Research Topics on use of precision horticulture techniques to increase profitability

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: use of precision horticulture techniques to increase profitability

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1.  Smart farming using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques
  2.  Reduction of pesticide application via real-time precision spraying
  3. Comparing cover crop use by horticultural and commodity producers
  4.  Exploring the susceptibility of smart farming: Identified opportunities and challenges
  5.  Blue River Technology: Futuristic Approach of Precision Farming
  6. Digital precision farming technologies
  7. Emerging Technologies—Principles and Applications in Precision Agriculture
  8. Decision-Making Applications on Smart Livestock Farming
  9. IoT-Enabled Smart Agriculture: Architecture, Applications, and Challenges
  10. A deep learning-based model to reduce costs and increase productivity in the case of small datasets: A case study in cotton cultivation
  11. Assessment of Profit Efficiency for Spinach Production under Small-Scale Irrigated Agriculture in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
  12. Digital Technology and Services for Sustainable Agriculture in Tanzania: A Literature Review
  13. Biodisinfection as a Profitable Fertilization Method for Horticultural Crops in the Framework of the Circular Economy
  14. Intelligent analysis of precision marketing of green agricultural products based on big data and GIS
  15. Internet of things (IoT) and agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in smart farming: a comprehensive review
  16. An Approach to Understand Conservation Agriculture
  17. Towards applicability of machine learning techniques in agriculture and energy sector
  18.  Precision agriculture technology adoption: a qualitative study of small-scale commercial “family farms” located in the North China Plain
  19. Potential Applications of the Internet of Things in Sustainable Rural Development in India
  20. Rural Broadband and Precision Agriculture: A Frame Analysis of United States Federal Policy Outreach under the Biden Administration
  21. Wheat nitrogen response conditional on past yield and rainfall: A step in improving optimal nitrogen applications
  22. Sustainable water use through multiple cropping systems and precision irrigation
  23. Disciplining land through data: The role of agricultural technologies in farmland assetisation
  24. The study of the advantages and limitations, risks and possibilities of applying precision farming technologies
  25. A survey on smart farming data, applications and techniques
  26. Long-range real-time monitoring strategy for Precision Irrigation in urban and rural farming in society 5.0
  27.  Controlled traffic farming and field traffic management: Perceptions of farmers groups from Northern and Western European countries
  28. Patch cropping-a new methodological approach to determine new field arrangements that increase the multifunctionality of agricultural landscapes
  29. Role of the Procedures of Deep Learning for Higher Profitability in the Agriculture Sector
  30.  Potential and Trends of IoT Application in Agriculture in Vietnam
  32. Developments in Agriculture Technology Using Internet of Things
  33. Improving the Yield and Revenue of Indian Crop Production Using Data Engineering
  34. A techno-economic analysis of digital agriculture services: an ecological approach toward green growth
  35. Influence of Production Strategy on Gross Waste Output and Temporal Pattern of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus Aurata) Farming: Implications for Environmental …
  36. Precision agriculture adoption and technical efficiency: An analysis of sugarcane farms in Brazil
  37. Internet of Things application in Indian agriculture, challenges and effect on the extension advisory services–a review
  38. Variable Rate Seeding in Precision Agriculture: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
  39.  High-productive agricultural technologies to fulfill future food demands: Hydroponics, aquaponics, and precision/smart agriculture
  40. Influence of mobile phone and internet technology on income of rural farmers: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan
  41.  Crops Prediction Based on Environmental Factors Using Machine Learning Algorithm
  42. Farm Management and Resource Optimization Using IoT
  43. Efficiency and Reliability of IoT in Smart Agriculture
  44. The synergy between water conservation and economic profitability of adopting alternative irrigation systems for cotton production in the Texas High Plains
  45. Modeling Soil Erosion Impacts and Trade‐Offs of Sustainable Land Management Practices in the Upper Tana Region of the Central Highlands in Kenya
  46.  Protecting farm privacy while researching large-scale unmanned aircraft systems platforms for agricultural applications
  47.  Perceived risks and vulnerabilities of employing digitalization and digital data in agriculture–Socially robust orientations from a transdisciplinary process
  48. Organic vs conventional plant-based foods: A review
  49. A systematic review of artificial intelligence in agriculture
  50. Integration of logistic principles into resource-saving technologies, precision and organic farming
  51. Public communication of soil conservation practices: A large-scale content analysis of Wisconsin’s agricultural trade publications
  52. Rise of marigold floriculture, a new stirring door walk through economic, social, and entertainment factors in Eastern India: A combined approach of multi-group …
  53. Determination of Geometric Parameters of Piezoceramic Plates of Bimorph Screw Linear Piezo Motor for Liquid Fertilizer Dispenser
  54.  Nitrogen efficiency by soil quality and management regimes on Malawi farms: Can fertilizer use remain profitable?
  55. Understanding Sustainable Agriculture
  56.  IOT-Based Technology for Smart Farming
  57. A novel best‐worst‐method two‐stage data envelopment analysis model considering decision makers’ preferences: An application in bank branches evaluation
  58.  A loss function to evaluate agricultural decision-making under uncertainty: a case study of soil spectroscopy
  59.  Optimising the water we eat—rethinking policy to enhance productive and sustainable use of water in agri-food systems across scales
  60. Sustainable Crop and Weed Management in the Era of the EU Green Deal: A Survival Guide
  61. Variable rate precision farming and advisory services in scotland: supporting responsible digital innovation?
  62. Farming-as-a-Service (FAAS) for a Sustainable Agricultural Ecosystem in India: Design of an Innovative Farm Management System 4.0
  63. Overview of IoT in the Agroecosystem
  64. The application of solar-driven technologies for the sustainable development of agriculture farming: a comprehensive review
  65. Inducing the adoption of emerging technologies for sustainable intensification of food and renewable energy production: insights from applied economics
  66. Determinants of Profitability and Financial Management Food Processing Enterprises in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia
  67.  Low cost climate station for smart agriculture applications with photovoltaic energy and wireless communication
  68. Environmental and economic assessment of mariculture systems using a high share of renewable energy sources
  69. Digitalization of the fishery industry and strategy to increase pool productivity in improving the profitability of the biomaxi fish raiser community
  71. Logistics and Agri-Food: Digitization to Increase Competitive Advantage and Sustainability. Literature Review and the Case of Italy
  72. Site-specific seeding for maize production using management zone maps delineated with multi-sensors data fusion scheme
  73.  Big data in the food supply chain: a literature review
  74. Information inputs and technical efficiency in midwest corn production: evidence from farmers’ use of yield and soil maps
  75.  Implementing Machine Learning for Smart Farming to Forecast Farmers’ Interest in Hiring Equipment
  76.  The digitization of agricultural industry–a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0
  77. Leaf colour chart based nitrogen management in wheat under zero till condition of West Bengal
  78. Intercropping Practices in Mediterranean Mandarin Orchards from an Environmental and Economic Perspective
  80.  A computer-based mapping approach for evaluating straight-line accuracy of autopilot tractor traversing the oil palm field terrain
  81. Growers’ adoption intention of innovations is crucial to establish a sustainable greenhouse horticultural industry: An empirical study in Flanders and the Netherlands
  82. Perspectives on Climate Smart Agriculture: A Review
  83. Perceptions of the fourth agricultural revolution: what’s in, what’s out, and what consequences are anticipated?
  84. An Analysis of the Impacts of Climate on the Agricultural Sector in Malta: A Climatological and Agronomic Study
  85.  ASAS-NANP SYMPOSIUM: MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN ANIMAL NUTRITION: Opportunities and Challenges of Confined and Extensive Precision …
  86. Development of a spatial data infrastructure for precision agriculture applications
  87. AgriWealth: IoT based Farming System
  88. The digitalisation of agriculture: A literature review and emerging policy issues
  89. Rice-crayfish coculture delivers more nutrition at a lower environmental cost
  90. A multi-product landscape life-cycle assessment approach for evaluating local climate mitigation potential
  91. Classification and yield prediction in smart agriculture system using IoT
  92. Sustainable Approach to Weed Management: The Role of Precision Weed Management
  93. Deep CNN based Sunflower Atom Optimization Method for Optimal Water Control in IoT
  94. Farmer preferences for adopting precision farming technologies: a case study from Italy
  95. When One Wireless Technology is Not Enough: A Network Architecture for Precision Agriculture Using LoRa, Wi-Fi, and LTE
  96.  Big data in agriculture: Between opportunity and solution
  97. Digital innovations in the Czech Republic: developing the inner circle of the Triggering Change Model
  98. Environmental enrichment in fish aquaculture: A review of fundamental and practical aspects
  99.  CYBELE: On the Convergence of HPC, Big Data Services, and AI Technologies
  100. 27 Conservation Agriculture for Climate Smart Agriculture in Smallholder Farming
  101. Integrating agriculture and industry 4.0 under “agri-food 4.0” to analyze suitable technologies to overcome agronomical barriers
  102. Digital Technology: Implementation Challenges and Strategies in Agri-Food Supply Chain
  103.  Point placement of late vegetative stage nitrogen splits increase the productivity, N-use efficiency and profitability of tropical maize under decade long …
  104.  Application of IoT and Cloud Computing in Automation of Agriculture Irrigation
  105. Design and development of a robust Deep learning model for detection of disease cotton crop
  106.  Understanding resilience of farming systems: Insights from system dynamics modelling for an arable farming system in the Netherlands
  107. Advantage of Species Diversification to Facilitate Sustainable Development of Aquaculture Sector
  108. Agricultural Irrigation Recommendation and Alert (AIRA) system using optimization and machine learning in Hadoop for sustainable agriculture
  109. African Forest-Fringe Farmers Benefit from Modern Farming Practices despite High Environmental Impacts
  110. Enabling sustainable landscape design for continual improvement of operating bioenergy supply systems
  111.  An Online Tool for Estimating Return-on-investment for Water Recycling at Nurseries
  112. IoT-based monitoring system for freshwater fish farming: Analysis and design
  113.  Agricultural productivity and food supply to meet increased demands
  114. 5G roll-out failures addressed by innovation policies in the EU
  115. A Survey on the Role of IoT in Agriculture for the Implementation of Smart Livestock Environment
  116.  The adoption of precision agriculture enabling technologies in Swiss outdoor vegetable production: a Delphi study
  117. Does adopting a nitrogen best management practice reduce nitrogen fertilizer rates?
  118. Emerging economics and profitability of PFALs
  119. Toward the Next Generation of Digitalization in Agriculture Based on Digital Twin Paradigm
  120. 24 Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization and Commercialization for Widespread Adoption of Conservation
  121. Hybrid Decision Support System Framework for Enhancing Crop Productivity Using Machine Learning
  122. Conceptual Framework to Integrate Economic Drivers of Decision Making for Technology Adoption in Agriculture
  123.  Efficient data sensing and monitoring model for areca nut precision farming with wireless sensor network
  124. Minimum dataset and metadata guidelines for soil‐test correlation and calibration research
  125. Prediction and Comparative Analysis Using Ensemble Classifier Model on Leafy Vegetable Growth Rates in DWC and NFT Smart Hydroponic System
  126. Applying of smart, robotic systems and big data processing in agro-industrial complex
  127. Soil Analysis and Crop Recommendation using Machine Learning
  128. A Review on Current IoT-Based Pasture Management Systems and Applications of Digital Twins in Farming
  129. Architecture, Security Vulnerabilities, and the Proposed Countermeasures in Agriculture-Internet-of-Things (AIoT) Systems
  130. Automation of dairy cow feeding as the method for reduction of greenhouse gas emission, originating in animal production
  131.  Precision Livestock Farming technologies in pasture-based livestock systems
  132. E-agricultural Portal for Farmers Using Decentralized Ledger and Machine Learning Tools
  133. Everything You wanted to Know about Smart Agriculture
  134. Managing the Supply Chain for the Crops Directed from Agricultural Fields using Blockchains
  135. Smart Platform Designed to Improve Poultry Productivity and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  136. The role of contractors in the uptake of precision farming—A spatial economic analysis
  137.  History of Controlled Environment Horticulture: Indoor Farming and Its Key Technologies
  138. Application of visible near-infrared absorbance spectroscopy for the determination of Soil pH and liming requirements for broad-acre agriculture
  139. Strategies to Improve Potash Use in Pakistan
  140.  Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat …
  141. A cost-benefit analysis of applying urban agriculture in sustainable park design
  142. Applied Animal Ethics in Industrial Food Animal Production: Exploring the Role of the Veterinarian
  143. An Approach Towards E-Commerce for Agriculture with Modern Technologies
  144.  Futuristic IoT based Smart Precision Agriculture: Brief Analysis
  145.  Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research
  146. Impact of zero budget natural farming on crop yields in Andhra Pradesh, SE India
  147. The trans-Atlantic conflict over “green” farming
  148.  Evolving from Farming Systems Research to a more Holistic Approach: Experiences in the Andean Region1
  149. Smart agriculture: Technological advancements on agriculture—A systematical review
  150. The Drivers of Herbicide Use among Arable Farmers in Canterbury, New Zealand: Toward an Integrated Approach
  151.  Legal Regulation of the Use of Digital Technologies in The Agricultural Economy
  152. Flower visitation time and number of visitor species are reduced by the use of agrochemicals in coffee home gardens
  153. Brazilian land registry impacts on land use conversion
  154. Internet of Things and Analytics for Agriculture, Volume 3
  155. Internet of Things and Smart Farming
  156. Responsible artificial intelligence in agriculture requires systemic understanding of risks and externalities
  157.  Sustainability of the rice–crayfish farming model in waterlogged land: A case study in Qianjiang County, Hubei Province, China
  158.  6 A Review of Precision
  159. Toward increasing efficiency of fertilization
  160.  Regional review on status and trends in aquaculture development in Europe–2020
  161. Non-Essential Elements and Their Role in Sustainable Agriculture
  162. Designing an Algorithm to Support Optimized Crop Selection by Farmers
  163. Plant development and crop protection using phytonanotechnology: A new window for sustainable agriculture
  164. Assessing farmers’ perception to Agriculture 4.0 technologies: A new interval‐valued spherical fuzzy sets based approach
  165. Organic Farming as an Alternative Maintenance Strategy in the Opinion of Farmers from Natura 2000 Areas
  166. IoT-based fuzzy logic-controlled novel and multilingual mobile application for hydroponic farming
  167. IOT-based Monitoring System for Oyster Mushroom Farms in Sri Lanka
  168. Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensors Technologies in Smart Agriculture: Applications, Opportunities, and Current Trends
  169. Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing India Byte by Byte
  170.  The optimization of conservation agriculture practices requires attention to location-specific performance: Evidence from large scale gridded simulations …
  171. What about perennial grains?
  172. Essays on precision agriculture technology adoption and agricultural cooperative mergers
  173. A Machine Learning Based Model for Energy Usage Peak Prediction in Smart Farms
  174. Precision agriculture technology adoption and technical efficiency
  175. Energy Analysis on Wheat Yield of Mongolian Agriculture
  176. Translational Platform for Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture: Comparative Analysis of Plantation Crops
  177. Intelligent Agro-Food Chain Supply
  178. Exploring the Role of Agricultural Services in Production Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture: A Case of the Socialized Agricultural Service System
  179. Delineating soil nutrient management zones based on optimal sampling interval in medium-and small-scale intensive farming systems
  180. Nanotechnology and sustainable agriculture
  181. Improving Crop Productivity and Ensuring Food Security through the Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
  182.  Farmer behavior towards pesticide use for reduction production risk: A Theory of Planned Behavior
  183. A fog computing-based IoT framework for prediction of crop disease using big data analytics
  184. Deep Learning for Sustainable Agriculture
  185. Business boosting through sentiment analysis using Artificial Intelligence approach
  186. Adaptive metaheuristic-based methods for autonomous robot path planning: Sustainable agricultural applications
  187. A Review of Unmanned System Technologies with Its Application to Aquaculture Farm Monitoring and Management
  188. Towards application of various machine learning techniques in agriculture
  189. Long term and short term forecasting of horticultural produce based on the LSTM network model
  190. Exploring performance and predictive analytics of agriculture data
  191.  Automating Agroecology: How to Design a Farming Robot Without a Monocultural Mindset?
  192. Pre-and Post-Harvest Practices and Varietal Preferences of Tomato in Ghana
  193. Agroforestry: Opportunities and Challenges in Timor-Leste
  194. Evaluation of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution to Corn Farmers in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency
  195. Optimal smart contract for autonomous greenhouse environment based on IoT blockchain network in agriculture
  196. Applying novel eco-exergoenvironmental toxicity index to select the best irrigation system of sunflower production
  197. ICT for sustainability and socio-economic development in fishery: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda
  198. Vertical Farming: Under Climate Change Effect
  199. Sharing Model in Circular Economy towards Rational Use in Sustainable Production
  200.  Structural change in the dairy sector: exit from farming and farm type change
  201. Current Skills of Students and Their Expected Future Training Needs on Precision Agriculture: Evidence from Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutes
  202. A novel method to improve computational and classification performance of rice plant disease identification
  203. Use of Potash in Pakistan
  204. Predicting the Chlorophyll Content of Maize over Phenotyping as a Proxy for Crop Health in Smallholder Farming Systems
  205. Sustainable livestock production and food security
  206. Optimising potassium fertilizer rates for sustainable maize (Zea mays L.) production on the volcanic soils of Buea, Cameroon
  207. Integration of Internet-of-Things as sustainable smart farming technology for the rearing of black soldier fly to mitigate food waste
  208. A systematic literature review of the agro-food supply chain: Challenges, network design, and performance measurement perspectives
  209. A Review of Crop Husbandry and Soil Management Practices Using Meta-Analysis Studies: Towards Soil-Improving Cropping Systems
  210. Poultry Production and Sustainability in Developing Countries under the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons Learned
  211.  Sustainable Agriculture Systems and Technologies
  212. How to Predict Parturition in Cattle? A Literature Review of Automatic Devices and Technologies for Remote Monitoring and Calving Prediction
  213.  Emergence of perceptions of smart agriculture at a community/campus farm: a participatory experience
  214. Performance, meat quality, profitability, and greenhouse gas emissions of suckler bulls from pasture-based compared to an indoor high-concentrate weanling-to-beef …
  215. Recent advancements and challenges of Internet of Things in smart agriculture: A survey
  216. Determinants of crop choice decisions under risk: A case study on the revival of cocoa farming in the Forest-Savannah transition zone of Ghana
  217. Using DarkNet models and metaheuristic optimization methods together to detect weeds growing along with seedlings
  218. Stakeholders’ Preferences towards Contract Attributes: Evidence from Rice Production in Vietnam
  219. A comparison of supervised machine learning algorithms for predicting subfield maize-grain yield variability
  220. … straw mulching and reducing nitrogen fertilization: A promising practice to alleviate environmental risk while increasing yield and economic profits of dryland wheat …
  221.  Early season prediction of within-field crop yield variability by assimilating CubeSat data into a crop model
  222. Applications of Internet of Things and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Smart Agriculture: A Review
  223.  ‘You can’t eat data’?: Moving beyond the misconfigured innovations of smart farming
  224. Profitability of twin‐row planting and skip‐row irrigation in a humid climate
  225. Crop prediction using machine learning
  226.  Technical Advisor
  227. Internet of things (IoT) and data analytics in smart agriculture: Benefits and challenges
  228. Smart-Hydroponic-Based Framework for Saffron Cultivation: A Precision Smart Agriculture Perspective
  229. Features of ‘Internet of Things’ to Resolve Agricultural Problems
  230. Decision-making system for crop selection based on soil