Psychosocial Psychology MCQs
Let us see the Psychosocial Psychology MCQs.
1. Which scientist challenged it’s about penis envy?
A. Fromm
B. Jung
C. Adler
D. Horney
2. Process used to across all area of psychology?
A. The belief that unconscious mind determines human behavior
B. Scientific method
C. Science of persuasions
D. Curation of opinions
3. The best description of scientist is?
A. An individual who conducts the experiment
B. Individual who arrives at a conclusion based on observing and testing
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
4. According to Freud the three components of the mind are?
A. Primary, secondary, tertiary
B. oral, anal, phallic
C. Ego, id, superego
D. None of these
5. You can access someone’s personality by studying their faces, the idea is called?
A. Physiognomy
B. Phrenology
C. Physiology
D. None of these
6. The humanistic psychologists give the idea of?
A. Repressions
B. The id
C. Free will
D. Unconscious drives
7. The MMPI is used to measure?
A. Leadership potential
B. The big five traits
C. Both B and C
D. Personality and psychological disordered
8. Which of the following is not part of the Big Five traits?
A. Openness to experience
B. Sense of humor
C. Extraversion
D. None of these
9. The influence of parents on their children’s personality is?
A. They are easy to knock out
B. Their DNA has been modified
C. Both A and B
D. They are very attractive
10. Projective test is taken to reveal information about it?
A. Career aptitude
B. Parenting style
C. Unconscious processes
D. None of these
11. Freud believed that adults’ problems due to?
A. Results in a bad dream
B. Results in a Freudian slip
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
12. Gestalt theory explained?
A. Our tendency to see a pattern
B. Environmental stimuli
C. The atoms of thoughts
D. All of the above
13. Reflexes are usually controlled from
A. Frontal lobe
B. Spinal code
C. Medulla
D. None of these
14. Perceptions of the brightness of the color in effect mainly by?
A. The wavelength of light waves
B. The purity of light waves
C. The saturation of light waves
D. None of these
15. Psychophysics is the study of?
A. The psychological perceptions
B. Depth perceptions
C. Perceptual illness
D. None of these
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