Multiple choice Question of Software Architecture
Multiple choice Question of Software Architecture
1. Which of the following factors are influenced on the architect?
A. Background and experience of the architects
B. Developing an organization
C. Customers and end users
D. All of the above
2. Seeheim model later evolve to _____________ model.
A. Slinky Model
B. Arch Model
c. None of the these
D. All of the above
3. Software design defines __________________.
A. Software design is an activity subjected to constraints
B. Software Design satisfies client needs and desires
C. Software Design specifies the nature and composition of software product
D. All of the above
4. How do architects influence on developing organization?
A. Long term business
B. Immediate business
C. Organization structure
D. All of the above
5. Which are the layers introduce in Arch Model?
A. Virtual Application
B. Virtual toolkit
C. All of the above
D. None of these
6. Structural design is solved by ___________.
a) The specification model following the data flow diagram
b) Specification model is a structure chart showing procedure calling hierarchy and flow of data in and out of procedures
c) Procedures represented as bubbles
d) Emphasizing procedural decomposition
7. Which one is true with regards to the architecture business cycle?
A. The architecture affects the structure of developing organizations
B. The architecture can affect the enterprise goals of the developing organizations
C. All of the Above
D. None of the these
8. The Slinky portion of model referred to __________________.
A. The ability to contract the allocation of functions to the components
B. The ability to expand the allocation of functions to the components
C. None of these
D. All of the above
9. Which one is false?
A. A software design method is an orderly procedure for providing software design solutions
B. A design notation is a symbolic representational system
C. A design heuristic is a rule proceeding guidance, with a guarantee for achieving some end
D. A process is a collection of related tasks that transforms a set of inputs to the set of output
10. __________________ includes in Architecture based process.
A. Analyzing or valuating the architecture
B. Understanding the requirements
C. Creating the business case for the system
D. All of the above
11. MVC evolves to ______________ model.
A. PAC Model
B. Slinky Model
C. Arch Model
D. None of the mentioned
12. What is false statement about structural design ?
A. The advantage is data flow representation
B. It follows Structure chart
C. The structural design introduced notations and heuristics
D. Structural design emphasis on procedural decomposition