Research Topics on Social Cognition in Psychology

Research Area/ Research Interest: Social Cognition in Psychology

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication.

  1. Social Cognition and its Main Correlates in Childhood
  2. How organizational cultures shape social cognition for newcomer voices
  3.  12 Social Cognition and Moral Evaluation in Early Human Childhood
  4. Social cognition and trust: Exploring the role of theory of mind and hostile attribution bias in children’s skepticism of inaccurate informants
  5.  Childhood Trauma and Social Cognition in participants with Bipolar Disorder: The Moderating Role of Attachment
  6. They Cannot, They Will Not, or We Are Asking the Wrong Questions: Re-examining Age-Related Decline in Social Cognition
  7. Extending Intention to Use Electronic Services Based on the Human–Technology Interaction Approach and Social Cognition Theory: Emerging Market Case
  8.  Self-compassion, social cognition, and self-affect in adolescence: A longitudinal study
  9.  Do Textbooks Shape Attitudes Toward War? Narrative’Images’ and Implicit Social Cognition
  10.  The role of executive functions, social cognition and intelligence in predicting social adaptation of vulnerable populations
  11.  A systematic review and meta-analysis of social cognition training success across the healthy lifespan
  12.  Meta-learning, social cognition and consciousness in brains and machines
  13. … -analysis of the effectiveness of interventions based on mind theory on developmental dimensions (cognitive, social, emotional and social cognition) of learners with …
  14.  Social Cognition Theory and Physical Activity among Local Population: An Overview
  15. The effects of perceivers’ affect and beliefs on social cognition
  16. Exploring the relationship between loneliness and social cognition in older age
  17. The Impact of Sex Chromosome Trisomies (XXX, XXY, XYY) on Early Social Cognition: Social Orienting, Joint Attention, and Theory of Mind
  18.  Does War Give Meaning to Human Life? Investigating the Endlessness of Human Wars from a Social Cognition Viewpoint
  19. Why open research is important for understanding how eye-tracking technology can be used as a tool to evaluate social cognition in intellectual disability
  20. Social cognition in insects
  21. … on the relationship between enterprise safety production management mode and employees’ safety behavior based on social cognition and behavior incentive theory
  22. Sex Differences in Social Cognition and Association of Social Cognition and Neurocognition in Early Course Schizophrenia.
  23. Development of an Ecologically Valid Assessment for Social Cognition Based on Real Interaction: Preliminary Results
  24.  Social cognition theories and behavior change in COVID-19: A
  25. Changes in the Focus of Developmental Models: From Social Contexts to Social Cognition
  26.  Writing the Mind: Social Cognition in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction
  27. What Is Unique in Infant Thinking About Others? Infant Social Cognition from an Evolutionary Perspective
  28. Speaking with virtual humans: Assessing social cognition in traumatic brain injury with a second‐person perspective task
  29.  Caltech Conte Center, a multimodal data resource for exploring social cognition and decision-making
  30. Identifying social cognition subgroups in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder: a cluster analytical approach
  31. Social cognition and executive functioning in multiple sclerosis: A cluster‐analytic approach
  32. Organization of the social cognition network predicts future depression and interpersonal impairment: a prospective family-based study
  33.  Clinical Disorders of Social Cognition
  34. Answer to” Social cognition assessment for mild neurocognitive disorders”
  35. Impact of adolescent methamphetamine use on social cognition: A human-mice reverse translation study
  36. Social cognition deficits and its biometric signatures in the behavioral variant of Alzheimer’s disease
  37. Some considerations for social cognition assessment in children
  38.  A nation-wide twin study of social cognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  39. Profiling Social Cognition in Premanifest Huntington’s Disease
  40. Mechanisms of alignment: Shared control, social cognition, and metacognition
  41. Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship of Ivymount Social Cognition Instructional Package (IvySCIP) to Similar Assessment Tools and Impact on Students with …
  42.  A social cognition perspective on entrepreneurial personality traits and intentions to start a business
  43. Anticipatory deficits in psychosis during social cognition task revealed by task-based EEG dynamic functional connectivity analysis
  44. Structural relationship of cognitive ability and social problem solving with attention mediated by Self-Discrepancy
  45. Affective influences on clinical reasoning and diagnosis: insights from social psychology and new research opportunities
  46. Three Essays on Social Cognition in the Field of Jazz Music
  47. Heterogeneity of social cognition in temporo-parietal junction: Overlapping yet distinct representation between visual perspective-taking and theory of mind
  48.  Theories in social psychology
  49. Predicting burnout of corona nurses based on perceived stress mediated by personality type
  50. Social Cognition impairments in 22q11. 2DS individuals with and without psychosis: A comparison study with a large population of patients with schizophrenia
  51. The association between pragmatic language impairment, social cognition and emotion regulation skills in adolescents with ADHD
  52. P503. Improved Cognition following Targeted Cognitive Training in Individuals With Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
  53.  The Routledge International Handbook of Morality, Cognition, and Emotion in China
  54. Contextual Probability in Quantum Physics, Cognition, Psychology, Social Science, and Artificial Intelligence
  55. Psychology within and without the state
  56. Structural model of the relationship between tendency to cosmetic surgery with early maladaptive schemas and tendency to fashion mediated by cognitive emotion …
  57.  Developing the Structural Models of Social Competence in High School Girls Based on the Positive Emotions, Psychological Capital and Body Image
  58. Psychology and Indigenous People
  59. The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Tolerance of Emotional Distress in Predicting Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak
  60. Cognition in Software Engineering: A Taxonomy and Survey of a Half-Century of Research
  61.  Perception, learning and the self: Essays in the philosophy of psychology
  62.  A Life in Cognition: Studies in Cognitive Science in Honor of Csaba Pléh
  63. Should infant psychology rely on the violation‐of‐expectation method? Not anymore
  64. The Comparison of Excecutive Functions in People with Hoarding Disorder and Normal People
  65. The Effectiveness of Cognitive Group Therapy Focused on Schema on Adjusting Primary Mmaladaptive Schemas in Adolescent Girls from the Divorce Family
  66. Social relationships and consumer behavior.
  67. Contextualising embodied cognition: Towards a critical neuro‐geography of ageing
  68.  Are Older Adults’ Difficulties on Emotion Recognition and Theory of Mind Tasks Due to a Decline in General Cognitive Ability?
  69. To Investigate the Effect of Predicting Hardiness, Assertiveness, Defense Mechanisms, and Identity Styles in Resiliency in Early, Mid and Late Adolescence
  70.  … of the effectiveness of interventions based on mind theory on developmental dimensions (cognitive, social, emotional and social cognition) of learners with …
  71. Health psychology
  72. Inferring Goals and Traits From Behaviors: The Role of Culture, Self-Construal, and Thinking Style
  73. Unmasking the psychology of recognizing emotions of people wearing masks: The role of empathizing, systemizing, and autistic traits
  74. Unwilling to Un-Blame: Whites Who Dismiss Historical Causes of Societal Disparities Also Dismiss Personal Mitigating Information for Black Offenders
  75. A New Perspective on Assessing Cognition in Children through Estimating Shared Intentionality
  76. How to Measure the Safety Cognition Capability of Urban Residents? An Assessment Framework Based on Cognitive Progression Theory
  77. Reward Sensitivity Predicts the Response to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children with Autism and Anxiety
  78. Introduction—Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience
  79. Moral psychology from the lab to the wild: Relief registries as a paradigm for studying real-world altruism
  80.  Introduction to Social Psychology
  81. Collective minds: social network topology shapes collective cognition
  82.  Emotional Engagement and Social Understanding in Early Development
  83.  Addressing joint action challenges in HRI: Insights from psychology and philosophy
  84.  Struggle for life, struggle for love and recognition: the neglected self in social cognitive neuroscience
  85. The Psychology of Race and Policing
  86. Support for cognition in decision support systems: an exploratory historical review
  87. The human mirror neuron system-Effective connectivity and computational models
  88. Has social psychology lost touch with reality? Exploring public perceptions of the realism and consequentiality of social psychological research
  89. Examining Risk Absorption Capacity as a Mediating Factor in the Relationship between Cognition and Neuroplasticity in Investors in Investment Decision Making
  90. The Role of Oxytocin in Social Circuits and Social Behavior in Dementia
  91. Neurogenetic markers may influence behavioural phenotypes, far away from the disease onset
  92.  Metacognition, cognition and social anxiety: A test of temporal and reciprocal relationships
  93. Tugging at Their Heartstrings: Partner’s Knowledge of Affective Meta-Bases Predicts Use of Emotional Advocacies in Close Relationships
  94.  Virtual reality in clinical psychology
  95.  Social and Cognitive Psychology Theories in Understanding COVID-19 as the Pandemic of Blame
  96. AI in marketing, consumer research and psychology: A systematic literature review and research agenda
  97. Relationship between social network cognition and self-evaluation of dietary diversity in the elderly based on CLHLS data
  98. The interplay of affect and cognition: A review of how feelings guide consumer behavior.
  99. It is written in the eyes: Inferences from pupil size and gaze orientation shape interpersonal liking
  100. Aberrant social feedback processing and its impact on memory, social evaluation, and decision-making among individuals with depressive symptoms
  101.  To cite this chapter
  102. Mobile Brain/Body Imaging: Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of research programs based on the 4E perspective to cognition
  103. Experts in action: why we need an embodied social brain hypothesis
  104. Cognition, metacognition and attitude to tourism destinations: The impact of emotional arousal and source credibility
  105.  Ethical Artificial Intelligence from Popular to Cognitive Science: Trust in the Age of Entanglement
  106. Do we report the information that is necessary to give psychology away? A scoping review of the psychological intervention literature 2000–2018
  107.  Impact of Shared Cognition on Team Effectiveness with Mediating Role of Intra-Team Communication: A Study on Organizational Teams
  108. Behavioural and physiological plasticity in social hierarchies
  109. Neural biomarkers of suicidal behavior: from cognition and circuits to cells (and back)
  110. Bridging interpersonal and ecological dynamics of cognition through a systems framework of bilingualism.
  111. Spontaneous perspective taking toward robots: The unique impact of humanlike appearance
  112. Mobile Brain/Body Imaging: Challenges and opportunities for the implementation of research programs based on the 4E perspective to cognition
  113. Experts in action: why we need an embodied social brain hypothesis
  114. Cognition, metacognition and attitude to tourism destinations: The impact of emotional arousal and source credibility
  115.  Ethical Artificial Intelligence from Popular to Cognitive Science: Trust in the Age of Entanglement
  116. Do we report the information that is necessary to give psychology away? A scoping review of the psychological intervention literature 2000–2018
  117.  Impact of Shared Cognition on Team Effectiveness with Mediating Role of Intra-Team Communication: A Study on Organizational Teams
  118. Behavioural and physiological plasticity in social hierarchies
  119. Neural biomarkers of suicidal behavior: from cognition and circuits to cells (and back)
  120. Bridging interpersonal and ecological dynamics of cognition through a systems framework of bilingualism.
  121. Spontaneous perspective taking toward robots: The unique impact of humanlike appearance
  122. Associations of reinforcement sensitivity theory personality constructs, cognitive biases for negative and threatening social information, and social anxiety
  123.  APA handbook of consumer psychology.
  124. Socioeconomic status predicts children’s moral judgments of novel resource distributions
  125. Dogs re-engage human partners when joint social play is interrupted: a behavioural signature of shared intentionality?
  126. Kids attend to saliva sharing to infer social relationships
  127. Social relationships in children: favourable influence of activities promoting self-awareness and empathic interaction
  128.  Top-down social modulation of perception-action coupling
  129.  Movement Matters: How Embodied Cognition Informs Teaching and Learning
  130.  Psychedelics, connectedness, and compassion
  131.  Effect of sleep and mood on academic performance—at interface of physiology, psychology, and education
  132. The influence of memory on approach and avoidance decisions: Investigating the role of episodic memory in social decision making
  133. Through the looking glass: A lens-based account of intersectional stereotyping.
  134.  Student Handbook Academic Research Master of Arts in Psychology
  135.  Creative Self-Efficacy as a Predictor of the Use of Creative Cognition
  136.  The Violence around Us: How the Social Situation Influences Aggression
  137. Cultural orientations and their influence on social behaviour: Catalysation and suppression
  138. Consumer psychology: Evolving goals and research orientations.
  139. Dueling with Dual-Process Models: Cognition, Creativity, and Context
  140. How to foster perceived partner responsiveness: High‐quality listening is key
  141. Executive function deficits contribute to poor theory of mind abilities in adults with ADHD
  142. Enhancing models of social and strategic decision making with process tracing and neural data
  143. The essence of an immigrant identity: Children’s pro-social responses to others based on perceived ability and desire to change
  144. Puppet studies present clear and distinct windows into the child’s mind
  145. Impression (mis) management: When what you say is not what they hear
  146. Why evolutionary psychology should abandon modularity
  147. Attitude change and persuasion: Classic, metacognitive, and advocacy perspectives.
  148. Cognition of feedback loops in a fire-prone social-ecological system
  149. Dual Process Theories: Computing Cognition in Context
  150. The Challenges to the Study of Cultural Variation in Cognition
  151. The relationship between rejection sensitivity and social anxiety among Chinese college students: The mediating roles of loneliness and self-esteem
  152.  Accumulation of disadvantages across multiple domains amongst subgroups of children of parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Clustering data …
  153. Learning about others: Modeling social inference through ambiguity resolution
  154. Images of controversy: Examining cognition of hydraulic fracturing among policy elites and the general public
  155. Principles of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy
  156. Harm reduction strategies among university students who use alcohol and cannabis, and related psychological variables: a systematic review
  157. Empathy regulation, prosociality, and moral judgment
  158. The activation and use of declarative and procedural knowledge.
  159.  Loneliness is associated with mentalizing and emotion recognition abilities in schizophrenia, but only in a cluster of patients with social cognitive deficits
  160. Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic Disorders and Violence
  161.  Prosocial behavior toward machines
  162. Stronger Mentalizing Network Connectivity in Expectant Fathers Predicts Postpartum Father-Infant Bonding and Parenting Behavior
  164. Metacognition during unfamiliar face matching
  165. How individuals react emotionally to others'(mis) fortunes: A social comparison framework.
  166.  Time to Get Social: Adaptive Social Processes in the Daily Lives of Youth (Full PhD thesis)
  168. Imagine All the People: A Motivated Model of Work-Related Imagined Interactions
  169.  Cognition in Older Adults
  170. Virtue and the Psychology of Habit
  171.  Emotional development
  172. Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe: Position statement of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN)
  173. Positive-negative asymmetry in self-related processing: From the perspectives of cognition and emotion.
  174.  The effect of facial occlusion on facial impressions of trustworthiness and dominance
  175. The Implicit Component of Moral Disengagement: Applying the Relational Responding Task to Investigate Its Relationship With Cheating Behavior
  176. The Internalization of News Practices and Why It Matters
  177. [PREPRINT] Mind the Machines: Applying Implicit Measures of Mind Perception to Social Robotics
  178.  Natural Computation of Cognition, from single cells up
  179. Decreased gray matter volume is associated with theory of mind deficit in adolescents with schizophrenia
  180. Intentional behaviorism: A research methodology for consumer psychology.
  181. Teori Kultivasi Dalam Perspektif Psikologi
  182. Explicit and implicit theory of mind and social competence: A social information processing framework
  183. Surprising Empirical Directions for Thomistic Moral Psychology: Social Information Processing and Aggression Research
  184. Psychology Meets Evolutionary Theory
  185.  The neural underpinnings of intergroup bias
  186. Social-Emotional Skill-based Differences Between Active and Passive Bystanders of Bullying
  187. EXPRESS: Cognition and Affect in Imagined and Recalled Scenarios as a Function of a Specificity Manipulation: An Experience Sampling Study
  188. Interpersonal transgressions and psychological loss: Understanding moral repair as dyadic, reciprocal, and interactionist
  189. Emotion, Perception and Cognition: Psychological Analysis and Machine’s Viability
  190.  The Ambivalent Students’ Cognition to Be English Teachers for Young Learners: A Longitudinal Study Front
  191.  Introduction: Ethical Dimensions of Enactive Cognition—Perspectives on Enactivism, Bioethics and Applied Ethics
  192. A micro-phenomenological and semiotic approach to cognition in practice: a path toward an integrative approach to studying cognition-in-the-world and from within
  193.  The affective harm account (AHA) of moral judgment: Reconciling cognition and affect, dyadic morality and disgust, harm and purity.
  194. An update on clinical insight, cognitive insight, and introspective accuracy in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: symptoms, cognition, and treatment
  195. Facing social exclusion: a facial EMG examination of the reaffiliative function of smiling
  196. Psychology of Group and Collective Intelligence
  197. Applied Psycholinguistics: A Science at the crossroads of cognition and language
  198. The posterior cerebellum and temporoparietal junction support explicit learning of social belief sequences
  199.  Being Human in the Age of the Brain: Models of Mind and Their Social Effects
  200. Bright on the right feels right: SQUARC compatibility is hedonically marked
  201. … translation of health behaviour change research into practice: a selective conceptual review of the synergy between implementation science and health psychology
  202. When did you stop speaking to yourself? Adolescent development of world knowledge-based audience design
  203. Self‐prioritization is supported by interactions between large‐scale brain networks
  204. Developing and Validating a Facial Emotion Recognition Task With Graded Intensity
  205. What counts as discrimination? How principles of merit shape fairness of demographic decisions.
  206. Affecting Explicit and Implicit Body Image with Thin-Idealized Avatars in Virtual Reality: The Role of Sense of Embodiment
  207. The Psychology of Populism
  208.  رئازجلا كارح للاخ يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا لئاسو ىلع باطخلا للاخ نم ةيوهلا تاسرامم و بابشلا ةيكاردا ويسوسلا ةبراقملا‎
  209. Fathers’ involvement in early childcare is associated with amygdala resting-state connectivity
  210.  Capability in Research on Cognition and Well-being in Ageing and Retirement
  211. Relapsing–remitting and secondary‐progressive multiple sclerosis patients differ in decoding others’ emotions by their eyes
  212. Ego-centered Social Network Characteristics of Patients Suffering from Personality Disorders
  213. People with schizophrenia use less information to interpret ambiguous social situations
  214. Neural, behavioural and real-life correlates of social context sensitivity and social reward learning during interpersonal interactions in the schizophrenia spectrum
  215. Introductory Chapter:(trans) Disciplinarity-A New Alliance between Sociology and Neuroscience
  216. Perceived behavioral control moderating effects in the theory of planned behavior: A meta-analysis.
  217.  Contemporary constructions of the child: Essays in honor of William Kessen
  218. Journal articles (peer reviewed)
  219. The Social, Cognitive, and Affective Power of Humor in Infancy
  220. Positive and negative social contacts with immigrants from different groups: Investigating the role of group appraisal and opportunity for contact using network analysis
  221.  The effect of long-term radiofrequency exposure on cognition in human observational studies: A protocol for a systematic review
  222. Embodiment in online psychotherapy: A qualitative study
  223. Perceiving progress toward social equality: A model of signals and sense-making
  224. Neural correlates of partnered interaction as revealed by cross-domain ALE meta-analysis.
  225.  Typical and Atypical Child Development 4 Cognition, Intelligence and Learning
  226. What If Unmotivated Is More Dangerous? The Motivation-Contingent Effectiveness of Misinformation Correction on Social Media
  227. Long-Term Effects of prophylactic MgSO4 in Maternal Immune Activation Rodent Model at Adolescence and Adulthood
  228. Cultural psychology and the meaning of morality in Chinese and China: Misconceptions, conceptions, and possibilities
  229.  Memory in health and in schizophrenia
  230. Progesterone does raise disgust
  231. The social psychology of economic inequality, redistribution, and subjective well-being
  232. Explaining Health Misinformation Belief through News, Social, and Alternative Health Media Use: The Moderating Roles of Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition
  233. Understanding action control of resistance training among adults
  234. Frontal lobe functions in schizophrenia: Interest of the Stuss approach
  235.  Development of social responsiveness and theory of mind in children of parents with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
  236.  “It’s true! I saw it on WhatsApp”: Social Media, Covid-19, and Political-Ideological Orientation in Brazil
  237. Spanish version of need for cognition scale: Evidence of reliability, validity and factorial invariance of the very efficient short-form
  238.  Outlook of Cognitive Neuroscience
  239. False polarization: Cognitive mechanisms and potential solutions
  240. Cultural influences on consumer psychology.

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