Bio Chemistry Of Latent Finger Print

Bio Chemistry Of Latent FingerPrint

Latent fingerprints are can not be seen with naked eye and are produced when someone touches an object or surface. These fingerprints are made up of sweating gland and oil secretions from the skin and are composed of variety of organic and inorganic compounds.

Organic composition of fingerprints:

The organic compounds in latent fingerprints include amino acids, fatty acids, and various other compounds that are present in sweat, such as urea and lactic acid.

Use of organic compound in finger print:

These organic compounds provide the necessary nutrients for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to the degradation of the fingerprint over time.

In organic Composition of fingerprints:

Inorganic compounds in latent fingerprints include chloride, potassium, calcium, and sodium, which are present in the sweat secretions from the eccrine and apocrine glands in the skin.

Uses of the inorganic compounds in fingerprints:

These  can be used to identify the origin of the fingerprint and also can be used in chemical analysis to identify the person who left the fingerprint.

Technique of chemical analyses:

There are many techniques such as ninhydrin, silver nitrate, and cyanoacrylate fuming  which are used to develop latent fingerprints. These techniques involve the use of chemicals which react with the organic and inorganic compounds present in the fingerprint to create a visible  and clear image of fingerprints.


Overall, their biochemistry  is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds that can be used to locate the source of the fingerprint and to show the identity of the person who left it.