Human Resource Management Past Papers HRM
Subject: Human Resource Management
Time Allowed: 10 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)
1. The purpose of a strategic plan it to identify ways to create or maintain a (n) _____________.
a. Differential advantage b. Competitive advantage
c. Instrumental advantage d. Success factor
2. A _____________ aims to measure an array of possible predictors for job performance.
a. Test validity. b. Test criterion
c. Test battery d. Job analysis
3. The expertise of human resource departments became indispensable with the.
a. Passing of equal employment legislation
b. Increase of women in the workforce
c. Movement of jobs to countries with cheaper labor costs
d. Both a and b
4. Most people who are classified as nontraditional workers are.
a. Contingent workers b. Independent contractors
c. Job sharing d. Working multiple jobs
5. Participatively set goals result in higher performance than assigned goals when __.
a. Participatively set goals are more difficult b. Assigned goals are more difficult
c. The rewards are also higher d. Participatively set goals are used consistently
6. Herzberg’s Hygiene-Motivator theory of motivation suggests that intrinsic factors like cause satisfaction.
a. Working conditions b. Pay
c. Achievement d. Incentive pay
Subject: Human Resource Management
Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 50
Part-II Give short answers, Each answer carries equal marks. (20)
Q#1: What are the three forms of sexual harassment? Describe each form.
Q#2: What are the steps involved in conducting a job analysis. Describe each step.
Q#3: Write down guidelines for managing a testing program.
Q#4: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an employee referral campaign for recruitment purposes?
Q#5: What are the key steps for launching a successful EAP program?
Part-III Give brief answers, Each answer carries equal marks. (30)
Q#1: What is strategic management? Briefly describe the six steps in the strategic management process.
Q#2: What are advantages of on-the-job training? Describe the four steps in job instruction.
Q#3: What are the four decisions that affect a firm’s promotion process? Explain the effect each-decision could have on promotional decisions.
Subject: Human Resource Management
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)
1. For jobs in a large grocery store, which method of job analysis do you think would be most effective?
(a) Questionnaire
(b) Interview
(c) Observation
(d) MPDQ
(e) None of above
2. An organization can get benefits, like dealing with fluctuating product demand and providing skills organization lacks in-house, from:
(a) Job sharing workers
(b) Condensed week workers
(c) Permanent workers
(d) None of above
3. Which of following is not a possible topic for organizational orientation?
(a) Compensation
(b) Safety
(c) Physical facilities
(d) Employee relations
(e) None of above
4. Training for highly skilled occupations based on both theory and practical is:
(a) Classroom training
(b) Cross training
(c) Apprenticeship
(d) All of above
5. Which of the following is best description of extrinsic reward?
(a) Informal recognition
(b) Formal recognition
(c) Social relationships
(d) Bath a & b
(e) both b & c
6. Test conducted to evaluate job related knowledge is test.
(a) Proficiency
(b) Interest
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of above
7. Application without formal advertisement is application.
(a) Formal
(b) Unsolicited
(c) Informal
(d) Solicited
8. Both positive & negative information about job to job holder is:
(a) Clean reviews
(b) Job depth
(c) Realistic job previews
(d) Responsibilities
9. The condition when job is no longer important for an employee is:
(a) Stress
(b) Burnout
(c) Uncertainty
(d) None of above
10. Which is an external source of recruiting?
(a) Employee referral
(b) Job advertisement
(c) Employee leasing
(d) All of above
Subject: Human Resource Management
Time Allowed: 2 Hour and 45 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 50
Part-II Give Short answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)
Q#1: What is ob specification?
Q#2: Differentiate line manager and staff manager.
Q#3: What is the objective of Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation?
Q#4: Highlight types of orientation.
Q#5: Differentiate between selection and recruitment.
Q#6: What are the sources of external recruiting?
Q#7: Why reference checking is important?
Q#8: Define apprenticeship.
Q#9: Define job rotation.
Q#10: What are the two basic types of compensation?
Part-III Give detailed answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)
Q#1: What is HRM? How it relates to management process? Illustrate HR manager’s responsibilities.
Q#2: Compare and contrast different methods of collecting job analysis data with their pros and cons.
Q#3: What is career development? Discuss the roles of employees, employee and organization in career development.