By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022


1. The objective of inspection can be …

A. Customer satisfaction
B. Defect-free products
C. Quality product
D. All of the above

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2. HRM does not include _______?

A. Retirement of employees
B. Training of employees
C. Manpower planning
D. Maintenance of accounts

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3. Who issues orders in the chain of command outside their department?

A. staff managers
B. finance manager
C. line managers
D. both A and B

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4. _______ problematic Large recruitment and vice-versa

A. More
B. Less
C. Any of the above

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5. SHRM stands for?

A. Strategic Human Resource Management
B. Strategic Human Resource Management
C. Short-term Human Resource Management
D. Strategic Human Resource Management

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6. Human capital includes

A. skills and expertise of firm’s workers
B. training of firm’s workers
C. education of firm’s workers
D. All of the above

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7. Which of the following programme once installed must be continued on a permanent basis.

A. Job evaluation
B. Recruitment
C. Training & Development
D. All of the above

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8. Recruitment is widely viewed as a _______?

A. negative process
B. positive process
C. positive as well as negative process
D. none of the above processes

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9. Who managed the crucial functions for the company’s survival?

A. financial manager
B. line manager
C. staff manager
D. both A and B

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10. Who suggested that “the new concept which takes into account various key factors that will tell the overall performance of a job”.

A. Juran
B. Fred Luthas
C. Elliot Jacques
D. None of the above

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11. Recruitment policy usually highlights the need for establishing ______?

A. job description
B. job analysis
C. job specification
D. none of the above

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12. Through which authority a company can create ‘superior-subordinate’ relationship?

A. line authority
B. staff authority
C. hiring authority
D. all of above

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