Advance Social Psychology MCQs
Advance Social Psychology Solved MCQs with answers in PDF.
Small fibers that branch out from the cell body and pick up the incoming message are known as;
a. nerves.
b. axons
c. dendrites
d terminals
e. none of these
Answer dendrites
The thyroid gland controls:
a. glucose absorption
b. metabolism emotions
c. emotions
d. sexuality
e. none of these
Answer metabolism
The capacity of the eye to differentiate fine details is knowns as;
a visual acuity
b visual dilation
c. visual sensitivity
d. adaptation
e. none of these
Answer visual acuity
Select the name of the disorder in which results when fluid pressure constructs inside the eye and causes damage to the optic nerve:
a. prospagnia
b glaucoma
c dyslexia
e. none of these
Answer glaucoma
Optical mirage result from the twist in:
a. perception
b. sensation
c. transduction
d. adaptation
e. none of these
Answer perception
Our common method for dealing with the environment is called;
a. cognitive style
b. perceptual style
c. personality
d. intelligence
e. none of these
Answer cognitive style
The external motive that guide objectives directed behavior is known as:
a. incentive
b. needs
c. drives
d. reciprocal
Answer incentive
Select the term in which psychologists work to upgrade the efficiency of people in business:
e. none of these
Answer industrial/organizational
Psychology is the science of:
a. inductive reasoning
b. objective introspection
c. behavior and mental processes
d. emotions
e. none of these
Answer behavior and mental processes
A hypothesis defined;
a. a testable prediction derived from a theory
b. an explanation of a phenomenon
c. the independent variable
d. the dependant variable.
e. none of these
Answer a testable prediction derived from a theory
Select the research method of Freud;
a case study method
b. naturalistic observation
c. survey research
d correlational method
e. none of these
Answer the case study method
The quantity of association between two or more variable is:
a. synchronicity
b. naturalistic observation
c. reliability
d. correlation
e. none of these
Answer correlation
the theory of Gestalt emphasized:
a. our tendency to see patterns
b. the atoms of thought
c. environmental stimuli
d. a flow of consciousness
e. none of these
Answer our tendency to see patterns
Most psychologists accept aggressions:
a. a learned response
b. linked to sexual drive
c. an innate biological response to frustration
d. a drive that builds up over time and must be released
e. none of these
Answer; an innate biological response to frustration
The operation of detecting changed and transferring from the outer environment to the brain is called:
a. sensation
b. perception
c. selective attention
d. adaptation
e. none of these.
Answer sensation
According to Alfred Adler, the main motivating force in a person’s life is:
a. physical gratification:
b. existential anxiety
c. the need for power
d. striving for superiority
e. none of these.
Answer striving for superiority
Which term is used in the learning mechanism dopes B.F.Skinner sees as being the vital means by which behavior is learned;
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. observational conditioning
d. insight learning
e. none of these.
Answer operant conditioning
Select the approaches in which personality is least deterministic;
a. skinner’s approach
b. the psychoanalytical approach
c. the humanistic approach
d. the behavioral approach
e. none of these.
Answer the humanistic approach
Which of the following did Carl Rogers believe encourage a congruent self-concept?
a. unconditional love
b. appropriate role models
c. immediate- need gratification
d. conditional love
e. none of these.
Answer unconditional love
20.Define Stereotypes:
a. special types of schemas that are part of people’s shared cultural background
b. equivalent to prejudice
c. widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group
d. both a and b
e. none of these.
Answer; widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group
In developmental psychology, the term nature mention to _____ part that control development.
(a) Physical
(b) Environmental
(c) Biological
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Answer Biological
Select the factor which is the most important biological element to the organized physical growth of the body including of nervous system, In the study of development;
(a) Maturation
(b) Hormones
(c) Environment
(d) Growth factors
(e) None of these
Answer Growth factors
A biologically determined period in the life of some animals during which the definite shape of learning can take place most easily is known as:
(a) Critical period
(b) Milestone
(c) Stage
(d) Landmark
(e) None of these
Answer Critical period
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