Psychology MCQ’s from Past Papers
1. The growing period of puberty is …
a) non-normative events
b) normative age influences
c) stress events
d) none of these
2. Toy age is the age time of
a) babyhood
b) early Childhood
c) childhood
d) All of these
3. What is the main goal of psychology?
a) methods of therapy
b) understand, describe the behavior
c) compare the human mind.
d) control human behavior
4. What are the two phases of life-span development from beginning to end?
a) infancy , death
b) conception , death
c) conceptio , old age
d) teenage , death
5. What is the definition of overt behavior?
a) person perform what he/she sense
b) do each and every thing
c) person perform what he/she see
d) none the above
6. Theory proposed by freud was which kind
a) S-R therapy
b) gestalt therapy
c) psycho-analysis therapy
d) all of these
7. What is behavior?
a) things that a person perform, which he/she sense
b) anything a person can perform
c) things that person perform, which are recorded
d) none
8. Schizophrenia disorder is a
a) emotional disorder
b) intelligence disorder
c) psychotic disorder
d) all of these
9. Which disorder is not common is females?
a) specific phobia
b) depressive disorder
c) bipolar disorder
d) all of the above
10. Which one is not the example of reflex?
a) blushing
b) biceps reflex
c) ankle jerk reflex
d) bar reflex
11. Which of the following is the symptom of schizophrenia?
a) deafness
b) dizziness
c) delusion, hallucinations
d) all of these
12. Who gave single factor theory of intelligence?
a) freeman
b) alfred binet
c) thorndike
d) none of the above
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- Psychopathology MCQs 2