UNIX File Ownership and Permissions MCQs in OS
1.The characters that specify the user and group category are______
(A). ‘us’ and ‘gr’
(B). ‘g’ and ‘o’
(C). ‘u’ and ‘g’
(D). ‘u’ and ‘o’
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
2. By chmod command multiple filenames are taken as the arguments.
(A). True
(B). False
(C). Partially True
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
3. To assign execute permission to the user for a file named file01.txt, the command we will use is______
(A). chmod u+x file01.txt
(B). chmod u+w file01.txt
(C). chmod u-x file01.txt
(D). chmod u+r file01.txt
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
4. $ chmod ugo +w file01.txt
The given command assign write permission to ____
(A). command not executable
(B). the user (owner) only
(C). group and others
(D). users, group and others
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
5. To replace ‘ugo’ string in chmod command, which character do we use?
(A). v
(B). a
(C). x
(D). o
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
6. Which symbol is used with chmod to assign the permission to a file?
(A). –
(B). +
(C). /
(D). *
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
7. For removing write permission from the group and the others, the command used is_________
(A). chmod go-w file01
(B). chmod go+w file01
(C). chmod ug-w file01
(D). chmod a-w file01
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
8. For changing the permissions of a file the command used is_____
(A). ch
(B). chmod
(C). chown
(D). chgrp
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
9. In how much ways, the chmod command can be used?
(A). 3
(B). 0
(C). 5
(D). 2
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
10. How many components are containing in the expression used with chmod command for changing permissions in relative manner?
(A). 3
(B). 2
(C). 4
(D). 5
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a