Objectives of Accounting From book chapters

Objectives of Accounting From book chapters

(1) A company is established by:

a) Directors

b) Government

c) Promoters

d) Owners

e) A and B

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(2) The Ordinary shares are also named as:

a) Founder Shares

b) Equity Shares

c) Preference Shares

d) Deferred Shares

e) None of the above

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(3) The Company which is maintained by the group of persons is called:

a) Group of members

b) Team of shareholders

c) Board of directors

d) A and B

e) All of the above

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(4) The power of the company managed by:

a) Memorandum of association

b) Prospectus

c) Shareholders

d) Articles of association

e) None of the above

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(5) Debenture holders are also called:

a) Owner

b) Customer

c) Company

d) Debentures

e) Creditors

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(6) In issue of shares normally discount should not exceed then?

a) 8% 

b) 2%

c) 10%

d) 50%

e) All of the above

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(7) On the account of company audit is?

a) Restricted

b) As per requirement

c) Optional

d) Compulsory

e) A and B

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(8) The holder of debenture is called…..

a) Suppliers

b) Directors

C) Owners

d) General secretary

e) Creditor

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(9) The invitation to the public for the purchase of shares privately is called?

a) Audit report

b) Articles of association

c) Prospectus

d) Articles of association

e) Memorandum

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(10) In Public limited company how many minium number of members are there?

a) 50

b) 20

c) 17

d) 7

e) All of the above

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(11) In Private limited company how many maxium number of members are there?

a) 50

b) 30

c) 11

d) Unlimited

e) Limited

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(12) In the balance sheet discount on shares are write in…..

a) Liability

b) Paid up capital

c) Asset

d) Income 

e) None of the above

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