RAD model in software engineering

What is rapid application development in software engineering?

RAD model in software engineering is the rapid application development model.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a form of agile methodology that prioritizes the rapid prototype releases and iterations. RAD emphasizes the use of software and user feedback.

Instead of starting a development schedule from scratch each time, developers can make multiple iterations and updates to a software rapidly by following the RAD.

“rad model follows a component based approach”

Steps in Rapid Application Development

RAD model in software engineering

Four basic steps in RAD are mentioned below;

  1. Define the requirements
  2. Prototype
  3. Receive Feedback
  4. Finalize Software

1. Define the Requirements

RAD doesn’t require tthe requirement engineer to sit  with end users and get a detailed list of software requirement specifications. RAD asks for a broad requirement.

2. Prototype

A software prototype is a dummy software. When a customer gives us the requirement, we designed the requirements fastly and make a prototype for software and show it to the customer to validate the requirements.

3. Receive Feedback

Software team receive the feedback from the customer and incorporate into the software.

4. Finalize Software

At last, functional and non-functional requirements validation is achieved with the help of customer.

Advantages of RAD

Encourages and priorities customer feedback.
Requirements can be changed at any time because in start there is no detailed and strong requirement management.
Reviews are quick in RAD to facilitate the customer.
Time between prototypes and iterations is short so team need to do it rapidly.
Development time is drastically reduced.
Integration isn’t a problem, since it integrates from project inception.
Rapidly and more production with fewer team members.

Disadvantages of RAD

RAD Needs highly skilled developers who can word rapidly.
RAD is more complex to manage as compared to other SDLC models.
RAD Needs user requirement throughout the life cycle of the product.
RAD Cannot work with large teams due to collaboration issues when team is large.
RAD is only helpful in the system where systems can be modularized.
RAD is only suitable for projects which small development time.
RAD Needs strong team collaboration to work rapidly.
Comparison of SDLC Models

Comparison of  RAD and waterfall model

Properties Rad Water-Fall
Objectives Rapid development High Assurance
Planning in early stage No Yes
Returning to an earlier phase Yes No
Handle Large-Project Not Appropriate Not Appropriate
Time-Frame Short Very Long
Working software availability At the end of the life cycle At the end of the life-cycle
Risk Involvement Low High
Software Team size Small Software Team Large Software Team
Customer control over administrator Yes Very Low
Maintenance Easily Maintained Least
Time Duration Short Long
Re-usability Yes Least possible
Framework Type Linear Linear
When Testing? After completion of development After completion of development phase
Maintenance Easily Maintainable Least Maintainable
Detailed Documentation Limited Necessary
Overlapping Phases Yes No

Comparison of  RAD and incremental model

Properties Rad Incremental
Objectives Rapid development Rapid Development
Planning in early stage No Yes
Returning to an earlier phase Yes Yes
Handle Large-Project Not Appropriate Not Appropriate
Time-Frame Short Long
Working software availability At the end of the life cycle At the end of every iteration
Risk Involvement Low Low
Software Team size Small Software Team Not Large Software Team
Customer control over administrator Yes Yes
Maintenance Easily Maintained Promotes Maintainability
Time Duration Short Very long
Re-usability Yes To some extent
Framework Type Linear Linear + Iterative
When Testing? After completion of development After every iteration
Maintenance Easily Maintainable Maintainable
Detailed Documentation Limited Yes but not much
Overlapping Phases Yes Yes

Comparison of  RAD and Spiral model

Properties Rad Spiral
Objectives Rapid development High Assurance
Planning in early stage No Yes
Returning to an earlier phase Yes Yes
Handle Large-Project Not Appropriate Appropriate
Time-Frame Short Long
Working software availability At the end of the life cycle At the end of every iteration
Risk Involvement Low Medium to high risk
Software Team size Small Software Team Large Software Team
Customer control over administrator Yes Yes
Maintenance Easily Maintained Typical
Time Duration Short Long
Re-usability Yes To some extent
Framework Type Linear Linear + Iterative
When Testing? After completion of development At the end of the engineering phase
Maintenance Easily Maintainable Yes
Detailed Documentation Limited Yes
Overlapping Phases Yes No

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the major drawback of using RAD Model?
a) Highly specialized & skilled team required due to increases re-usability of components
b) Increases re-usability of components
c) Encourages customer/client feedback
d) Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required

Answer - Click Here:
Answer: A

Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
a) RAD Model
b) Prototyping Model
c) Waterfall Model
d) None of above

Answer - Click Here:
Answer: A

More MCQs on Software Process Models

  1. Iterative Model MCQs
  2. Spiral Model MCQs
  3. incremental Model MCQs
  4. Software Process Models MCQs

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