Research Topics on Prejudice and discrimination
Research Area/ Research Interest: Prejudice and discrimination
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.
- Towards a new sociological social psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
- Prejudice, Identity and Well-Being: Voices of Diversity Among College Students
- Why benefiting from discrimination is less recognized as discrimination.
- Leveraging mega-threats to reduce prejudice: a model for multi-level changes
- ” Economic support? They don’t really need it”. Prejudice towards Latin American immigrants in Argentina.
- COVID discrimination experience: Chinese Canadians’ social identities moderate the effect of personal and group discrimination on well-being.
- Prejudice against the vaccinated and the unvaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic: A global conjoint experiment
- Highlighting strengths in response to discrimination: Developing and testing an allyship positive psychology intervention
- Interactional approaches to discrimination and racism in everyday life
- Ingroup favoritism and prejudice
- Cleanliness and prejudice in times of pandemic
- Internal conflict and prejudice-regulation: Emotional ambivalence buffers against defensive responding to implicit bias feedback
- White but not equal: Mexican Americans, jury discrimination, and the Supreme Court
- Learning of Biographical Writing for Coping with Ethnic Prejudice in a Culturally Diverse Society.
- Prejudice
- Subtle discrimination overtakes cognitive resources and undermines performance
- Can religious social workers practice affirmatively with LGBTQ service recipients? An exploration within the regulatory context
- Rental discrimination, perceived threat and public attitudes towards immigration and refugees
- The effect of inter-group contact on discrimination
- Looking at THEM and seeing US
- An absolute test of racial prejudice
- What counts as discrimination? How principles of merit shape fairness of demographic decisions.
- Policies and prejudice: Integration policies moderate the link between immigrant presence and anti-immigrant prejudice.
- The AMIGAS Model: Reconciling Prejudice Reduction and Collective Action Approaches Through a Multicultural Commitment in Intergroup Relations
- How do we make the virtual world a better place? Social discrimination in online gaming, sense of community, and well-being
- Is labour market discrimination against ethnic minorities better explained by taste or statistics? A systematic review of the empirical evidence
- Principles of Social Psychology-1st International H5P Edition
- Area-level racial prejudice and health: A systematic review.
- Discrimination in the rental housing market: a field experiment in Ireland
- A History of Racism, Prejudice, and Social In/justice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center: An Archival Assessment of Labor, Relations, and Race
- The relationship between perceived discrimination and school/work–family conflict among graduate student-parents
- Evaluating Validity Properties of 25 Race-Related Scales
- Visible tattoos as a source of employment discrimination among female applicants for a supervisory position
- Social invisibility and discrimination of Roma people in Italy and Brazil
- Attributions to discrimination against Black victims in a multiracial society: isolating the effect of perpetrator group membership
- Geographic distribution of prejudice toward African Americans: Applying the two-dimensional model
- Five-star racism
- The national flag: An agent of prejudice?
- Contact-based interventions to reduce ethnic prejudice against migrants and ethnic minorities in the school context: A systematic literature review
- Dialect and Disenfranchisement: Report of the Pilot Study on Dialect Bias and Prejudice in the Spanish-Speaking World
- Demobilizing or activating? The effect of anti-muslim discrimination on Muslims’ counter-extremism engagement
- Fijian Reactions to Transgender-Directed Workplace Mistreatment: The Moderating Role of the Victim’s Group Identification
- Toward whom does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Exploring national majorities’ prejudice toward ethnic and migrant minorities
- Language, Discrimination and Employability: Employers’ Othering and Racist Representations of Domestic Migrant Workers on Social Media
- Perceptions of Discrimination Predict Retention of College Students of Color: Connections with School Belonging and Ethnic Identity
- What do we measure when we measure perceptions of everyday discrimination?
- From old-fashioned to offensive racism: How social norms determine the measurement object of prejudice questionnaires
- Examining the Perception of Work-Related Skills for Transgender Employees
- Emotion Socialization and Developmental Outcomes in Black Children: Relations with Ethnic-Racial Socialization
- Prejudice Reflected In Stephen King’s Elevation (2018) A Sociological Approach
- The stereotype content model and disabilities
- Deconstructing prejudice in schools: the role of dialogical practices
- How promotion loss shapes expectations of discrimination: an intersectional approach
- A corpus-based study of representation of Islam and Muslims in American media: Critical Discourse Analysis Approach
- Doctor knows best? Provider bias in the context of contraceptive counseling in the United States
- Refugees in Context: A Systemic, Intersectional Exploration of Discrimination in the United States
- Psychology and Indigenous People
- Homosexuality Justification and Social Distance: A Cross-Cultural Approach from Latin America Using World Values Survey Data
- Are lighter-skinned Tanisha and Jamal worth more pay? White people’s gendered colorism toward Black job applicants with racialized names
- Anti-fat attitudes of Nutrition undergraduates in Brazil toward individuals with obesity
- Religiosity, Social Stigma, and Public Acceptance to People Living with HIV/AIDS among Citizens in Bandung, Indonesia
- What counts as discrimination? How principles of merit shape fairness of demographic decisions
- ˈYou don’t have to tell me in person i’m not to your likingˈ: experiences of discrimination of people with intellectual disabilities
- Labeling, causal attributions, and social network ties to people with mental illness
- International Human Rights Perspective On Black Racial Discrimination Case: The Murder Of George Floyd
- Combating Colorism in our Programs and our Work
- Weaponizing memes: The journalistic mediation of visual politicization
- Anti-racism
- Reducing racial discrimination in the sharing economy: Empirical results from Airbnb
- Internalized stigma and self‐presentation strategies of persons with psychotic and psychiatric experiences
- Investigating the identification-prejudice link through the lens of national narcissism: The role of defensive group beliefs
- How do we measure gender discrimination? Proposing a construct of gender discrimination through a systematic scoping review
- Understanding Social Integration of Chinese Students in the Netherlands: The Role of Friendships
- The Challenge for Sociology: The Value of the Critique
- Early career Black women in school-based mental health fields: Understanding their experiences of workplace discrimination
- Psychological Resources as a Buffer Between Racial/Ethnic and SES-based Discrimination and Adolescents’ Academic Well-being
- Do stereotypes explain discrimination against minority candidates or discrimination in favor of majority candidates?
- The Cognitive Self: The Self-Concept
- No matter what the name, we’re all the same? Examining ethnic online discrimination in ridesharing marketplaces
- The Violence around Us: How the Social Situation Influences Aggression
- Perceived Discrimination at School and Developmental Outcomes among Bai Adolescents: The Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and Ethnic Identity
- Ethnic groups
- Confronting or avoiding confrontation? The role of sexism in evaluating women who avoid confronting discrimination (¿ Confrontar o evitar hacerlo? El rol del sexismo …
- Strategies for Producing Cooperation
- Obedience, Power, and Leadership
- Experiences of discrimination among the Black and Indigenous populations in Canada, 2019
- Perceptions of difference and disdain on the self-stigma of mental illness
- The Dismantlement of” Separate but Equal”
- Headscarves and the CJEU: Protecting fundamental rights and pandering to prejudice: the CJEU does both
- Ethnic relations
- Systemic discrimination: Theory and measurement
- Racial justice allyship requires civil courage: A behavioral prescription for moral growth and change.
- Moderating influence of social support on the relations between discrimination and health via depression in Latinx immigrants.
- Creating a Minority Stress Index to Examine Mental Health Impacts of Discrimination Among Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Adults
- Changes in Americans’ prejudices during the presidency of Donald Trump
- Cultural adaptation and validation of a measure of prejudice against men who have sex with men among healthcare providers in western Kenya
- Middle Eastern and North African Americans may not be perceived, nor perceive themselves, to be White
- Prosociality and Prejudice in a Pandemic: Mindfulness, Buddhist Values and Social Justice during COVID-19
- Accessible Tourism Language
- Minority stress and change efforts.
- Modelling Prejudice and Its Effect on Societal Prosperity
- Hiring discrimination against foreigners in multi-ethnic labour markets: Does recruiter nationality matter? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Luxembourg
- Power, prejudice and prevention
- The influencing factors of discrimination against recovered Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in China: a national study
- How does ethnic discrimination on the housing market differ across neighborhoods and real estate agencies?
- The Stigma of Criminal Legal Involvement and Health: a Conceptual Framework
- “Nothing to mourn, He was just a drug addict”-stigma towards people bereaved by drug-related death
- Safe here, but unsafe there? Institutional signals of identity safety also signal prejudice in the broader environment
- New titles can give new perspectives: Reflections on language and equity in clinical science.
- Prejudice, Bigotry, and Support for Compensatory Interventions to Address Black–White Inequalities: Evidence from the General Social Survey, 2006 to 2020
- Status of the stateless population in Thailand: How does stigma matter in their life?
- Reducing Sexual-Orientation Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from Basic Information Treatments
- Crossing boundaries and fetishization: Experiences of sexual violence for trans women of color
- Perceived discrimination and relative deprivation in Chinese migrant adolescents: the mediating effect of locus of control and moderating effect of duration …
- The Combined Role of Independence in Self-Concept and a Collectivistic Value Orientation in Group-Focused Enmity in Korea
- Documentation status socialization as an ethnic-racial socialization dimension: Incorporating the experience of mixed-status Latinx families
- Ageism in working life: A scoping review on discursive approaches
- Dismantling structural stigma related to mental health and substance use: An educational framework
- Algorithms and discrimination: the case of credit scoring in Brazil
- Ableism in the Child Welfare System: Findings from a Qualitative Study
- Perceptions of Stigma and Discrimination among Individuals Experiencing a First-Episode of Psychosis
- A Clinical Guide to Discussing Prejudice Against Men
- Children’s intergroup prosocial behavior: The role of group stereotypes
- Covert Prejudice and Discourses of Otherness During the Refugee Crisis: Α Case Study of the Greek Islands’ Press
- A headscarf’s impact on intergroup relations: A field experiment
- Bias in a Biased System
- Bridging the Gaps Between Us: Explaining When and Why People of Color Express Shared Political Views
- COVID-19 Outbreak Responses: The Pandemic of Racism Against Africans Living Outside Their Continent
- Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.
- How is masculinity ideology related to transprejudice in Turkey: The mediatory effect of femmephobia
- 3 Using Reflective Self-Awareness to Enhance Cultural Competence between Neuropsychologist and Client
- Cisheterosexism and Sexual Misconduct in Sport
- The Role of Technical Communicators in Confronting Injustice—Everywhere
- Walking the walk: Advice for anti-racist academic leaders
- Suppressing the expression of prejudice and prejudice reduction from childhood to adolescence: the view of genetic social psychology
- Self-fulfilling Prophecies in Service Design: Strategies to Address Virtuous and Vicious Circles for Mental Healthcare Transformation
- Pardon My Accent!: Breaking Down Barriers to Clear Communication
- Plurality resistance: Effects on intergroup relations and the mediating role of stereotypes
- The “Jewish premium”: attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel under the Law of Return
- The impact of anticipated, vicarious, and experienced racial and ethnic discrimination on depression and suicidal behavior among Chicago youth
- Dominant groups support digressive victimhood claims to counter accusations of discrimination
- Gender differences in the association of sexual orientation with depressive symptoms: a national cross-sectional study among Chinese college students
- Cultivating contact: How social norms can reduce mental illness stigma in college populations.
- Development and psychometric evaluation of the Dementia Public Stigma Scale (DePSS)
- Developing an education planning tool to create the conditions for social justice in a global village
- Gender and racial identity moderate the effects of online and offline discrimination on mental health
- Threatened masculinity: Gender-related collective narcissism predicts prejudice toward gay and lesbian people among heterosexual men in Poland
- Attitudes Towards the Elderly in Polish Society: Is Knowledge About Old Age and Personal Experiences a Predictor of Ageism?
- How do people make sense of wealth and poverty?
- Colonization, cadavers, and color: Considering decolonization of anatomy curricula
- The mediation effect of perceived weight stigma in association between weight status and eating disturbances among university students: is there any gender …
- Gay and Lesbian Parenting: A Systematic Review of Themes and Methodological Strategies of Brazilian Research
- Translation and psychometric evaluation of chronic illness anticipated stigma scale (CIASS) among patients in Ethiopia
- Child interethnic prejudice in the Netherlands: social learning from parents and picture books
- Affinity spaces and the situatedness of intercultural relations between international and domestic students in two Australian schools
- Minority-and majority-status bystander reactions to, and reasoning about, intergroup social exclusion
- The effects of emotion-based group work on psychosocial functions of LGBT people
- LGBTQ+ engagement in activism: An examination of internalized heterosexism and LGBTQ+ community connectedness
- The application of ethical principles, standards, and practices to sexual orientation change efforts and gender identity change efforts.
- Biased expectations? An experimental test of which party selectors are more likely to stereotype ethnic minority aspirants as less favorable than ethnic majority …
- Discrimination and the value of lived experience in Sophia Moreau’s Faces of Inequality
- Perception of racial and intersectional discrimination in the workplace is high among black orthopaedic surgeons: results of a survey of 274 black orthopaedic …
- … role of national identification, binding foundations and perceived threat on the relationship between need for cognitive closure and prejudice against migrants in Malta
- Book Review: Power Imbalance, Bullying and Harassment in Academia and Glocal (local and global) Workplace by Fay Patel
- Understanding Racial Attitudes Among Students and Teachers in a Ethnically/Racially Diverse High School
- “I am not an Immigrant. I am an International Student”: A Qualitative Study of Adaptation Experiences of Turkish International Students in Germany
- The Neuroscience of Intergroup Relations: Global Perspectives on the Neural Underpinnings of Intergroup Behaviour, Ingroup Bias and Prejudice
- 720-Degree Performance Appraisal-The Most Recently Introduced Concept &An Integrated Method in Performance Management System
- The Hidden Worker: Part I Considering Diverse Employee Needs during COVID
- Can past intergroup contact shape support for policies in a pandemic? Processes predicting endorsement of discriminatory Chinese restrictions during the COVID-19 …
- Tackling discrimination and systemic racism in academic and workplace settings
- School ethnic–racial socialization and adolescent ethnic–racial identity.
- Intra-cultural and Inter-cultural Contact Orientation of International Students in Japan: Uncertainty Management by Cultural Identification
- To what extent does parental educational background affect CLIL learners’ content subject learning? Evidence from research in Spain
- Reducing Implicit Bias in Maternity Care: A Framework for Action
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Majority Population, Ethno-Racial Minorities, and Immigrants
- A multicultural, gender, and sexually diverse affirming school‐based consultation framework
- Social media, right-wing populism, and Covid-19: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of reactions to the ‘Chinese virus’ discourse
- Believing that prejudice can change increases children’s interest in interracial interactions
- Come as you are: Examining autistic identity development and the neurodiversity movement through an intersectional lens
- To share or not to share? Evaluation of a strategic disclosure program for suicide attempt survivors
- Battling Structural Racism Against Asians in the United States: Call for Public Health to Make the “Invisible” Visible
- A Revised Structural Dimensionality of the Attributions about Poverty and Wealth Scales
- Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions
- Intergroup contact fosters more inclusive social identities
- Nationalism and perceptions of threat–Ethnocentrism or just a lack of contact? Islamophobia in Eastern Europe from a comparative perspective
- Deliberation as an Epistemic Network: A Method for Analyzing Discussion
- Attitudes toward older adults and aging: A foundational geropsychology knowledge competency.
- Anti-immigrant prejudice in a post-socialist context: the role of identity-based explanations
- The Impact of Stigma on People with Opioid Use Disorder, Opioid Treatment, and Policy
- Factors associated with transphobia: A structural equation modeling approach
- Weighing In On the Role of Pharmacy Education in Mitigating Weight Bias
- Disability and Health Emergencies
- Education’s economic return in multicultural Australia: Demographic analysis
- Authoritarian attitudes are associated with higher autonomic reactivity to stress and lower recovery.
- Saving the Folk
- Advocacy for children with migraine
- Attitudes towards immigration: responses to the increased presence of Polish migrants in the UK post 2004
- Greek High School Teachers’ Homonegative Attitudes Towards Same-Sex Parent Families
- More than Mental Illness: Experiences of Associating with Stigma of Mental Illness for Chinese College Students
- How stereotypes and relationships influence women and underrepresented minority students’ fit in engineering
- What Is It Like to Be a Minority Student at a Predominantly White Institution?
- Perceiving social injustice during arrests of Black and White civilians by White police officers: An fMRI investigation
- Cultures i Drets Sexuals i Reproductius de les dones migrants a Catalunya.: Per una atenció centrada en la perspectiva integral i de gènere en el sistema sanitari …
- Parenting in transgender and nonbinary individuals
- Psychological, Sociocultural, and Biological Elucidations for Gender Gap in STEM Education: A Call for Translation of Research into Evidence-Based …
- Which roads lead to depression in Latinas? A network analysis of prenatal depressive symptoms, discrimination, acculturative stress, and low birth weight
- Gender Prejudice Within the Family: The Relation Between Parents’ Sexism and Their Socialization Values.
- Social Processes Associated With Health and Health Behaviors Linked to Early Mortality in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness
- Racial Bias, Social–Emotional Competence, and Teachers’ Evaluation of Student Behavior
- Analysis of the Prejudice of the Samasundu Group and the Tallas Group in West Sulawesi
- The rejection and acceptance of Muslim minority practices: A person-centered approach
- Gender identity change efforts: A summary.
- Reigniting Dr. Martin Luther King’s call to action: the role of the behavioral scientist in the movement for social justice and racial equity
- Protection or Restriction: An Analysis of the Blind Massage Policy for Employment Rights of Persons With Visual Impairments in China
- Language as a proxy for cultural change. A contrastive analysis for French and Italian lexicon on male homosexuality
- A social virus: Intergroup dehumanization and unwillingness to aid amidst COVID-19− Who are the main targets?
- Gendered ageism and gray hair: must older women choose between feeling authentic and looking competent?
- Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help among Asian International Students: Acculturation and Loss of Face
- Racial Discrimination and Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Salience Network Nodes in Trauma-Exposed Black Adults in the United States
- HIV and Contact Tracing: Impact of a Virtual Patient Simulation Activity
- The interplay of positive and negative intergroup contact: Experiences of Latino/a Youth in the US
- The Essential Role of Intersectionality in the Science of Work and Aging
- This is what a scientist looks like: Increasing Hispanic/Latina women’s identification with STEM using relatable role models.
- Resilience in the face of peer victimization and perceived discrimination: the role of individual and familial factors
- Australians’ divergent opinions about Islam and Muslims
- Intercultural sensitivity and prosocial behavior towards South Asians in Hong Kong: Mediating mechanisms of warmth and stigma
- Public depression stigma does not vary by symptom severity
- Normalising disclosure or reinforcing heroism? An exploratory critical discourse analysis of mental health stigma in medical education
- Building a critically transformative community of inquiry in an online undergraduate program
- The neural underpinnings of intergroup bias
- Attitudes towards disclosing a mental illness: impact on quality of life and recovery
- Are Immigrant-Origin Candidates Penalized Due to Ingroup Favoritism or Outgroup Hostility?
- The Impact of Inclusive Islamic Education Teaching Materials Model on Religious Tolerance of Indonesian Students.
- An Ugly Word: Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States
- COVID-19: Impact of Pandemic on Older People Health and Well-Being
- Parental conflict in the context of multiethnoracial relationships