Prejudice Psychology Research Topics

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Prejudice Psychology

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.

  1. The social psychology of sexual prejudice.
  2. Beyond prejudice: Toward a sociocultural psychology of racism and oppression.
  3.  The Cambridge handbook of the psychology of prejudice
  4.  A social psychology of prejudice
  5.  The psychology of prejudice and discrimination
  6. The social psychology of prejudice; achieving intercultural understanding and cooperation in a democracy.
  7. The politics of the psychology of prejudice
  8. The social psychology of cultural diversity: Social stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
  9. Public prejudice as collaborative accomplishment: Towards a dialogic social psychology of racism
  10. Antireligious prejudice in admissions to doctoral programs in clinical psychology.
  11. Introduction: Reflecting on The Nature of Prejudice: Fifty Years after Allport.
  12. In godlessness we distrust: Using social psychology to solve the puzzle of anti‐atheist prejudice
  13.  Anti-fat prejudice: The role of psychology in explication, education and eradication
  14. Models of social change in social psychology: Collective action or prejudice reduction? Conflict or harmony
  15.  Reducing prejudice and discrimination
  16. Religion, prejudice, and authoritarianism: Is RWA a boon or bane to the psychology of religion?
  17.  Stereotypes and prejudice: Essential readings.
  18.  Immigrants and refugees: Trauma, perennial mourning, prejudice, and border psychology
  19.  Reducing racism, sexism, and homophobia in college students by completing a psychology of prejudice course
  20. The psychology of prejudice and discrimination
  21. An introduction to the psychology of prejudice.
  22.  The psychology of prejudice and discrimination: A revised and condensed edition
  23. The social psychology of intergroup relations: Social categorization, ingroup bias, and outgroup prejudice.
  24.  The psychology of modern prejudice.
  25. When we see prejudice: The normative window and social change.
  26. Prejudice, racism, and discrimination.
  27. Anti-homosexual prejudice… as opposed to what? Queer theory and the social psychology of anti-homosexual attitudes
  28.  Prejudice: The interplay of personality, cognition, and social psychology
  29. Level of prejudice in relation to knowledge of cultural stereotypes
  30. Public policy and private prejudice: Psychology and law on gay rights.
  31.  Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination
  32. Personality and prejudice: A meta-analysis and theoretical review
  33.  Stereotyping and prejudice: Changing conceptions
  34.  Contextual social psychology: Reanalyzing prejudice, voting, and intergroup contact.
  35. A stone in the soup? Changes in sexual prejudice and essentialist beliefs among British students in a class on LGBT psychology
  36.  The psychology of prejudice
  37. Prejudice and discrimination on the college campus.
  38.  Peer prejudice and discrimination: The origins of prejudice
  39. The psychology of American race prejudice
  40. Prejudice: From Allport to DuBois.
  41. Virtual prejudice
  42. The role of personality and group factors in explaining prejudice
  43. On the nature of prejudice.
  44. Social change and prejudice.
  45. Henri Tajfel’s ‘Cognitive aspects of prejudice’and the psychology of bigotry
  46.  Ethnic Prejudice: A Combined Personality and Social Psychology Model.
  47. Claiming the role of positive psychology in the fight against prejudice
  48. Anti-fat prejudice and stereotypes in psychology university students
  49. Imagination, Inference, Intimacy: The Psychology of Pride and Prejudice
  50. Reducing student prejudice in diversity-infused core psychology classes
  51. Prejudice at the nexus of race and gender: an outgroup male target hypothesis.
  52.  Peer prejudice and discrimination: Evolutionary, cultural, and developmental dynamics.
  53. Implicit prejudice and stereotyping: how automatic are they? Introduction to the special section.
  54.  Psychopathology and social prejudice
  55. Suppressing the expression of prejudice and prejudice reduction from childhood to adolescence: the view of genetic social psychology
  56. Danger, disease, and the nature of prejudice (s)
  57. Prejudice
  58. Religious prejudice in psychology: Theories of its cause and cure.
  59. Ethnic categorization of immigrants: The role of prejudice, perceived acculturation strategies and group size
  60. The social neuroscience of prejudice
  61. Notes on the Psychology of Prejudice
  62. Identification with all humanity: The antithesis of prejudice, and more.
  63. From power to prejudice
  64. Envious Prejudice, Ideology, and the Scapegoating of Jews
  65. The malleability of automatic stereotypes and prejudice
  66. Re-theorizing prejudice in social psychology: From cognition to discourse.
  67.  Understanding prejudice, racism, and social conflict
  68. Responding to overt displays of prejudice: A role-playing exercise
  69.  On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport
  70. Religion and prejudice: The role of religious fundamentalism, quest, and right‐wing authoritarianism
  71. Raising white privilege awareness and reducing racial prejudice: Assessing diversity course effectiveness
  72. The emotional side of prejudice: The attribution of secondary emotions to ingroups and outgroups
  73. A Multilevel Perspective on Prejudice: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries.
  74. Controlling prejudice and stereotyping: Antecedents, mechanisms, and contexts.
  75. The effect of a serious game on empathy and prejudice of psychology students towards persons with disabilities
  76. The struggle for the nature of “prejudice”:“Prejudice” expression as identity performance
  77. The SAGE handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
  78. Measures of prejudice.
  79. Psychology needs no prejudice but the diversity of cultures.
  80. Changes in diversity course student prejudice and attitudes toward heterosexual privilege and gay marriage
  81. Prejudice: A question of personality or social psychology, or both?
  82. Rethinking the link between categorization and prejudice within the social cognition perspective
  83.  Understanding prejudice and discrimination.
  84. Gordon Allport’s” The nature of prejudice”
  85. National identification and anti-immigrant prejudice: Individual and contextual effects of national definitions
  86. Gender, prejudice, and categorization
  87. Is subtle prejudice really prejudice?
  88. The prejudice problematic
  89. Automaticity and control in stereotyping and prejudice.
  90. The formation of in-group favoritism and out-group prejudice in young children: Are they distinct attitudes?
  91. Delegitimization: The extreme case of stereotyping and prejudice
  92. Teaching students about stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination: An interview with Susan Fiske
  93. Reducing prejudice via direct and extended cross-group friendship
  94. Applying service-learning to the problem of prejudice: A psychology and theater course.
  95. Changing implicit and explicit prejudice
  96. The self-regulation of prejudice.
  97. An attribution-value model of prejudice: Anti-fat attitudes in six nations
  98. A dual group processes model of individual differences in prejudice
  99. Getting hooked on research in social psychology: Examples from eyewitness identification and prejudice.
  100. Interventions to reduce prejudice and discrimination in children and adolescents.
  101. The politics of moving beyond prejudice
  102. Discrimination: Heightened prejudice post 9/11 and psychological outcomes.
  103. Probing the complexity of intergroup prejudice
  104. Prejudice: Toward a More Inclusive Understanding.
  105. Outgroup prejudice in western Europe
  106. A dual-process cognitive-motivational theory of ideology and prejudice
  107. Subtle and blatant prejudice in Western Europe
  108. Affective and cognitive implications of a group becoming a part of the self: New models of prejudice and of the self-concept.
  109. Application of the attribution-value model of prejudice to homosexuality
  110. The ultimate attribution error: Extending Allport’s cognitive analysis of prejudice
  111.  Two histories of prejudice
  112. Language and prejudice: Direct and moderated effects
  113. On the nature of prejudice: Automatic and controlled processes
  114. Prejudice and discrimination: Old paradigms in new models for psychology.
  115. Rethinking the paradigm of prejudice
  116. Social identity processes and children’s ethnic prejudice
  117.  From prejudice to intergroup emotions: Differentiated reactions to social groups
  118. Generalized prejudice: Old wisdom and new perspectives.
  119. Religion and prejudice: Lessons not learned from the past
  120.  Co-operation, tolerance, and prejudice: a contribution to social and medical psychology
  121. Religious orientation and prejudice: A comparison of racial and sexual attitudes
  122. Emotional prejudice, essentialism, and nationalism The 2002 Tajfel Lecture
  123. Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components.
  124. Stereotype knowledge and prejudice in children
  125. Does contact reduce prejudice or does prejudice reduce contact? A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis among majority and minority groups in three European …
  126. Interreligious education in the context of Social Psychology research on attitudes and prejudice
  127. Gender, ethnic, and body type biases: The generality of prejudice in childhood.
  128. Motivational processes underlying both prejudice and helping
  129.  Social psychology: Unraveling the mystery
  130. Psychophysiological assessment of prejudice: Past research, current status, and future directions
  131.  Contribution on prejudice and religion and general statement on nature and purpose of religious psychology
  132. Reliability and validity of a new scale to measure prejudice: The GRISMS
  133. Political contacts: Analyzing the role of similarity in theories of prejudice
  134. Reducing implicit prejudice
  135. Calibrating prejudice in milliseconds
  136. Implicit and explicit prejudice and interracial interaction.
  137. Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable?
  138. Motivational processes underlying both prejudice and helping
  139.  Social psychology: Unraveling the mystery
  140. Psychophysiological assessment of prejudice: Past research, current status, and future directions
  141.  Contribution on prejudice and religion and general statement on nature and purpose of religious psychology
  142. Reliability and validity of a new scale to measure prejudice: The GRISMS
  143. Political contacts: Analyzing the role of similarity in theories of prejudice
  144. Reducing implicit prejudice
  145. Calibrating prejudice in milliseconds
  146. Implicit and explicit prejudice and interracial interaction.
  147. Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable?
  148. Not everybody is” different-from-me”: Toward a historico-cultural account of prejudice
  149. Disgust is a factor in extreme prejudice
  150. Affective and cognitive determinants of prejudice
  151. Silence is not golden: The intrapersonal consequences of not confronting prejudice
  152. Personal religious orientation and prejudice.
  153. Stereotypes and prejudice: The Australian experience
  154. Prejudice reduction: Progress and challenges
  155. Authoritarianism, social dominance, and other roots of generalized prejudice
  156. The nature of The Nature of Prejudice
  157. Prejudice and behavior: A review
  158. Prejudice: Personality or social psychology?
  159. Prejudice against fat people: ideology and self-interest.
  160. Religion, prejudice, and intergroup relations.
  161. In defense of the subtle prejudice concept: A retort
  162. “Prejudiced” behavior without prejudice? Beliefs about the malleability of prejudice affect interracial interactions.
  163. The contact caveat: Negative contact predicts increased prejudice more than positive contact predicts reduced prejudice
  164. Prejudice and ingroup favoritism in a minimal intergroup situation: Effects of self-esteem
  165. Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others.
  166. Interventions aimed at the reduction of prejudice and conflict
  167. How does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Meta‐analytic tests of three mediators
  168. Prejudice: its social psychology
  169. Can we really reduce ethnic prejudice outside the lab? A meta‐analysis of direct and indirect contact interventions
  170. Implicit and explicit components of prejudice
  171. Playing with prejudice: The prevalence and consequences of racial stereotypes in video games
  172.  The Psychology of Prejudice
  173. Mechanisms underlying the malleability of implicit prejudice and stereotypes: The role of automaticity and cognitive control.
  174. Anti-transgender prejudice: A structural equation model of associated constructs.
  175. Implicit and explicit prejudice in the 2008 American presidential election
  176. Confronting prejudice (literally): Reactions to confrontations of racial and gender bias
  177. On the malleability of automatic attitudes: combating automatic prejudice with images of admired and disliked individuals.
  178. When authoritarians confront prejudice. Differential effects of SDO and RWA on support for hate‐speech prohibition
  179. Associations among religiousness, social attitudes, and prejudice in a national random sample of American adults.
  180. When prosperity breeds intergroup hostility: The effects of relative deprivation and relative gratification on prejudice
  181. Prejudice and intergroup hostility.
  182. Defining transgender: What do lay definitions say about prejudice?
  183. The extended contact effect: Knowledge of cross-group friendships and prejudice.
  184.  Ageism: Stereotyping and prejudice against older persons
  185. Two social psychologies of prejudice: Gordon W. Allport, WEB Du Bois, and the legacy of Booker T. Washington
  186. What does the implicit association test measure? A test of the convergent and discriminant validity of prejudice-related IATs.
  187. Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice.
  188. Conclusions and future directions: the nature, significance and inherent limitations of the concept of prejudice in social psychology
  189. Differential relationships between intergroup contact and affective and cognitive dimensions of prejudice
  190. Attitudes and sexual prejudice in sport and physical activity
  191. It’s not my fault: When and why attributions to prejudice protect self-esteem
  192. Social norms and the expression and suppression of prejudice: the struggle for internalization.
  193. The Psychology of Prejudice: On the Roots of Ethnic Prejudices in Social Psychology
  194. The internal and external causal loci of attributions to prejudice
  195. Influence of prototypes on perceptions of prejudice.
  196. Prejudice toward immigrants to Spain and Israel: An integrated threat theory analysis
  197. Generalized intergroup contact effects on prejudice
  198. Prejudice against Australian Aborigines: Old‐fashioned and modern forms
  199. Prejudice and self-categorization: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes
  200. Essentialist beliefs about homosexuality: Structure and implications for prejudice
  201. The role of social norm clarity in the influenced expression of prejudice over time
  202. A reconceptualization of how we study issues of racial prejudice
  203. The psychological bases of ideology and prejudice: testing a dual process model.
  204. Reducing prejudice in right-wing authoritarians
  205. Biological bases of prejudice
  206. Attitudes towards refugees: The dark side of prejudice in Australia
  207. The future of research on prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination.
  208. The dual process motivational model of ideology and prejudice.
  209. Cultural threat and perceived realistic group conflict as dual predictors of prejudice
  210. Worldview conflict and prejudice
  211. Ideology, prejudice, and attitudes toward sexual minority social policies and organizations
  212. Intentional control over prejudice: When the choice of the measure matters
  213. Social antecedents of children’s implicit prejudice: Direct contact, extended contact, explicit and implicit teachers’ prejudice
  214. Decreasing prejudice by increasing discrimination.
  215. How women of color detect and respond to multiple forms of prejudice
  216. Moral credentials and the expression of prejudice.

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