Basic Elements  Of Practical Spectroscopy

Basic Elements  Of Practical Spectroscopy

The method of spectroscopy is a broad field deal with the study of interaction of light with matter .It is widely used in various discipline such as In

  • Chemistry
  • physics
  • biology and astronomy.

Practical spectroscopy’s foundational components are:

Radiation source:

Radiation are required  in order to provide energy to the sample which is used to generate the spectral signal.

Different sources may be used such as

  • A lightbulb
  • Laser
  • or synchrotron.

Sample holder:

The sample holder is used for holding of sample while performing experiment. To eradicate any spectrum ambuigity, the must be transparent to the radiation.


After the radiation has gone through the sample, a detector is utilised to gauge its intensity.

Different detector may be used according to the technique of eprctroscopy

  • The detector may be a photomultiplier tube
  • charge-coupled device (CCD)
  • or a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) detector.


Incoming radiation is separated into its constituent wavelengths using a monochromator. Using a prism or diffraction grating allows for this.

Optical filters:

The employment of optical filters allows for the selective transmission of some light wavelengths while blocking others.


Opticle fiber is applicable  to

  • enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio
  • and filter out undesired background noise.


Calibration standards:

To check the equipment and for getting information about the precision of the measurements, calibration standards are needed. Reference materials with well-known spectrum characteristics could be included in these standards.


Software for data analysis:

To process and analyse the spectral data, software is used. Software for peak fitting, spectral matching, and spectral deconvolution may be included in this.