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Research Topics – Global Citizenship Education

Research Area/ Research Interest: Global Citizenship Education

Research Paper Topics for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Global citizenship education and peace education: toward a postcritical praxis
  2.  A Daoist Interpretation of Global Citizenship and Implications for Global Citizenship Education for Youth
  3.  Global citizenship in foreign language education: Concepts, practices, connections
  4. Global citizenship: preparing the younger generation to possess pro-environment behavior, mutual assistance and tolerance awareness through school engagement
  5. The Effect of Social Capital on Outcomes of Global Citizenship among Taiwanese Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Political Self-efficacy
  6. Cosmopolitan Identity Construction via Blended Learning Environments in Global Citizenship Education (GCE)
  7. Employing the flipped classroom to raise the global citizenship competences of economics students to a global issue
  8. Geography education professionals’ understanding of global citizenship: Insights for a more just geography curriculum
  9.  IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 Assessment Framework
  10. Global teaching competencies in primary education
  11. TED Talks for Public Speaking Skills and Global Citizenship in ESP Classroom
  12.  Contestations of Citizenship, Education, and Democracy in an Era of Global Change: Children and Youth in Diverse International Contexts
  13. Contrasting Perspectives on Global Citizenship in Practice: What Can International Schools Deliver?
  14. Educating for Sustainability and Global Citizenship in Uncertain Times
  15. Development education in Higher Education through voluntary student societies: decolonising a hidden curriculum
  16. The Globalization of Human Rights for a Global Citizenship: New Challenges
  17. Educating for citizenship in a fragile democracy: interrogating civic agenda in Thai higher education
  18. Intercultural approaches to education: from theory to practice: by Abdeljalil Akkari and Myriam Radhouane, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2022, 213pp., 49.99 EUR …
  19. Re-envisaging English medium instruction, intercultural citizenship development, and higher education in the context of studying abroad
  20. Science education for citizenship: Contributions from knowledge of and about science in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  22. Digital citizenship education–Teachers’ perspectives and practices in Germany and Hong Kong
  23. Using Explicit Curricular Aims to Drive Global Citizenship Education: Global Citizenship-Orientated Curricula in Two African Contexts
  24. Developing Global Citizenship Education Skills and Understanding among Students through Deliberate Pedagogical Choices
  25. Must we wait for youth to speak out before we listen? International youth perspectives and climate change education
  26. School citizenship education through YPAR: What works? A mixed-methods study in Italy
  27. Global Competence Education Strategies
  28. Citizenship-as-knowledge: How perspectives from Bildung-centred Didaktik can contribute to European citizenship education beyond competence
  29. Citizenship and Education in Hong Kong: A Review of Contemporary Academic Literature
  30. The Nonformal Education Sector and Global Competence Education
  31.  Primary students’ learning about citizenship through data science
  32. Modeling global teaching pedagogies in virtual teacher exchange
  33. Global Citizen Science Programs and Their Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals
  34. Developing Global Perspectives in Preservice Teachers
  35. Subjectivities and the future of comparative and international education: teacher researchers and graduate student researchers as co-constructive narrative inquirers
  36. Global competence development through the lens of graduate students in action research courses
  37. Citizenship Education as Legal Education in Schools
  38. Comics and Community: Exploring the Relationship Between Society, Education, and Citizenship
  39.  Curriculum, citizenship, migration
  40. CLIL, 182 Climate Change Communication, 76, 77 Climate Change Education, 77 CO2, 220 Computational Thinking, 270, 272
  41. Social Justice Education in Canada: An Introduction
  42. Arts as aesthetic education: Understanding the challenges related to citizenship
  43. The Capture of International Education by Progressive Neoliberalism: Illuminations, Qualifications, and Educating Beyond
  44. Learning to question the status quo. Critical thinking, citizenship education and Bildung in vocational education
  45. Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges for Postgraduate Programmes
  46. Transformative Innovation in teacher education: Research toward a critical global didactica
  47.  Citizen Contribution for Searching for Alternative Antimicrobial Activity Substances in Soil
  48. Unity in diversity: Exploring intercultural teaching and learning practices in secondary education and teacher training in Austria
  49. A double bind: youth activism, climate change, and education
  50. Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research Volume 6: Didactics in a Changing World: European Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum …
  51. Blended learning to foster EFL college students’ global literacy
  52. Internationalization of Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of the Japanese Digital Native Generation and Social Media Use
  53. Developing an Equitable Global South-North Partnership in Support of Transformative Study Abroad
  54. A snapshot of digital literacy
  55. Comparative Education in the Era of Globalization: Opportunities, Challenges, Missions
  56. The affective ideology of the OECD global competence framework: implications for intercultural communication education
  57. Game of Words for Cognitive Test Results in Class 2 Citizenship Education Learning in Elementary Schools
  58. Adolescents’ global competence: A latent profile analysis and exploration of student-, parent-, and school-related predictors of profile membership
  59. Social Innovation Education-Responsible Learning in Communities of Practice
  61. Critical Multicultural Education as a Platform for Social Justice Education in Canada
  62. Experiencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje en ciudadanía local y global en Iberoamérica
  63. Developing international virtual student exchange to enhance theory-practice transfer
  64. Transformations Towards Just Urban Sustainabilities: A community psychology approach to analyzing and fostering urban changes
  65. Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy
  67. Teaching Intercultural Competence in Translator Training at Educational Establishments
  68.  Implications of life skills training on the mental health of primary school students through the curriculum
  69. Education for Social Justice. A Canadian Perspective
  70. Citizenship Studies: Policy Causes and Consequences
  71.  Implications of life skills training on the mental health of primary school students through the curriculum
  72. Model United Nations: Beneficial/Positive Impact on Students
  73. The Solutions to the Future are Problem-Oriented: The intersection between social entrepreneurship, sustainable skills, and problem-oriented project learning
  74. Competencies and Values for Education 4.0
  75. The curriculum in higher education research: A review of the research literature
  76. Challenges Encountered in Embedding Global Perspectives in Teacher Preparation Curriculum
  77. In-Service Teachers’ Views of a Global and Digital Experience: A Platform for Fostering Perspective-Taking
  78. “It Takes a Person”: Youth Activism, Public Health, and Citizenship Performance During Liberia’s Ebola Epidemic
  79.  International schools: shifting sands and winds of change
  80. The business of citizenship: Investment citizenship firms in global governance
  81. Exploring the Development of Racial and Cultural Literacy Skills in the Classroom: Strategies to Support Diverse Student Populations
  82. Bangladeshi students’ family fertilization for pursuing higher education in Australia
  83. A community service learning experience with student teachers of English: Enacting social justice in language education in a community centre
  84.  Cosmopolitanism in humanities and social sciences education and research
  85. Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy: Research Trends
  86. Drifts of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Towards Pedagogical Innovation: A Foretelling Bibliometric Analysis
  87.  Science Education and Environmental Citizenship: a Relevant Encounter for Schools
  88. Dementia education in a primary school classroom: A pedagogical perspective
  89. Negotiating and Navigating Plurilingual Classroom Citizenship: Social Cohesion and Functional Multilingual Learning
  90. Responsible management education: Social entrepreneurial competences of civically-engaged students
  91. Model and Methodology for Developing Empathy: An Experience in Computer Science Engineering
  92. International School Curriculum in China
  93. A Plea for a More Internationalized University Education in Social Work Management
  94. Algorithm Applied to SDG13: A Case Study of Ibero-American Countries
  95. “We’ve worn out the use of that word”: Australian New Youth on Multiculturalism, And the Politics of Identity, Difference and Belonging
  96. Ethical Communication and Argument-Centered Education Can Enhance Transnational Education and Promote a More Ethical and Civil World
  97.  Pedagogy of Global Events: Insights from Concerts, Film Festivals and Social Network Happenings
  98. Relevant Social Problems, Socially Alive Questions, and Gender in Social Science Teaching: A Conceptual and Methodological Review for the Development of Social …
  99. Multinational corporations, education and United Nations Development Goals: a literature review
  100. Research Trends in Discourses of Globalization and Cultural Identity
  101. Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Challenge to Aesthetic and Cultural Education
  102. 2 Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) as New Development Actors in Norway–An Exploration of How and Why They Emerge
  103. Delfín Ortega-Sánchez
  104. Becoming bilingual in two-way immersion: patterns of investment in a second-grade classroom
  105.  Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
  106. Liberal Arts and Sciences Education for the Twenty-First Century in Asia
  107. Prospective Study on Geosciences On-Line Education: UNESCO Global Geoparks in Spain and Portugal
  108.  Engineering Research
  109. Emotional exhaustion, emotional intelligence and task performance of employees in educational institutions during COVID 19 global pandemic: A moderated …
  110. 10 “Even More Than International” Brock Chisholm and the Origins of Canadian Globalist Thought
  111. The Advantages of Model Project Citizen on Student Learning Achievement: An Empirical Practice from Indonesia
  112. Values Education for Rural Children in Ethnic Areas of China
  113.  Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education: Framing Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Education in a Local to Global Context
  114. Internationalizing Teaching and Learning through Faculty Inquiry Circles
  115. The boundary setting of Chinese netizens’ citizenship identity: social media responses to the Regulations of the PRC on the Administration of Permanent Residence of …
  116. Affective learning in short-term educational travel abroad: An exploratory mixed-method study
  117. The Role of General Joint Courses in Promoting Citizenship Values among University Students from the Perspectives of Students at King Khalid University
  118.  Hybrid-active e-learning techniques in remote master level astronautics courses: Using technology to enhance student learning
  119. Global Determinants of Education Reform, 1960 to 2017
  120. Storying Vulnerability: Creating Conditions for Generative Relationality in International Experiential Service Learning
  121. Enacting Critical Cosmopolitanism in Suburban Preservice Teacher Education through Crafting a Pedagogical Third-Space of Ethics
  122. Exploring the Literature and Rationale for Global E-Cultural Learning
  123. Children in the Singapore Education System
  124. Including diversity through cinema-based affective literacy practices: A case study with EFL/ESL pre-service teachers
  125. Understanding the International Baccalaureate as an emerging field of research: a systematic literature review using bibliographic coupling
  126. Citizen scientists report global rapid reductions in the visibility of stars from 2011 to 2022
  127. Perspectives of ubiquitous learning in educational contexts
  128. Action-Based Research: High Impact Action Research Across Academic Settings
  129. Teaching global competence: Challenges and opportunities
  130. Education and Sustainability: Debates, Tensions, and Possibilities in Practice, Policy and Research
  131.  Characteristics of Successful International Pharmacy Partnerships
  132. Enablers of Sustainable Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions: A Case from Turkey
  133. Affordability of meat for global consumers and the need to sustain investment capacity for livestock farmers
  134.  Towards globalisation of B-schools: best practices for sustainable higher education
  135. (Un) employability and (Un) employment Issues Towards International Mobility for Higher Education
  136. Linking organizational citizenship behavior and organizational trust towards reducing workplace deviance behavior in higher education
  137. Strategies for Achieving Equity-Based Education: Towards an Equitable Education System
  138.  Moral Education in China: Teaching and Teachers
  139. The Multiple Triggers and Distinguishing Features of Canadian Citizen Aid Initiatives
  141.  The digital gap in the educational context: education and learning for the digital citizen
  142. Educational Democracy: Calling for a New Phase in Progressive Education
  143. Teacher Education in Conflict-Affected Societies
  144. Semiosis and ethicality in youth transnational digital storytelling
  145. Coastal Communities Past, Present, and Future? The Value of Social and Cultural Sustainability
  146. Mending our Wounded Souls: Towards the Possibility of Healing and Social Cohesion
  147. Preservice preparation for middle level international school teachers
  148.  Six principles to advance technical and vocational education for sustainable development
  149. … the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media: Capitalising on a European tool to enhance visual literacy and intercultural dialogue globally
  150. Ciudadan@ 2030. Educación para la ciudadanía mundial desde la Agenda 2030
  152. I Have Two Flags in my Heart: Diasporic Citizenship of Jamaicans Living in Britain.
  153.  Educating for participatory active citizenship: an example from the ecological activist field
  155. Choosing Higher Education Institution and Study Abroad Destination: What Mainland Chinese Parents and Students Rate Important in the Post-pandemic World?
  156. Corporate Citizen: New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law
  157.  Philosophical Reflections on Child Poverty and Education
  158. Re-envisioning English Language Teaching in a Post-COVID World: Using Language Education for Sustainable Development
  159. The Seoul Agenda: A Commentary
  160.  A Comparative Study of Sustainability Education among Iranian EFL Instructors and Social Sciences Instructors
  161. Making Higher Education Institutions Gender-Sensitive
  162. Toward an Inclusive World History: Pre-Service Teachers and the Curricular Gate
  163. Digital information channels during the COVID-19 global health emergency through a situational awareness lens: a study of Pakistani citizens
  164. Empowering Rural Area Students Through Education: Youth in Metaverse
  165.  Market mechanisms’ distortions of higher education: Punjabi international students in Canada
  166. Evaluation of the effects of nationality swapping on Turkish sports from the perspective of sports scientists
  167. Fostering Chinese preservice teachers’ global competence through inquiry learning in glocalised educational contexts
  168. Intercultural Communication Education Beyond ‘Western’Democracy-Talk: Zhongyong as a Way of Decentring Democracy-Based Teaching
  169. Unifying Themes and Future Directions
  170.  Converging cultures? A comparative analysis of South Korea and Sweden’s national curricula, 1980–2018
  171.  “European citizenship” and young people’s democratic participation: a case study of Finland
  172.  Religious Necropolitical Propaganda in Educational Materials for Children
  173. Preparing Primary Education Teachers to Teach Civic Education in the Indonesian Elementary Schools
  174. Democracy and Civic Participation Through Youth Forums in Schools: Reflections on Practice
  175. Chinese and Canadian preservice teachers in face-to-face dialogues: Situating teaching in cultural practices for West-East Reciprocal Learning
  176. Families of Japanese Heritage Mixed Marriages in Singapore: Educational Trajectories and Lived Stories
  177. Raising critical cultural awareness through telecollaboration: Insights for pre-service teacher education
  178. Health in All Education: A Transdisciplinary Learning Outcomes Framework
  179. Introduction: Children’s Lifeworlds in the Global City of Singapore
  180. Citizen Science for Planetary Health
  181. Sustainability Education Beyond the Classroom: How the “Exploding University” Nurtures Collective Intelligence Across Local and Global Communities
  182. A Geography Teacher’s Approach to Literacy Integration
  183. Lifeworlds of 9 and 10-Year-Old Children Living and Learning in Singapore
  184.  Status of ICT Infrastructure towards the inclusion of ICT in the new curriculum in the Hohoe Municipality, Ghana.
  185. … of the European education policy, its reform agenda and the impact of neoliberalism and economic rationale: The case of the “Work Programme Education & Training …
  186. Towards a global history of education in the Himalaya: the case of Jaya Prithvi Bahadur Singh
  187. Embodied others and the ethics of difference. Deterritorialising intercultural learning
  188. La construcción de ciudadanía mediante el diálogo socrático en espacios interculturales
  189. Toward decolonial globalisation studies
  190. Development of Islamic Religious Education Learning in Forming Moderate Muslims
  191. A raciolinguistic analysis of the neoliberal promotion of dual language education in a new Latinx South state
  192. Constructing the Neoliberal Citizen: An Ethnographic Investigation of Corporatized Practices in Education
  193. Key principles for an integrated intercultural literary pedagogy: An educational design research project on arts integration for intercultural competence
  194.  The relationship between environmental, outdoor and field education: A study in rural communities
  195. Storytelling: The Ancient Tool of Using Stories to Communicate Knowledge for a Sustainable Future
  196.  Theoretical Foundations for Global Education: Selby, Pike, Hicks, and Merryfield
  197.  Claire Hussey Honors Portfolio
  198.  Sephardi Jews, Citizenship, and Reparation in Historical Context
  199.  The Role of Education in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Global Evidence Based Research Article
  200. Continuity and Transformation In and Through the Interstices
  201. A Comparative Study of Teacher Education Programs Embedding Ethics Education into Curriculum
  202.  Who funds the production of globally visible research in the Global South?
  203. 9 Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS), Frontier Africans, and Experiences of Translocal Networking
  204. The glocalization of physical education assessment discourse
  205.  Policy Equity Contexts in Inclusive Education for Immigrant Children in the Faroe Islands
  206.  Studying curriculum orientations in teachers’ everyday practices: A goal systems approach
  207. Towards a Theory of Education
  208. Rethinking the concept of global human resources in the Japanese higher education context
  209. Global education funders’ perspectives on the potential of systems thinking to change education practices and achieve mass learning gains
  210. Entrepreneurial STEM for global epidemics
  211.  Main Cross-Cutting Training Contents of LEISURE and Free Time Schools: Acceptance of Groups Involved in the Leisure Time Instructor Courses
  212. Preparing Future-Fit Leaders for the Sustainable Development Era
  213. Education for Refugee Learners under the Framework of Social Justice and Racial Equity
  214. A Doctoral Experience from a Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Perspective
  215. Higher education institutions as eyes of the state: Canada’s international student compliance regime
  217. Education, automation and AI: a genealogy of alternative futures
  218. Statistical modeling in teacher education
  219. Effects of COVID-19 on civil society voices in European energy and climate policy
  220.  Critical Pedagogy and English Language Learning
  221.  Deepening Digital Citizenship: A Guide to Systemwide Policy and Practice
  222. In War We Trust (?) Why Today’s Tourism Does Not Promote Global Peace and Security
  223. Transnational lived citizenship turns local: Covid‐19 and Eritrean and Ethiopian diaspora in Nairobi
  224. Conclusion: An Agenda for Citizenship
  225.  Collective creativity and wellbeing dispositions: Children’s perceptions of learning through drama
  227. Educación para la ciudadanía en las aulas de primaria: una revisión sistemática
  228. Workshop and Assistance on the Utilization of E-Learning at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton
  229. 10 Critical perspectives of Brazilian teachers on English as a lingua franca
  230. A Novel Method Suggestion for the Achievement of Environmental Citizenship behaviour in the Digitising World
  231. Higher Education: Latinx Individuals Luchando for Higher Education
  232. An Arts-Led Recovery in ‘Disadvantaged’Schools!
  233. Introduction: The Twin Motors of Neoliberalism and Progressivism
  234. Political Education As A Foundation For Development: Educational Systems, Strategies And Techniques
  235. Loose Canons: The Global Anglophone Novel and the Failures of Universalism
  236.  The Ties that Bind: Immigration and the Global Political Economy
  237. Major Discourses of Cultural Identities
  238.  The Global and the Local: Idea flows, contexts, and the influencing of education policy in the 21st century
  239. Reviving the sociology of organizations in higher education: the case of how global university rankings influence the strategic management of Canadian universities
  240. Development of a Culture-Based Civics Learning Model
  241. The Effect of Mapalus Organizational Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Education Workers
  242. Decolonising religious education through the prism of affect theory: analytical perspectives for approaching Islamophobia in curriculum and pedagogy
  243. Social media-based data collection and analysis in educational research
  244. Educating children: future directions for the history of childhood and education
  245. The new tyranny of student participation? Student voice and the paradox of strategic-active student-citizens
  246. Teaching minoritised children in South Korea: perspectives of teachers in early childhood education and care
  247. Digitizing Education in Indonesia After the Pandemic
  248.  Impact of digital technologies upon teaching and learning in higher education in Latin America: an outlook on the reach, barriers, and bottlenecks
  249. Shareholder Schools: Racial Capitalism, Policy Borrowing, and Marketized Education Reform in Cape Town, South Africa
  250. “Because the United States is a great melting pot”: How students make sense of topics in world history
  251.  Media or information literacy as variables for citizen participation in public decision-making? A bibliometric overview
  252.  In Search of Responsibility as Education: Traversing Banal and Radical Terrains
  253.  Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance
  254. Affective citizenship: Differential regimes of belonging in plural societies
  255. Finding Balance: Social Media Use in Higher Education
  256.  Unintended Consequences of Internationalization in Higher Education: Comparative International Perspectives on the Impacts of Policy and Practice
  257. Application of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a Route to Overcoming Barriers in Designing Circular Economy (CE) Educational Material
  258. Research Roadmap on Humanities: Denoting Educational and Non-educational Research Trends
  259. Rethinking the global orientation of world-class universities from a comparative functional perspective
  260. The school–university nexus and degrees of partnership in initial teacher education
  261. Religion and the modern education
  262. 11 African and Afro-Brazilian cultural themes as possible paths toward decolonizing English as a foreign language education
  263. The use of student-generated videos and intercultural group assessment to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in higher education
  264. Innovative learning environments and student orientation to learning: a kaleidoscopic framework LERI-D-21-00243R2
  265. Developing Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning
  266. University students’ language learner beliefs and identities in the context of multilingual pedagogies in higher education
  267. The suitability of teaching profession for pedagogical students: The Vietnamese view
  268. In Search of a Better World? Reconsidering Sociology and Music Education as Utopian Fields
  269. Global approaches to primary, secondary, and tertiary elder abuse prevention: a scoping review
  270. Critical Pedagogy in Teacher Education: Disrupting Teacher Candidates’ Deficit Thinking of Immigrant Students with Origins in the Global South
  271. Poverty Alleviation Through Education: China’s Approach and Its Significance to the World
  272. Turkish Pre-service Teachers’ Understandings of War, Peace, and Peace Education
  273. Teachers as designers in knowledge building innovation networks
  275. Ethical challenges faced by Korean development practitioners in international community development practices
  276.  Every Citizen a Statesman: The Dream of a Democratic Foreign Policy in the American Century
  277. The Intervention of the Anti-Extradition Bill Movement in the Norms of Citizenship in Hong Kong
  278. The dilemmas around digital citizenship in a post-Brexit and post-pandemic Northern Ireland: towards an algorithmic nation?
  279. Civic Reporting Indicators and Biocultural Conservation: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Tourism
  280. Sustainable Development Goals Through Interdisciplinary Education: Common Core Curriculum at University of Hong Kong
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