Islamic Studies MCQs from Books Latest Editions
Islamic Studies MCQs from Books Latest Editions
(1) Hazrat Nuh (A.S) boat name is . . . .
a) Ark
b) Saan
c) Bohr
d) Saan
e) A and B
f) none of these
(2) In which Hijri Holy Prophet (SAW) go to perform Hajj . . . .
a) 8th Hijri
b) 10th Hijri
c) 11th Hijri
d) 9th Hijri
e) 7th Hijri
f) none of these
(3) In which Hijri Zakat became Farz . . . .
a) 4th Hijri
b) 1st Hijri
c) 2nd Hijri
d) 5th Hijri
e) 7th Hijri
f) none of these
(4) In which Hijri the truce of Hudaibiya took place . . . .
a) 4th Hijri
b) 7th Hijri
c) 6th Hijri
d) 5th Hijri
e) 1st Hijri
f) none of these
(5) The first capital of islamic Commonwealth is . . . .
a) Taaif
b) Makkah
c) Khyber
d) Madina
e) none of these
(6) How many Holy books are there . . . .
a) Two
b) Six
c ) Eight
d) Four
e) Three
f) none of these
(7) The Oldest Holy Book is . . . .
a) The Injeel
b) The Qur’an
c) The Zaboor
d)The Torait
e) none of these
(8) The last Holy Book is . . . .
a) The Torait
b) The Injeel
c) The Qur’an
d) The zuboor
e) none of these
(9) The total number of Prophet (AS) IS . . . .
a) 124000
b) 128000
d) 120000
e) 123000
f) none of these
(10) During the Mawakhat how many Muhajreen are there . . . .
a) 35
b) 50
c) 45
d) 40
e) 35
f) none of these
(11) Iblees lies in which category . . . .
a) Human Being
b) Angel
c) Jinn
d) Animal
e) none of these
(12) The greatest of all sins according to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
a) Shirk
b) Lie
c) Hypocrisy
d) Flattering
e) Backbiting
f) none of these