Research Topics on Prejudice and discrimination

Research Area/ Research Interest: Prejudice and discrimination

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.

  1. Towards a new sociological social psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
  2.  Prejudice, Identity and Well-Being: Voices of Diversity Among College Students
  3. Why benefiting from discrimination is less recognized as discrimination.
  4. Leveraging mega-threats to reduce prejudice: a model for multi-level changes
  5. ” Economic support? They don’t really need it”. Prejudice towards Latin American immigrants in Argentina.
  6. COVID discrimination experience: Chinese Canadians’ social identities moderate the effect of personal and group discrimination on well-being.
  7.  Prejudice against the vaccinated and the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic: A global conjoint experiment
  8. Highlighting strengths in response to discrimination: Developing and testing an allyship positive psychology intervention
  9.  Interactional approaches to discrimination and racism in everyday life
  10.  Ingroup favoritism and prejudice
  11. Cleanliness and prejudice in times of pandemic
  12.  Internal conflict and prejudice-regulation: Emotional ambivalence buffers against defensive responding to implicit bias feedback
  13.  White but not equal: Mexican Americans, jury discrimination, and the Supreme Court
  14.  Learning of Biographical Writing for Coping with Ethnic Prejudice in a Culturally Diverse Society.
  15. Prejudice
  16. Subtle discrimination overtakes cognitive resources and undermines performance
  17. Can religious social workers practice affirmatively with LGBTQ service recipients? An exploration within the regulatory context
  18. Rental discrimination, perceived threat and public attitudes towards immigration and refugees
  19. The effect of inter-group contact on discrimination
  20. Looking at THEM and seeing US
  21. An absolute test of racial prejudice
  23. What counts as discrimination? How principles of merit shape fairness of demographic decisions.
  24. Policies and prejudice: Integration policies moderate the link between immigrant presence and anti-immigrant prejudice.
  25. The AMIGAS Model: Reconciling Prejudice Reduction and Collective Action Approaches Through a Multicultural Commitment in Intergroup Relations
  26. How do we make the virtual world a better place? Social discrimination in online gaming, sense of community, and well-being
  27. Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence
  28. Principles of Social Psychology-1st International H5P Edition
  29. Area-level racial prejudice and health: A systematic review.
  30. Discrimination in the rental housing market: a field experiment in Ireland
  31. A History of Racism, Prejudice, and Social In/justice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center: An Archival Assessment of Labor, Relations, and Race
  32. The relationship between perceived discrimination and school/work–family conflict among graduate student-parents
  33. Evaluating Validity Properties of 25 Race-Related Scales
  34. Visible tattoos as a source of employment discrimination among female applicants for a supervisory position
  35. Social invisibility and discrimination of Roma people in Italy and Brazil
  36. Attributions to discrimination against Black victims in a multiracial society: isolating the effect of perpetrator group membership
  37. Geographic distribution of prejudice toward African Americans: Applying the two-dimensional model
  38. Five-star racism
  39.  The national flag: An agent of prejudice?
  40.  Contact-based interventions to reduce ethnic prejudice against migrants and ethnic minorities in the school context: A systematic literature review
  41. Dialect and Disenfranchisement: Report of the Pilot Study on Dialect Bias and Prejudice in the Spanish-Speaking World
  42. Demobilizing or activating? The effect of anti-muslim discrimination on Muslims’ counter-extremism engagement
  44. Fijian Reactions to Transgender-Directed Workplace Mistreatment: The Moderating Role of the Victim’s Group Identification
  45. Toward whom does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Exploring national majorities’ prejudice toward ethnic and migrant minorities
  46. Language, Discrimination and Employability: Employers’ Othering and Racist Representations of Domestic Migrant Workers on Social Media
  47. Perceptions of Discrimination Predict Retention of College Students of Color: Connections with School Belonging and Ethnic Identity
  48. What do we measure when we measure perceptions of everyday discrimination?
  49. From old-fashioned to offensive racism: How social norms determine the measurement object of prejudice questionnaires
  50. Examining the Perception of Work-Related Skills for Transgender Employees
  51. Emotion Socialization and Developmental Outcomes in Black Children: Relations with Ethnic-Racial Socialization
  52. Prejudice Reflected In Stephen King’s Elevation (2018) A Sociological Approach
  53. The stereotype content model and disabilities
  54. Deconstructing prejudice in schools: the role of dialogical practices
  55. How promotion loss shapes expectations of discrimination: an intersectional approach
  56. A corpus-based study of representation of Islam and Muslims in American media: Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
  57. Doctor knows best? Provider bias in the context of contraceptive counseling in the United States
  58. Refugees in Context: A Systemic, Intersectional Exploration of Discrimination in the United States
  59. Psychology and Indigenous People
  60. Homosexuality Justification and Social Distance: A Cross-Cultural Approach from Latin America Using World Values Survey Data
  61. Are lighter-skinned Tanisha and Jamal worth more pay? White people’s gendered colorism toward Black job applicants with racialized names
  62.  Anti-fat attitudes of Nutrition undergraduates in Brazil toward individuals with obesity
  63.  Religiosity, Social Stigma, and Public Acceptance to People Living with HIV/AIDS among Citizens in Bandung, Indonesia
  64.  What counts as discrimination? How principles of merit shape fairness of demographic decisions
  65. ˈYou don’t have to tell me in person i’m not to your likingˈ: experiences of discrimination of people with intellectual disabilities
  66. Labeling, causal attributions, and social network ties to people with mental illness
  67.  International Human Rights Perspective On Black Racial Discrimination Case: The Murder Of George Floyd
  68.  Combating Colorism in our Programs and our Work
  69. Weaponizing memes: The journalistic mediation of visual politicization
  70. Anti-racism
  71. Reducing racial discrimination in the sharing economy: Empirical results from Airbnb
  72. Internalized stigma and self‐presentation strategies of persons with psychotic and psychiatric experiences
  73. Investigating the identification-prejudice link through the lens of national narcissism: The role of defensive group beliefs
  74.  How do we measure gender discrimination? Proposing a construct of gender discrimination through a systematic scoping review
  75. Understanding Social Integration of Chinese Students in the Netherlands: The Role of Friendships
  76. The Challenge for Sociology: The Value of the Critique
  77. Early career Black women in school-based mental health fields: Understanding their experiences of workplace discrimination
  78. Psychological Resources as a Buffer Between Racial/Ethnic and SES-based Discrimination and Adolescents’ Academic Well-being
  79. Do stereotypes explain discrimination against minority candidates or discrimination in favor of majority candidates?
  80.  The Cognitive Self: The Self-Concept
  81.  No matter what the name, we’re all the same? Examining ethnic online discrimination in ridesharing marketplaces
  82.  The Violence around Us: How the Social Situation Influences Aggression
  83. Perceived Discrimination at School and Developmental Outcomes among Bai Adolescents: The Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and Ethnic Identity
  84. Ethnic groups
  85. Confronting or avoiding confrontation? The role of sexism in evaluating women who avoid confronting discrimination (¿ Confrontar o evitar hacerlo? El rol del sexismo …
  86.  Strategies for Producing Cooperation
  87.  Obedience, Power, and Leadership
  88. Experiences of discrimination among the Black and Indigenous populations in Canada, 2019
  89. Perceptions of difference and disdain on the self-stigma of mental illness
  90. The Dismantlement of” Separate but Equal”
  91. Headscarves and the CJEU: Protecting fundamental rights and pandering to prejudice: the CJEU does both
  92. Ethnic relations
  93. Systemic discrimination: Theory and measurement
  94. Racial justice allyship requires civil courage: A behavioral prescription for moral growth and change.
  95. Moderating influence of social support on the relations between discrimination and health via depression in Latinx immigrants.
  96. Creating a Minority Stress Index to Examine Mental Health Impacts of Discrimination Among Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Adults
  97. Changes in Americans’ prejudices during the presidency of Donald Trump
  98. Cultural adaptation and validation of a measure of prejudice against men who have sex with men among healthcare providers in western Kenya
  99. Middle Eastern and North African Americans may not be perceived, nor perceive themselves, to be White
  100. Prosociality and Prejudice in a Pandemic: Mindfulness, Buddhist Values and Social Justice during COVID-19
  101.  Accessible Tourism Language
  102. Minority stress and change efforts.
  103. Modelling Prejudice and Its Effect on Societal Prosperity
  104. Hiring discrimination against foreigners in multi-ethnic labour markets: Does recruiter nationality matter? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Luxembourg
  105.  Power, prejudice and prevention
  106. The influencing factors of discrimination against recovered Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in China: a national study
  107. How does ethnic discrimination on the housing market differ across neighborhoods and real estate agencies?
  108. The Stigma of Criminal Legal Involvement and Health: a Conceptual Framework
  109. “Nothing to mourn, He was just a drug addict”-stigma towards people bereaved by drug-related death
  110. Safe here, but unsafe there? Institutional signals of identity safety also signal prejudice in the broader environment
  111. New titles can give new perspectives: Reflections on language and equity in clinical science.
  112. Prejudice, Bigotry, and Support for Compensatory Interventions to Address Black–White Inequalities: Evidence from the General Social Survey, 2006 to 2020
  113.  Status of the stateless population in Thailand: How does stigma matter in their life?
  114. Reducing Sexual-Orientation Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from Basic Information Treatments
  115. Crossing boundaries and fetishization: Experiences of sexual violence for trans women of color
  116.  Perceived discrimination and relative deprivation in Chinese migrant adolescents: the mediating effect of locus of control and moderating effect of duration …
  117. The Combined Role of Independence in Self-Concept and a Collectivistic Value Orientation in Group-Focused Enmity in Korea
  118. Documentation status socialization as an ethnic-racial socialization dimension: Incorporating the experience of mixed-status Latinx families
  119. Ageism in working life: A scoping review on discursive approaches
  120. Dismantling structural stigma related to mental health and substance use: An educational framework
  121. Algorithms and discrimination: the case of credit scoring in Brazil
  122. Ableism in the Child Welfare System: Findings from a Qualitative Study
  123. Perceptions of Stigma and Discrimination among Individuals Experiencing a First-Episode of Psychosis
  124.  A Clinical Guide to Discussing Prejudice Against Men
  125.  Children’s intergroup prosocial behavior: The role of group stereotypes
  126. Covert Prejudice and Discourses of Otherness During the Refugee Crisis: Α Case Study of the Greek Islands’ Press
  127. A headscarf’s impact on intergroup relations: A field experiment
  128. Bias in a Biased System
  129.  Bridging the Gaps Between Us: Explaining When and Why People of Color Express Shared Political Views
  130. COVID-19 Outbreak Responses: The Pandemic of Racism Against Africans Living Outside Their Continent
  131. Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.
  132. How is masculinity ideology related to transprejudice in Turkey: The mediatory effect of femmephobia
  133.  3 Using Reflective Self-Awareness to Enhance Cultural Competence between Neuropsychologist and Client
  134.  Cisheterosexism and Sexual Misconduct in Sport
  135.  The Role of Technical Communicators in Confronting Injustice—Everywhere
  136. Walking the walk: Advice for anti-racist academic leaders
  137. Suppressing the expression of prejudice and prejudice reduction from childhood to adolescence: the view of genetic social psychology
  138. Self-fulfilling Prophecies in Service Design: Strategies to Address Virtuous and Vicious Circles for Mental Healthcare Transformation
  139. Pardon My Accent!: Breaking Down Barriers to Clear Communication
  140. Plurality resistance: Effects on intergroup relations and the mediating role of stereotypes
  141. The “Jewish premium”: attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel under the Law of Return
  142. The impact of anticipated, vicarious, and experienced racial and ethnic discrimination on depression and suicidal behavior among Chicago youth
  143.  Dominant groups support digressive victimhood claims to counter accusations of discrimination
  144. Gender differences in the association of sexual orientation with depressive symptoms: a national cross-sectional study among Chinese college students
  145. Cultivating contact: How social norms can reduce mental illness stigma in college populations.
  146. Development and psychometric evaluation of the Dementia Public Stigma Scale (DePSS)
  147. Developing an education planning tool to create the conditions for social justice in a global village
  148. Gender and racial identity moderate the effects of online and offline discrimination on mental health
  149. Threatened masculinity: Gender-related collective narcissism predicts prejudice toward gay and lesbian people among heterosexual men in Poland
  150.  Attitudes Towards the Elderly in Polish Society: Is Knowledge About Old Age and Personal Experiences a Predictor of Ageism?
  151. How do people make sense of wealth and poverty?
  152. Colonization, cadavers, and color: Considering decolonization of anatomy curricula
  153.  The mediation effect of perceived weight stigma in association between weight status and eating disturbances among university students: is there any gender …
  154. Gay and Lesbian Parenting: A Systematic Review of Themes and Methodological Strategies of Brazilian Research
  155.  Translation and psychometric evaluation of chronic illness anticipated stigma scale (CIASS) among patients in Ethiopia
  156. Child interethnic prejudice in the Netherlands: social learning from parents and picture books
  157. Affinity spaces and the situatedness of intercultural relations between international and domestic students in two Australian schools
  158. Minority-and majority-status bystander reactions to, and reasoning about, intergroup social exclusion
  159. The effects of emotion-based group work on psychosocial functions of LGBT people
  160. LGBTQ+ engagement in activism: An examination of internalized heterosexism and LGBTQ+ community connectedness
  161. The application of ethical principles, standards, and practices to sexual orientation change efforts and gender identity change efforts.
  162. Biased expectations? An experimental test of which party selectors are more likely to stereotype ethnic minority aspirants as less favorable than ethnic majority …
  163. Discrimination and the value of lived experience in Sophia Moreau’s Faces of Inequality
  164. Perception of racial and intersectional discrimination in the workplace is high among black orthopaedic surgeons: results of a survey of 274 black orthopaedic …
  165. … role of national identification, binding foundations and perceived threat on the relationship between need for cognitive closure and prejudice against migrants in Malta
  166. Book Review: Power Imbalance, Bullying and Harassment in Academia and Glocal (local and global) Workplace by Fay Patel
  167. Understanding Racial Attitudes Among Students and Teachers in a Ethnically/Racially Diverse High School
  168. “I am not an Immigrant. I am an International Student”: A Qualitative Study of Adaptation Experiences of Turkish International Students in Germany
  169.  The Neuroscience of Intergroup Relations: Global Perspectives on the Neural Underpinnings of Intergroup Behaviour, Ingroup Bias and Prejudice
  170.  720-Degree Performance Appraisal-The Most Recently Introduced Concept &An Integrated Method in Performance Management System
  171. The Hidden Worker: Part I Considering Diverse Employee Needs during COVID
  172. Can past intergroup contact shape support for policies in a pandemic? Processes predicting endorsement of discriminatory Chinese restrictions during the COVID-19 …
  173. Tackling discrimination and systemic racism in academic and workplace settings
  174. School ethnic–racial socialization and adolescent ethnic–racial identity.
  175. Intra-cultural and Inter-cultural Contact Orientation of International Students in Japan: Uncertainty Management by Cultural Identification
  176. To what extent does parental educational background affect CLIL learners’ content subject learning? Evidence from research in Spain
  177. Reducing Implicit Bias in Maternity Care: A Framework for Action
  178. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Majority Population, Ethno-Racial Minorities, and Immigrants
  179. A multicultural, gender, and sexually diverse affirming school‐based consultation framework
  180.  Social media, right-wing populism, and Covid-19: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of reactions to the ‘Chinese virus’ discourse
  181. Believing that prejudice can change increases children’s interest in interracial interactions
  182. Come as you are: Examining autistic identity development and the neurodiversity movement through an intersectional lens
  183. To share or not to share? Evaluation of a strategic disclosure program for suicide attempt survivors
  184.  Battling Structural Racism Against Asians in the United States: Call for Public Health to Make the “Invisible” Visible
  185. A Revised Structural Dimensionality of the Attributions about Poverty and Wealth Scales
  186. Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions
  187. Intergroup contact fosters more inclusive social identities
  188.  Nationalism and perceptions of threat–Ethnocentrism or just a lack of contact? Islamophobia in Eastern Europe from a comparative perspective
  189. Deliberation as an Epistemic Network: A Method for Analyzing Discussion
  190. Attitudes toward older adults and aging: A foundational geropsychology knowledge competency.
  191. Anti-immigrant prejudice in a post-socialist context: the role of identity-based explanations
  192.  The Impact of Stigma on People with Opioid Use Disorder, Opioid Treatment, and Policy
  193. Factors associated with transphobia: A structural equation modeling approach
  194. Weighing In On the Role of Pharmacy Education in Mitigating Weight Bias
  195.  Disability and Health Emergencies
  196. Education’s economic return in multicultural Australia: Demographic analysis
  197. Authoritarian attitudes are associated with higher autonomic reactivity to stress and lower recovery.
  198. Saving the Folk
  199. Advocacy for children with migraine
  200. Attitudes towards immigration: responses to the increased presence of Polish migrants in the UK post 2004
  201. Greek High School Teachers’ Homonegative Attitudes Towards Same-Sex Parent Families
  202. More than Mental Illness: Experiences of Associating with Stigma of Mental Illness for Chinese College Students
  203. How stereotypes and relationships influence women and underrepresented minority students’ fit in engineering
  204. What Is It Like to Be a Minority Student at a Predominantly White Institution?
  205.  Perceiving social injustice during arrests of Black and White civilians by White police officers: An fMRI investigation
  206. Cultures i Drets Sexuals i Reproductius de les dones migrants a Catalunya.: Per una atenció centrada en la perspectiva integral i de gènere en el sistema sanitari …
  207. Parenting in transgender and nonbinary individuals
  208.  Psychological, Sociocultural, and Biological Elucidations for Gender Gap in STEM Education: A Call for Translation of Research into Evidence-Based …
  209. Which roads lead to depression in Latinas? A network analysis of prenatal depressive symptoms, discrimination, acculturative stress, and low birth weight
  210.  Gender Prejudice Within the Family: The Relation Between Parents’ Sexism and Their Socialization Values.
  211. Social Processes Associated With Health and Health Behaviors Linked to Early Mortality in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness
  212. Racial Bias, Social–Emotional Competence, and Teachers’ Evaluation of Student Behavior
  213.  Analysis of the Prejudice of the Samasundu Group and the Tallas Group in West Sulawesi
  214. The rejection and acceptance of Muslim minority practices: A person-centered approach
  215. Gender identity change efforts: A summary.
  216. Reigniting Dr. Martin Luther King’s call to action: the role of the behavioral scientist in the movement for social justice and racial equity
  217. Protection or Restriction: An Analysis of the Blind Massage Policy for Employment Rights of Persons With Visual Impairments in China
  218.  Language as a proxy for cultural change. A contrastive analysis for French and Italian lexicon on male homosexuality
  219. A social virus: Intergroup dehumanization and unwillingness to aid amidst COVID-19− Who are the main targets?
  220. Gendered ageism and gray hair: must older women choose between feeling authentic and looking competent?
  221. Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help among Asian International Students: Acculturation and Loss of Face
  222. Racial Discrimination and Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Salience Network Nodes in Trauma-Exposed Black Adults in the United States
  223. HIV and Contact Tracing: Impact of a Virtual Patient Simulation Activity
  224. The interplay of positive and negative intergroup contact: Experiences of Latino/a Youth in the US
  225. The Essential Role of Intersectionality in the Science of Work and Aging
  226. This is what a scientist looks like: Increasing Hispanic/Latina women’s identification with STEM using relatable role models.
  228. Resilience in the face of peer victimization and perceived discrimination: the role of individual and familial factors
  229. Australians’ divergent opinions about Islam and Muslims
  230. Intercultural sensitivity and prosocial behavior towards South Asians in Hong Kong: Mediating mechanisms of warmth and stigma
  231. Public depression stigma does not vary by symptom severity
  232. Normalising disclosure or reinforcing heroism? An exploratory critical discourse analysis of mental health stigma in medical education
  233. Building a critically transformative community of inquiry in an online undergraduate program
  234.  The neural underpinnings of intergroup bias
  235.  Attitudes towards disclosing a mental illness: impact on quality of life and recovery
  236. Are Immigrant-Origin Candidates Penalized Due to Ingroup Favoritism or Outgroup Hostility?
  237.  The Impact of Inclusive Islamic Education Teaching Materials Model on Religious Tolerance of Indonesian Students.
  238.  An Ugly Word: Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States
  239. COVID-19: Impact of Pandemic on Older People Health and Well-Being
  240. Parental conflict in the context of multiethnoracial relationships