Multiple choice question of HRM

Multiple choice question of HRM

1. For closure, every worker is to be compensated with __________ average pay for every year of service completed.

A. 30 days
B. 25 days
C. 20 days
D. 15 days
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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2. Which term is used for the process of developing the applicant’s pool for job openings in an organization?

A. Selection
B. Recruitment
C. Hiring
D. Retention
E. A and B
F. None of these

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3. High performance work system leads to ___________________.

A. safer workplaces
B. low labor costs
C. superior employee performance
D. less employee turnover rate
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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4. Which of the following are important components in aligning business strategy with HR practice:

A. Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities
B. Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities
C. Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure
D. Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure

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5. A brief write-up of what the job is all about is?

A. job summary
B. job finding
C. job analysis
D. job specification
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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6. A job analyst’s task is to _________________.

A. advise management
B. integrate development activities
C. develop compensation plans
D. prepare job description
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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7. The basic managerial skill(s) is(are)___________________.

A. To Supervise
B. To Motivate
C. To Stimulate

D. All of the above

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8. Who specify the job specification ___________?

A. job description
B. job design
C. job analysis
D. job summary

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9. The process of Recruiting employees, selectingthe right one for the job and giving them training leads to

A. organizing
B. Leading
C. Staffing
D. controlling
E. B, C,  and D
F. None of these

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10. During the lay off period, how much employer has to pay of the basic wages.

A. One fourth
B. One third
C. Three fourth
D. Half
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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11. ___________ is the division of the total task to be performed into a manageable and efficient unit.

A. a job design
B. a job analysis
C. a job specification
D. a job description

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12. Who manage the crucial functions for the company’s survival?

A. line manager
B. staff manager
C. financial manager
D. both A and B
E. All of the Above
F. None of these

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Human Resource Management HRM MCQs 

  1. SET 1: HRM MCQs
  2. SET 2: HRM MCQs
  3. SET 3: HRM MCQs
  4. SET 4: HRM MCQs

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