Psychology MCQ’s covering chapters of books Latest editions

Psychology MCQ’s covering chapters of books Latest editions

1. At which site the mind and body interact in the brain …

a) Pineal gland
b) throid gland
c) Hypothalamus
d) gonads

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2. Who discovered the chemical basis of neurotransmission …

a) Bandura
b) Charles sherrington
c) Luigi galvani
d) Otto loewi

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3. Human CNS is composed of …

a) somatic nervous system
b) brain and spinal cord
c) autonomic nervous system
d) all of these

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4. The link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is due to the presence of?

a) corpus callosum
b) reticular formation
c) cerebellum
d) hypothalamus

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5. In neurons, the axons are insulated by the a matter named as …

a) Nerve fiber
b) Myelin sheath
c) Ganglion
d) Sylvian sheath

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6. The term “soma” is related to …

a) synapse
b) neuron
c) axon
d) cell body

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7. Melatonin is produced by which gland?

a) posterior pituitary
b) hypothalamus
c) pineal gland
d) anterior pituitary

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8. The goal of social cognitive therapy is basically …

a) self-actualization
b) self-regulation
c) uncovering hidden conflicts
d) all of these

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9. Social Learning Theory was developed by …

a) Albert Bandura
b) Alfred Hitchcock
c) Albert dakwin
d) Albert Einstein

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10. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on which perespective?

a) agentic
b) learning
c) behavioral
d) none of these4

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11. The ecological theory explains about …

a) cognitive development
b) affective processes in development
c) environmental influences on development
d) none of these

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12. Which theory says that there are sensitive periods of development in human life?

a) social cognition theory
b) ecological theory
c) ethological theory
d) none of these

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More MCQs of Psychology

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