Research Area/ Research Interest: Prejudice Psychology
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.
- The social psychology of sexual prejudice.
- Beyond prejudice: Toward a sociocultural psychology of racism and oppression.
- The Cambridge handbook of the psychology of prejudice
- A social psychology of prejudice
- The psychology of prejudice and discrimination
- The social psychology of prejudice; achieving intercultural understanding and cooperation in a democracy.
- The politics of the psychology of prejudice
- The social psychology of cultural diversity: Social stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
- Public prejudice as collaborative accomplishment: Towards a dialogic social psychology of racism
- Antireligious prejudice in admissions to doctoral programs in clinical psychology.
- Introduction: Reflecting on The Nature of Prejudice: Fifty Years after Allport.
- In godlessness we distrust: Using social psychology to solve the puzzle of anti‐atheist prejudice
- Anti-fat prejudice: The role of psychology in explication, education and eradication
- Models of social change in social psychology: Collective action or prejudice reduction? Conflict or harmony
- Reducing prejudice and discrimination
- Religion, prejudice, and authoritarianism: Is RWA a boon or bane to the psychology of religion?
- Stereotypes and prejudice: Essential readings.
- Immigrants and refugees: Trauma, perennial mourning, prejudice, and border psychology
- Reducing racism, sexism, and homophobia in college students by completing a psychology of prejudice course
- The psychology of prejudice and discrimination
- An introduction to the psychology of prejudice.
- The psychology of prejudice and discrimination: A revised and condensed edition
- The social psychology of intergroup relations: Social categorization, ingroup bias, and outgroup prejudice.
- The psychology of modern prejudice.
- When we see prejudice: The normative window and social change.
- Prejudice, racism, and discrimination.
- Anti-homosexual prejudice… as opposed to what? Queer theory and the social psychology of anti-homosexual attitudes
- Prejudice: The interplay of personality, cognition, and social psychology
- Level of prejudice in relation to knowledge of cultural stereotypes
- Public policy and private prejudice: Psychology and law on gay rights.
- Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination
- Personality and prejudice: A meta-analysis and theoretical review
- Stereotyping and prejudice: Changing conceptions
- Contextual social psychology: Reanalyzing prejudice, voting, and intergroup contact.
- A stone in the soup? Changes in sexual prejudice and essentialist beliefs among British students in a class on LGBT psychology
- The psychology of prejudice
- Prejudice and discrimination on the college campus.
- Peer prejudice and discrimination: The origins of prejudice
- The psychology of American race prejudice
- Prejudice: From Allport to DuBois.
- Virtual prejudice
- The role of personality and group factors in explaining prejudice
- On the nature of prejudice.
- Social change and prejudice.
- Henri Tajfel’s ‘Cognitive aspects of prejudice’and the psychology of bigotry
- Ethnic Prejudice: A Combined Personality and Social Psychology Model.
- Claiming the role of positive psychology in the fight against prejudice
- Anti-fat prejudice and stereotypes in psychology university students
- Imagination, Inference, Intimacy: The Psychology of Pride and Prejudice
- Reducing student prejudice in diversity-infused core psychology classes
- Prejudice at the nexus of race and gender: an outgroup male target hypothesis.
- Peer prejudice and discrimination: Evolutionary, cultural, and developmental dynamics.
- Implicit prejudice and stereotyping: how automatic are they? Introduction to the special section.
- Psychopathology and social prejudice
- Suppressing the expression of prejudice and prejudice reduction from childhood to adolescence: the view of genetic social psychology
- Danger, disease, and the nature of prejudice (s)
- Prejudice
- Religious prejudice in psychology: Theories of its cause and cure.
- Ethnic categorization of immigrants: The role of prejudice, perceived acculturation strategies and group size
- The social neuroscience of prejudice
- Notes on the Psychology of Prejudice
- Identification with all humanity: The antithesis of prejudice, and more.
- From power to prejudice
- Envious Prejudice, Ideology, and the Scapegoating of Jews
- The malleability of automatic stereotypes and prejudice
- Re-theorizing prejudice in social psychology: From cognition to discourse.
- Understanding prejudice, racism, and social conflict
- Responding to overt displays of prejudice: A role-playing exercise
- On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport
- Religion and prejudice: The role of religious fundamentalism, quest, and right‐wing authoritarianism
- Raising white privilege awareness and reducing racial prejudice: Assessing diversity course effectiveness
- The emotional side of prejudice: The attribution of secondary emotions to ingroups and outgroups
- A Multilevel Perspective on Prejudice: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries.
- Controlling prejudice and stereotyping: Antecedents, mechanisms, and contexts.
- The effect of a serious game on empathy and prejudice of psychology students towards persons with disabilities
- The struggle for the nature of “prejudice”:“Prejudice” expression as identity performance
- The SAGE handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
- Measures of prejudice.
- Psychology needs no prejudice but the diversity of cultures.
- Changes in diversity course student prejudice and attitudes toward heterosexual privilege and gay marriage
- Prejudice: A question of personality or social psychology, or both?
- Rethinking the link between categorization and prejudice within the social cognition perspective
- Understanding prejudice and discrimination.
- Gordon Allport’s” The nature of prejudice”
- National identification and anti-immigrant prejudice: Individual and contextual effects of national definitions
- Gender, prejudice, and categorization
- Is subtle prejudice really prejudice?
- The prejudice problematic
- Automaticity and control in stereotyping and prejudice.
- The formation of in-group favoritism and out-group prejudice in young children: Are they distinct attitudes?
- Delegitimization: The extreme case of stereotyping and prejudice
- Teaching students about stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination: An interview with Susan Fiske
- Reducing prejudice via direct and extended cross-group friendship
- Applying service-learning to the problem of prejudice: A psychology and theater course.
- Changing implicit and explicit prejudice
- The self-regulation of prejudice.
- An attribution-value model of prejudice: Anti-fat attitudes in six nations
- A dual group processes model of individual differences in prejudice
- Getting hooked on research in social psychology: Examples from eyewitness identification and prejudice.
- Interventions to reduce prejudice and discrimination in children and adolescents.
- The politics of moving beyond prejudice
- Discrimination: Heightened prejudice post 9/11 and psychological outcomes.
- Probing the complexity of intergroup prejudice
- Prejudice: Toward a More Inclusive Understanding.
- Outgroup prejudice in western Europe
- A dual-process cognitive-motivational theory of ideology and prejudice
- Subtle and blatant prejudice in Western Europe
- Affective and cognitive implications of a group becoming a part of the self: New models of prejudice and of the self-concept.
- Application of the attribution-value model of prejudice to homosexuality
- The ultimate attribution error: Extending Allport’s cognitive analysis of prejudice
- Two histories of prejudice
- Language and prejudice: Direct and moderated effects
- On the nature of prejudice: Automatic and controlled processes
- Prejudice and discrimination: Old paradigms in new models for psychology.
- Rethinking the paradigm of prejudice
- Social identity processes and children’s ethnic prejudice
- From prejudice to intergroup emotions: Differentiated reactions to social groups
- Generalized prejudice: Old wisdom and new perspectives.
- Religion and prejudice: Lessons not learned from the past
- Co-operation, tolerance, and prejudice: a contribution to social and medical psychology
- Religious orientation and prejudice: A comparison of racial and sexual attitudes
- Emotional prejudice, essentialism, and nationalism The 2002 Tajfel Lecture
- Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components.
- Stereotype knowledge and prejudice in children
- Does contact reduce prejudice or does prejudice reduce contact? A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis among majority and minority groups in three European …
- Interreligious education in the context of Social Psychology research on attitudes and prejudice
- Gender, ethnic, and body type biases: The generality of prejudice in childhood.
- Motivational processes underlying both prejudice and helping
- Social psychology: Unraveling the mystery
- Psychophysiological assessment of prejudice: Past research, current status, and future directions
- Contribution on prejudice and religion and general statement on nature and purpose of religious psychology
- Reliability and validity of a new scale to measure prejudice: The GRISMS
- Political contacts: Analyzing the role of similarity in theories of prejudice
- Reducing implicit prejudice
- Calibrating prejudice in milliseconds
- Implicit and explicit prejudice and interracial interaction.
- Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable?
- Motivational processes underlying both prejudice and helping
- Social psychology: Unraveling the mystery
- Psychophysiological assessment of prejudice: Past research, current status, and future directions
- Contribution on prejudice and religion and general statement on nature and purpose of religious psychology
- Reliability and validity of a new scale to measure prejudice: The GRISMS
- Political contacts: Analyzing the role of similarity in theories of prejudice
- Reducing implicit prejudice
- Calibrating prejudice in milliseconds
- Implicit and explicit prejudice and interracial interaction.
- Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable?
- Not everybody is” different-from-me”: Toward a historico-cultural account of prejudice
- Disgust is a factor in extreme prejudice
- Affective and cognitive determinants of prejudice
- Silence is not golden: The intrapersonal consequences of not confronting prejudice
- Personal religious orientation and prejudice.
- Stereotypes and prejudice: The Australian experience
- Prejudice reduction: Progress and challenges
- Authoritarianism, social dominance, and other roots of generalized prejudice
- The nature of The Nature of Prejudice
- Prejudice and behavior: A review
- Prejudice: Personality or social psychology?
- Prejudice against fat people: ideology and self-interest.
- Religion, prejudice, and intergroup relations.
- In defense of the subtle prejudice concept: A retort
- “Prejudiced” behavior without prejudice? Beliefs about the malleability of prejudice affect interracial interactions.
- The contact caveat: Negative contact predicts increased prejudice more than positive contact predicts reduced prejudice
- Prejudice and ingroup favoritism in a minimal intergroup situation: Effects of self-esteem
- Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others.
- Interventions aimed at the reduction of prejudice and conflict
- How does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Meta‐analytic tests of three mediators
- Prejudice: its social psychology
- Can we really reduce ethnic prejudice outside the lab? A meta‐analysis of direct and indirect contact interventions
- Implicit and explicit components of prejudice
- Playing with prejudice: The prevalence and consequences of racial stereotypes in video games
- The Psychology of Prejudice
- Mechanisms underlying the malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes: The role of automaticity and cognitive control.
- Anti-transgender prejudice: A structural equation model of associated constructs.
- Implicit and explicit prejudice in the 2008 American presidential election
- Confronting prejudice (literally): Reactions to confrontations of racial and gender bias
- On the malleability of automatic attitudes: combating automatic prejudice with images of admired and disliked individuals.
- When authoritarians confront prejudice. Differential effects of SDO and RWA on support for hate‐speech prohibition
- Associations among religiousness, social attitudes, and prejudice in a national random sample of American adults.
- When prosperity breeds intergroup hostility: The effects of relative deprivation and relative gratification on prejudice
- Prejudice and intergroup hostility.
- Defining transgender: What do lay definitions say about prejudice?
- The extended contact effect: Knowledge of cross-group friendships and prejudice.
- Ageism: Stereotyping and prejudice against older persons
- Two social psychologies of prejudice: Gordon W. Allport, WEB Du Bois, and the legacy of Booker T. Washington
- What does the implicit association test measure? A test of the convergent and discriminant validity of prejudice-related IATs.
- Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice.
- Conclusions and future directions: the nature, significance and inherent limitations of the concept of prejudice in social psychology
- Differential relationships between intergroup contact and affective and cognitive dimensions of prejudice
- Attitudes and sexual prejudice in sport and physical activity
- It’s not my fault: When and why attributions to prejudice protect self-esteem
- Social norms and the expression and suppression of prejudice: the struggle for internalization.
- The Psychology of Prejudice: On the Roots of Ethnic Prejudices in Social Psychology
- The internal and external causal loci of attributions to prejudice
- Influence of prototypes on perceptions of prejudice.
- Prejudice toward immigrants to Spain and Israel: An integrated threat theory analysis
- Generalized intergroup contact effects on prejudice
- Prejudice against Australian Aborigines: Old‐fashioned and modern forms
- Prejudice and self-categorization: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes
- Essentialist beliefs about homosexuality: Structure and implications for prejudice
- The role of social norm clarity in the influenced expression of prejudice over time
- A reconceptualization of how we study issues of racial prejudice
- The psychological bases of ideology and prejudice: testing a dual process model.
- Reducing prejudice in right-wing authoritarians
- Biological bases of prejudice
- Attitudes towards refugees: The dark side of prejudice in Australia
- The future of research on prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination.
- The dual process motivational model of ideology and prejudice.
- Cultural threat and perceived realistic group conflict as dual predictors of prejudice
- Worldview conflict and prejudice
- Ideology, prejudice, and attitudes toward sexual minority social policies and organizations
- Intentional control over prejudice: When the choice of the measure matters
- Social antecedents of children’s implicit prejudice: Direct contact, extended contact, explicit and implicit teachers’ prejudice
- Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination.
- How women of color detect and respond to multiple forms of prejudice
- Moral credentials and the expression of prejudice.
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