1. The objective of inspection can be …
A. Customer satisfaction
B. Defect-free products
C. Quality product
D. All of the above
2. HRM does not include _______?
A. Retirement of employees
B. Training of employees
C. Manpower planning
D. Maintenance of accounts
3. Who issues orders in the chain of command outside their department?
A. staff managers
B. finance manager
C. line managers
D. both A and B
4. _______ problematic Large recruitment and vice-versa
A. More
B. Less
C. Any of the above
5. SHRM stands for?
A. Strategic Human Resource Management
B. Strategic Human Resource Management
C. Short-term Human Resource Management
D. Strategic Human Resource Management
6. Human capital includes
A. skills and expertise of firm’s workers
B. training of firm’s workers
C. education of firm’s workers
D. All of the above
7. Which of the following programme once installed must be continued on a permanent basis.
A. Job evaluation
B. Recruitment
C. Training & Development
D. All of the above
8. Recruitment is widely viewed as a _______?
A. negative process
B. positive process
C. positive as well as negative process
D. none of the above processes
9. Who managed the crucial functions for the company’s survival?
A. financial manager
B. line manager
C. staff manager
D. both A and B
10. Who suggested that “the new concept which takes into account various key factors that will tell the overall performance of a job”.
A. Juran
B. Fred Luthas
C. Elliot Jacques
D. None of the above
11. Recruitment policy usually highlights the need for establishing ______?
A. job description
B. job analysis
C. job specification
D. none of the above
12. Through which authority a company can create ‘superior-subordinate’ relationship?
A. line authority
B. staff authority
C. hiring authority
D. all of above
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