Research Topics Political science of America

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: political science of America (Unites States:USA)

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Power and choice: An introduction to political science
  2. A History of Political Science
  3. What is historical political science?
  4. Wikipedia and Political Science: Addressing Systematic Biases with Student Initiatives
  5.  Principles of political science
  6. Cleavage in Political Science
  7. Reducing Bias in Wikipedia’s Coverage of Political Scientists
  8. Mental Health and the PhD: Insights and Implications for Political Science
  9. Re‐assessing elite‐public gaps in political behavior
  10. Current research overstates American support for political violence
  11. Pragmatism in the Americas
  12.  The challenge of politics: an introduction to political science
  13. This one’s for the boys: How gendered political socialization limits girls’ political ambition and interest
  14. Politicians and politics in Latin America
  15. Intellectualism, anti-intellectualism, and epistemic hubris in red and blue America
  16. How Terrorism Does (and Does Not) Affect Citizens’ Political Attitudes: A Meta‐Analysis
  17.  Developments in American Politics 9
  18. Gender gaps in political participation in Asia
  19. How the Workplace Affects Employee Political Contributions
  20. Partisan Misalignment and the Counter-Partisan Response: How National Politics Conditions Majority-Party Policy Making in the American States
  21. What do we learn about voter preferences from conjoint experiments?
  22. The politics of expertise in Latin America: Antecedents and actualities
  23. Political consumerism: A meta-analysis
  24. Belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward political violence
  25. The psychology of online political hostility: A comprehensive, cross-national test of the mismatch hypothesis
  26. Does Competence Make Citizens Tolerate Undemocratic Behavior?
  27. The nature of affective polarization: Disentangling policy disagreement from partisan identity
  28. The Variable Persuasiveness of Political Rhetoric
  29. Trump and the shifting meaning of “conservative”: Using activists’ pairwise comparisons to measure politicians’ perceived ideologies
  30. Improving Open-Source Information on African Politics, One Student at a Time
  31. Flight to safety: COVID-induced changes in the intensity of status quo preference and voting behavior
  32. Political Science
  33. Do policy makers listen to experts? Evidence from a national survey of local and state policy makers
  34. Representative Democracy and Social Equality
  35. Payments and penalties for democracy: gendered electoral financing in action worldwide
  36. Enfranchisement and Incarceration after the 1965 Voting Rights Act
  37. The Long-Term Effects of Oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism, and the Alternative für Deutschland
  38. The effect of television advertising in united states elections
  39. People haven’t had enough of experts: Technocratic attitudes among citizens in nine European democracies
  40. Reframing the Guardianship Dilemma: How the Military’s Dual Disloyalty Options Imperil Dictators
  41. Civic Engagement Meets Service Learning: Improving Wikipedia’s Coverage of State Government Officials
  42. Does state repression spark protests? evidence from secret police surveillance in communist poland
  43. Liberal Displacement Policies Attract Forced Migrants in the Global South
  44.  The Institutionalisation of political science in post-Yugoslav states: Continuities and new beginnings
  45. Power Sharing and Authoritarian Stability: How Rebel Regimes Solve the Guardianship Dilemma
  46. The paradox of civilization: Preinstitutional sources of security and prosperity
  47. Power in text: implementing networks and institutional complexity in American law
  48. and the Development of Rational Choice Theory
  49. Organizational Identity and Positionality in Randomized Control Trials: Considerations and Advice for Collaborative Research Teams
  50.  Radical American Partisanship: Mapping Violent Hostility, Its Causes, and the Consequences for Democracy
  51. Effective for whom? Ethnic identity and nonviolent resistance
  52. Ideological asymmetries and the determinants of politically motivated reasoning
  53. Terrorism activates ethnocentrism to explain greater willingness to sacrifice civil liberties: evidence from Germany
  54. Deprovincializing racial capitalism: John Crawfurd and settler colonialism in India
  55. Executive accountability beyond outcomes: experimental evidence on public evaluations of powerful prime ministers
  56. The pandemic and gender inequality in academia
  57. How do electoral incentives affect legislator behavior? Evidence from US state legislatures
  58. The Trump effect: how 2016 campaign rallies explain spikes in hate
  59. Forecasting bloc support in German federal elections: A political-history model
  60. Many ways to be right: cross-pressured voters in Western Europe
  61. Real, but limited: A meta-analytic assessment of framing effects in the political domain
  62. The generalizability of online experiments conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic
  63. Authoritarian rallying as reputational cascade? Evidence from Putin’s popularity surge after Crimea
  64.  Racial Attitudes in America Today: One Nation, Still Divided
  65. Democracy in immigrant America
  66. Motivated reasoning and democratic accountability
  67. How gendered is the peer-review process? A mixed-design analysis of reviewer feedback
  68. The Effects of China’s Development Projects on Political Accountability
  69. The curious case of theresa may and the public that did not rally: Gendered reactions to terrorist attacks can cause slumps not Bumps
  70. A note on posttreatment selection in studying racial discrimination in policing
  71. Tabloid media campaigns and public opinion: Quasi-experimental evidence on Euroscepticism in England
  72. Land, Opportunism, and Displacement in Civil Wars: Evidence from Colombia
  73. Deliberative democracy in the age of serial crisis
  74. Sortition as Anti‐Corruption: Popular Oversight against Elite Capture
  75. The elite–citizen gap in international organization legitimacy
  76.  Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies: Insights and Methods for Comparative Social Science
  77. Ambiguous Platforms and Correlated Preferences: Experimental Evidence
  78. Creating Climate Coalitions: Mass Preferences for Compensating Vulnerability in the World’s Two Largest Democracies
  79.  Dreamworlds of Race: Empire and the utopian destiny of Anglo-America
  80. A Logical Model for Predicting Minority Representation: Application to Redistricting and Voting Rights Cases—ERRATUM
  81. Courting informal workers: exclusion, forbearance, and the left
  82. How war changes land: soil fertility, unexploded bombs, and the underdevelopment of Cambodia
  83. Politics of nostalgia and populism: Evidence from Turkey
  84. Conspiracy thinking in Europe and America: A comparative study
  85. All the news that’s fit to fabricate: AI-generated text as a tool of media misinformation
  86. Ascriptive Characteristics and Perceptions of Impropriety in the Rule of Law: Race, Gender, and Public Assessments of Whether Judges Can Be Impartial
  87. Democracy by deterrence: Norms, constitutions, and electoral tilting
  88. Strategic allocation of irrevocable and durable benefits
  89. Race, dehumanization, and the NFL national anthem protests
  90. Teacher unions, political machines, and the thorny politics of education reform in Latin America
  91. Who gets what: The economy, relative gains and Brexit
  92.  Political Risk and International Investment Law
  93. How credit markets substitute for welfare states and influence social policy preferences: Evidence from US states
  94. Hate crimes and gender imbalances: fears over mate competition and violence against refugees
  95. Revealing issue salience via costly protest: How legislative behavior following protest advantages low-resource groups
  96. The origins of colonial investments in former British and French Africa
  97. Congressional representation: Accountability from the constituent’s perspective
  98. The American University, the Politics of Professors, and the Narrative of ‘Liberal Bias’
  99. From the margins to the center: A bottom-up approach to welfare state scholarship
  100. The Party-Line Pandemic: A Closer Look at the Partisan Response to COVID-19
  101. Crime victimization increases turnout: Evidence from individual-level administrative panel data
  102. Cyber terrorism and public support for retaliation–a multi-country survey experiment
  103. The growing rural-urban political divide and democratic vulnerability
  104. Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry
  105. If we build it, only some will come: An experimental study of mobilization for Seattle’s democracy voucher program
  106. Measuring attitudes toward public spending using a multivariate tax summary experiment
  107. Information about Coronavirus Exposure Effects Attitudes Towards Voting Methods
  108. Incentivizing embedded investment: Evidence from patterns of foreign direct investment in Latin America
  109.  The state: theories and issues
  110. Retrospection, fairness, and economic shocks: How do voters judge policy responses to natural disasters?
  111. Greek political scientists under the crisis and the case of the Greek bailout referendum: an intellectual barricade protecting the status quo?
  112. Does process matter? Experimental evidence on the effect of procedural fairness on citizens’ evaluations of policy outcomes
  113. Pulled in and pushed out of politics: The impact of neoliberalism on young people’s differing political consumerist motivations in the UK and Greece
  114. UN Peacekeeping and Households’ Well‐Being in Civil Wars
  115. Political knowledge and misinformation in the era of social media: Evidence from the 2015 UK election
  116. The Majoritarian threat to liberal democracy
  117.  The political system of the European Union
  118. When does accommodation work? Electoral effects of mainstream left position taking on immigration
  119. Navigating “Insider” and “Outsider” Status as Researchers Conducting Field Experiments
  120. Deepening or diminishing ethnic divides? The impact of urban migration in Kenya
  121. The Supreme Court as an electoral issue: evidence from three studies
  122. The Role of Communities in the Transmission of Political Values: Evidence from Forced Population Transfers
  123. Policy Deliberation and Voter Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from an Election in the Philippines
  124. The heightened importance of racism and sexism in the 2018 US midterm elections
  125. External threat environments and individual bias against female leaders
  126. Mutual optimism and war, and the strategic tensions of the July crisis
  127. The Death of the Democratic Advantage?
  128. Citizens’ attitudes to contact tracing apps
  129. Campaign expenditures and electoral outcomes in Israeli legislative primaries–A financial gender gap?
  130. Exposure and preferences: Evidence from indian slums
  131. Wikipedia Edit-A-Thons: Sites of Struggle, Resistance, and Responsibility
  132. Correcting citizens’ misperceptions about non-Western immigrants: corrective information, interpretations, and policy opinions
  133. Does accommodation work? Mainstream party strategies and the success of radical right parties
  134. Civic education in high school and voter turnout in adulthood
  135.  Mass media and American politics
  136. Campaign finance transparency affects legislators’ election outcomes and behavior
  137. How can we trust a political leader? Ethics, institutions, and relational theory
  138. Constitutional rigidity matters: A veto players approach
  139. Transformed-likelihood estimators for dynamic panel models with a very small T
  140.  The Other Divide: Polarization and Disengagement in American Politics
  141. Catching the ‘Deliberative Wave’? How (Disaffected) Citizens Assess Deliberative Citizen Forums
  142. Global capital cycles and market discipline: perceptions of developing-country borrowers
  143. Do Investor–State Disputes (Still) Harm FDI?
  144. Beaten ballots: Political participation dynamics amidst police interventions
  145. It’s All About Solidarity Stupid! How Solidarity Frames Structure the Party Political Sphere
  146. The diminishing value of representing the disadvantaged: Between group representation and individual career paths
  147. Birth order and voter turnout
  148.  Loyalty in America
  149. Complex dependence in foreign direct investment: network theory and empirical analysis
  150. Reducing risk as well as inequality: Assessing the welfare State’s insurance effects
  151. Value shift: immigration attitudes and the sociocultural divide
  152. TIP for Tat: Political bias in human trafficking reporting
  153.  Keystone Institutions of Democratic Governance Across Indigenous North America. Front
  154. Conflict, Protection, and Punishment: Repercussions of Violence in Eastern DR Congo
  155. Point break: using machine learning to uncover a critical mass in women’s representation
  156.  Brazil: country on hold, political tension running high
  157. The dark triad and nascent political ambition
  158.  Phantom Counterfactuals
  159. Citizen Forecasts of the 2021 German Election
  160. Have Europeans grown tired of democracy? New evidence from eighteen consolidated democracies, 1981–2018
  161. Multiracial identity and political preferences
  162.  The launching of modern American science, 1846-1876
  163. Psychological roots of political consumerism: Personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott
  164. Where does the coronavirus come from? On the mechanisms underlying the endorsement of conspiracy theories on the origin of SARS-CoV-2
  165. Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens’ and MPs’ support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal
  166. Incumbents Beware: The Impact of offshoring on elections
  167. The grapevine effect in sensitive data collection: examining response patterns in support for violent extremism
  168. Competing principals? Legislative representation in list proportional representation systems
  169. How corruption investigations undermine regime support: evidence from China
  170. American origins: Political and religious divides in US collective memory
  171. The psychophysiology of political ideology: replications, reanalyses, and recommendations
  172.  Migration theory: Talking across disciplines
  173. Disaggregating civility: Politeness, public-mindedness and their connection
  174. The effect of austerity packages on government popularity during the great recession
  175. Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and during the Great Recession
  176.  De-Globalisierung: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven
  177. Analyzing the cross-national comparability of party positions on the socio-cultural and EU dimensions in Europe
  178. How government-controlled media shifts policy attitudes through framing
  179. The global political economy of development finance: myths and new realities in Latin American development finance
  180. Do disabled candidates represent disabled citizens?
  181. Process vs. outcome? How to evaluate the effects of participatory processes on legitimacy perceptions
  182. The political consequences of Indigenous resentment
  183. Why has Participatory Budgeting Declined in Brazil?
  184. The life cycle of conspiracy theories: evidence from a long-term panel survey on conspiracy beliefs in Italy
  185. Governmental responses to terrorism in autocracies: Evidence from China
  186.  Government Responsiveness in Developing Countries
  187. Candidate filtering: the strategic use of electoral manipulations in Russia
  188.  How populism dies: political weaknesses of personalistic plebiscitarian leadership
  189. Political Appointments and Outcomes in Federal District Courts
  190. Self-efficacy and citizen engagement in development: experimental evidence from Tanzania
  191. Explaining the relationship between class position and political preferences: a long-term panel analysis of intra-generational class mobility
  192.  Management of common mental disorders should take place in primary health or specialized care? Clinical decisions of psychiatrists from Latin American …
  193. Thin-skinned leaders: regime legitimation, protest issues, and repression in autocracies
  194. ¿ Mejorando La Raza?: The Political Undertones of Latinos’ Skin Color in the United States
  195. The political economy of private legislatures
  196. Emigration and political contestation
  197. Which Historical Forecast Model Performs Best? An Analysis of 1965-2017 French Presidential Elections
  198. A new geography of civil war: a machine learning approach to measuring the zones of armed conflicts
  199. Gender and Family Ties in Latin American Legislatures
  200. Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002–2016
  201. How many major US laws delegate to federal agencies?(almost) all of them
  202. The democratic potential of political consumerism: The effect of visibility bias and social stratification
  203. Public opinion on welfare state recalibration in times of austerity: Evidence from survey experiments
  204.  Uncertainty and its Discontents: Worldviews in World Politics
  205. Gender gaps, partisan gaps, and cross-pressures: An examination of American attitudes toward the use of force
  206. Paranoid styles and innumeracy: implications of a conspiracy mindset on Europeans’ misperceptions about immigrants
  207. Democracy, autocracy, and everything in between: How domestic institutions affect environmental protection
  208.  Introduction to political theory
  209. Democratic capacity: Election administration as bulwark and target
  210. Rethinking the study of electoral politics in the developing world: Reflections on the Indian case
  211.  Faithful and fearless
  212. Central banking, democratic governance and political authority: the case of Brazil in a comparative perspective
  213. When autocrats threaten citizens with violence: Evidence from China
  214. Through their own eyes: The implications of COVID-19 for PhD students
  215. Civil society, realized: Equipping the mass public to express choice and negotiate power
  216. The Heaviest Drop of Blood: Black Exceptionalism Among Multiracials
  217. Mapping culture with latent class analysis: A response to Eger and Hjerm
  218. Right-wing YouTube: A supply and demand perspective
  219. Economic Opportunities, Emigration and Exit Prisoners
  220. The psychology of White nationalism: Ambivalence towards a changing America
  221. Proposing a Compensation Requirement for Audit Studies
  222. Word embeddings: What works, what doesn’t, and how to tell the difference for applied research
  223. The interaction of structural factors and diffusion in social unrest: evidence from the Swing riots
  224. The social consequences of political anger
  225. Restructuring large classes to create communities of learners
  226. Assessing data quality: an approach and an application
  227. What Have We Learned about Gender from Candidate Choice Experiments? A Meta-Analysis of Sixty-Seven Factorial Survey Experiments
  228. Authoritarianism and support for Trump in the 2016 presidential election
  229.  Human trafficking: interdisciplinary perspectives
  230. Religious and conspiracist? An analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of individual religiosity and belief in a big pharma conspiracy theory
  231.  The Politics of Distributing Social Transfers
  232. (Mis) estimating affective polarization
  233. Individual and collective outcomes of higher education: A comparison of Anglo-American and Chinese approaches
  234.  The politics of nonpartisanship: A study of California city elections
  235.  Foreign policy free agents: how lawmakers and coalitions on the political margins help set boundaries for US foreign policy
  236. Testing the Relationship between Land Approval and Promotion Incentives of Provincial Top Leaders in China
  237. From chatter to action: how social networks inform and motivate in rural Uganda
  238.  Father land: A study of authoritarianism in the German family
  239. Improved Multilevel Regression with Poststratification through Machine Learning (autoMrP)
  240.  Whitewashing race: The myth of a color-blind society
  241. The price of probity: anticorruption and adverse selection in the Chinese bureaucracy
  242. Democratic Hypocrisy and Out-group Threat: Explaining Citizen Support for Democratic Erosion
  243. The affective model of far‐right vote in Europe: Anger, political trust, and immigration
  244. Building research infrastructures to study digital technology and politics: Lessons from Switzerland
  245.  Between technochauvinism and human-centrism: Can algorithms improve decision-making in democratic politics?
  246. Does homeownership influence political behavior? Evidence from administrative data
  247. Protest as one political act in individuals’ participation repertoires: Latent class analysis and political participant types
  248. Forbidden fruits: the political economy of science, religion, and growth
  249.  Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories?
  250. The Problem of Migration and Approaches to Its Study
  251. Does conjoint analysis mitigate social desirability bias?
  252. Challenges to subnational democracy in the United States, past and present
  253. Political Euphemisms in English and Uzbek Languages (A Comparative Analysis)
  254. When science becomes embroiled in conflict: Recognizing the public’s need for debate while combating conspiracies and misinformation
  255. Reflecting on over 100 years of public administration education
  256.  Education accountability: An analytic overview
  257. The political economy of the emergent agri-environmental transition in the US
  258.  The Divided States of America: Why Federalism Doesn’t Work
  259. Charting Change in the City: Urban Political Orders and Urban Political Development
  260. Going in circles? The influence of the electoral cycle on the party behaviour in parliament
  261.  Migration and Pandemics: Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception
  262. Abortion before birth control
  263. Social Media and Belief in Misinformation in Mexico: A Case of Maximal Panic, Minimal Effects?
  264. Something new on the Western front: Twenty years of interest group research (1999–2018)
  265. Globalization and the societal consensus of wealth tax cuts
  266. Economic statistics as political artefacts
  267. How conservatives lost confidence in science: the role of ideological alignment in political polarization
  268. Democratic network governance
  269. Who are identified as poor in rural China’s targeted poverty alleviation strategy? Applying the multidimensional capability approach
  270. US global military deployments, 1950–2020*
  271.  Laboratories against democracy: How national parties transformed state politics
  272. Expressive survey responding: A closer look at the evidence and its implications for American democracy
  273. Constitutionalizing the corporation
  274.  Trust in government
  275. Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.
  276. How conspiracy theories can stimulate political engagement
  277.  Understanding Global Migration
  278. Understanding, choosing, and unifying multilevel and fixed effect approaches
  279.  Seeing the Visual: A Literature Review on Why and How Policy Scholars Would Do Well to Study Influential Visualizations
  280. Understanding the global patrimonial wave
  281. The end of the consolidation paradigm: a response to our critics
  282.  The selected writings of Benjamin Rush
  283. When physicians spread unscientific information about COVID-19
  284. Space Security and the Transatlantic Relationship
  285. Steering
  286. Getting time right: Using Cox models and probabilities to interpret binary panel data
  287. Negativity and political behavior: a theoretical framework for the analysis of negative voting in contemporary democracies
  288. Using games and simulations to scaffold experiential learning in global politics
  289. The reputational consequences of polarization for American foreign policy: evidence from the US-UK bilateral relationship
  290. Fifty years of scholarly research on terrorism: Intellectual progression, structural composition, trends and knowledge gaps of the field
  291.  Educational change and the political process
  292. Who punishes more? Partisanship, punitive policies, and the puzzle of democratic governors
  293. Politics, markets, and pandemics: Public education’s response to COVID-19
  294.  Capitalist democracy on trial: The transatlantic debate from Tocqueville to the present
  295.  The movement: a history of the American new left 1959-1972
  296. Digital humanities—A discipline in its own right? An analysis of the role and position of digital humanities in the academic landscape
  297. Race to the classroom: the governance turn in Latin American education. The emerging era of accountability, control and prescribed curriculum
  298.  The conservative affirmation
  299. Antinormative messaging, group cues, and the Nuclear Ban Treaty
  300.  The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?
  301. Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur: Visual Communication of Uncertainty in Election Polls
  302. Brahmin left versus merchant right: Changing political cleavages in 21 Western Democracies, 1948–2020
  303. Gender inequalities in political participation and political engagement among young people in Europe: Are young women less politically engaged than young men?
  304. Animal sentience
  305. A Micro Perspective on r> g
  306. Football vs. soccer: American warfare in an era of unconventional threats
  307.  On capitalism
  308. Comparing Campaign Finance and Vote-Based Measures of Ideolog
  309. Theorizing policy diffusion: From a patchy set of mechanisms to a paradigmatic typology
  310. Partisan enclaves and information bazaars: Mapping selective exposure to online news
  311.  Agricultural politics in the European community
  312. Shifting the color line
  313. The conditional politics of class identity: class origins, identity and political attitudes in comparative perspective
  314.  Meta-analyses of fifteen determinants of public opinion about climate change taxes and laws
  315. The Advocacy Coalition Framework
  316. Affect and autocracy: Emotions and attitudes in Russia after crimea
  317. Investment banking in America
  318. Protest event analysis: Developing a semiautomated NLP approach
  319.  ‘A contradiction between our state and the tobacco company’: conflicts of interest and institutional constraints as barriers to implementing Article 5.3 in …
  320. Political partisanship and transportation reform
  321. A decline in the social status of the working class? Conflicting evidence for 8 Western countries, 1987–2017
  322. From populism to neoliberalism: The political economy of Latin American import-substitution industrialization: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia in comparative …
  323. Spikes and variance: using Google Trends to detect and forecast protests
  324. A Note on Increases in Inattentive Online Survey-Takers Since 2020
  325. Can we be casual about being causal?
  326. The political impact of immigration: Evidence from the United States
  327. The first two laws of politics: Nannestad and Paldam’s “Cost of Ruling” revisited
  328. “Decolonizing” curriculum and pedagogy: A comparative review across disciplines and global higher education contexts
  329. Pensions in the Trenches: How Pension Spending Is Affecting US Local Government
  330.  Seeking social justice through globalization
  331. The state on the streets
  332. The Politics of the President’s Immigration Rhetoric
  334. Dieselgate and Eurolegalism. How a scandal fosters the Americanization of European law
  335. Hybrid governance and the attribution of political responsibility: Experimental evidence from the United States
  336. Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations
  337. Estimating and using individual marginal component effects from conjoint experiments
  338. Avoiding a panglossian policy science: The need to deal with the darkside of policy-maker and policy-taker behaviour
  339. Gender in administrative ethics: Jane Addamss feminist pragmatist conception of democracy as social ethics
  340. The right men: How masculinity explains the radical right gender gap
  341.  The decline of Arab oil revenues
  342. Using Conjoint Experiments to Analyze Election Outcomes: The Essential Role of the Average Marginal Component Effect (AMCE)
  343. Public Opinions About Paying College Athletes and Athletes Protesting During the National Anthem: A Focus on Race/ethnicity and Political Identities
  344. The resurgence of populism in Latin America
  345. When danger strikes: A linguistic tool for tracking America’s collective response to threats
  346. Switching sides but still fighting the Civil War in southern politics
  347. The Politics of Abortion in Latin America
  348. COVID-19: talk of ‘vaccine hesitancy’lets governments off the hook
  349.  The Revolutionary City: Urbanization and the Global Transformation of Rebellion
  350. Exploring political personalities: The micro‐foundation of local policy innovation in China
  351.  ME Sharpe Library of Franklin D. Roosevelt Studies: v. 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shaping of American Political Culture
  352. The political behavior of family firms: Evidence from Brazil
  353. Don’t think it’sa good idea! Four building sites of the ‘ideas school’
  354. Knowledge Co-Production in Scientific and Activist Alliances: Unsettling Coloniality
  355. Defiant scholarship: Dismantling coloniality in contemporary African geographies
  356. Inversions in US Presidential Elections: 1836–2016
  357.  April 2022
  358. Understanding Bayesianism: fundamentals for process tracers
  359.  Detroit: I do mind dying: A study in urban Revolution
  360. Toward a psychology of attitude conflict
  361. Police union political communications in Canada
  362.  Beyond performance: Racial prejudice and Whites’ mistrust of government
  363. Sanctioning the homeland: Diasporas’ influence on American economic sanctions policy
  364. State-building and the European Union: Markets, War, and Europe’s Uneven political development
  365. The European revolutions and revolutionary waves of the 19th century: Their causes and consequences
  366. Who do you trust? The consequences of partisanship and trust for public responsiveness to COVID-19 orders
  367. Precarious times, professional tensions: The ethics of migration research and the drive for scientific accountability
  368. Accounting for skewed or one-sided measurement error in the dependent variable
  369. Racial conservatism, self-monitoring, and perceptions of police violence
  370.  Comparing political regimes: A thematic introduction to comparative politics
  371. Beliefs about COVID-19 in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States: A novel test of political polarization and motivated reasoning
  372. The American presidents
  373. What forms of representation do American workers want? Implications for theory, policy, and practice
  374. Institutional theory
  375.  A Time to Speak: The Story of a Young American Lawyer’s Struggle for His City—and Himself
  376.  A New Era and New Concepts in the Study of Race in Public Administration
  377. Political turnover, bureaucratic turnover, and the quality of public services
  378. When do politicians use populist rhetoric? Populism as a campaign gamble
  379. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Public Assistance, Monetary Sanctions, and Financial Double-Dealing in America
  380. Clarifying the structure and nature of left-wing authoritarianism.
  381. Psychological inoculation against misinformation: Current evidence and future directions
  382. Conspiracy theories and institutional trust: examining the role of uncertainty avoidance and active social media use
  383. The Political Effects of Immigration: Culture or Economics?
  384.  Healing multicultural America: Mexican immigrants rise to power in rural California
  385. The politicization of health and science: Role of political cues in shaping the beliefs of the vaccine-autism link
  386. The Impact of COVID-19 on Trump’s Electoral Demise: The Role of Economic and Democratic Accountability
  387. Meeting the moment: Bioethics in the time of Black Lives Matter
  388.  Fundamentalism and American culture
  389. Deadly Populism: How Local Political Outsiders Drive Duterte’s War on Drugs in the Philippines
  390.  Health care in the United States: Organization, management, and policy
  391.  14 Science, Practice, and Gender Roles in Early American Child Psychology
  392. Do elites discriminate against female political aspirants? Evidence from a field experiment
  393. Criminalizing violence against women in politics: Innovation, diffusion, and transformation
  394. Follow the Money: Gender, incumbency, and campaign funding in Chile
  395. Environmental reproductive justice: intersections in an American Indian community impacted by environmental contamination
  396. Social media and political agenda setting