Research Area/ Research Interest: American History
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Sports in American history: From colonization to globalization
- Living in the Shadow of Death Tuberculosis and the Social Experience of Illness in American History
- A Woman Making History
- A new strategy for linking US historical censuses: A case study for the IPUMS multigenerational longitudinal panel
- Amending America: If we love the Constitution so much, why do we keep trying to change it?
- First along the river: A brief history of the US environmental movement
- Whose America?: Culture wars in the public schools
- Historical memories of the Japanese American internment and the struggle for redress
- The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty
- Girls coming to tech!: A history of American engineering education for women
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- A history of modern Latin America: 1800 to the present
- The movement: a history of the American new left 1959-1972
- Racecraft: The soul of inequality in American life
- The American presidents
- Atlantic history
- A history of the western educational experience
- The battle over ‘The West as America’
- The American Conflict: A history of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: Vol. I
- History of Louisiana: the American domination
- American Exceptionalism
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The launching of modern American science, 1846-1876
- White but not equal: Mexican Americans, jury discrimination, and the Supreme Court
- Contemporary Native American Literature
- The Ground Breaking: The Tulsa Race Massacre and an American City’s Search for Justice
- How the swans came to the lake: A narrative history of Buddhism in America
- From here to equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the twenty-first century
- From immigrants to Americans: Race and assimilation during the Great Migration
- A Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 1960–2017
- Historical carbon abatement in the commercial building operation: China versus the US
- Investment banking in America
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- History of the Rebellion
- Fundamentalism and American culture
- History of the United States
- American origins: Political and religious divides in US collective memory
- The Yellow Peril: Chinese Americans in American Fiction, 1850 to 1940
- The California idea and American higher education
- Radical American Partisanship: Mapping Violent Hostility, Its Causes, and the Consequences for Democracy
- Order against progress
- Environmental history in the Pacific world
- Native Americans and Monetary Sanctions
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Inversions in US Presidential Elections: 1836–2016
- Households: Comparative and historical studies of the domestic group
- Developments in American Politics 9
- Blood will tell: Native Americans and assimilation policy
- Contemporary Mexico: Papers of the IV International Congress of Mexican History
- Hap Arnold and the evolution of American airpower
- The Political Economy
- Slavery and servitude in North America, 1607-1800
- General MacArthur and President Truman: The Struggle for Control of American Foreign Policy
- Prevalence and durability of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among unvaccinated US adults by history of COVID-19
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- South Bronx rising: The rise, fall, and resurrection of an American city
- The Japanese challenge to the American neoliberal world order
- Scenes of subjection: Terror, slavery, and self-making in nineteenth-century America
- The Godfather Effect: Changing Hollywood, America, and Me
- Coveting the Vineyard: An Asian American Reading of 1 Kings 21
- The great plains
- Dreamworlds of Race: Empire and the utopian destiny of Anglo-America
- They remember America: The story of the repatriated Greek-Americans
- The Star-Spangled Screen: The American World War II Film
- Race and multiraciality in Brazil and the United States
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Made in Mexico
- Asian American literary studies
- New directions in literary history
- 14 Science, Practice, and Gender Roles in Early American Child Psychology
- Structural Racism In Historical And Modern US Health Care Policy: Study examines structural racism in historical and modern US health care policy.
- Understanding opposition to the environmental movement: the importance of dominant American values
- The drama of possibility
- US foreign policy in action: an innovative teaching text
- Historical redlining is associated with present-day air pollution disparities in US cities
- The rising of the women: Feminist solidarity and class conflict, 1880-1917
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The Cartagena Refugee Definition and Venezuelan Displacement in Latin America1
- Teach Me Dreams
- Dutch Puritanism: a history of English and Scottish churches of the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
- Freedwomen and the Freedmen’s Bureau
- Criminal intimacy
- America is in the Heart
- The Americanization syndrome: A quest for conformity
- The Aryan Jesus
- Spreading the news
- Public fear of protesters and support for protest policing: An experimental test of two theoretical models
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- In pursuit of knowledge: Black women and educational activism in antebellum America
- Native Hawaiians and psychology: The cultural and historical context of indigenous ways of knowing
- The Althusser effect: Philosophy, history, and temporality
- The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African American children
- Quest for Inclusion
- Migration theory: Talking across disciplines
- First Ladies of the United States
- The History of Abraham Lincoln, and the Overthrow of Slavery
- History of Louisiana
- The Birth of the American Horror Film
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Mastering modern world history
- Environment and experience: settlement culture in nineteenth-century Oregon
- Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima: Description of Works Relating to America, published between the Years 1492 and 1551
- Jim Crow journey stories: African American driving as emotional labor
- Molding Japanese Minds
- Cultural responses to loss and grief among Black Americans: Theory and practice implications for clinicians
- Connecting with students through a critical, participatory curriculum: An exploration into a high school history teacher’s construction of teacher–student relationships
- The Mexico reader: history, culture, politics
- The history of spiritualism
- The Roosevelt Years
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The history of nosology and the rise of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- American dream, American nightmare: Fiction since 1960
- The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history
- The death penalty
- Row upon row: sea grass baskets of the South Carolina Lowcountry
- Rude Republic
- Zoning and segregation in urban economic history
- Let me play: The story of Title IX: The law that changed the future of girls in America
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
- When Jesus came, the corn mothers went away
- Timeline: History of the Electric Car, Trends and the Future Developments
- Historical theology: An introduction to the history of Christian thought
- Dynamite: The story of class violence in America
- The Vietnam war in history, literature and film
- Benjamin Franklin’s numbers
- Picture-writing of the American Indians
- Preservation in American towns and cities
- Roads to Rome: the antebellum Protestant encounter with Catholicism
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- SOG-A Photo History of the Secret Wars
- The Shadow Warriors: OSS and the Origins of the CIA
- Historical trends in the representativeness and incomes of black physicians, 1900–2018
- Vernacular voices: The rhetoric of publics and public spheres
- The tragedy of American compassion
- The struggle for Palestine
- Feminism and its discontents
- 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 project
- History of the Persian empire
- Disaster and human history: Case studies in nature, society and catastrophe
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Historical redlining and resident exposure to COVID-19: a study of New York City
- Healing multicultural America: Mexican immigrants rise to power in rural California
- Banished Children of Eve: A Novel of Civil War New York
- Academic integrity in Canada: Historical perspectives and current trends
- Jacob Burckhardt: Force and Freedom. Reflections on History
- Patterns and controls on historical channel change in the Willamette River, Oregon USA
- Power in movement
- Bioethics: Latin American Perspectives
- American empire in the Pacific: from trade to strategic balance, 1700-1922
- Making the body beautiful
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Heroes of their own lives: the politics and history of family violence–Boston, 1880-1960
- Hoover Dam: The Photographs of Ben Glaha
- Forty Years of American Life: Vol. 1
- A new history of documentary film
- Lightning Joe: An Autobiography
- American–Soviet Relations: From the Russian Revolution to the Fall of Communism
- From shell shock and war neurosis to posttraumatic stress disorder: a history of psychotraumatology
- Discrimination in lending? Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program
- History and systems of psychology
- Primitivism and identity in Latin America: essays on art, literature, and culture
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Amazonian indians from prehistory to the present: anthropological perspectives
- Changes in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Black and White individuals in the US
- Using spirituality to cope with COVID-19: The experiences of African American breast cancer survivors
- Quarantine!: East European Jewish immigrants and the New York city epidemics of 1892
- Diplomat among warriors
- Children of the dragonfly: Native American voices on child custody and education
- Origins of the Opioid Crisis and its Enduring Impacts
- Archaeology of prehistoric native America: an encyclopedia
- The forging of a Black community: Seattle’s Central District from 1870 through the civil rights era
- Philosophy of Mind: a Very Short Introduction
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Seventy years on the frontier
- The last 10,000 years: a fossil pollen record of the American Southwest
- Historical and cultural aspects of man’s relationship with addictive drugs
- Gender, sex and the shaping of modern Europe: A history from the French Revolution to the present day
- One of us
- The Barbary coast: an informal history of the San Francisco underworld
- Biological consequences of the European expansion, 1450–1800
- The Black church: This is our story, this is our song
- Faithful and fearless
- Down by the riverside: A South Carolina slave community
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- A Time to Speak: The Story of a Young American Lawyer’s Struggle for His City—and Himself
- Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Revised Edition
- Anti-science misinformation and conspiracies: COVID–19, post-truth, and science & technology studies (STS)
- And still the waters run: The betrayal of the five civilized tribes
- The Novel, Volume 1: History, Geography, and Culture
- Historical dictionary of homosexuality
- Writing red: an anthology of American women writers, 1930-1940
- Presidential leadership: Politics and policy making
- The past as prologue: Purpose dynamics in the history of the Aktiengesellschaft
- The American racial divide in fear of the police
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience