescents’ math self-concept
- Trade-linked shipping CO2 emissions
- Classifying ecosystem stressor interactions: Theory highlights the data limitations of the additive null model and the difficulty in revealing ecological surprises
- Revealing the Morning Transition in the Mountain Boundary Layer using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Large deviation principle of occupation measures for non-linear monotone SPDEs
- Mathematical modeling approach to predict COVID-19 infected people in Sri Lanka
- Redesigning harvest strategies for sustainable fishery management in the face of extreme environmental variability
- Gravity wave activity in the Martian atmosphere at altitudes 20–160 km from ACS/TGO occultation measurements
- Embedded equation-of-motion coupled-cluster theory for electronic excitation, ionisation, electron attachment, and electronic resonances
- Retrieval of atmospheric CO2 vertical profiles from ground-based near-infrared spectra
- Deep Relative Geologic Time: A Deep Learning Method for Simultaneously Interpreting 3-D Seismic Horizons and Faults
- Oscillation dynamics of scalarized neutron stars
- Decision-making algorithms for learning and adaptation with application to COVID-19 data
- Gel’fand–Yaglom type equations for calculating fluctuations around instantons in stochastic systems
- Adapting to high temperatures: Effect of farm practices and their adoption duration on total value of crop production in Uganda
- A transportation approach to the mean-field approximation
- An electromagnetic tracking implantation navigation system in dentistry with virtual calibration
- CHELSA-TraCE21k v1. 0. Downscaled transient temperature and precipitation data since the last glacial maximum
- Supervised model predictive control of large-scale electricity networks via clustering methods
- Gender gaps in cognitive and noncognitive skills among adolescents in India
- Brave boys and play-it-safe girls: Gender differences in willingness to guess in a large scale natural field experiment
- A neutrosophic set-based TLBO algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with routing flexibility and uncertain processing times
- Strictly localized states in the octagonal Ammann-Beenker quasicrystal
- Localization transition in the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation: ensembles inequivalence and negative temperatures
- Random statistics of OPE coefficients and Euclidean wormholes
- Depth Extent and Vp/Vs Ratio of the Chenghai Fault Zone, Yunnan, China Constrained From Dense-Array-Based Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Single pencil beam benchmark of a module for Monte Carlo simulation of proton transport in the PENELOPE code
- “That Wasn’t the math I wanted to do!”—Students’ beliefs during the transition from school to university mathematics
- Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation
- How students’ perceptions of teaching quality in one subject are impacted by the grades they receive in another subject: Dimensional comparisons in student …
- COMPASS III: Automated fitting workflows and extension to ionic liquids
- Understanding the performance of capped base-stock policies in lost-sales inventory models
- Anthropogenic effects on the contemporary sediment budget of the lower Rhine-Meuse Delta Channel Network
- Dispersive characteristics of non-linear waves propagating and breaking over a mildly sloping laboratory beach
- A Glimpse of Ocean Color Remote Sensing From Moon-Based Earth Observations
- Aspects of Coulomb gases
- Small-field beam data acquisition, detector dependency, and film-based validation for a novel self-shielded stereotactic radiosurgery system
- Greening for academic achievement: Prioritizing what to plant and where
- Current trends for state-of-charge (SoC) estimation in lithium-ion battery electric vehicles
- How big should your data really be? data-driven newsvendor and the transient of learning
- Some stronger forms of topological transitivity and sensitivity for a sequence of uniformly convergent continuous maps
- The fractal scaling relationship for river inlets to lakes
- Generating data sets for teaching the importance of regression analysis
- Non-symbolic representation is modulated by math anxiety and cognitive inhibition while symbolic representation not
- Increased day-to-day fluctuations in exhaled breath profiles after a rhinovirus challenge in asthma
- Improving frequency regulation of wind-integrated multi-area systems using LFA-fuzzy PID control
- Targeted poverty alleviation and children’s academic performance in China
- Characterization of the Candidate Landing Region for Tianwen-1—China’s First Mission to Mars
- Eikonal formulation of large dynamical random matrix models
- Do data from mechanical Turk subjects replicate accuracy, response time, and diffusion modeling results?
- The Quest for Optimal 3 d Orbital Splitting in Tetrahedral Cobalt Single-Molecule Magnets Featuring Colossal Anisotropy and Hysteresis
- A numerical modelling of a multi-layer LaFeCoSi Active magnetic regenerator by using Artificial Neural Networks
- Surface energy and boundary layers for a chain of atoms at low temperature
- Geometric precision analysis for Additive Manufacturing processes: A comparative study
- Exponential bounds for random walks on hyperbolic spaces without moment conditions
- Teacher survey: Learning loss is global—and significant
- Ro-vibrational energy and thermodynamic properties of molecules subjected to Deng–Fan potential through an improved approximation
- Critical level statistics at the many-body localization transition region
- Reducing parent-school information gaps and improving education outcomes: Evidence from high-frequency text messages
- The Impact of COVID-19 on CO2 Emissions in the Los Angeles and Washington DC/Baltimore Metropolitan Areas
- Bayes posterior convergence for loss functions via almost additive Thermodynamic Formalism
- Statistical interpretation of sterile neutrino oscillation searches at reactors
- Pix2Prof: fast extraction of sequential information from galaxy imagery via a deep natural language ‘captioning’model
- On the advanced integral equation theory description of dense Yukawa one-component plasma liquids
- An improved hybrid Aquila Optimizer and Harris Hawks Optimization for global optimization
- Coulomb and Riesz gases: The known and the unknown
- Not too late: Improving academic outcomes for disadvantaged youth
- Design and implementation of a novel FO-hPID-FPID controller for AGC of multiarea interconnected nonlinear thermal power system
- Distributed learning dynamics of multi-armed bandits for edge intelligence
- A joint pricing, supplier selection, and inventory replenishment model using the logit demand function
- Do Low-Income Students Have Equal Access to Effective Teachers?
- Consequences of cognitive offloading: Boosting performance but diminishing memory
- Function estimation and regularization in the SIRD model applied to the COVID-19 pandemics
- Long-Range Forecasting as a Past Value Problem: Untangling Correlations and Causality With Scaling
- Structural characteristics of complex supply chain networks
- Integrating segmentation and parameter estimation for recreating vertical alignments
- A Pore-Scale Investigation of Mineral Precipitation Driven Diffusivity Change at the Column-Scale
- On the derivation of mean-field percolation critical exponents from the triangle condition
- Teacher practices with adaptive math technology: Sitting in the driver’s seat of a self-driving car
- Price formation within Egypt’s wheat tender market: Implications for Black Sea exporters
- Multi-feature gait recognition with DNN based on sEMG signals
- A comprehensive review on the state of charge estimation for lithium-ion battery based on neural network
- Air pollution and academic performance: Evidence from India
- Response of GOLD retrieved thermospheric temperatures to geomagnetic activities of varying magnitudes
- Deep learning optimal control for a complex hybrid energy storage system
- Sharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic
- New evidence regarding the effects of contract farming on agricultural labor use
- Improving ligand-ranking of AutoDock Vina by changing the empirical parameters
- How principals affect students and schools
- Toward Accurate Physics-Based Specifications of Neutral Density Using GNSS-Enabled Small Satellites
- Well logging prediction and uncertainty analysis based on recurrent neural network with attention mechanism and Bayesian theory
- Trade and Political Fragmentation on the Silk Roads: The Economic Effects of Historical Exchange between China and the Muslim East
- Constraining the equation of state in modified gravity via universal relations
- Robust nonlinear compressive sampling using symmetric alpha-stable distributions
- Isothermal and non-isothermal drying behavior for grape (Vitis vinifera) by new improved system: exergy analysis, RSM, and modeling
- Semi-dense visual-inertial odometry and mapping for computationally constrained platforms
- The impact of the sample time of secondary bacterial culture on the risk of exposure to contaminated platelet components: A mathematical analysis
- Semi-coupling of a field-scale resolving land-surface model and WRF-LES to investigate the influence of land-surface heterogeneity on cloud development
- Large deviation principles of obstacle problems for quasilinear stochastic PDEs
- How causal is a reciprocal effect? Contrasting traditional and new methods to investigate the reciprocal effects model of self-concept and achievement
- Aggregate-level test-scale linking: A new solution for an old problem?
- Extended tight-binding quantum chemistry methods
- On the Pre-Magnetic Storm Signatures in NmF2 in Some Equatorial, Low-and Mid-Latitude Stations
- A hybrid deep learning technology for PM2. 5 air quality forecasting
- A method for secondary ion mass spectrometry measurement of lithium isotopes in garnet: The utility of glass reference materials
- PyVisA: Visualization and Analysis of path sampling trajectories
- Apparent exchange rate imaging: On its applicability and the connection to the real exchange rate
- A strengths-based, culturally responsive family intervention improves Latino kindergarteners’ vocabulary and approaches to learning
- The System-Level Effects of Charter Schools on Student Outcomes: A National Analysis of School Districts
- Remaining useful life and state of health prediction for lithium batteries based on empirical mode decomposition and a long and short memory neural network
- Spatiotemporal multisensor calibration via gaussian processes moving target tracking
- A stochastic thermalization of the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
- Using array-derived rotational motion to obtain local wave propagation properties from earthquakes induced by the 2018 geothermal stimulation in Finland
- Anomaly detection using a sliding window technique and data imputation with machine learning for hydrological time series
- A comparative analysis of the arima and lstm predictive models and their effectiveness for predicting wind speed
- The effect of gradient nonlinearities on fiber orientation estimates from spherical deconvolution of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data
- Fast Correction of Errors in the DFT-Calculated Energies of Gaseous Nitrogen-Containing Species
- Hydrodynamics of the generalized N-urn Ehrenfest model
- Three flavors of radiative feedbacks and their implications for estimating equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Freidlin–Wentzell Type Large Deviation Principle for Multiscale Locally Monotone SPDEs
- A non-linear implicit approach for modelling the dynamics of porous tensile structures interacting with fluids
- An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large-scale data production events in OpenStreetMap
- A new generalized family of distributions: Properties and applications
- The impact of flexibility on engineer-to-order production planning
- STEM pathways of rural and small-town students: Opportunities to learn, aspirations, preparation, and college enrollment
- Adaptive treatment assignment in experiments for policy choice
- Differential consistency analysis: which similarity measures can be applied in drug discovery?
- The antagonistic pleiotropy of insulin-like growth factor 1
- Fractional Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model: Applications in variance and volatility swaps, and hedging
- Improving solar wind forecasting using Data Assimilation
- Accountability-driven school reform: are there unintended effects on younger children in untested grades?
- Streams as mirrors: reading subsurface water chemistry from stream chemistry
- Investigating the pilot point ensemble Kalman filter for geostatistical inversion and data assimilation
- The application of ensemble wave forcing to quantify uncertainty of shoreline change predictions
- Facilitating young children’s numeracy talk in play: The role of parent prompts
- Local Distortions in a Prototypical Zeolite Framework Containing Double Four-Ring Cages: The Role of Framework Composition and Organic Guests
- Landscape complexity beyond invariance and the elastic manifold
- Improved contrast and noise of megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) through cycle-consistent generative machine learning
- A standard system phantom for magnetic resonance imaging
- Fair dynamic valuation of insurance liabilities via convex hedging
- Efficient sampling allocation procedures for optimal quantile selection
- Contact angle measurements: From existing methods to an open-source tool
- Evolution in the weak-mutation limit: Stasis periods punctuated by fast transitions between saddle points on the fitness landscape
- Global cerebrospinal fluid as a zero-reference regularization for brain quantitative susceptibility mapping
- Coexistence of Two Different Distorted Octahedral [MnF6]3− Sites in K3[MnF6]: Manifestation in Spectroscopy and Magnetism
- A modified sine cosine algorithm with ensemble search agent updating schemes for small signal stability analysis
- Accurate simulation of surfaces and interfaces of ten FCC metals and steel using Lennard–Jones potentials
- Kindergarten in a large urban district
- The Data-Driven Schrödinger Bridge
- MuSyC is a consensus framework that unifies multi-drug synergy metrics for combinatorial drug discovery
- Autonomous robotic sensing for simultaneous geometric and volumetric inspection of free-form parts
- Exploring evolution of augmented and virtual reality education space in 2020 through systematic literature review
- Pushing Mechatronic Applications to the Limits via Smart Motion Control
- Resource pulses influence the spatio-temporal dynamics of a large carnivore population
- Commissioning of a clinical pencil beam scanning proton therapy unit for ultra-high dose rates (FLASH)
- Approximating the cumulant generating function of triangles in the Erdös–Rényi random graph
- Time Evolution and Diurnal Variability of the Parametric Sensitivity of Turbine-Height Winds in the MYNN-EDMF Parameterization
- Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale for children in Serbia
- Vehicle–track–tunnel dynamic interaction: a finite/infinite element modelling method
- Independent sets of a given size and structure in the hypercube
- Optimal control of electrical vehicle incorporated hybrid power system with second order fractional-active disturbance rejection controller
- Numerical solution of the neural field equation in the presence of random disturbance
- Meta-analysis of uniform scaling factors for harmonic frequency calculations
- Reappraising stress arousal improves affective, neuroendocrine, and academic performance outcomes in community college classrooms.
- Selective importance in self-enhancement: Patterns of feedback adolescents use to improve math self-concept
- How social studies improves elementary literacy
- Constructing synthetic panels for the purpose of studying poverty dynamics: A primer
- Analytical continuation of matrix-valued functions: Carathéodory formalism
- Quantitative Analysis of Terrain Reflected Solar Radiation in Snow-Covered Mountains: A Case Study in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected mathematics achievement? A case study of university students in social sciences
- Comparative analysis of different approaches for computing axial, torsional and bending stiffnesses of cables and wire ropes
- Testing wave turbulence theory for the Gross-Pitaevskii system
- Geometric accuracy prediction and improvement for additive manufacturing using triangular mesh shape data
- The effect of financial education on students’ consumer choices: Evidence from a randomized experiment
- How much do students’ scores in PISA reflect general intelligence and how much do they reflect specific abilities?
- Long-Term Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS
- The Impact of STEM Education on Elementary School Math and Science Achievement
- Asymptotics for volatility derivatives in multi-factor rough volatility models
- What is the optimal schedule for multiparametric MRS? A magnetic resonance fingerprinting perspective
- Early summer soil moisture contribution to Western European summer warming
- Active fault-tolerant control for load frequency control in multi-area power systems with physical faults and cyber attacks
- Patterns and variation of littoral habitat size among lakes
- Thermal characteristics of in-tube upward supercritical CO2 flows and a new heat transfer prediction model based on artificial neural networks (ANN)
- An Analytical Two-Machine Equivalent Method of DFIG-Based Wind Power Plants Considering Complete FRT Processes
- Generalized figure of merit for qubit readout
- Application of hybrid model based on empirical mode decomposition, novel recurrent neural networks and the ARIMA to wind speed prediction
- How AI founders on adversarial landscapes of fog and friction
- Skill, thrill, and will: the role of metacognition, interest, and self-control in predicting student engagement in mathematics learning over time
- Non-cognitive peer effects in secondary education
- On the nature of the Arctic’s positive lapse-rate feedback
- State-observer based IDD controller for concurrent frequency-voltage control of a hybrid power system with electric vehicle uncertainties
- Influence of small defects and nonmetallic inclusions on the high and very high cycle fatigue strength of an ultrahigh-strength steel
- Truncated linear statistics in the one dimensional one-component plasma
- Complexity of mesoscale eddy diffusivity in the ocean
- Identity for deviations from the exact solution of the problem and its implications
- Using tensor network states for multi-particle Brownian ratchets
- Waves in Western Long Island Sound: A Fetch-Limited Coastal Basin
- Role of geostrophic currents in future changes of coastal upwelling in the California Current System
- Simulation of the present and future projection of permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with statistical and machine learning models
- Coexistence of dynamical delocalization and spectral localization through stochastic dissipation
- Analysis goals, error-cost sensitivity, and analysis hacking: Essential considerations in hypothesis testing and multiple comparisons
- On the mean density of states of some matrices related to the beta ensembles and an application to the Toda lattice
- The resiliency of school outcomes after the COVID-19 pandemic. Standardised test scores and inequality one year after long term school closures
- Robust linearly constrained extended Kalman filter for mismatched nonlinear systems
- A comparative study of equivalent circuit model and distribution of relaxation times for fuel cell impedance diagnosis
- Variability in expiratory trajectory angles during consonant production by one human subject and from a physical mouth model: Application to respiratory droplet …
- On properties of EFA plots
- “Simpson’s Law” and the Spectral Cancellation of Climate Feedbacks
- Applied stochastic analysis
- Efficient computation of extreme excursion probabilities for dynamical systems through Rice’s formula
- Structure of Xe through multi-reference energy density functional calculations
- Top-performing math students in 82 countries: An integrative data analysis of gender differences in achievement, achievement profiles, and achievement motivation.
- ASHLEY: A new empirical model for the high-latitude electron precipitation and electric field
- Early childhood exposure to health insurance and adolescent outcomes: Evidence from rural China
- Antiferroelectrics: History, fundamentals, crystal chemistry, crystal structures, size effects, and applications
- Efficiency large deviation function of quantum heat engines
- Non-invariance? An overstated problem with misconceived causes
- Widespread cryptic variation in genetic architecture between the sexes
- Efficient identification of scars using heterogeneous model hierarchies
- A resolved CFD-DEM method based on the IBM for sedimentation of dense fluid-particle flows
- Black-white achievement gap: Role of race, school urbanity, and parental education
- Constraining unmodeled physics with compact binary mergers from GWTC-1
- Teacher effects on student achievement and height: A cautionary tale
- Comparative study of viscosity, diffusion coefficient, thermal conductivity and Gibbs free energy for binary liquid mixtures at varying temperatures
- Eight universal truths of identifying students for advanced academic interventions
- Parent-child information frictions and human capital investment: Evidence from a field experiment
- Global sensitivity analysis based on entropy: From differential entropy to alternative measures
- A simulated annealing algorithm with a dual perturbation method for clustering
- Measuring conversational uptake: A case study on student-teacher interactions
- Evidence of probability misconception in engineering students—why even an inaccurate explanation is better than no explanation
- Vapor pressure deficit and sunlight explain seasonality of leaf phenology and photosynthesis across Amazonian evergreen broadleaved forest
- Self-normalized moderate deviations for random walk in random scenery
- Calibration and uncertainty quantification of convective parameters in an idealized GCM
- Socially aware robot obstacle avoidance considering human intention and preferences
- New approach to the thermodynamics of scalar-tensor gravity
- Dynamics of a stochastic HBV infection model with cell-to-cell transmission and immune response
- Feasibility of using megavoltage computed tomography to reduce proton range uncertainty: a simulation study
- Limit theorems for random non-uniformly expanding or hyperbolic maps with exponential tails
- Structure and variability of abyssal current in northern South China Sea based on CPIES observations
- Distributed optimal voltage control in islanded microgrids
- Digital hardware implementation of optimized spiking neurons
- Mismatched Rate-Distortion Theory: Ensembles, Bounds, and General Alphabets
- Should farmers farm more? Comparing marginal products within Malawian households
- A revised approach for risk-averse multi-armed bandits under CVaR criterion
- Performance comparison of two reduced-representation based genome-wide marker-discovery strategies in a multi-taxon phylogeographic framework
- Passivity-based control laws for an unmanned powered parachute aircraft
- Adiabatic quantum algorithm for factorization with growing minimum energy gap
- Metastability for the degenerate Potts Model with negative external magnetic field under Glauber dynamics
- Broad Bayesian learning (BBL) for nonparametric probabilistic modeling with optimized architecture configuration
- The reciprocal 2I/E model: An investigation of mutual relations between achievement and self-concept levels and changes in the math and verbal domain across three …
- Tackling the gender gap in mathematics with active learning methodologies
- Indoor camera pose estimation via style-transfer 3D models
- Robust observer-based anti-swing control of 2D-crane systems with load hoisting-lowering
- Teaching science in a virtual environment: The case of excellence academy during the pandemic
- A numerical study into element type and mesh resolution for crystal plasticity finite element modeling of explicit grain structures
- Changes of Precipitation-Runoff Relationship Induced by Climate Variation in a Large Glaciated Basin of the Tibetan Plateau
- The prospective role of epistemic curiosity in national standardized test performance
- Investing in infants: The lasting effects of cash transfers to new families
- Teacher peer observation and student test scores: Evidence from a field experiment in English secondary schools
- Steepness is a slippery slope
- Passive Sampler Exchange Kinetics in Large and Small Water Volumes Under Mixed Rate Control by Sorbent and Water Boundary Layer
- Why females choose STEM majors: Understanding the relationships between major, personality, interests, self-efficacy, and anxiety
- Influence of horizontally variable soil properties on nonlinear seismic site response and ground motion coherency
- Tropospheric ozone variability over Hong Kong based on recent 20 years (2000–2019) ozonesonde observation
- Rural minimum living standard guarantee (rural Dibao) program boosts children’s education outcomes in rural China
- The best density functional theory functional for the prediction of 1H and 13C chemical shifts of protonated alkylpyrroles
- Deep learning for daily precipitation and temperature downscaling
- Notes on Trends in the US Income-Achievement Gap
- A generative variational model for inverse problems in imaging
- Outlier analysis for defect detection using sparse sampling in guided wave structural health monitoring
- Methods for testing publication bias in ecological and evolutionary meta-analyses
- Discrimination of beers by cyclic voltammetry using a single carbon screen-printed electrode
- Fractional moments of the stochastic heat equation
- Globally consistent reef size spectra integrating fishes and invertebrates
- Peak runoff timing is linked to global warming trajectories
- Rough volatility and CGMY jumps with a finite history and the Rough Heston model–small-time asymptotics in the regime
- Stochastic generation of future hydroclimate using temperature as a climate change covariate
- Headstrong Girls and Dependent Boys: Gender Differences in the Labor Market Returns to Child Behavior
- Assessing uncertainties from physical parameters and modelling choices in an atmospheric large eddy simulation model
- A Very Large Eddy Simulation Model Using a Reductionist Inlet Turbulence Generator and Wall Modeling for Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers
- Maxima of log-correlated fields: some recent developments
- Birds of a feather flock together: Comparing controlled pre–post designs
- An occlusion-resistant circle detector using inscribed triangles
- Learning Gains From the KinderTEK® iPad Math Program: Does Timing of a Preventative Intervention Matter?
- Primary sludge fermentate as carbon source for mainstream partial denitrification–anammox (PdNA)
- Equation of state measurements on iron near the melting curve at planetary core conditions by shock and ramp compressions
- Precision cosmology in modified and extended theories of gravity: an insightful test
- Towards robust statistical inference for complex computer models
- Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for transient wave propagation in pressurized pipes
- Harmonically confined long-ranged interacting gas in the presence of a hard wall
- Analysis of the Ratio of the Standard Deviations of the Kernel Estimate of the Probability Density with Independent and Dependent Random Variables
- Dynamical phase transition in the activity-biased fully-connected random field Ising model: connection with glass-forming systems
- Hemispheric asymmetries in Poynting flux derived from DMSP spacecraft
- Does monitoring deter future cheating? The case of external examiners in Italian schools
- Uncertainty-driven business cycles: Assessing the markup channel
- Learning in the Time of a Pandemic and Implications for Returning to School: Effects of COVID-19 in Ghana
- Lower bounds for invariant statistical models with applications to principal component analysis
- Goals and gaps: Educational careers of immigrant children
- Kindergarteners’ symbolic number abilities predict nonsymbolic number abilities and math achievement in grade 1.
- Teaching with the Test: Experimental Evidence on Diagnostic Feedback and Capacity Building for Public Schools in Argentina
- Transient Dynamic System Behavior of Pressure Actuated Cellular Structures in a Morphing Wing
- Variance-based sensitivity analysis for uncertainties in proton therapy: A framework to assess the effect of simultaneous uncertainties in range, positioning, and RBE …
- Gender differences in leaving questions blank on high-stakes standardized tests
- Data processing and quality verification for improved photovoltaic performance and reliability analytics
- The dynamic impact of monetary policy on regional housing prices in the United States
- How salty is the global ocean: weighing it all or tasting it a sip at a time?
- GRACE Follow-On Accelerometer Data Recovery
- Linking inhibitory control to math achievement via comparison of conflicting decimal numbers
- Crowd-sourced plant occurrence data provide a reliable description of macroecological gradients
- How should educational effects be communicated to teachers?
- On the Linear Convergence of the Multimarginal Sinkhorn Algorithm
- Combined influences of shear displacement, roughness, and pressure gradient on nonlinear flow in self-affine fractures
- Functional autonomy in dementia of the Alzheimer’s type, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy aging: a meta-analysis
- An actuator-line model with Lagrangian-averaged velocity sampling and piecewise projection for wind turbine simulations
- Age uncertainty in recurrence analysis of paleoseismic records
- In situ observations of whistler-mode chorus waves guided by density ducts
- Machine learning lattice parameters of monoclinic double perovskites
- English language learners, self-efficacy, and the achievement gap: Understanding the relationship between academic and social-emotional growth
- Determining geometrical deviations of crankshafts with limited detection possibilities due to support conditions
- The role of tuffs in sealing volcanic conduits
- Training across the academy: The impact of R&D funding on graduate students
- Derivation of the resonance mechanism for wireless power transfer using class-e amplifier
- Comparison of wheel–rail contact models in the context of multibody system simulation: Hertzian versus non-Hertzian
- Solidification crack propagation and morphology dependence on processing parameters in AA6061 from ultra-high-speed x-ray visualization
- Comparison of synoptic maps and PFSS solutions for the declining phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Ozone profile retrieval from nadir TROPOMI measurements in the UV range
- Hybrid deep learning architecture for rail surface segmentation and surface defect detection
- Uncovering patterns of freshwater positive interactions using meta-analysis: Identifying the roles of common participants, invasive species and environmental context
- Affirmative Action and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
- Recognition of crevasses with high-resolution digital elevation models: Application of geomorphometric modeling and texture analysis
- Spatio-temporal modelling of PM10 daily concentrations in Italy using the SPDE approach
- Phase Transitions for ϕ 3 4
- A connection of winter Eurasian cold anomaly to the modulation of Ural blocking by ENSO
- Building word-problem solving and working memory capacity: A randomized controlled trial comparing three intervention approaches.
- Autonomous in situ calibration of ion-sensitive field effect transistor pH sensors
- Electrochemical Model-Based Investigation of Thick LiFePO4 Electrode Design Parameters
- Provably accurate simulation of gauge theories and bosonic systems
- Stochastic fractal search-optimized multi-support vector regression for remaining useful life prediction of bearings
- Accurate prediction of the properties of materials using the CAM-B3LYP density functional
- Disturbance compensation based asymptotic tracking control for nonlinear systems with mismatched modeling uncertainties
- Male allies at work: gender-equality supportive men reduce negative underrepresentation effects among women
- Environmental filtering and dispersal limitation jointly shaped the taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity of natural forests in southern China
- Deriving Mercury geodetic parameters with altimetric crossovers from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA)
- Integrated characterization of wormhole network by use of a modified pressure-gradient-based (PGB) sand failure criterion and ensemble-based history matching …
- Academic self-concept formation and peer-group contagion: Development of the big-fish-little-pond effect in primary-school classrooms and peer groups.
- Detecting microstructural deviations in individuals with deep diffusion MRI tractometry
- Axial ring-down modes in general relativity and in its pseudo-complex extension
- Effect of very large body mass loss on energetics, mechanics and efficiency of walking in adults with obesity: mass-driven versus behavioural adaptations
- Accelerating Student Learning with High-Dosage Tutoring. EdResearch for Recovery Design Principles Series.
- Wave-optical study of the Einstein cross formed by a quadrupole gravitational lens
- Breast cancer histopathological image classification using attention high-order deep network
- SwinBTS: a method for 3D multimodal brain tumor segmentation using swin transformer
- Model-based ordination for species with unequal niche widths
- When the great equalizer shuts down: Schools, peers, and parents in pandemic times
- Determining the Diffusion Coefficient of Lithium Insertion Cathodes from GITT measurements: Theoretical Analysis for low Temperatures
- A deep learning driven pseudospectral PCE based FFT homogenization algorithm for complex microstructures
- Ensuring both velocity and spatial responses robust to field inhomogeneities for velocity-selective arterial spin labeling through dynamic phase-cycling
- Spin–Electric Coupling in a Cobalt (II)-Based Spin Triangle Revealed by Electric-Field-Modulated Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
- Vicariance followed by secondary gene flow in a young gazelle species complex
- Profitability and profit persistence in EU food retailing: Differences between top competitors and fringe firms
- Ignition delay and its influence on the performance of a Diesel engine operating with different Diesel–biodiesel fuels
- Recursive partitioning and Gaussian process regression for the detection and localization of damages in pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer material
- Intentional and unintentional selection during plant domestication: herbivore damage, plant defensive traits and nutritional quality of fruit and seed crops
- Microcanonical and finite-temperature ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on quantum computers
- QSM reconstruction challenge 2.0: A realistic in silico head phantom for MRI data simulation and evaluation of susceptibility mapping procedures
- Investigation of Control Structures for a Four-Product Laboratory Multiple Dividing-Wall Column Using Dynamic Simulation
- Advances in vibrational configuration interaction theory-part 2: Fast screening of the correlation space
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- Evaluating Simulated Raindrop Size Distributions and Ice Microphysical Processes with Polarimetric Radar Observations in a Meiyu Front Event Over Eastern China
- An optimized b-value distribution for triexponential intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) in the liver
- Bottom boundary layer oxygen fluxes during winter on the Oregon shelf
- Data-driven sample average approximation with covariate information
- Geometry dependence of excitonic couplings and the consequences for configuration-space sampling
- Propagation of chaos: a review of models, methods and applications
- Fast Reaction Limits via Γ -Convergence of the Flux Rate Functional
- Local Immigration and Support for Anti-Immigration Parties: A Meta-Analysis
- A multilevel hybrid anomaly detection scheme for industrial wireless sensor networks
- Three-dimensional reconstruction of porous polymer films from FIB-SEM nanotomography data using random forests
- Elementary school students’ motivational profiles across Finnish language, mathematics and science: Longitudinal trajectories, gender differences and STEM …
- Adaptive divergence and the evolution of hybrid trait mismatch in threespine stickleback
- Time reversal of diffusion processes under a finite entropy condition
- Analytical model of the network topology and rigidity of calcium aluminosilicate glasses
- The long-term effects of automatic grade promotion on child development
- Directional ordering of self-concept, school grades, and standardized tests over five years: New tripartite models juxtaposing within-and between-person …
- (Almost) Everything in Moderation: New Evidence on Americans’ Online Media Diets
- Exact black hole solutions with a conformally coupled scalar field and dynamic Ricci curvature in f (R) gravity theories
- Influence of oxygen vacancies on core-shell formation in solid solutions of (Na,Bi)TiO3 and SrTiO3
- Multimarginal Optimal Transport with a Tree-Structured Cost and the Schrödinger Bridge Problem
- Development of executive function in middle childhood: A large-scale, in-school, longitudinal investigation
- Is intervention fadeout a scaling artefact?
- Educator incentives and educational triage in rural primary schools
- Benefits of additional online practice opportunities in higher education
- Mitigating site effects in covariance for machine learning in neuroimaging data
- The effects of kindergarten and first grade schooling on executive function and academic skill development: evidence from a school cutoff design
- Ultralight fermionic dark matter
- New international formulation for the viscosity of heavy water
- How Much Have Students Missed Academically Because of the Pandemic? A Review of the Evidence to Date.
- Reducing the effect of sample bias for small data sets with double-weighted support vector transfer regression
- Examining the Effect of Dopant Ionic Radius on Plasmonic M:ZnO Nanocrystals (M = Al3+, Ga3+, In3+)
- Bias Corrected Estimation of Paleointensity (BiCEP): An improved methodology for obtaining paleointensity estimates
- Chang’E-4 Rover Spectra Revealing Micro-scale Surface Thermophysical Properties of the Moon
- Characterization of the full matrix constants of Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics
- Open source implementation of glued sphere discrete element method and nonspherical biomass fast pyrolysis simulation
- Pytorch geometric temporal: Spatiotemporal signal processing with neural machine learning models
- Redistribution of salmon populations in the northeast Pacific ocean in response to climate
- Can mentoring alleviate family disadvantage in adolscence? a field experiment to improve labor-market prospects
- Limits on mass outflow from optical tidal disruption events
- Advances in vibrational configuration interaction theory-part 1: Efficient calculation of vibrational angular momentum terms
- Implicit solvation in domain based pair natural orbital coupled cluster (DLPNO-CCSD) theory
- A class of new stable, explicit methods to solve the non-stationary heat equation
- A novel adaptive discrete grey model with time-varying parameters for long-term photovoltaic power generation forecasting
- DONeRF: Towards Real-Time Rendering of Compact Neural Radiance Fields using Depth Oracle Networks
- Do private schools really produce more learning than public schools in India? Accounting for student’s school absenteeism and the time spent on homework
- Effects of gender on basic numerical and arithmetic skills: Pilot data from third to ninth grade for a large-scale online dyscalculia screener
- Energy and crop price cycles before and after the global financial crisis: A new approach
- More views of a one-sided surface: mechanical models and stereo vision techniques for Möbius strips
- Extended Kalman filter for online soft tissue characterization based on Hunt-Crossley contact model
- Creation of small kinetic models for CFD applications: A meta-heuristic approach
- Modelling and validation of a gas-solid fluidized bed using advanced measurement techniques
- Atomistic hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics combined with slip-springs: Restoring entangled dynamics to simulations of polymer melts
- Moho interface changes beneath the Tibetan Plateau based on GRACE data
- 3D 31P MRSI of the human brain at 9.4 Tesla: Optimization and quantitative analysis of metabolic images
- Euler-scale dynamical fluctuations in non-equilibrium interacting integrable systems
- Explicit wall models for large eddy simulation
- Remixing resilience: A critical examination of urban middle school learning environments among resilient African American learners
- Dynamic sea level variation from GNSS: 2020 Shumagin earthquake tsunami resonance and Hurricane Laura
- Linking the different diameter types of aspherical desert dust indicates that models underestimate coarse dust emission
- Quantification of the nonlinear susceptibility of the hydrogen and deuterium stretch vibration for biomolecules in coherent Raman micro-spectroscopy
- A Mahalanobis distance-based automatic threshold selection method for peaks over threshold model
- A novel predictive model for multiaxial fatigue in carburized bevel gears
- Use of Machine Learning for the Estimation of Down-and Up-Link Field Exposure in Multi-Source Indoor WiFi Scenarios
- Handling of stealthy sensor and actuator cyberattacks on evolving nonlinear process systems
- A decomposition of student achievement gap by gender in China: Evidence from random class assignment
- On the scope and characteristics of relapse when treating severe destructive behavior
- Conventional and data-driven modeling of filtered drag, heat transfer, and reaction rate in gas–particle flows
- Additive manufacturing of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)
- Horizontal Movement of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Observed From the Himawari-8 Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
- Attention Does Not Affect the Speed of Subjective Time, but Whether Temporal Information Guides Performance: A Large-Scale Study of Intrinsically Motivated Timers …
- Exactly solvable SIR models, their extensions and their application to sensitive pandemic forecasting
- Regulatory constraints for money market funds: The impossible trinity
- Causation, not collinearity: Identifying sources of bias when modelling the evolution of brain size and other allometric traits
- Building an allocentric travelling direction signal via vector computation
- Validation of a secondary dose check tool against Monte Carlo and analytical clinical dose calculation algorithms in VMAT
- Foundations of complexity economics
- Competitive drivers of interspecific deviations of crown morphology from theoretical predictions measured with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- IMAT: The Iterative Medial Axis Transform
- Averaging principle and normal deviations for multiscale stochastic systems
- Multiscale modelling of wall-to-bed heat transfer in fixed beds with non-spherical pellets: From particle-resolved CFD to pseudo-homogenous models
- On a new class of non-Gaussian molecular-based constitutive models with limiting chain extensibility for incompressible rubber-like materials
- Optimization-based cosmetic formulation: Integration of mechanistic model, surrogate model, and heuristics
- Intra-day Dynamic Optimal Dispatch for Power System Based on Deep Q-Learning
- Estimating pricing rigidities in bilateral transactions markets
- A bird’s eye view of farm size and biodiversity: The ecological legacy of the iron curtain
- Experimental nitrogen fertilisation globally accelerates, then slows decomposition of leaf litter
- Non-equilibrium steady state formation in 3+ 1 dimensions
- Evaluating Item Fit Statistic Thresholds in PISA: Analysis of Cross-Country Comparability of Cognitive Items
- Thermodynamic symmetry resolved entanglement entropies in integrable systems
- Geodetic coupling models as constraints on stochastic earthquake ruptures: An example application to PTHA in Cascadia
- Micro-computed tomography for the 3D time-resolved investigation of monodisperse droplet generation in a co-flow setup
- Considerable uncertainties in simulating land carbon sinks induced by different precipitation products
- Dynamic operating efficiency and its determining factors of listed real-estate companies in China: A hierarchical slack-based DEA-OLS approach
- The first detection of an earthquake from a balloon using its acoustic signature
- Rocking incremental dynamic analysis
- Lattice dislocation induced misfit dislocation evolution in semi-coherent {111} bimetal interfaces
- The effects of charter school enrollment losses and tuition reimbursements on school districts: Lifting boats or sinking them?
- Capillary-bridge forces between solid particles: Insights from lattice Boltzmann simulations
- The viscous and Ohmic damping of the Earth’s free core nutation
- Effective field theory versus UV-complete model: vector boson scattering as a case study
- Systemic effects of rising atmospheric vapor pressure deficit on plant physiology and productivity
- A Critical Period for Robust Curriculum-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning of Sequential Action in a Robot Arm
- Analysis of the rice yield under an Agrivoltaic system: A case study in Japan
- Gang-related crime in Los Angeles remained stable following COVID-19 social distancing orders
- A framework for quantifying deviations from dynamic equilibrium theory
- Deep emulators for differentiation, forecasting, and parametrization in Earth science simulators
- Experimental and numerical studies of seismic fluid-structure interaction in a base-supported cylindrical vessel
- Orographic effect on extreme precipitation statistics peaks at hourly time scales
- Global sensitivity analysis of quantiles: New importance measure based on superquantiles and subquantiles
- Price comparison websites
- The first bismuth borosulfates comprising oxonium and a tectosilicate-analogous anion
- Dealing with small samples in football research
- Random Matrix Methods for Machine Learning
- Hofstadter butterflies and metal/insulator transitions for moir\’e heterostructures
- Integration of close-range underwater photogrammetry with inspection and mesh processing software: a novel approach for quantifying ecological dynamics of …
- Observational signatures of quantum gravity in interferometers
- A multivariate grey prediction model based on energy logistic equation and its application in energy prediction in China
- Neutron stars in massive scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Spherical structure and time-independent perturbations
- A national-level informational experiment to promote enrollment in selective colleges
- Biochemical and structural characterization of analogs of MRE11 breast cancer-associated mutant F237C
- Precise deviations for disk counting statistics of invariant determinantal processes
- Predator-scale spatial analysis of intra-patch prey distribution reveals the energetic drivers of rorqual whale super-group formation
- Improving dose delivery accuracy with EPID in vivo dosimetry: results from a multicenter study
- Convergence of daily GRACE solutions and models of submonthly ocean bottom pressure variability
- Postseismic deformation of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake illuminates lithospheric rheological structure and dynamics of eastern Tibet
- Large colloidal probes for atomic force microscopy: Fabrication and calibration issues
- Unique exams: designing assessments for integrity and fairness
- “Amplified Spontaneous Emission” in Micro-and Nanolasers
- A generic deep learning model for reduced gadolinium dose in contrast-enhanced brain MRI
- The Lennard-Jones Potential Revisited: Analytical Expressions for Vibrational Effects in Cubic and Hexagonal Close-Packed Lattices
- Position distribution in a generalized run-and-tumble process
- Improving estimates of species distribution change by incorporating local trends
- Dementia MRI image classification using transformation technique based on elephant herding optimization with Randomized Adam method for updating the hyper …
- Large differences in leaf cuticle conductance and its temperature response among 24 tropical tree species from across a rainfall gradient
- An improved robust SCUC approach considering multiple uncertainty and correlation
- Solvability of functional stochastic integral equations via Darbo’s fixed point theorem
- Schrödinger’s 1931 paper “On the Reversal of the Laws of Nature”[“Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesetze”, Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie …
- Economic preferences across generations and family clusters: A large-scale experiment in a developing country
- The comparative effects of two tonal pattern systems and two rhythm pattern systems for learning to play the guitar
- Developing health lifestyle pathways and social inequalities across early childhood
- Inside the hologram: reconstructing the bulk observer’s experience
- Modeling fomite-mediated SARS-CoV-2 exposure through personal protective equipment doffing in a hospital environment
- The ERP, frequency, and time–frequency correlates of feedback processing: Insights from a large sample study
- Coral adaptation to climate change: Meta-analysis reveals high heritability across multiple traits
- Enhancing the accuracy of a data-driven reconstruction of bivariate jump-diffusion models with corrections for higher orders of the sampling interval
- Oil palm cultivation, household welfare, and exposure to economic risk in the Indonesian small farm sector
- Bayesian Poroelastic Aquifer Characterization From InSAR Surface Deformation Data. 2. Quantifying the Uncertainty
- Exclusively Relativistic: Periodic Trends in the Melting and Boiling Points of Group 12
- Phenological displacement is uncommon among sympatric angiosperms
- Teacher Mindsets Help Explain Where a Growth-Mindset Intervention Does and Doesn’t Work
- Sub-cloud turbulence explains cloud-base updrafts for shallow cumulus ensembles: First observational evidence
- Assessing compound flooding potential with multivariate statistical models in a complex estuarine system under data constraints
- Isoperimetric Problems For Zonotopes
- Generation of gravity waves from thermal tides in the Venus atmosphere
- Caloric devices: a review on numerical modeling and optimization strategies
- Emergence of homochirality in large molecular systems
- Dispersal limitation and weaker stabilizing mechanisms mediate loss of diversity with edge effects in forest fragments
- Molecule-Specific Uncertainty Quantification in Quantum Chemical Studies
- Targeted vs. General Education Investments Evidence from Special Education and English Language Learners in Boston Charter Schools
- Pore-Scale MultiResolution Rock-Typing of Layered Sandstones via Minkowski Maps
- Huber-based robust unscented Kalman filter distributed drive electric vehicle state observation
- Advanced InSAR tropospheric corrections from global atmospheric models that incorporate spatial stochastic properties of the troposphere
- Imputation of GPS coordinate time series using MissForest
- Deciphering the mechanical properties of B-DNA duplex
- What Are the Different Measures of Mobility Telling Us About Surface Transportation CO2 Emissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
- Localization effects due to a random magnetic field on heat transport in a harmonic chain
- Landscape-scale variations in near-surface soil temperature and active-layer thickness: Implications for high-resolution permafrost mapping
- Effects of schematic chunking on enhancing geometry performance in students with Math difficulties and students at risk of Math failure
- Predicting into unknown space? Estimating the area of applicability of spatial prediction models
- Exploring CO2@sI Clathrate Hydrates as CO2 Storage Agents by Computational Density Functional Approaches
- Optimal control of oscillation timing and entrainment using large magnitude inputs: An adaptive phase-amplitude-coordinate-based approach
- Quasi-stationary distribution for Hamiltonian dynamics with singular potentials
- Examination of optimized protocols for pCASL: Sensitivity to macrovascular contamination, flow dispersion, and prolonged arterial transit time
- Elevating density functional theory to chemical accuracy for water simulations through a density-corrected many-body formalism
- Dimensional comparisons in the formation of domain-specific achievement goals.
- Dam breach simulation with the material point method
- Digital twin system of thermal error control for a large-size gear profile grinder enabled by gated recurrent unit
- G-RUN ENSEMBLE: A Multi-Forcing Observation-Based Global Runoff Reanalysis
- Seasonal predictability of sea ice and bottom temperature across the eastern Bering Sea Shelf
- The two-point correlation function in the six-vertex model
- Should value-added school effects models include student-and school-level covariates? Evidence from Australian population assessment data
- Coherent spin states and stochastic hybrid path integrals
- Entropic barriers as a reason for hardness in both classical and quantum algorithms
- The association between supply chain structure and transparency: A large-scale empirical study
- Machine learning for predicting thermal transport properties of solids
- Learning loss due to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Tube-enhanced multi-stage model predictive control for flexible robust control of constrained linear systems with additive and parametric uncertainties
- Frequency stability issues and research opportunities in converter dominated power system
- Does weather, or energy prices, affect carbon prices?
- Electric vehicle charging current scenario generation based on generative adversarial network combined with clustering algorithm
- Cramér moderate deviations for the elephant random walk
- Oil palm and structural transformation of agriculture in Indonesia
- Quality-Indicator-Based Preprocessing for the Distribution of Relaxation Times Method
- Modeling and optimization of microwave puffing of rice using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
- Social robots for (Second) language learning in (Migrant) primary school children
- Continuous time limit of the stochastic ensemble Kalman inversion: Strong convergence analysis
- Adolescents’ academic emotions and academic achievement across the transition to lower secondary school: The role of learning difficulties
- Contextual diversity favors the learning of new words in children regardless of their comprehension skills
- On-board decision making in space with deep neural networks and risc-v vector processors
- Exact minimax risk for linear least squares, and the lower tail of sample covariance matrices
- Non-Pecuniary Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Policies
- The structural similarity index for IMRT quality assurance: radiomics-based error classification
- Interictal spike networks predict surgical outcome in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy
- Reproducibility of lung nodule radiomic features: multivariable and univariable investigations that account for interactions between CT acquisition and reconstruction …
- Exact solutions and internal waves for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in spherical coordinates
- Male-biased sexual selection, but not sexual dichromatism, predicts speciation in birds
- Representative bureaucracy and the policy environment: Gender representation in Forty-Four countries
- UHPLC/GC-TOF-MS metabolomics, MTT assay, and molecular docking studies reveal physostigmine as a new anticancer agent from the ethyl acetate and butanol …
- Estimating household consumption insurance
- A solar simulator numerical modeling for heat absorption phenomenon research in a parabolic trough collector
- Quasiparticle dynamics of symmetry-resolved entanglement after a quench: Examples of conformal field theories and free fermions
- Motives for dropping out from higher education—An analysis of bachelor’s degree students in Germany
- Modeling and forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic time-series data
- Well-being and cognition are coupled during development: A preregistered longitudinal study of 1,136 children and adolescents
- Distribution dependent stochastic porous media type equations on general measure spaces
- Numerical study of bulk acoustofluidic devices driven by thin-film transducers and whole-system resonance modes
- Does the left spend more? An econometric survey of partisan politics
- Insect and plant invasions follow two waves of globalisation
- A trust region framework for heat exchanger network synthesis with detailed individual heat exchanger designs
- Assessing challenging intra-and inter-molecular charge-transfer excitations energies with double-hybrid density functionals
- Quadruple Collocation Analysis of In-Situ, Scatterometer, and NWP Winds
- Spatial clustering of willingness to pay for ecosystem services