Macroeconomics Research Topics

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Macroeconomics

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.

  1. Information choice in macroeconomics and finance
  2. Principles of macroeconomics
  3. Macroeconomics after Kalecki and Keynes: Post-Keynesian Foundations
  4. The macroeconomics of age-varying epidemics
  5. The macroeconomic expectations of firms
  6. The assetisation of housing: A macroeconomic resource
  7. International competitiveness: alternative macroeconomic strategies and changing perceptions in recent years
  8. Earnings-based borrowing constraints and macroeconomic fluctuations
  9. Credit allocation and macroeconomic fluctuations
  10. Macroeconomic outcomes in disaster-prone countries
  11. The macroeconomic impact of social unrest
  12. Climate change and its impacts on Vietnam agriculture: A macroeconomic perspective
  13. Macroeconomic consequences of stay-at-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic
  14. The macroeconomics of intensive agriculture
  15. The effect of macroeconomics and supply chain finance (SCF) on profitability: Evidence from manufacturing companies
  16. Modeling the macroeconomic determinants of environmental degradation in E-7 countries: the role of technological innovation and institutional quality
  17. A global analysis of the macroeconomic effects of climate change
  18. What Can We Learn About The Market Reaction To Macroeconomic Surprise? Evidence From The COVID-19 Crisis
  19. Quantile impulse response analysis with applications in macroeconomics and finance
  20. Asymmetric effect of macroeconomic variables on the emerging stock indices: A quantile ARDL approach
  21. Macroeconomic effects of covid-19 across the world income distribution
  22. Quantum macroeconomics
  23. Macroeconomic effects of tax rate and base changes: Evidence from fiscal consolidations
  24. Macroeconomic determinants of innovation: Evidence from Asian countries
  25. Macroeconomic influences on M&A deal outcomes: An analysis of domestic and cross-border M&As in developed and emerging economies
  26. Green development of the country: Role of macroeconomic stability
  27. The macroeconomic consequences of subsistence self-employment
  28. Macroeconomics and the Construction Sector: Evidence from Portugal
  29. Measuring macroeconomic uncertainty: A cross-country analysis
  30. The macroeconomic effects of a carbon tax to meet the US Paris Agreement target: The role of firm creation and technology Adoption
  31. The macroeconomic impacts of the mobile money: empirical evidence from EVC plus in Somalia
  32. Impact of macroeconomic variables on sustainability indices using ARDL model
  33. Quantifying the uncertainty of long-term macroeconomic projections
  34. New Consensus in Macroeconomics
  35. Estimation of heuristic switching in behavioral macroeconomic models
  36. Macroeconomics of aging
  37. Macroeconomic conditions, corporate default, and default clustering
  38. A macroeconomic perspective on taxing multinational enterprises
  39. Debates in Monetary Macroeconomics: Tackling Some Unsettled Questions
  40. Macroeconomic-Financial Policies and Climate Change Nexus: Theory & Practices
  41. Analysis of the effects of macroeconomic factors on entrepreneurship: An application on E7 countries
  42. Development of a computable general equilibrium model based on integrated macroeconomic framework for ocean multi-use between offshore wind farms and fishing …
  43. Phillips curves, behavioral economics and post-Keynesian macroeconomics
  44. Macroeconomic Indicators and Indian Stock Markets: An Overview
  45. How Macroeconomics Variables Affect Trade Openness in Malaysia from 1991 to 2020
  46. Macroeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic
  47. The macroeconomic effects of funding US infrastructure
  48. James Forder, Macroeconomics and the Phillips Curve Myth, Oxford University Press, 306 pages, ISBN 978–0–19–968365–9
  49. Secular Trends in Macroeconomics and Firm Dynamics: A Conference Recap
  50. Macroeconomic and environmental impacts of circular economy innovation policy
  51. The macroeconomic effects of shadow banking panics
  52. The macroeconomic stabilization of tariff shocks: What is the optimal monetary response?
  53. Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability: evidence from the UK
  54. An Introduction to Macroeconomics. A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis: edited by L.-P. Rochon, and S. Rossi, Cheltenham, Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar …
  55. Income distribution, productivity growth, and workers’ bargaining power in an agent-based macroeconomic model
  56. Support for those not affected: How macroeconomic policies have shaped COVID’s impact on sectoral activity
  57. Modeling Economic Instability A History of Early Macroeconomics, Michael Assous et Vincent Carret, Springer Studies in the History of Economic Thought, Cham …
  58. The macroeconomic attention index: Evidence from China
  59. Shifting to a green economy: Asymmetric macroeconomic determinants of renewable energy production in Pakistan
  60. Co integrating relation between macroeconomic variables and stock return: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)
  61. The macroeconomic effects of shadow banking panics
  62. The macroeconomic stabilization of tariff shocks: What is the optimal monetary response?
  63. Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability: evidence from the UK
  64. An Introduction to Macroeconomics. A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis: edited by L.-P. Rochon, and S. Rossi, Cheltenham, Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar …
  65. Income distribution, productivity growth, and workers’ bargaining power in an agent-based macroeconomic model
  66. Support for those not affected: How macroeconomic policies have shaped COVID’s impact on sectoral activity
  67. Modeling Economic Instability A History of Early Macroeconomics, Michael Assous et Vincent Carret, Springer Studies in the History of Economic Thought, Cham …
  68. The macroeconomic attention index: Evidence from China
  69. Shifting to a green economy: Asymmetric macroeconomic determinants of renewable energy production in Pakistan
  70. Co integrating relation between macroeconomic variables and stock return: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)
  71. The effect of macroeconomic regimes, uncertainty, and COVID-19 outcomes on commodity price volatility: implications for green economic recovery
  72. Macroeconomic shocks, investment volatility and centrality in global manufacturing network
  73. The Macroeconomic Effects of Uncertainty and Risk Aversion Shocks
  74. Macroeconomic impacts of changes in life expectancy and fertility
  75. Foreign Capital and Macroeconomic Variables: fresh evidence
  76. Macroeconomic determinants of renewable energy penetration: Evidence from Nigeria
  77. The Lasting Well-Being Effects of Early Adulthood Macroeconomic Crises
  79. Do Family Control and Macroeconomic Fluctuations Impact Firm Performance?: Evidence From Portuguese Listed Firms
  80. The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Profitability of Commercial Bank in the UK
  81. The Long-run Macroeconomic Determinants of Banks’ Performance in Nigeria
  82. Macroeconomic Vulnerability, Monetary, and Fiscal Policies
  83. The Macroeconomic Impact of Jair Bolsonaro: A Synthetic Control Approach
  84. Analysis of the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Non-Performing Loans of Commercial Banks
  85. Macroeconomic Forecast and Investment Decisions for China in 2023
  86. Macroeconomic Policy Regime Change in Advanced Economies
  87. Monetary Measures of Macroeconomic Regulation of the National Economy
  88. Macroeconomic Determinants of Banking Instability in Ghana
  89. Investment decisions and macroeconomic uncertainty
  90. The Macroeconomic Impact on Bank’s Portfolio Credit Risk: The Colombian Case
  91. Possible long-term macroeconomic losses of Russia from the accelerated transformation of global energy sector
  92. Macroeconomic assessment of the consequences of materialization of certain strategic threats to energy security
  93. Macroeconomic effects of government spending shocks: New narrative evidence from Canada
  94. Multidirectional Relationships Between Stock Markets and Non-macroeconomic Variables
  95. Macroeconomic Signals and Indian Real Estate Firms
  96. The Effect of Macroeconomic Indicators on the Financial Stress Index in the Members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
  97. Innovation, Macroeconomic Effects, and Environmental Degradation: The Case of Mediterranean Countries
  98. Do Energy Prices or Macroeconomic Indicators Affect Carbon Prices?
  100. An analysis of the impact of China’s macroeconomic performance on its trade partners: Evidence based on the GVAR model
  101. Impact of Center-related Characteristics and Macroeconomic Factors on the Outcome of Adult Patients With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated With …
  102. Macroeconomic disasters and consumption smoothing: international evidence from historical data
  103. The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on the Hotel Industry Through the Financial Leverage Trends: The Portuguese Case
  104. Achieving two policy targets with one policy instrument: heterogeneous expectations, countercyclical fiscal policy, and macroeconomic stabilization at the effective …
  105. The Dynamics of Demographic and Macroeconomic Variables in India
  106. Fragile State and Sustainable Development: A Study of Macroeconomic Indicators in Iraq
  107. EU-China-Russia: Macroeconomic Aspects and Multinational Enterprises
  108. The macroeconomic, distributional and welfare effects of estate taxation
  109. Application prospect of new infrastructure on new-type urbanization construction in China—Analysis based on the macroeconomic data
  110. Entrepreneurial Activities on Green Economy Through Industry 5.0 on Environmental Sustainability With Special Reference to Bangladesh: A Macroeconomic Stability
  111. Macroeconomic effects of internet use: Example of developed countries
  112. Macroeconomic Determinants of Air passenger Demand in Egypt
  113. Balance Sheet Expansionary Policies in the Euro Area: Macroeconomic Impacts and a Vulnerable versus Non-Vulnerable Comparison-A Bayesian Structural …
  114. An Empirical Study of the Movement of Sectoral Indices and Macroeconomic Variables in the Indian Stock Market
  115. The Influence of Local Macroeconomic Factors on the Valuations of American Professional Sports Teams
  116. Analysing the Impact of Foreign Exchange Rate on Macroeconomic Variables in India
  117. Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy
  118. The impact of changes in some macroeconomic indicators on the imports of food industries in Algeria-A Standard Study Using The Ardl Model During The …
  119. COVID-19 in India: Impact on Macroeconomic Variables
  120. Macroeconomic volatility and anti-refugee violence in developing countries: Evidence from commodity price shocks
  121. Sovereign risk premia and global macroeconomic conditions
  122. Macroeconomic Sensitivity, Risk-Return Trade-Off and Volatility Dynamics Evidence From Developed and Developing Markets
  123. Reporting during crisis: Can the media affect macroeconomic outcomes?
  124. Macroeconomic Effects of the Terms of Trade Shocks: Evidence from OPEC
  125. A Macroeconomic Analysis of Deportation or Legalization of Illegal Immigrants
  126. Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Fundamentals: Evidence of Instabilities from Time-Varying Factor Loadings
  127. Can Exchange Rates and Interest Rates Affect Macroeconomic Indicators (inflation, unemployment & economic growth)? The evidence from Egypt
  128. Resurgence of inflation: Assessing the role of Macroeconomic Policies
  129. The Macroeconomic Effects of Student Debt Cancellation–CADTM
  130. Dynamics of Deterrence: A Macroeconomic Perspective on Punitive Justice Policy
  131. Heading into 2023, CFOs are focused on macroeconomic trends, supply-chain issues, sustainability, evolving technology, and more.
  132. DP1191 International Business Cycles and the ERM: Is there a European Business Cycle?
  133. Microfoundations
  134. Financial shocks and inflation dynamics
  135. Government investment fiscal multipliers: Evidence from Euro-area countries
  136. Price-level determinacy and monetary policy in a model with money and trend inflation
  137. The Macroeconomics of Malthus: by John Pullen, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2022, xi+ 248 pp., AU $260 (hardcover). ISBN 978-0-367-75225-5
  138. Vintage article: the effect of monetary policy shocks in the UK: an external instruments approach
  139. Loss-of-learning and the post-Covid recovery in low-income countries
  140. Income sources, cyclical behaviors of fiscal policy, and welfare conflict
  141. The optimal distribution of insured and uninsured deposits across banks
  142. Monetary policy transmission mechanism in Romania over the period 2001 to 2012: a BVAR analysis
  143. Monetary policy, fiscal policy and cross signal jamming
  144. Are the forecasts of professionals compatible with the Taylor Rule? Evidence from the euro area
  145. Intermediate Macroeconomics with Chinese Perspectives: A Calculus-based Approach
  148. Co-integration with score-driven models: An application to US real GDP growth, US inflation rate, and effective federal funds rate
  149. Credit market developments and sectoral business cycles worldwide
  150. Fiscal policy
  151. The cointegrated VAR methodology
  152. Inflation targeting and inflation communication of the Federal Reserve: Words and deeds
  153. Rural-urban migration, structural transformation, and housing markets in China
  154. The effect of population aging on economic growth, the labor force, and productivity
  155. A Risky Venture: Income Dynamics among Pass-Through Business Owners
  156. Measuring international uncertainty using global vector autoregressions with drifting parameters
  157. The response of consumer spending to changes in gasoline prices
  158. Learning-through-survey in inflation expectations
  159. Do the Hamilton and Beveridge–Nelson filters provide the same information about output gaps? An empirical comparison for practicioners
  160. Labour market rigidity and expansionary austerity
  161. Self-harming trade policy? protectionism and production networks
  162. The effect of central bank credibility on forward guidance in an estimated new keynesian model
  163. Cross-sectional uncertainty and the business cycle: evidence from 40 years of options data
  164. Monetary and fiscal coordination in preventing bank failures and financial contagion
  165. A political economy approach to endogenous industrial policies
  166. The government spending multiplier in a multisector economy
  167. Lending standards, productivity, and credit crunches
  168. Anchored inflation expectations
  169. CHINA’S MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, September 2022
  170. Access to infrastructure and women’s time allocation: Implications for growth and gender equality
  171. Government expenditure and economic growth: A heterogeneous-agents approach
  172. Consumption heterogeneity: Micro drivers and macro implications
  173. Assessing the gains from e-commerce
  174. Risk Contagion between Commodity Markets and the Macro Economy during COVID-19: Evidence from China
  175. Monetary policy and redistribution in open economies
  176. The consequences of US technology changes for productivity in advanced economies
  177. Policy coordination and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus
  178. What accounts for the german labor market miracle? a structural var approach
  179. Coordination in price setting and the zero lower bound: A global games approach
  180. A Systematic Review Using a Factor in Pestle Framework: COVID-19 Pandemic and Expansion of Economic Environments
  181. Women, wealth effects, and slow recoveries
  182. Comparative Analysis of the Efficiency of Financing the State Budget Through Emissions, Taxes and Public Debt
  183. Grounded by gravity: A well-behaved trade model with industry-level economies of scale
  184. Impacts of economic and institutional dynamics on new media applications penetration: Sample country analysis
  185. On the Costs of Inflation with a General Equilibrium Welfare Measure
  186. The forward guidance puzzle
  187. Bubbles, crashes, and economic growth: Theory and evidence
  188. Cross-cultural study the macro variables and its impact on exchange rate regimes
  189. The Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Virtual Currency Price Based on Multiple Regression Method
  190. Kailash Khandke Interview
  191. International Business and Finance,(2021)
  192. Uncertain impact of economic policies and providing policies for optimal performance of companies
  193. Vector autoregression models with skewness and heavy tails
  194. Robust predictions for DSGE models with incomplete information
  195. Skilled labor productivity and cross-country income differences
  196. Money illusion
  197. House prices and consumption: a new instrumental variables approach
  198. Uncertain impact of economic policies and providing policies for optimal performance of companies
  199. Valuation of fixed income securities and estimation of term structure on international bond market using machine learning techniques