Research Area/ Research Interest: Global Citizenship Education
Research Paper Topics for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Global citizenship education and peace education: toward a postcritical praxis
- A Daoist Interpretation of Global Citizenship and Implications for Global Citizenship Education for Youth
- Global citizenship in foreign language education: Concepts, practices, connections
- Global citizenship: preparing the younger generation to possess pro-environment behavior, mutual assistance and tolerance awareness through school engagement
- The Effect of Social Capital on Outcomes of Global Citizenship among Taiwanese Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Political Self-efficacy
- Cosmopolitan Identity Construction via Blended Learning Environments in Global Citizenship Education (GCE)
- Employing the flipped classroom to raise the global citizenship competences of economics students to a global issue
- Geography education professionals’ understanding of global citizenship: Insights for a more just geography curriculum
- IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 Assessment Framework
- Global teaching competencies in primary education
- TED Talks for Public Speaking Skills and Global Citizenship in ESP Classroom
- Contestations of Citizenship, Education, and Democracy in an Era of Global Change: Children and Youth in Diverse International Contexts
- Contrasting Perspectives on Global Citizenship in Practice: What Can International Schools Deliver?
- Educating for Sustainability and Global Citizenship in Uncertain Times
- Development education in Higher Education through voluntary student societies: decolonising a hidden curriculum
- The Globalization of Human Rights for a Global Citizenship: New Challenges
- Educating for citizenship in a fragile democracy: interrogating civic agenda in Thai higher education
- Intercultural approaches to education: from theory to practice: by Abdeljalil Akkari and Myriam Radhouane, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2022, 213pp., 49.99 EUR …
- Re-envisaging English medium instruction, intercultural citizenship development, and higher education in the context of studying abroad
- Science education for citizenship: Contributions from knowledge of and about science in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Digital citizenship education–Teachers’ perspectives and practices in Germany and Hong Kong
- Using Explicit Curricular Aims to Drive Global Citizenship Education: Global Citizenship-Orientated Curricula in Two African Contexts
- Developing Global Citizenship Education Skills and Understanding among Students through Deliberate Pedagogical Choices
- Must we wait for youth to speak out before we listen? International youth perspectives and climate change education
- School citizenship education through YPAR: What works? A mixed-methods study in Italy
- Global Competence Education Strategies
- Citizenship-as-knowledge: How perspectives from Bildung-centred Didaktik can contribute to European citizenship education beyond competence
- Citizenship and Education in Hong Kong: A Review of Contemporary Academic Literature
- The Nonformal Education Sector and Global Competence Education
- Primary students’ learning about citizenship through data science
- Modeling global teaching pedagogies in virtual teacher exchange
- Global Citizen Science Programs and Their Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
- Developing Global Perspectives in Preservice Teachers
- Subjectivities and the future of comparative and international education: teacher researchers and graduate student researchers as co-constructive narrative inquirers
- Global competence development through the lens of graduate students in action research courses
- Citizenship Education as Legal Education in Schools
- Comics and Community: Exploring the Relationship Between Society, Education, and Citizenship
- Curriculum, citizenship, migration
- CLIL, 182 Climate Change Communication, 76, 77 Climate Change Education, 77 CO2, 220 Computational Thinking, 270, 272
- Social Justice Education in Canada: An Introduction
- Arts as aesthetic education: Understanding the challenges related to citizenship
- The Capture of International Education by Progressive Neoliberalism: Illuminations, Qualifications, and Educating Beyond
- Learning to question the status quo. Critical thinking, citizenship education and Bildung in vocational education
- Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges for Postgraduate Programmes
- Transformative Innovation in teacher education: Research toward a critical global didactica
- Citizen Contribution for Searching for Alternative Antimicrobial Activity Substances in Soil
- Unity in diversity: Exploring intercultural teaching and learning practices in secondary education and teacher training in Austria
- A double bind: youth activism, climate change, and education
- Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research Volume 6: Didactics in a Changing World: European Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum …
- Blended learning to foster EFL college students’ global literacy
- Internationalization of Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of the Japanese Digital Native Generation and Social Media Use
- Developing an Equitable Global South-North Partnership in Support of Transformative Study Abroad
- A snapshot of digital literacy
- Comparative Education in the Era of Globalization: Opportunities, Challenges, Missions
- The affective ideology of the OECD global competence framework: implications for intercultural communication education
- Game of Words for Cognitive Test Results in Class 2 Citizenship Education Learning in Elementary Schools
- Adolescents’ global competence: A latent profile analysis and exploration of student-, parent-, and school-related predictors of profile membership
- Social Innovation Education-Responsible Learning in Communities of Practice
- Critical Multicultural Education as a Platform for Social Justice Education in Canada
- Experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje en ciudadanía local y global en Iberoamérica
- Developing international virtual student exchange to enhance theory-practice transfer
- Transformations Towards Just Urban Sustainabilities: A community psychology approach to analyzing and fostering urban changes
- Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy
- Teaching Intercultural Competence in Translator Training at Educational Establishments
- Implications of life skills training on the mental health of primary school students through the curriculum
- Education for Social Justice. A Canadian Perspective
- Citizenship Studies: Policy Causes and Consequences
- Implications of life skills training on the mental health of primary school students through the curriculum
- Model United Nations: Beneficial/Positive Impact on Students
- The Solutions to the Future are Problem-Oriented: The intersection between social entrepreneurship, sustainable skills, and problem-oriented project learning
- Competencies and Values for Education 4.0
- The curriculum in higher education research: A review of the research literature
- Challenges Encountered in Embedding Global Perspectives in Teacher Preparation Curriculum
- In-Service Teachers’ Views of a Global and Digital Experience: A Platform for Fostering Perspective-Taking
- “It Takes a Person”: Youth Activism, Public Health, and Citizenship Performance During Liberia’s Ebola Epidemic
- International schools: shifting sands and winds of change
- The business of citizenship: Investment citizenship firms in global governance
- Exploring the Development of Racial and Cultural Literacy Skills in the Classroom: Strategies to Support Diverse Student Populations
- Bangladeshi students’ family fertilization for pursuing higher education in Australia
- A community service learning experience with student teachers of English: Enacting social justice in language education in a community centre
- Cosmopolitanism in humanities and social sciences education and research
- Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy: Research Trends
- Drifts of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Towards Pedagogical Innovation: A Foretelling Bibliometric Analysis
- Science Education and Environmental Citizenship: a Relevant Encounter for Schools
- Dementia education in a primary school classroom: A pedagogical perspective
- Negotiating and Navigating Plurilingual Classroom Citizenship: Social Cohesion and Functional Multilingual Learning
- Responsible management education: Social entrepreneurial competences of civically-engaged students
- Model and Methodology for Developing Empathy: An Experience in Computer Science Engineering
- International School Curriculum in China
- A Plea for a More Internationalized University Education in Social Work Management
- Algorithm Applied to SDG13: A Case Study of Ibero-American Countries
- “We’ve worn out the use of that word”: Australian New Youth on Multiculturalism, And the Politics of Identity, Difference and Belonging
- Ethical Communication and Argument-Centered Education Can Enhance Transnational Education and Promote a More Ethical and Civil World
- Pedagogy of Global Events: Insights from Concerts, Film Festivals and Social Network Happenings
- Relevant Social Problems, Socially Alive Questions, and Gender in Social Science Teaching: A Conceptual and Methodological Review for the Development of Social …
- Multinational corporations, education and United Nations Development Goals: a literature review
- Research Trends in Discourses of Globalization and Cultural Identity
- Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Challenge to Aesthetic and Cultural Education
- 2 Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) as New Development Actors in Norway–An Exploration of How and Why They Emerge
- Delfín Ortega-Sánchez
- Becoming bilingual in two-way immersion: patterns of investment in a second-grade classroom
- Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
- Liberal Arts and Sciences Education for the Twenty-First Century in Asia
- Prospective Study on Geosciences On-Line Education: UNESCO Global Geoparks in Spain and Portugal
- Engineering Research
- Emotional exhaustion, emotional intelligence and task performance of employees in educational institutions during COVID 19 global pandemic: A moderated …
- 10 “Even More Than International” Brock Chisholm and the Origins of Canadian Globalist Thought
- The Advantages of Model Project Citizen on Student Learning Achievement: An Empirical Practice from Indonesia
- Values Education for Rural Children in Ethnic Areas of China
- Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education: Framing Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Education in a Local to Global Context
- Internationalizing Teaching and Learning through Faculty Inquiry Circles
- The boundary setting of Chinese netizens’ citizenship identity: social media responses to the Regulations of the PRC on the Administration of Permanent Residence of …
- Affective learning in short-term educational travel abroad: An exploratory mixed-method study
- The Role of General Joint Courses in Promoting Citizenship Values among University Students from the Perspectives of Students at King Khalid University
- Hybrid-active e-learning techniques in remote master level astronautics courses: Using technology to enhance student learning
- Global Determinants of Education Reform, 1960 to 2017
- Storying Vulnerability: Creating Conditions for Generative Relationality in International Experiential Service Learning
- Enacting Critical Cosmopolitanism in Suburban Preservice Teacher Education through Crafting a Pedagogical Third-Space of Ethics
- Exploring the Literature and Rationale for Global E-Cultural Learning
- Children in the Singapore Education System
- Including diversity through cinema-based affective literacy practices: A case study with EFL/ESL pre-service teachers
- Understanding the International Baccalaureate as an emerging field of research: a systematic literature review using bibliographic coupling
- Citizen scientists report global rapid reductions in the visibility of stars from 2011 to 2022
- Perspectives of ubiquitous learning in educational contexts
- Action-Based Research: High Impact Action Research Across Academic Settings
- Teaching global competence: Challenges and opportunities
- Education and Sustainability: Debates, Tensions, and Possibilities in Practice, Policy and Research
- Characteristics of Successful International Pharmacy Partnerships
- Enablers of Sustainable Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions: A Case from Turkey
- Affordability of meat for global consumers and the need to sustain investment capacity for livestock farmers
- Towards globalisation of B-schools: best practices for sustainable higher education
- (Un) employability and (Un) employment Issues Towards International Mobility for Higher Education
- Linking organizational citizenship behavior and organizational trust towards reducing workplace deviance behavior in higher education
- Strategies for Achieving Equity-Based Education: Towards an Equitable Education System
- Moral Education in China: Teaching and Teachers
- The Multiple Triggers and Distinguishing Features of Canadian Citizen Aid Initiatives
- The digital gap in the educational context: education and learning for the digital citizen
- Educational Democracy: Calling for a New Phase in Progressive Education
- Teacher Education in Conflict-Affected Societies
- Semiosis and ethicality in youth transnational digital storytelling
- Coastal Communities Past, Present, and Future? The Value of Social and Cultural Sustainability
- Mending our Wounded Souls: Towards the Possibility of Healing and Social Cohesion
- Preservice preparation for middle level international school teachers
- Six principles to advance technical and vocational education for sustainable development
- … the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media: Capitalising on a European tool to enhance visual literacy and intercultural dialogue globally
- Ciudadan@ 2030. Educación para la ciudadanía mundial desde la Agenda 2030
- I Have Two Flags in my Heart: Diasporic Citizenship of Jamaicans Living in Britain.
- Educating for participatory active citizenship: an example from the ecological activist field
- Choosing Higher Education Institution and Study Abroad Destination: What Mainland Chinese Parents and Students Rate Important in the Post-pandemic World?
- Corporate Citizen: New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law
- Philosophical Reflections on Child Poverty and Education
- Re-envisioning English Language Teaching in a Post-COVID World: Using Language Education for Sustainable Development
- The Seoul Agenda: A Commentary
- A Comparative Study of Sustainability Education among Iranian EFL Instructors and Social Sciences Instructors
- Making Higher Education Institutions Gender-Sensitive
- Toward an Inclusive World History: Pre-Service Teachers and the Curricular Gate
- Digital information channels during the COVID-19 global health emergency through a situational awareness lens: a study of Pakistani citizens
- Empowering Rural Area Students Through Education: Youth in Metaverse
- Market mechanisms’ distortions of higher education: Punjabi international students in Canada
- Evaluation of the effects of nationality swapping on Turkish sports from the perspective of sports scientists
- Fostering Chinese preservice teachers’ global competence through inquiry learning in glocalised educational contexts
- Intercultural Communication Education Beyond ‘Western’Democracy-Talk: Zhongyong as a Way of Decentring Democracy-Based Teaching
- Unifying Themes and Future Directions
- Converging cultures? A comparative analysis of South Korea and Sweden’s national curricula, 1980–2018
- “European citizenship” and young people’s democratic participation: a case study of Finland
- Religious Necropolitical Propaganda in Educational Materials for Children
- Preparing Primary Education Teachers to Teach Civic Education in the Indonesian Elementary Schools
- Democracy and Civic Participation Through Youth Forums in Schools: Reflections on Practice
- Chinese and Canadian preservice teachers in face-to-face dialogues: Situating teaching in cultural practices for West-East Reciprocal Learning
- Families of Japanese Heritage Mixed Marriages in Singapore: Educational Trajectories and Lived Stories
- Raising critical cultural awareness through telecollaboration: Insights for pre-service teacher education
- Health in All Education: A Transdisciplinary Learning Outcomes Framework
- Introduction: Children’s Lifeworlds in the Global City of Singapore
- Citizen Science for Planetary Health
- Sustainability Education Beyond the Classroom: How the “Exploding University” Nurtures Collective Intelligence Across Local and Global Communities
- A Geography Teacher’s Approach to Literacy Integration
- Lifeworlds of 9 and 10-Year-Old Children Living and Learning in Singapore
- Status of ICT Infrastructure towards the inclusion of ICT in the new curriculum in the Hohoe Municipality, Ghana.
- … of the European education policy, its reform agenda and the impact of neoliberalism and economic rationale: The case of the “Work Programme Education & Training …
- Towards a global history of education in the Himalaya: the case of Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh
- Embodied others and the ethics of difference. Deterritorialising intercultural learning
- La construcción de ciudadanía mediante el diálogo socrático en espacios interculturales
- Toward decolonial globalisation studies
- Development of Islamic Religious Education Learning in Forming Moderate Muslims
- A raciolinguistic analysis of the neoliberal promotion of dual language education in a new Latinx South state
- Constructing the Neoliberal Citizen: An Ethnographic Investigation of Corporatized Practices in Education
- Key principles for an integrated intercultural literary pedagogy: An educational design research project on arts integration for intercultural competence
- The relationship between environmental, outdoor and field education: A study in rural communities
- Storytelling: The Ancient Tool of Using Stories to Communicate Knowledge for a Sustainable Future
- Theoretical Foundations for Global Education: Selby, Pike, Hicks, and Merryfield
- Claire Hussey Honors Portfolio
- Sephardi Jews, Citizenship, and Reparation in Historical Context
- The Role of Education in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Global Evidence Based Research Article
- Continuity and Transformation In and Through the Interstices
- A Comparative Study of Teacher Education Programs Embedding Ethics Education into Curriculum
- Who funds the production of globally visible research in the Global South?
- 9 Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS), Frontier Africans, and Experiences of Translocal Networking
- The glocalization of physical education assessment discourse
- Policy Equity Contexts in Inclusive Education for Immigrant Children in the Faroe Islands
- Studying curriculum orientations in teachers’ everyday practices: A goal systems approach
- Towards a Theory of Education
- Rethinking the concept of global human resources in the Japanese higher education context
- Global education funders’ perspectives on the potential of systems thinking to change education practices and achieve mass learning gains
- Entrepreneurial STEM for global epidemics
- Main Cross-Cutting Training Contents of LEISURE and Free Time Schools: Acceptance of Groups Involved in the Leisure Time Instructor Courses
- Preparing Future-Fit Leaders for the Sustainable Development Era
- Education for Refugee Learners under the Framework of Social Justice and Racial Equity
- A Doctoral Experience from a Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Higher education institutions as eyes of the state: Canada’s international student compliance regime
- Education, automation and AI: a genealogy of alternative futures
- Statistical modeling in teacher education
- Effects of COVID-19 on civil society voices in European energy and climate policy
- Critical Pedagogy and English Language Learning
- Deepening Digital Citizenship: A Guide to Systemwide Policy and Practice
- In War We Trust (?) Why Today’s Tourism Does Not Promote Global Peace and Security
- Transnational lived citizenship turns local: Covid‐19 and Eritrean and Ethiopian diaspora in Nairobi
- Conclusion: An Agenda for Citizenship
- Collective creativity and wellbeing dispositions: Children’s perceptions of learning through drama
- Educación para la ciudadanía en las aulas de primaria: una revisión sistemática
- Workshop and Assistance on the Utilization of E-Learning at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton
- 10 Critical perspectives of Brazilian teachers on English as a lingua franca
- A Novel Method Suggestion for the Achievement of Environmental Citizenship behaviour in the Digitising World
- Higher Education: Latinx Individuals Luchando for Higher Education
- An Arts-Led Recovery in ‘Disadvantaged’Schools!
- Introduction: The Twin Motors of Neoliberalism and Progressivism
- Political Education As A Foundation For Development: Educational Systems, Strategies And Techniques
- Loose Canons: The Global Anglophone Novel and the Failures of Universalism
- The Ties that Bind: Immigration and the Global Political Economy
- Major Discourses of Cultural Identities
- The Global and the Local: Idea flows, contexts, and the influencing of education policy in the 21st century
- Reviving the sociology of organizations in higher education: the case of how global university rankings influence the strategic management of Canadian universities
- Development of a Culture-Based Civics Learning Model
- The Effect of Mapalus Organizational Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Education Workers
- Decolonising religious education through the prism of affect theory: analytical perspectives for approaching Islamophobia in curriculum and pedagogy
- Social media-based data collection and analysis in educational research
- Educating children: future directions for the history of childhood and education
- The new tyranny of student participation? Student voice and the paradox of strategic-active student-citizens
- Teaching minoritised children in South Korea: perspectives of teachers in early childhood education and care
- Digitizing Education in Indonesia After the Pandemic
- Impact of digital technologies upon teaching and learning in higher education in Latin America: an outlook on the reach, barriers, and bottlenecks
- Shareholder Schools: Racial Capitalism, Policy Borrowing, and Marketized Education Reform in Cape Town, South Africa
- “Because the United States is a great melting pot”: How students make sense of topics in world history
- Media or information literacy as variables for citizen participation in public decision-making? A bibliometric overview
- In Search of Responsibility as Education: Traversing Banal and Radical Terrains
- Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance
- Affective citizenship: Differential regimes of belonging in plural societies
- Finding Balance: Social Media Use in Higher Education
- Unintended Consequences of Internationalization in Higher Education: Comparative International Perspectives on the Impacts of Policy and Practice
- Application of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a Route to Overcoming Barriers in Designing Circular Economy (CE) Educational Material
- Research Roadmap on Humanities: Denoting Educational and Non-educational Research Trends
- Rethinking the global orientation of world-class universities from a comparative functional perspective
- The school–university nexus and degrees of partnership in initial teacher education
- Religion and the modern education
- 11 African and Afro-Brazilian cultural themes as possible paths toward decolonizing English as a foreign language education
- The use of student-generated videos and intercultural group assessment to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in higher education
- Innovative learning environments and student orientation to learning: a kaleidoscopic framework LERI-D-21-00243R2
- Developing Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning
- University students’ language learner beliefs and identities in the context of multilingual pedagogies in higher education
- The suitability of teaching profession for pedagogical students: The Vietnamese view
- In Search of a Better World? Reconsidering Sociology and Music Education as Utopian Fields
- Global approaches to primary, secondary, and tertiary elder abuse prevention: a scoping review
- Critical Pedagogy in Teacher Education: Disrupting Teacher Candidates’ Deficit Thinking of Immigrant Students with Origins in the Global South
- Poverty Alleviation Through Education: China’s Approach and Its Significance to the World
- Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ Understandings of War, Peace, and Peace Education
- Teachers as designers in knowledge building innovation networks
- Ethical challenges faced by Korean development practitioners in international community development practices
- Every Citizen a Statesman: The Dream of a Democratic Foreign Policy in the American Century
- The Intervention of the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in the Norms of Citizenship in Hong Kong
- The dilemmas around digital citizenship in a post-Brexit and post-pandemic Northern Ireland: towards an algorithmic nation?
- Civic Reporting Indicators and Biocultural Conservation: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Development Goals Through Interdisciplinary Education: Common Core Curriculum at University of Hong Kong