Research Area/ Research Interest: Numerical Analysis
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Generalizations about numeral systems
- Numeral classifier systems : The case of Japanese
- Horses (Equus caballus) select the greater of two quantities in small Numerical contrasts
- Numerical competence in young children and in children with mathematics learning disabilities
- Introduction to Numerical analysis
- An introduction to Numerical analysis
- The development of Numerical classification and ordination
- geometry A supplement to the Anophelinae of Africa South of the Sahara
- Open questions and a proposal: A critical review of the evidence on infant Numerical abilities
- Spontaneous versus trained Numerical abilities. A com
- Bootstrapping in a language of thought: A formal model of Numerical concept learning
- geometry Web-based Yoruba numeral ranslation system
- One, two, three, four, or is there something more? Numerical discrimination in day-old domestic chicks
- Inter-specific differences in Numerical abilities among teleost fish
- geometry Origins of Numerical knowledge
- Size perception and the foundation of Numerical processing
- Numerical air quality forecasting over eastern China: An operational application of WRF-Chem
- An upwind differencing scheme for the incompressible Navier–Strokes equations
- Two systems of non-symbolic Numerical cognition
- A stochastic model for studying the properties of certain biological systems by Numerical methods
- Numerical analysis: a mathematical introduction
- Ontogeny of Numerical abilities in fish
- Numbers and Numerical concepts in primitive peoples.
- A Numerical Scale to Classify Reactions of Barley to Pyrenophora Teres
- Individual differences in non-symbolic Numerical abilities predict mathematical achievements but contradict ATOM
- Numerical modelling of discontinua
- Numerical methods for ordinary differential systems
- Director configuration and dynamics of a nematic liquid crystal around a two-dimensional spherical particle: Numerical analysis using adaptive grids
- Infants possess a system of Numerical knowledge
- geometry Set oriented Numerical methods for dynamical systems
- Elementary Numerical analysis
- Practical Numerical algorithms for chaotic systems
- Numerical computation 1: methods, software, and analysis
- geometry Numerical methods for dynamical systems
- Linear systems : A state variable approach with Numerical implementation
- Chemical equilibrium systems as Numerical test problems
- Numerical studies of localization in disordered systems
- Numerical integration for polyatomic systems
- Numerical methods for linear control systems
- Numerical identification of linear dynamic systems from normal operating records
- Practical Numerical algorithms why laplace transforms are difficult to invert Numerical ly
- The development of Numerical credit evaluation systems
- The algorithms behind GAIO—Set oriented Numerical methods for dynamical systems
- The Numerical solution of systems of polynomials arising in engineering and science
- Analysis of Numerical methods
- Principles of Numerical analysis
- The importance of magnitude information in Numerical processing: Evidence from the SNARC effect
- Stochastic dynamical systems : concepts, Numerical methods, data analysis
- Numerical algorithms with C
- Numerical techniques for multi-scale dynamical systems with stochastic effects
- Theoretical Numerical analysis
- Numerical simulation of vowel quality systems : The role of perceptual contrast
- Applied Numerical analysis
- Finite size scaling and Numerical simulation of statistical systems
- The Numerical computation of connecting orbits in dynamical systems
- Introduction to Numerical analysis
- A Numerical approach to ergodic problem of dissipative dynamical systems
- Various vertical coordinate systems used for Numerical weather prediction
- The vibrational properties of disordered systems : Numerical studies
- Numerical mathematics
- Mathematical aspects of Numerical solution of hyperbolic systems
- The Numerical propulsion systems imulation: An overview
- Numerical integration on advanced computer systems
- Stable Numerical algorithms for equilibrium systems
- Numerical propulsion systems imulation
- Numerical coupling models for complex systems and results
- Numerical approximation of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws
- Characterization of chaotic quantum spectra and universality of level fluctuation laws
- Numerical index of the discriminatory ability of typing systems : an application of Simpson’s index of diversity
- Numerical solution of the dynamic equation for particulate systems
- Numerical methods for non smooth dynamical systems : applications in mechanics and electronics
- Numerical continuation methods for dynamical systems
- The Numerical results of diverse systems of breeding
- A computer system for the Numerical analysis of non stress tests
- A survey of methods available for the Numerical optimization of continuous dynamic systems
- Numerical experiments on the stability of spherical stellar systems
- geometry Numerical prediction of two fluid systems with sharp interfaces
- Evolution of stress and fault patterns in oblique rift systems : 3-D Numerical lithospheric-scale experiments from rift to breakup
- Numerical data fitting in dynamical systems : a practical introduction with applications and software
- Neural signatures of number processing in human infants: evidence for two core systems underlying Numerical cognition
- Numerical methods for modeling water quality in distribution systems : A comparison
- Semi-coupled air/water immersed boundary approach for curvilinear dynamic overset grids with application to ship hydrodynamics
- Extremal systems of points and Numerical integration on the sphere
- Optimal network reconfigurations in distribution system
- Geometric Numerical integration
- Numerical simulations of fractional systems : an overview of existing methods and improvements
- Numerical modeling of fractional-order biological systems
- Numerical method for computing equilibriums in aqueous chemical systems
- Numerical grid generation; Proceedings of the Symposium on Numerical Generation of Curvilinear Coordinate Systems and Their Use in the Numerical Solution of …
- The development of ordinal Numerical knowledge in infancy
- Numerical studies of gas production from several CH4 hydrate zones at the Mallik site, Mackenzie Delta, Canada
- A multi physical ensemble system of Numerical snow modelling
- Comparing Numerical methods for stiff systems of ODE: s
- Optimal control of quantum-mechanical systems : Existence, Numerical approximation, and applications
- The role of materiality in Numerical cognition
- Suppression of Numerical oscillations in the EMTP power systems
- Numerical solution of spectral stochastic finite element systems
- Numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems
- A simple and precise classification for cleft lip and palate: a five-digit Numerical recording system
- geometry Indices for prevalence and incidence of periodontal disease
- Numerical models for the simulation of the fractional-order control systems
- OpenSMOKE++: An object-oriented framework for the Numerical modeling of reactive systems with detailed kinetic mechanisms
- The Numerical solution of differential-algebraic systems by Runge-Kutta methods
- Numerical studies on performance evaluation of tunnel ventilation safety systems
- Efficient Numerical treatment of periodic systems with application to stability problems
- Beyond HyTech: Hybrid Systems Analysis Using Interval Numerical Methods
- Uncertainty and vagueness in knowledge based systems : Numerical methods
- Sign problem in the Numerical simulation of many-electron systems
- Geometric, control and Numerical aspects of nonholonomic systems
- Mathematical modelling and Numerical simulation of the cardiovascular system
- Boundary-fitted coordinate systems for Numerical solution of partial differential equations—a review
- The Whorfian hypothesis and Numerical cognition: istwenty-four’processed in the same way asfour-and-twenty’?
- Numerical methods for nano photonics: standard problems and future challenges
- Numerical identifications of parameters in parabolic systems
- Numerical solution of boundary-value problems for systems of linear ordinary differential equations
- Conductivity of quasi periodic systems : A Numerical study
- Non autonomous systems , co-cycle attractors and variable time-step discretization
- An introduction to Numerical methods and analysis
- Numerical and experimental analysis of different ventilation systems in deep mines
- Towards a general Numerical scheme for solidification systems
- Numerical methods and software for sensitivity analysis of differential-algebraic systems
- Nonlinear behavior of a typical airfoil section with control surface free play: a Numerical and experimental study
- Numerical prediction of convectively driven mesoscale pressure systems . Part I: Convective parameterization
- Some Numerical aspects of center of area defuzzification method
- Numerical development
- A Numerical experiment on the chaotic behaviour of the solar system
- Numerical methods for non conservative hyperbolic systems : a theoretical framework.
- Numerical simulation of magmatic hydrothermal systems
- High order A-stable methods for the Numerical solution of systems of DE’s
- Numerical methods for gas dynamic systems on unstructured meshes
- A comparison of model reduction techniques from structural dynamics, Numerical mathematics and systems and control
- Direct Numerical simulations of fluid–solid systems using the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian technique
- Core systems of number
- Stability and Lyapunov stability of dynamical systems : A differential approach and a Numerical method
- Efficient Numerical methods and information-processing techniques for modeling hydro-and environmental systems
- Modeling multibody systems with uncertainties. Part II: Numerical applications
- The potentials of infinite systems of sources and Numerical solutions of problems in semiconductor engineering
- A Numerical scheme for dynamic systems containing fractional derivatives
- On the Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations by symmetric composition methods
- New Proposal for Numerical Simulations of -Vacuum-like Systems
- A framework for evaluating regional-scale Numerical photochemical modeling systems
- Field test of a modified Numerical model for water uptake by root systems
- On the Numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation for nonlinear stochastic systems
- Numerical simulation of nonlinear Schrödinger systems : a new conservative scheme
- Numerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of n-alkanes
- Numerical computation in science and engineering
- Numerical methods for stochastic systems preserving symplectic structure
- Automatic Numerical generation of body-fitted curvilinear coordinate system for field containing any number of arbitrary two-dimensional bodies
- The Parma Polyhedra Library: Toward a complete set of Numerical abstractions for the analysis and verification of hardware and software systems
- The growth of root systems —a Numerical computer simulation model
- Analysis of descriptor systems using Numerical algorithms
- Analysis of Numerical methods for computer simulation of kinetic processes: development of KINSIM—a flexible, portable system
- A Numerical algorithm for stability testing of fractional delay systems
- A Numerical method to study the dynamics of capillary fluid systems
- The chaotic motion of the solar system: A Numerical estimate of the size of the chaotic zones
- Estimating the error of Numerical solutions of systems of reaction-diffusion equations
- A two-dimensional Numerical study of spatial pattern formation in interacting Turing systems
- Comparison and implementation of the various Numerical methods used for calculating transmission loss in silencer systems
- Hydroacoustic modelling and Numerical simulation of unsteady operation of hydroelectric systems
- Numerical path integral techniques for long time dynamics of quantum dissipative systems
- The Numerical viscosity of entropy stable schemes for systems of conservation laws. I
- Violation of the fluctuation–dissipation theorem in glassy systems : basic notions and the Numerical evidence
- Numerical integration approach to on-line identification
- Numerical uncertainty management in user and student modeling: An overview of systems and issues
- Applications of magneto hydrodynamics in biological systems -a review on the Numerical studies
- Numerical methods for controlled stochastic delay systems
- Symplectic Numerical integrators in constrained Hamiltonian systems
- A graph-theoretic study of the Numerical solution of sparse positive definite systems of linear equations
- Numerical methods for fuzzy system of linear equations
- Numerical investigation of residual stress fields and crack behavior in TBC systems
- Conserving approximations for strongly fluctuating electron systems . II. Numerical results and parquet extension
- Comparing Numerical methods for the solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations
- Numerical linear algebra and optimization
- Control perspectives on Numerical algorithms and matrix problems
- Language and the origin of Numerical concepts
- Numerical simulation of current-voltage characteristics of photovoltaic systems with shaded solar cells
- Numerical solution of systems of second-order boundary value problems using continuous genetic algorithm
- Formulation and application of a Numerical scoring systemfor assessing histological activity in asymptomatic chronic active hepatitis
- Numerical analysis of composite systems by using interphase/interface models
- Analytical and Numerical investigation of the solar chimney power plant systems
- Numerical ordering ability mediates the relation between number-sense and arithmetic competence
- On the bogussing of tropical cyclones in Numerical models: A comparison of vortex profiles
- Verification, validation, and confirmation of Numerical models in the earth sciences
- Numerical methods in computational electrodynamics: linear systems in practical applications
- Building and understanding adaptive systems : A statistical/Numerical approach to factory automation and brain research
- Experimental and Numerical evidence for riddled basins in coupled chaotic systems
- A Numerical solution to seepage problems with complex drainage systems
- Numerical modelling in wave energy conversion systems
- The role of inheritance in structuring hyperextended rift systems : Some considerations based on observations and Numerical modeling
- geometry A general scheme for calculating switching-and conduction-losses of power semiconductors in Numerical circuit simulations of power electronic systems
- Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of gas/solid flow systems : 1999 Fluor-Daniel Plenary lecture
- geometry MEGAFLOW-A Numerical flow simulation system
- The Numerical solution of linear multi-term fractional differential equations: systems of equations
- On the role of disks in the formation of stellar systems : a Numerical parameter study of rapid accretion
- Numerical simulation of finite dimensional multibody non smooth mechanical systems
- A Numerical study of the dynamics and statistics of single electron systems
- Numerical analysis
- Analytical-Numerical methods for investigation of hidden oscillations in nonlinear control systems
- Numerical investigation of solar system equipped with innovative turbulator and hybrid nanofluid
- Numerical investigation of the effect of inlet flow distortions on forced draught air-cooled heat exchanger performance
- Numerical solution of multivariate polynomial systems
- Numerical simulation of the solar chimney power plant systems coupled with turbine
- The law of anomalous numbers
- Numerical hamiltonian problems
- Numerical solutions for systems of fractional differential equations by the decomposition method
- Permeabilities, interfacial areas and curvatures of partially molten systems : results of Numerical computations of equilibrium microstructures
- geometry Numerical simulation of flow and chemical transport in integrated surface-subsurface hydrologic systems
- Analytical-Numerical method for attractor localization of generalized Chua’s system
- geometry Numerical calculation of Lyapunov exponents
- The role of the convective “trigger function” in Numerical forecasts of mesoscale convective systems
- Numerical solution of large, sparse linear algebraic sy
- Numerical continuation methods for solving polynomial systems arising in kinematics
- Improved near surface wind speed predictions using Gaussian process regression combined with Numerical weather predictions and observed meteorological data
- The cardiovascular system: mathematical modelling, Numerical algorithms and clinical applications
- Real-time dynamics in quantum-impurity systems : A time-dependent Numerical renormalization-group approach
- Numerical simulation of a variable speed refrigeration system
- Numerical study on hybrid heat pump systems in existing buildings
- Comparison of Numerical and experimental analyses for optimizing the geometry of OWC systems
- Efficient and safe global constraints for handling Numerical constraint systems
- A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems : Tool Paper
- Theoretical Numerical analysis
- Direct Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer in dense fluid–particle systems
- Numerical simulations of interactions among aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and control systems
- The issue of Numerical uncertainty
- Numerical integration of non-linear elastic multi-body systems
- Fundamental problems in Numerical taxonomy
- Modelling and Numerical calculation of dilute-phase pneumatic conveying in pipe systems
- On the Numerical simulation of buoyant convection
- geometry Numerical solution of systems of nonlinear equations
- Formulation and preparation for Numerical evaluation of linear complementarity systems in dynamics
- Julia: A fresh approach to Numerical computing
- Numerical analysis of bodyworn UHF antenna systems
- A modular Numerical method for implicit 0D/3D coupling in cardiovascular finite element simulations
- Development and study on architecture of open Numerical control systems tructure
- Adjoint sensitivity analysis for differential-algebraic equations: The adjoint DAE systemand its Numerical solution
- Adaptive Numerical treatment of elliptic systems on manifolds
- The development of Numerical estimation: Evidence for multiple representations of Numerical quantity
- Boiling, cooling, and oxidation in epithermal systems : a Numerical modeling approach
- Numerical algorithms: methods for computer vision, machine learning, and graphics
- Numerical analysis of(s, S) inventory systems with repeated attempts
- Numerical lysolving polynomial systems with Bertini
- Analysis of the linear methods for determining copolymerization reactivity ratios. I. A new improved linear graphic method
- Impasse points. Part I: Numerical aspects
- A review on experience feedback and Numerical modeling of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems
- Numerical linear algebra and applications
- On the Numerical solution of ill-conditioned linear systems with applications to ill-posed problems
- Numerical competence in animals, with an insight from ants
- The Numerical stability of the Levinson-Durbin algorithm for Toeplitz systems of equations
- The effect of market confidence on a financial systemfrom the perspective of fractional calculus: Numerical investigation and circuit realization
- Numerical methods
- A three-dimensional Numerical model of thermoelectric generators in fluid power systems
- Can we trust in Numerical computations of chaotic solutions of dynamical systems ?
- Adaptive bias correction for satellite data in a Numerical weather prediction system
- Numerical methods in vehicle system dynamics: state of the art and current developments
- A Numerical study of microscale flow behavior in tight gas and shale gas reservoir systems
- Membrane computing and economics: Numerical P systems
- A Numerical model for the cyclic instability of thermally grown oxides in thermal barrier systems
- Numerical experiments in spiral structure
- Voltage drop in mesoscopic systems : A Numerical study using a quantum kinetic equation
- Numerical simulations of a cylinder wake under a strong axial magnetic field
- A method for the Numerical calculation of hydrodynamic shocks
- Numerical matrix analysis: Linear systems and least squares
- Numerical prediction of sound transmission through finite multilayer systems with poroelastic materials
- Analytical and Numerical studies of noise-induced synchronization of chaotic systems
- Applications of estimation theory to Numerical weather prediction
- MATCONT: a MATLAB package for Numerical bifurcation analysis of ODEs
- A comprehensive survey of the analytical, Numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints
- Numerical methods
- Numerical simulation of flexible rockfall protection systems
- geometry The Advanced Regional Prediction System(ARPS), storm-scale Numerical weather prediction and data assimilation