Islamic Studies MCQs from Books Latest Editions

Islamic Studies MCQs from Books Latest Editions

(1) Hazrat Nuh (A.S) boat name is . . . . 

a) Ark

b) Saan 

c) Bohr

d) Saan

e) A and B

f) none of these

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(2) In which Hijri Holy Prophet (SAW) go to perform Hajj . . . .

a) 8th Hijri

b) 10th Hijri

c) 11th Hijri

d) 9th Hijri

e) 7th Hijri

f) none of these

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(3) In which Hijri Zakat became Farz . . . .

a) 4th Hijri

b) 1st Hijri

c) 2nd Hijri

d) 5th Hijri

e) 7th Hijri

f) none of these

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(4) In which Hijri the truce of Hudaibiya took place . . . .

a) 4th Hijri

b) 7th Hijri

c) 6th Hijri

d) 5th Hijri

e) 1st Hijri

f) none of these

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(5) The first capital of islamic Commonwealth is . . . .

a) Taaif

b) Makkah

c) Khyber

d) Madina

e) none of these

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(6) How many Holy books are there . . . .

a) Two

b) Six

c ) Eight

d) Four

e) Three

f) none of these

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(7) The Oldest Holy Book is . . . .

a) The Injeel

b) The Qur’an

c) The Zaboor

d)The Torait

e) none of these

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(8) The last Holy Book is . . . .

a) The Torait

b) The Injeel

c) The Qur’an

d) The zuboor

e) none of these

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(9) The total number of Prophet (AS) IS . . . .

a) 124000

b) 128000


d) 120000

e) 123000

f) none of these

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(10) During the Mawakhat how many Muhajreen are there . . . .

a) 35

b) 50

c) 45

d) 40

e) 35

f) none of these

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(11) Iblees lies in which category . . . .

a) Human Being

b) Angel

c) Jinn

d) Animal

e) none of these

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(12) The greatest of all sins according to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?

a) Shirk

b) Lie

c) Hypocrisy

d) Flattering

e) Backbiting

f) none of these

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