Research Area/ Research Interest: political science of America (Unites States:USA)
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Power and choice: An introduction to political science
- A History of Political Science
- What is historical political science?
- Wikipedia and Political Science: Addressing Systematic Biases with Student Initiatives
- Principles of political science
- Cleavage in Political Science
- Reducing Bias in Wikipedia’s Coverage of Political Scientists
- Mental Health and the PhD: Insights and Implications for Political Science
- Re‐assessing elite‐public gaps in political behavior
- Current research overstates American support for political violence
- Pragmatism in the Americas
- The challenge of politics: an introduction to political science
- This one’s for the boys: How gendered political socialization limits girls’ political ambition and interest
- Politicians and politics in Latin America
- Intellectualism, anti-intellectualism, and epistemic hubris in red and blue America
- How Terrorism Does (and Does Not) Affect Citizens’ Political Attitudes: A Meta‐Analysis
- Developments in American Politics 9
- Gender gaps in political participation in Asia
- How the Workplace Affects Employee Political Contributions
- Partisan Misalignment and the Counter-Partisan Response: How National Politics Conditions Majority-Party Policy Making in the American States
- What do we learn about voter preferences from conjoint experiments?
- The politics of expertise in Latin America: Antecedents and actualities
- Political consumerism: A meta-analysis
- Belief in conspiracy theories and attitudes toward political violence
- The psychology of online political hostility: A comprehensive, cross-national test of the mismatch hypothesis
- Does Competence Make Citizens Tolerate Undemocratic Behavior?
- The nature of affective polarization: Disentangling policy disagreement from partisan identity
- The Variable Persuasiveness of Political Rhetoric
- Trump and the shifting meaning of “conservative”: Using activists’ pairwise comparisons to measure politicians’ perceived ideologies
- Improving Open-Source Information on African Politics, One Student at a Time
- Flight to safety: COVID-induced changes in the intensity of status quo preference and voting behavior
- Political Science
- Do policy makers listen to experts? Evidence from a national survey of local and state policy makers
- Representative Democracy and Social Equality
- Payments and penalties for democracy: gendered electoral financing in action worldwide
- Enfranchisement and Incarceration after the 1965 Voting Rights Act
- The Long-Term Effects of Oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism, and the Alternative für Deutschland
- The effect of television advertising in united states elections
- People haven’t had enough of experts: Technocratic attitudes among citizens in nine European democracies
- Reframing the Guardianship Dilemma: How the Military’s Dual Disloyalty Options Imperil Dictators
- Civic Engagement Meets Service Learning: Improving Wikipedia’s Coverage of State Government Officials
- Does state repression spark protests? evidence from secret police surveillance in communist poland
- Liberal Displacement Policies Attract Forced Migrants in the Global South
- The Institutionalisation of political science in post-Yugoslav states: Continuities and new beginnings
- Power Sharing and Authoritarian Stability: How Rebel Regimes Solve the Guardianship Dilemma
- The paradox of civilization: Preinstitutional sources of security and prosperity
- Power in text: implementing networks and institutional complexity in American law
- and the Development of Rational Choice Theory
- Organizational Identity and Positionality in Randomized Control Trials: Considerations and Advice for Collaborative Research Teams
- Radical American Partisanship: Mapping Violent Hostility, Its Causes, and the Consequences for Democracy
- Effective for whom? Ethnic identity and nonviolent resistance
- Ideological asymmetries and the determinants of politically motivated reasoning
- Terrorism activates ethnocentrism to explain greater willingness to sacrifice civil liberties: evidence from Germany
- Deprovincializing racial capitalism: John Crawfurd and settler colonialism in India
- Executive accountability beyond outcomes: experimental evidence on public evaluations of powerful prime ministers
- The pandemic and gender inequality in academia
- How do electoral incentives affect legislator behavior? Evidence from US state legislatures
- The Trump effect: how 2016 campaign rallies explain spikes in hate
- Forecasting bloc support in German federal elections: A political-history model
- Many ways to be right: cross-pressured voters in Western Europe
- Real, but limited: A meta-analytic assessment of framing effects in the political domain
- The generalizability of online experiments conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Authoritarian rallying as reputational cascade? Evidence from Putin’s popularity surge after Crimea
- Racial Attitudes in America Today: One Nation, Still Divided
- Democracy in immigrant America
- Motivated reasoning and democratic accountability
- How gendered is the peer-review process? A mixed-design analysis of reviewer feedback
- The Effects of China’s Development Projects on Political Accountability
- The curious case of theresa may and the public that did not rally: Gendered reactions to terrorist attacks can cause slumps not Bumps
- A note on posttreatment selection in studying racial discrimination in policing
- Tabloid media campaigns and public opinion: Quasi-experimental evidence on Euroscepticism in England
- Land, Opportunism, and Displacement in Civil Wars: Evidence from Colombia
- Deliberative democracy in the age of serial crisis
- Sortition as Anti‐Corruption: Popular Oversight against Elite Capture
- The elite–citizen gap in international organization legitimacy
- Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies: Insights and Methods for Comparative Social Science
- Ambiguous Platforms and Correlated Preferences: Experimental Evidence
- Creating Climate Coalitions: Mass Preferences for Compensating Vulnerability in the World’s Two Largest Democracies
- Dreamworlds of Race: Empire and the utopian destiny of Anglo-America
- A Logical Model for Predicting Minority Representation: Application to Redistricting and Voting Rights Cases—ERRATUM
- Courting informal workers: exclusion, forbearance, and the left
- How war changes land: soil fertility, unexploded bombs, and the underdevelopment of Cambodia
- Politics of nostalgia and populism: Evidence from Turkey
- Conspiracy thinking in Europe and America: A comparative study
- All the news that’s fit to fabricate: AI-generated text as a tool of media misinformation
- Ascriptive Characteristics and Perceptions of Impropriety in the Rule of Law: Race, Gender, and Public Assessments of Whether Judges Can Be Impartial
- Democracy by deterrence: Norms, constitutions, and electoral tilting
- Strategic allocation of irrevocable and durable benefits
- Race, dehumanization, and the NFL national anthem protests
- Teacher unions, political machines, and the thorny politics of education reform in Latin America
- Who gets what: The economy, relative gains and Brexit
- Political Risk and International Investment Law
- How credit markets substitute for welfare states and influence social policy preferences: Evidence from US states
- Hate crimes and gender imbalances: fears over mate competition and violence against refugees
- Revealing issue salience via costly protest: How legislative behavior following protest advantages low-resource groups
- The origins of colonial investments in former British and French Africa
- Congressional representation: Accountability from the constituent’s perspective
- The American University, the Politics of Professors, and the Narrative of ‘Liberal Bias’
- From the margins to the center: A bottom-up approach to welfare state scholarship
- The Party-Line Pandemic: A Closer Look at the Partisan Response to COVID-19
- Crime victimization increases turnout: Evidence from individual-level administrative panel data
- Cyber terrorism and public support for retaliation–a multi-country survey experiment
- The growing rural-urban political divide and democratic vulnerability
- Do campaign contributions buy favorable policies? Evidence from the insurance industry
- If we build it, only some will come: An experimental study of mobilization for Seattle’s democracy voucher program
- Measuring attitudes toward public spending using a multivariate tax summary experiment
- Information about Coronavirus Exposure Effects Attitudes Towards Voting Methods
- Incentivizing embedded investment: Evidence from patterns of foreign direct investment in Latin America
- The state: theories and issues
- Retrospection, fairness, and economic shocks: How do voters judge policy responses to natural disasters?
- Greek political scientists under the crisis and the case of the Greek bailout referendum: an intellectual barricade protecting the status quo?
- Does process matter? Experimental evidence on the effect of procedural fairness on citizens’ evaluations of policy outcomes
- Pulled in and pushed out of politics: The impact of neoliberalism on young people’s differing political consumerist motivations in the UK and Greece
- UN Peacekeeping and Households’ Well‐Being in Civil Wars
- Political knowledge and misinformation in the era of social media: Evidence from the 2015 UK election
- The Majoritarian threat to liberal democracy
- The political system of the European Union
- When does accommodation work? Electoral effects of mainstream left position taking on immigration
- Navigating “Insider” and “Outsider” Status as Researchers Conducting Field Experiments
- Deepening or diminishing ethnic divides? The impact of urban migration in Kenya
- The Supreme Court as an electoral issue: evidence from three studies
- The Role of Communities in the Transmission of Political Values: Evidence from Forced Population Transfers
- Policy Deliberation and Voter Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from an Election in the Philippines
- The heightened importance of racism and sexism in the 2018 US midterm elections
- External threat environments and individual bias against female leaders
- Mutual optimism and war, and the strategic tensions of the July crisis
- The Death of the Democratic Advantage?
- Citizens’ attitudes to contact tracing apps
- Campaign expenditures and electoral outcomes in Israeli legislative primaries–A financial gender gap?
- Exposure and preferences: Evidence from indian slums
- Wikipedia Edit-A-Thons: Sites of Struggle, Resistance, and Responsibility
- Correcting citizens’ misperceptions about non-Western immigrants: corrective information, interpretations, and policy opinions
- Does accommodation work? Mainstream party strategies and the success of radical right parties
- Civic education in high school and voter turnout in adulthood
- Mass media and American politics
- Campaign finance transparency affects legislators’ election outcomes and behavior
- How can we trust a political leader? Ethics, institutions, and relational theory
- Constitutional rigidity matters: A veto players approach
- Transformed-likelihood estimators for dynamic panel models with a very small T
- The Other Divide: Polarization and Disengagement in American Politics
- Catching the ‘Deliberative Wave’? How (Disaffected) Citizens Assess Deliberative Citizen Forums
- Global capital cycles and market discipline: perceptions of developing-country borrowers
- Do Investor–State Disputes (Still) Harm FDI?
- Beaten ballots: Political participation dynamics amidst police interventions
- It’s All About Solidarity Stupid! How Solidarity Frames Structure the Party Political Sphere
- The diminishing value of representing the disadvantaged: Between group representation and individual career paths
- Birth order and voter turnout
- Loyalty in America
- Complex dependence in foreign direct investment: network theory and empirical analysis
- Reducing risk as well as inequality: Assessing the welfare State’s insurance effects
- Value shift: immigration attitudes and the sociocultural divide
- TIP for Tat: Political bias in human trafficking reporting
- Keystone Institutions of Democratic Governance Across Indigenous North America. Front
- Conflict, Protection, and Punishment: Repercussions of Violence in Eastern DR Congo
- Point break: using machine learning to uncover a critical mass in women’s representation
- Brazil: country on hold, political tension running high
- The dark triad and nascent political ambition
- Phantom Counterfactuals
- Citizen Forecasts of the 2021 German Election
- Have Europeans grown tired of democracy? New evidence from eighteen consolidated democracies, 1981–2018
- Multiracial identity and political preferences
- The launching of modern American science, 1846-1876
- Psychological roots of political consumerism: Personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott
- Where does the coronavirus come from? On the mechanisms underlying the endorsement of conspiracy theories on the origin of SARS-CoV-2
- Sortition, its advocates and its critics: An empirical analysis of citizens’ and MPs’ support for random selection as a democratic reform proposal
- Incumbents Beware: The Impact of offshoring on elections
- The grapevine effect in sensitive data collection: examining response patterns in support for violent extremism
- Competing principals? Legislative representation in list proportional representation systems
- How corruption investigations undermine regime support: evidence from China
- American origins: Political and religious divides in US collective memory
- The psychophysiology of political ideology: replications, reanalyses, and recommendations
- Migration theory: Talking across disciplines
- Disaggregating civility: Politeness, public-mindedness and their connection
- The effect of austerity packages on government popularity during the great recession
- Economy or austerity? Drivers of retrospective voting before and during the Great Recession
- De-Globalisierung: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven
- Analyzing the cross-national comparability of party positions on the socio-cultural and EU dimensions in Europe
- How government-controlled media shifts policy attitudes through framing
- The global political economy of development finance: myths and new realities in Latin American development finance
- Do disabled candidates represent disabled citizens?
- Process vs. outcome? How to evaluate the effects of participatory processes on legitimacy perceptions
- The political consequences of Indigenous resentment
- Why has Participatory Budgeting Declined in Brazil?
- The life cycle of conspiracy theories: evidence from a long-term panel survey on conspiracy beliefs in Italy
- Governmental responses to terrorism in autocracies: Evidence from China
- Government Responsiveness in Developing Countries
- Candidate filtering: the strategic use of electoral manipulations in Russia
- How populism dies: political weaknesses of personalistic plebiscitarian leadership
- Political Appointments and Outcomes in Federal District Courts
- Self-efficacy and citizen engagement in development: experimental evidence from Tanzania
- Explaining the relationship between class position and political preferences: a long-term panel analysis of intra-generational class mobility
- Management of common mental disorders should take place in primary health or specialized care? Clinical decisions of psychiatrists from Latin American …
- Thin-skinned leaders: regime legitimation, protest issues, and repression in autocracies
- ¿ Mejorando La Raza?: The Political Undertones of Latinos’ Skin Color in the United States
- The political economy of private legislatures
- Emigration and political contestation
- Which Historical Forecast Model Performs Best? An Analysis of 1965-2017 French Presidential Elections
- A new geography of civil war: a machine learning approach to measuring the zones of armed conflicts
- Gender and Family Ties in Latin American Legislatures
- Is there a partisan bias in the perception of the state of the economy? A comparative investigation of European countries, 2002–2016
- How many major US laws delegate to federal agencies?(almost) all of them
- The democratic potential of political consumerism: The effect of visibility bias and social stratification
- Public opinion on welfare state recalibration in times of austerity: Evidence from survey experiments
- Uncertainty and its Discontents: Worldviews in World Politics
- Gender gaps, partisan gaps, and cross-pressures: An examination of American attitudes toward the use of force
- Paranoid styles and innumeracy: implications of a conspiracy mindset on Europeans’ misperceptions about immigrants
- Democracy, autocracy, and everything in between: How domestic institutions affect environmental protection
- Introduction to political theory
- Democratic capacity: Election administration as bulwark and target
- Rethinking the study of electoral politics in the developing world: Reflections on the Indian case
- Faithful and fearless
- Central banking, democratic governance and political authority: the case of Brazil in a comparative perspective
- When autocrats threaten citizens with violence: Evidence from China
- Through their own eyes: The implications of COVID-19 for PhD students
- Civil society, realized: Equipping the mass public to express choice and negotiate power
- The Heaviest Drop of Blood: Black Exceptionalism Among Multiracials
- Mapping culture with latent class analysis: A response to Eger and Hjerm
- Right-wing YouTube: A supply and demand perspective
- Economic Opportunities, Emigration and Exit Prisoners
- The psychology of White nationalism: Ambivalence towards a changing America
- Proposing a Compensation Requirement for Audit Studies
- Word embeddings: What works, what doesn’t, and how to tell the difference for applied research
- The interaction of structural factors and diffusion in social unrest: evidence from the Swing riots
- The social consequences of political anger
- Restructuring large classes to create communities of learners
- Assessing data quality: an approach and an application
- What Have We Learned about Gender from Candidate Choice Experiments? A Meta-Analysis of Sixty-Seven Factorial Survey Experiments
- Authoritarianism and support for Trump in the 2016 presidential election
- Human trafficking: interdisciplinary perspectives
- Religious and conspiracist? An analysis of the relationship between the dimensions of individual religiosity and belief in a big pharma conspiracy theory
- The Politics of Distributing Social Transfers
- (Mis) estimating affective polarization
- Individual and collective outcomes of higher education: A comparison of Anglo-American and Chinese approaches
- The politics of nonpartisanship: A study of California city elections
- Foreign policy free agents: how lawmakers and coalitions on the political margins help set boundaries for US foreign policy
- Testing the Relationship between Land Approval and Promotion Incentives of Provincial Top Leaders in China
- From chatter to action: how social networks inform and motivate in rural Uganda
- Father land: A study of authoritarianism in the German family
- Improved Multilevel Regression with Poststratification through Machine Learning (autoMrP)
- Whitewashing race: The myth of a color-blind society
- The price of probity: anticorruption and adverse selection in the Chinese bureaucracy
- Democratic Hypocrisy and Out-group Threat: Explaining Citizen Support for Democratic Erosion
- The affective model of far‐right vote in Europe: Anger, political trust, and immigration
- Building research infrastructures to study digital technology and politics: Lessons from Switzerland
- Between technochauvinism and human-centrism: Can algorithms improve decision-making in democratic politics?
- Does homeownership influence political behavior? Evidence from administrative data
- Protest as one political act in individuals’ participation repertoires: Latent class analysis and political participant types
- Forbidden fruits: the political economy of science, religion, and growth
- Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories?
- The Problem of Migration and Approaches to Its Study
- Does conjoint analysis mitigate social desirability bias?
- Challenges to subnational democracy in the United States, past and present
- Political Euphemisms in English and Uzbek Languages (A Comparative Analysis)
- When science becomes embroiled in conflict: Recognizing the public’s need for debate while combating conspiracies and misinformation
- Reflecting on over 100 years of public administration education
- Education accountability: An analytic overview
- The political economy of the emergent agri-environmental transition in the US
- The Divided States of America: Why Federalism Doesn’t Work
- Charting Change in the City: Urban Political Orders and Urban Political Development
- Going in circles? The influence of the electoral cycle on the party behaviour in parliament
- Migration and Pandemics: Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception
- Abortion before birth control
- Social Media and Belief in Misinformation in Mexico: A Case of Maximal Panic, Minimal Effects?
- Something new on the Western front: Twenty years of interest group research (1999–2018)
- Globalization and the societal consensus of wealth tax cuts
- Economic statistics as political artefacts
- How conservatives lost confidence in science: the role of ideological alignment in political polarization
- Democratic network governance
- Who are identified as poor in rural China’s targeted poverty alleviation strategy? Applying the multidimensional capability approach
- US global military deployments, 1950–2020*
- Laboratories against democracy: How national parties transformed state politics
- Expressive survey responding: A closer look at the evidence and its implications for American democracy
- Constitutionalizing the corporation
- Trust in government
- Translating social science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations.
- How conspiracy theories can stimulate political engagement
- Understanding Global Migration
- Understanding, choosing, and unifying multilevel and fixed effect approaches
- Seeing the Visual: A Literature Review on Why and How Policy Scholars Would Do Well to Study Influential Visualizations
- Understanding the global patrimonial wave
- The end of the consolidation paradigm: a response to our critics
- The selected writings of Benjamin Rush
- When physicians spread unscientific information about COVID-19
- Space Security and the Transatlantic Relationship
- Steering
- Getting time right: Using Cox models and probabilities to interpret binary panel data
- Negativity and political behavior: a theoretical framework for the analysis of negative voting in contemporary democracies
- Using games and simulations to scaffold experiential learning in global politics
- The reputational consequences of polarization for American foreign policy: evidence from the US-UK bilateral relationship
- Fifty years of scholarly research on terrorism: Intellectual progression, structural composition, trends and knowledge gaps of the field
- Educational change and the political process
- Who punishes more? Partisanship, punitive policies, and the puzzle of democratic governors
- Politics, markets, and pandemics: Public education’s response to COVID-19
- Capitalist democracy on trial: The transatlantic debate from Tocqueville to the present
- The movement: a history of the American new left 1959-1972
- Digital humanities—A discipline in its own right? An analysis of the role and position of digital humanities in the academic landscape
- Race to the classroom: the governance turn in Latin American education. The emerging era of accountability, control and prescribed curriculum
- The conservative affirmation
- Antinormative messaging, group cues, and the Nuclear Ban Treaty
- The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?
- Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur: Visual Communication of Uncertainty in Election Polls
- Brahmin left versus merchant right: Changing political cleavages in 21 Western Democracies, 1948–2020
- Gender inequalities in political participation and political engagement among young people in Europe: Are young women less politically engaged than young men?
- Animal sentience
- A Micro Perspective on r> g
- Football vs. soccer: American warfare in an era of unconventional threats
- On capitalism
- Comparing Campaign Finance and Vote-Based Measures of Ideolog
- Theorizing policy diffusion: From a patchy set of mechanisms to a paradigmatic typology
- Partisan enclaves and information bazaars: Mapping selective exposure to online news
- Agricultural politics in the European community
- Shifting the color line
- The conditional politics of class identity: class origins, identity and political attitudes in comparative perspective
- Meta-analyses of fifteen determinants of public opinion about climate change taxes and laws
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework
- Affect and autocracy: Emotions and attitudes in Russia after crimea
- Investment banking in America
- Protest event analysis: Developing a semiautomated NLP approach
- ‘A contradiction between our state and the tobacco company’: conflicts of interest and institutional constraints as barriers to implementing Article 5.3 in …
- Political partisanship and transportation reform
- A decline in the social status of the working class? Conflicting evidence for 8 Western countries, 1987–2017
- From populism to neoliberalism: The political economy of Latin American import-substitution industrialization: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia in comparative …
- Spikes and variance: using Google Trends to detect and forecast protests
- A Note on Increases in Inattentive Online Survey-Takers Since 2020
- Can we be casual about being causal?
- The political impact of immigration: Evidence from the United States
- The first two laws of politics: Nannestad and Paldam’s “Cost of Ruling” revisited
- “Decolonizing” curriculum and pedagogy: A comparative review across disciplines and global higher education contexts
- Pensions in the Trenches: How Pension Spending Is Affecting US Local Government
- Seeking social justice through globalization
- The state on the streets
- The Politics of the President’s Immigration Rhetoric
- Dieselgate and Eurolegalism. How a scandal fosters the Americanization of European law
- Hybrid governance and the attribution of political responsibility: Experimental evidence from the United States
- Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations
- Estimating and using individual marginal component effects from conjoint experiments
- Avoiding a panglossian policy science: The need to deal with the darkside of policy-maker and policy-taker behaviour
- Gender in administrative ethics: Jane Addamss feminist pragmatist conception of democracy as social ethics
- The right men: How masculinity explains the radical right gender gap
- The decline of Arab oil revenues
- Using Conjoint Experiments to Analyze Election Outcomes: The Essential Role of the Average Marginal Component Effect (AMCE)
- Public Opinions About Paying College Athletes and Athletes Protesting During the National Anthem: A Focus on Race/ethnicity and Political Identities
- The resurgence of populism in Latin America
- When danger strikes: A linguistic tool for tracking America’s collective response to threats
- Switching sides but still fighting the Civil War in southern politics
- The Politics of Abortion in Latin America
- COVID-19: talk of ‘vaccine hesitancy’lets governments off the hook
- The Revolutionary City: Urbanization and the Global Transformation of Rebellion
- Exploring political personalities: The micro‐foundation of local policy innovation in China
- ME Sharpe Library of Franklin D. Roosevelt Studies: v. 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shaping of American Political Culture
- The political behavior of family firms: Evidence from Brazil
- Don’t think it’sa good idea! Four building sites of the ‘ideas school’
- Knowledge Co-Production in Scientific and Activist Alliances: Unsettling Coloniality
- Defiant scholarship: Dismantling coloniality in contemporary African geographies
- Inversions in US Presidential Elections: 1836–2016
- April 2022
- Understanding Bayesianism: fundamentals for process tracers
- Detroit: I do mind dying: A study in urban Revolution
- Toward a psychology of attitude conflict
- Police union political communications in Canada
- Beyond performance: Racial prejudice and Whites’ mistrust of government
- Sanctioning the homeland: Diasporas’ influence on American economic sanctions policy
- State-building and the European Union: Markets, War, and Europe’s Uneven political development
- The European revolutions and revolutionary waves of the 19th century: Their causes and consequences
- Who do you trust? The consequences of partisanship and trust for public responsiveness to COVID-19 orders
- Precarious times, professional tensions: The ethics of migration research and the drive for scientific accountability
- Accounting for skewed or one-sided measurement error in the dependent variable
- Racial conservatism, self-monitoring, and perceptions of police violence
- Comparing political regimes: A thematic introduction to comparative politics
- Beliefs about COVID-19 in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States: A novel test of political polarization and motivated reasoning
- The American presidents
- What forms of representation do American workers want? Implications for theory, policy, and practice
- Institutional theory
- A Time to Speak: The Story of a Young American Lawyer’s Struggle for His City—and Himself
- A New Era and New Concepts in the Study of Race in Public Administration
- Political turnover, bureaucratic turnover, and the quality of public services
- When do politicians use populist rhetoric? Populism as a campaign gamble
- Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Public Assistance, Monetary Sanctions, and Financial Double-Dealing in America
- Clarifying the structure and nature of left-wing authoritarianism.
- Psychological inoculation against misinformation: Current evidence and future directions
- Conspiracy theories and institutional trust: examining the role of uncertainty avoidance and active social media use
- The Political Effects of Immigration: Culture or Economics?
- Healing multicultural America: Mexican immigrants rise to power in rural California
- The politicization of health and science: Role of political cues in shaping the beliefs of the vaccine-autism link
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Trump’s Electoral Demise: The Role of Economic and Democratic Accountability
- Meeting the moment: Bioethics in the time of Black Lives Matter
- Fundamentalism and American culture
- Deadly Populism: How Local Political Outsiders Drive Duterte’s War on Drugs in the Philippines
- Health care in the United States: Organization, management, and policy
- 14 Science, Practice, and Gender Roles in Early American Child Psychology
- Do elites discriminate against female political aspirants? Evidence from a field experiment
- Criminalizing violence against women in politics: Innovation, diffusion, and transformation
- Follow the Money: Gender, incumbency, and campaign funding in Chile
- Environmental reproductive justice: intersections in an American Indian community impacted by environmental contamination
- Social media and political agenda setting