Multiple Choice Questions of Business communications

Multiple Choice Questions of Business communications

1. ______________ often leads to one party gaining an advantage over the other, if it can negotiate at the expense of the other’s needs.

A. Compromise
B. Accommodation
C. Collaboration
D. Competition

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2. Prefatory Parts, Text Parts, Supplementary Parts are usually short messages with natural, casual use of language.

A. Progress report
B. Informal reports
C. Formal reports
D. Short reports

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3. While giving an interview, be _____________ in your salary expectations.

A. modest
B. realistic
C. unrealistic
D. none of the above

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4. Sales letters start with ____________

A. Buffer
B. An easy and effective way.
C. A smooth story.
D. An attention-getting device.

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5. _______________ is not the part of different negotiation methods.

A. Competition
B. Collaboration
C. Compromise
D. Cognition

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6. Circular letters are used ________________

A. To send information to two people.
B. To communicate to other company.
C. To send the same information to a number of people.
D. To send information inside a company.

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7. Which assumption is considered while writing collection letter?

A. Not pay
B. Ignore
C. Pay
D. Delay

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8. Complaint letter should be called—————-.

A. Sales letters
B. Claim letter
C. Inquiry letters
D. Persuasive letters

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9.Which goal is the important for business communications?

A. favourable relationship between sender and reciever
B. receiver understanding
C. receiver response
D. organizational goodwill

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10. Letter refusing adjustment is written when _____________.

A. When the third party is at fault.
B. The seller is at fault.
C. The buyer is at fault.
D. When nobody is at fault.

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11. Downward communication flows from __________ to _______.

A. Lower tom upper
B. Diagonal
C. Horizontal
D. upper to lower

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12. Ask force is _______________ after solving a specific problem, assigned to them.

A. Engaged to other problems.
B. Disbanded.
C. Sent on leave
D. Engaged to routine work.

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