Research Topics Atmosphere and environment

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Atmosphere and environment

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Oxidative degradation of phenols and substituted phenols in the water and atmosphere: a review
  2. A systematic literature review of store atmosphere in alternative retail commerce channels
  3. Dynamics of airborne microplastics, appraisal and distributional behaviour in atmosphere; a review
  4. Nucleation in the Mediterranean atmosphere
  5. Optimize Ni, Cu, Mo element of low Cr-steel rebars in tropical marine atmosphere environment through two years of corrosion monitoring
  6.  Influence of environment atmosphere on optical fiber strength
  7. Critical steps for microplastics characterization from the atmosphere
  8.  … coupled WRF-Hydro ensemble simulations in high mountain environment: Impact of boundary layer-and lateral flow parameterizations on land–atmosphere …
  9. Effect of temperature and ultraviolet radiation on corrosion behavior of carbon steel in high humidity tropical marine atmosphere
  10.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  11. Characterization of C-band laser transmitter through atmosphere in littoral environment
  12.  Venus II: Geology, geophysics, atmosphere, and solar wind environment
  13. The “atmosphere” of the human body
  14. Analytical advances to study the air–water interfacial chemistry in the atmosphere
  15. Effect of annealing time on the microstructure and SCC behavior of an austenite-based low-density steel in a marine atmosphere
  16. Advances in research on the pollution characteristics, mechanisms and sources of active reactive oxygen species in the atmosphere
  17. Spatiotemporal distribution and influencing factors of secondary organic aerosols in the summer atmosphere from the Bering Sea to the western North Pacific
  18. Intercomparison of OH radical measurement in a complex atmosphere in Chengdu, China
  19. Microporous modified atmosphere packaging to extend shelf life of fresh foods: A review
  20. Ground-Based Reactive Gas Observations Within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Network
  21.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  22. Reducing Mercury Emissions And Compounds In The Atmosphere In Accordance With The Minamata Convention on Mercury 2013
  23. Biomass hydrothermal conversion under CO2 atmosphere: A way to improve the regulation of hydrothermal products
  24. Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
  25. An Overview: PAH and Nitro-PAH Emission from the Stationary Sources and their Transformations in the Atmosphere
  26. Heat Transfer Performance of Water Evaporators with Different Channels and Fin Structures in Sub-Atmosphere Environment
  27. Optical Fiber Behavior Under Inert Atmosphere
  28. An experiment of double dynamic lighting in an office responding to sky and daylight: Perceived effects on comfort, atmosphere and work engagement
  29. Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment (LIAISE) Project: Overview of the Field Campaign intense phase
  30.  Bioaerosols in the atmosphere at two sites in Northern Europe in spring 2021: Outline of an experimental campaign
  31. Light pollution and the concentration of anthropogenic photons in the terrestrial atmosphere
  32.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  33. New insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in microplastic transfer from water to the atmosphere via bubble bursting
  34. Ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange from semiarid mangroves in the Gulf of California
  35. Molecular characteristics, sources and influencing factors of isoprene and monoterpenes secondary organic aerosol tracers in the marine atmosphere over the Arctic …
  36.  Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere of waste management infrastructures: Uncovering secondary fluorotelomer alcohols, particle size …
  37. Simulations of the Waroona fire using the coupled atmosphere–fire model ACCESS-Fire
  38. Recent development of intake devices for atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion system
  39.  Differentiation of closely related mineral phases in Mars atmosphere using frequency domain laser-induced plasma acoustics
  40. Terrestrial carbon cycle: a tipping edge of climate change between atmosphere and biosphere ecosystems
  41. Benzo (a) pyrene in the atmosphere and its carcinogenic risks to the health of the population of Irkutsk region cities
  42. Efficiency, by-product valorization, and pollution control of co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and waste solid adsorbents: Their atmosphere, temperature, and blend …
  43.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  44. Multivariate Urban Air Quality Assessment of Indoor and Outdoor Environments at Chennai Metropolis in South India
  45. Ammonia in urban atmosphere can be substantially reduced by vehicle emission control: A case study in Shanghai, China
  46. Analysis of Pandemic Atmosphere Pollution Data Using Virtual Sensors in São Paulo City
  47. Unraveling the properties of defective WS₂ monolayers in a controlled gas atmosphere: a theoretical study
  48. Simulation of solar neutron flux in the Earth’s atmosphere for three selected flares
  49. Assessing Green Solutions for Indoor and Outdoor Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development Needs Renewable Energy Technology
  50. Effects of natural and anthropogenic emissions on the composition and toxicity of aerosols in the marine atmosphere
  51. Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling in Urban Environment Using CFD: A Systematic Review
  52. A novel insight into green food preservation: Design of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP) based on gas barrier (GB)-gas conductor (GC) blending …
  53. A Systematic Literature Review on Controlled-Environment Agriculture: How Vertical Farms and Greenhouses Can Influence the Sustainability and Footprint of Urban …
  54.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  55.  Analysis of emissions-driven changes in the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere in Europe
  56. In-situ detection of sulfur in the atmosphere via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and single particle aerosol mass spectrometry technology
  57. Seastate-Dependent Sea Spray and Air-Sea Heat Fluxes in Tropical Cyclones: A New Parameterization for Fully Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
  58. Hydroponic System in a Controlled Atmosphere and Substrate: Case Study in Morocco
  59. … of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A new approach to investigate the 3D distribution of GEM in the lower atmosphere
  60. Magnetic Signatures of Large-Scale Electric Currents in the Earth’s Environment at Middle and Low Latitudes
  61. Revealing the dynamics of magnetosphere, atmosphere, and interior of solar system objects with the Square Kilometre Array
  62.  Laser-equipped gas reaction chamber for probing environmentally sensitive materials at near atomic scale
  63. CAMPYAIR, a New Selective, Differential Medium for Campylobacter spp. Isolation without the Need for Microaerobic Atmosphere
  64. Exploration of Atmosphere‐Only Model Deficiencies in Reproducing the 1992–2011 Pacific Trade Wind Acceleration
  65.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  66. The climatic role of interactive leaf phenology in the vegetation-atmosphere system of radiative-convective equilibrium storm-resolving simulations
  68. Pre-and Post-entry, Descent and Landing Assessment of the Martian Atmosphere for the Mars 2020 Rover
  69. Teleporting to the World of Online Shopping! Online Flow Experience and its Mediating Role between Virtual Store Atmosphere, Sales Promotions and Impulsive …
  70.  Size-dependent aerosol iron solubility in an urban atmosphere
  71. Evaluation of the environmental effects of dew evaporation based on the PSR model
  72. Modulation of the Precipitation Isotopes by the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Variables of the Atmosphere in Southern Parts of India
  73. The determination of low oxygen threshold in garlic scapes during controlled atmosphere storage
  74. Application of Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model for Hydrological Modeling in Mountainous Environment
  75. Study on the polystyrene plastic degradation in supercritical water/CO2 mixed environment and carbon fixation of polystyrene plastic in CO2 environment
  76.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  77. Systems of Systems: Architectural Atmosphere, Neuromorphic Architecture, and the Well-Being of Humans and Ecospheres
  78. Effect of Dust Types on the Eco-Physiological Response of Three Tree Species Seedlings: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Conocarpus erectus and Bombax ceiba
  79. The Varympompi 2021 (Athens, Greece) Extreme Wildfire: Insights from Coupled Fire–Atmosphere Numerical Simulations
  80.  Observing the Central Arctic Atmosphere and Surface with University of Colorado uncrewed aircraft systems
  81. Strong evidence for a weakly oxygenated ocean–atmosphere system during the Proterozoic
  82. Airborne microplastics: A review of current perspectives and environmental implications
  83.  Particulate nitrate photolysis in the atmosphere
  84. Effects of Temperature, Seasons, Atmosphere, and Climate on the Exacerbation of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  85. Monitoring of Gamma Radiation Prior to Earthquakes in a Study of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in Northern Tien Shan
  86. Evaluation of 137Cs, 133Xe and 3H activity concentrations monitored in the Arctic atmosphere
  87.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  88.  Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2, N2O, and CH4 from croplands
  89. Airborne Prokaryotic, Fungal and Eukaryotic Communities of an Urban Environment in the UK
  90. The Observed Impact of the South Asian Summer Monsoon on Land-Atmosphere Heat Transfers and Its Inhomogeneity over the Tibetan Plateau
  91. Interactions of Biosphere and Atmosphere within Longleaf Pine Restoration Areas
  92. Non-Invasive-Monitoring Methodology for the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts on Istrian Stone Surfaces in Venice
  93. Variability of thoron distribution in the surface atmosphere at Borok Geophysical Observatory
  94.  Chemical fate and transport in the environment
  95. A novel mid-infrared hollow waveguide gas sensor for measuring water vapor isotope ratios in the atmosphere
  96. Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere
  97. Rectified SiC-Fe2O3 heterostructures for high efficient activation and degradation of sulfur hexafluoride in air atmosphere
  98.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  99. The Influence of Price, Store Atmosphere and Food Product Quality on Buying Interest at Tootor Coffee Takengon
  100.  Secondary organic aerosols from OH oxidation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes as an important Si source in the atmosphere
  101.  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East …
  102. Drought: A common environmental disaster
  103. Thermal stability and high-temperature photoluminescence of chemical vapor deposited MoS2 in different atmosphere
  104.  … Climate Change. From the Master of Light to the Concept of ‘Atmosphere’ by Sigurd Bergmann, London, Routledge Environmental Series, 2020, GBP104
  105. Construction of gas permeable channel in poly (l-lactic acid) membrane and its control of the micro atmosphere in okra packaging
  106. Corrosion behavior of the low alloy weathering steels coupled with stainless steel in simulated open atmosphere
  107.  Long-term atmosphere surveillance (2016-2021) of PM2. 5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and health risk assessment in Yangtze River delta, China
  109.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  110. Experimental and numerical investigation on the geometric parameters of an open-to-atmosphere vortex-based solar particle receiver
  111. Assessment of the Performance of a Low-Cost Air Quality Monitor in an Indoor Environment through Different Calibration Models
  112. Improving the Thermal Comfort of an Open Space via Landscape Design: A Case Study in Hot and Humid Areas
  113. The Collective Construction of Technology; Re-Narrating the Bicycle Development in ANT Atmosphere
  114. Land use and land cover changes and their impacts on surface-atmosphere interactions in Brazil: A systematic review
  115. Insight into the combustion effect of the high-reactivity char particle on the low-reactivity char particle in a hot O2/CO2 atmosphere
  116. Can Environmental Regulation Reduce Urban Haze Concentration from the Perspective of China’s Five Urban Agglomerations?
  117. Compact Non-Dispersive Infrared Multi-Gas Sensing Platform for Large Scale Deployment with Sub-ppm Resolution
  118.  Global practical potential for metal–organic frameworks assisted atmosphere water harvesting
  119. Impact of PM10 Particles on the Measurement Error of SO2 Electrochemical Gas Sensor
  120.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  121. Atmosphere and Climate Evolution on Earth and Earth-like Planets
  122. A machine learning method trained by radiative transfer model inversion for generating seven global land and atmospheric estimates from VIIRS top-of-atmosphere …
  123. Primary nature of brown carbon absorption in a frigid atmosphere with strong haze chemistry
  124. Biogenic aerosol in central East Antarctic Plateau as a proxy for the ocean-atmosphere interaction in the Southern Ocean
  125. Oxidative Degradation of Pharmaceutical Waste, Theophylline, from Natural Environment
  126. Rich carbon vacancies facilitated solar light-driven photocatalytic hydrogen generation over g-C3N4 treated in H2 atmosphere
  127. Dust-Associated Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Indoor Multiple-Use and Public Transportation Facilities
  128. Realistic Forests and the Modeling of Forest‐Atmosphere Exchange
  129. Nano-remediation technologies for the sustainable mitigation of persistent organic pollutants
  130. A reconstruction of June–July temperature since AD 1383 for Western Sichuan Plateau, China using tree‐ring width
  131.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  132. Ecosystem Functions of the Atmosphere in the Sustainable Development of Urbanized Territories (a Case Study of the City of Ulan-Ude)
  133.  Long-term corrosion monitoring of carbon steels and environmental correlation analysis via the random forest method
  134. Research on the Fast-Response Air Pressure Sensor and Spectral Characteristics of the Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Atmosphere
  135. Storage of the Early Ripe Almonds under Modified Atmosphere to Preserve Kernel Qualitative and Sensory Traits
  136. Stable aqueous redox flow battery assembled in air atmosphere employing an anionic terpolymer as active cathode material
  137. Sintered Silicon Carbide composites deposited on zirconium alloy substrates in air and Ar atmosphere–Part I: Evaluation of scratch adhesion and tribology properties
  138. Modification of soy protein isolate using dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma assisted by modified atmosphere packaging
  139.  Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms and Auroral Substorms using the ions in the Upper Atmosphere & Upper Ionosphere
  140. Tensile creep properties and damage mechanisms of 2D-woven C/HfC-SiC composites in high-temperature oxidizing atmosphere
  141. Comment on “Extreme Level of CO2 Accumulation Into the Atmosphere due to the Unequal Global Carbon Emission and Sequestration” by MF Hossain
  142.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  143. Global Ionospheric Disturbance Propagation and Vertical Ionospheric Oscillation Triggered by the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption
  144. Additive omnichannel atmospheric cues: The mediating effects of cognitive and affective responses on purchase intention
  145. 3D printing of essential oil/β-cyclodextrin/popping candy modified atmosphere packaging for strawberry preservation
  146. The interaction of deep convection with the general circulation in Titan’s atmosphere. Part 2: Impacts on the climate
  147. Using an asymmetrical technique to assess the impacts of CO2 emissions on agricultural fruits in Pakistan
  148.  The influence and meaning of the birth environment for nulliparous women at a hospital-based labour ward in Sweden: An ethnographic study
  149. Application and Development Countermeasures of CCUS Technology in China’s Petroleum Industry
  151. The Effect of Family Emotional-Psychological Atmosphere on Suicide Attempt of Adolescents Referred to Hospitals in Hormozgan Province
  152. Influence of sintering atmosphere on phase, microstructure and mechanical properties of Li4Si0. 7Ti0. 3O4 tritium breeding ceramics
  153.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  154. Photochemical impacts on the toxicity of PM2.5
  155.  The Effect of Green Marketing, Brand Image, Store Atmosphere, and Quality of Service on Customer Loyalty at Bojongsari Starbucks
  156. Biomass Combustion: Evaluation of POPs Emissions (VOC, PAH, PCB, PCDD/F) from Three Different Biomass Prunings (Olive, Citrus and Grapevine)
  157. Topographical and Thermal Forcing in Favorable Circulation Pattern to Early Spring Precipitation over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
  158. Slow pyrolysis of cork granules under nitrogen atmosphere: by-products characterization and their potential valorization
  159. A Holistic Approach Based on Biomonitoring Techniques and Satellite Observations for Air Pollution Assessment and Health Risk Impact of Atmospheric Trace …
  160.  Do environmental pollutants carrier to COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-sectional analysis
  161.  Atmosphere in Urban Design: A Workplace Ethnography of an Architecture Practice
  162. … report of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in coral tissues and the surrounding air-seawater system from the South China sea: distribution, source, and environmental …
  163. Inhibitory effect of modified atmosphere packaging on Escherichia coli O157: H7 in fresh-cut cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and effectively maintain quality during …
  164.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  165. Tropospheric weather influenced by solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system
  166.  Understanding the atmosphere of hot Jupiter exoplanets: high resolution spectroscopy of ethylene in the 1.6 µm spectral region
  167. Measurement of Indoor-Outdoor Carbonyls in Three Different Universities Located in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico Valley during the First Period of Confinements …
  168. Thermospheric Density Perturbations Produced by Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances during August 2005 Storm
  169. Ionospheric Observation Using Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) Kototabang for the 26 December 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse Research
  170. Radiocarbon in the Atmosphere and Seawater in the South China Sea: Flux, Inventory and Air‐Sea CO2 Exchange Rate Tracing
  171. NIR observation of TOI-1235b, GJ 9827b and GJ 9827d: Absence of extended atmosphere in the radius-gap planets
  173. Effect of Odor-Treatment Biofilter on Bioaerosols from an Indoor Wastewater Treatment Plant
  174. Chloroform—An Emerging Pollutant in the Air
  175.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  176. Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations in Caves Protected as Nature Reserves and Related Gas Hazard
  177. Variable and Supersonic Winds in the Atmosphere of an Ultrahot Giant Planet
  178. Occurrence and distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of the Andean city of Medellin, Colombia
  179. Analysis and Correction of Polarization Response Calibration Error of Limb Atmosphere Ultraviolet Hyperspectral Detector
  180. Flow of light: balancing directionality and CCT in the office environment
  181. Atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interaction study in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan 2021 (北海道サロマ湖における大気–海氷–海洋相互作用研究について)
  182.  Storage of the Early Ripe Almonds under Modified Atmosphere to Preserve Kernel Qualitative and Sensory Traits. Agriculture 2022, 12, 974
  183. Morphology of char particles from coal pyrolysis in a pressurized entrained flow reactor: Effects of pressure and atmosphere
  184. A sulfuric acid nucleation potential model for the atmosphere
  185. Potassium doping carbon nitride: Dramatically enhanced photocatalytic properties for hydroxyalkylation of quinoxalin-2 (1H)‑ones with alcohol under air atmosphere
  186.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  187. Incorporation of Carbon Dioxide Production and Transport Module into a Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Model
  188. Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Optimization with L-Aspartic Acid in Air Atmosphere
  189. Black Carbon Emission Prediction of Diesel Engine Using Stacked Generalization
  190. Integration of machine learning to increase steam turbine condenser vacuum and efficiency through gasket resealing and higher heat extraction into the atmosphere
  191. The Dual Nature of Chaos and Order in the Atmosphere
  192. A Study on the Framework for Estimating Ship Air Pollutant Emissions—Focusing on Ports of South Korea
  193. Narratives and Benefits of Agricultural Technology in Urban Buildings: A Review
  194.  Atmosphere: Context and situational-aware collaborative IoT architecture for edge-fog-cloud computing
  195. The effects of hydrogen incorporation in modified atmosphere packaging on the formation of biogenic amines in cold stored rainbow trout and horse mackerel
  196. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on physicochemical properties of fresh‐cut ‘Deveci’pears
  197.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  198. Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson’s evolving science of organization
  199. Long duration flights in Venus’ atmosphere using passive solar hot air balloons
  200. A Rapid‐Ab/Desorption and Portable Photothermal MIL‐101 (Cr) Nanofibrous Composite Membrane Fabricated by Spray‐Electrospinning for Atmosphere Water …
  201. International Legal Protection of the Atmosphere and Ozone Layer: the Continuation of the History
  202.  Editorial for the Special Issue “Atmospheric Radon Measurements, Control, Mitigation and Management”
  203.  Impacts of an urban density gradient on land-atmosphere thermodynamic fluxes across seasonal timescales
  204.  Initial corrosion behavior and mechanism of 7B04 aluminum alloy under acid immersion and salt spray environments
  205. Evolution of solid-liquid coupling combustion characteristics of boron suspension fuel in O2/Ar atmosphere
  206.  Quantifying changes in ambient NOx, O3 and PM10 concentrations in Austria during the COVID-19 related lockdown in spring 2020
  207. ? Is Online Store Atmosphere a Determinant of Online Store Revisit Intention
  208.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  209.  Influence of Kuroshio Extension Variability on the North Pacific Atmosphere and Pacific Decadal Precession
  210. Analyzing Thermal Comfort Sensations in Semi-Outdoor Space on a University Campus: On-Site Measurements in Tehran’s Hot and Cold Seasons
  211. Mesoproterozoic oxygenation event: From shallow marine to atmosphere
  212. Micro‐Scale Plasma Instabilities in the Interaction Region of the Solar Wind and the Martian Upper Atmosphere
  213. Low-temperature organic solvent-based synthesis of amorphous porous carbon nanoparticles with high specific surface area at ambient atmosphere
  214. Passive Sampling as a Tool to Assess Atmospheric Pesticide Contamination Related to Vineyard Land Use
  215. Do the respiration pulses induced by drying–rewetting matter for the soil–atmosphere carbon balance?
  216. Tuning the coordination environment of single-atom catalyst MNC towards selective hydrogenation of functionalized nitroarenes
  217. The investigation into the different Co species over Silicalite-1 via modulating heat-treatment atmosphere for propane dehydrogenation
  218. Evaluation of the effectiveness of common indoor plants in improving the indoor air quality of studio apartments
  219.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  220. The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). II. Moist Cases—The Two Waterworlds
  221.  The environmental justice implications of the Paris low emission zone: a health and economic impact assessment
  222. Mercury cycling and isotopic fractionation in global forests
  223. UAV Inspection of Compliance of Fuel Sulfur Content of Sailing Ships in the Pearl River Delta, China
  224. Molecular Evolution of Nitrogen Dioxide on a Nanostructured Gold Surface in the Atmosphere by In Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
  225. Airborne Wear Particles from Dry Clutches
  226.  Hope as Atmosphere: An Existential-phenomenological and Inter-cultural Study into the Phenomenon of Hope
  227. The broad application and mechanism of humic acids for treating environmental pollutants: Insights from bibliometric analysis
  228.  Effect of Martian atmosphere on aerodynamic performance of supersonic parachute two-body systems
  229. The Italian Pathway for Energy Transition: From the Coal Phase Out to the Problems Related to Natural Gas
  230.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  231. Single-Particle Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosols: Applications of Raman Spectroscopy
  232.  Behavior of Sn-3.0 Ag-0.5 Cu Solder/Cu Fluxless Soldering via Sn Steaming under Formic Acid Atmosphere
  233. Status and prospects of atmospheric microplastics: A review of methods, occurrence, composition, source and health risks
  234. Estimating PM2.5 Concentrations Using an Improved Land Use Regression Model in Zhejiang, China
  235. CHESS: Measuring the Dynamics of Composition and Density of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere with CubeSats
  236. Mathematical modeling of oxygen levels in a controlled atmosphere store for preservation of apple fruits
  237.  Nexus between economic efficiency, healthcare, and environmental expenditures: a perspective of BRI countries
  238. Mitigation strategies of air pollutants for mechanical ventilated livestock and poultry housing—A review
  239. Plant-Atmosphere Heat Exchange During Wind Machine Operation for Frost Protection
  240. The unexpected oceanic peak in energy input to the atmosphere and its consequences for monsoon rainfall
  241.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  242. Satellite observations and modelling of hydrogen cyanide in the Earth’s atmosphere
  243. One-Time Deep Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer: A Potential Measure of Ammonia Mitigation in Grainland
  244. Understanding the Origin of Tabula Rasa-Induced Defects in N-Type Cz C-Si: The Case of Nitrogen Atmosphere
  245. Health Risks Associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Dustfall Collected from Universities in Wuhan, China
  246. The Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution Study (SeaSCAPE): Overview and Experimental Methods
  247. Contribution of Methanesulfonic Acid to the Formation of Molecular Clusters in the Marine Atmosphere
  248. Simultaneous Monitoring of Outdoor PAHs and Particles in a French Peri-Urban Site during COVID Restrictions and the Winter Saharan Dust Event
  249. Use of nitric oxide for ripening delay and oxidative stress reduction in Cavendish banana stored in a controlled atmosphere
  250. The Impact of Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Emissions in Southeast Asia on Southern China
  251. Characteristics of Photochemical Reactions with VOCs Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques on Data from Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations
  252.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  253. Environmental concern in the era of industrialization: Can financial development, renewable energy and natural resources alleviate some load?
  254. Seminal Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (SS-LSTM) Model for Forecasting Particulate Matter (PM2. 5 and PM10)
  255. Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review
  256.  Early Childhood Behavior Management Strategy based on Fun Learning Environment
  257.  Plastic pollution in the Arctic
  258. The Moderated Mediating Effects of Emotion on Restaurant Atmosphere, Perceived Quality, and Behavioral Intentions
  259.  A long-term atmospheric baseline for intercontinental exchange of airborne pathogens
  260.  Bioenergy: a foundation to environmental sustainability in a changing global climate scenario
  261. Applications of Coal Ash in the Production of Building Materials and Solving Environmental Problems
  262. Spatial Distribution, Material Composition and Provenance of Loess in Xinjiang, China: Progress and Challenges
  263.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  264. Equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging on postharvest quality and antioxidant activity of strawberry
  265. The Effect of Tourism Experience on Tourists’ Environmentally Responsible Behavior at Cultural Heritage Sites: The Mediating Role of Cultural Attachment
  266. Fully Dynamic High–Resolution Model for Dispersion of Icelandic Airborne Mineral Dust
  267. Experimental investigations on the performance of SI engine with Ethanol-Premium gasoline blends
  268.  Effect of storage conditions on the shelf-life extension of fungus-colonized substrates based on Metarhizium anisopliae using modified atmosphere packaging
  269.  Effects of ozone–vegetation interactions on meteorology and air quality in China using a two-way coupled land–atmosphere model
  270. Microplastics and environmental pollutants: key interaction and toxicology in aquatic and soil environments
  271.  Measurements from the University of Colorado RAAVEN Uncrewed Aircraft System during ATOMIC
  272.  Aging of tire and road wear particles in terrestrial and freshwater environments–a review on processes, testing, analysis and impact
  273. Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Neural Atmosphere
  274.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  275.  Bushfire smoke plume composition and toxicological assessment from the 2019–2020 Australian Black Summer
  276. … changing climate: Is the seasonal variation in seawater temperature a significant factor in establishing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere …
  277. Understanding physical and dynamical processes in the atmosphere of the Solar System planets with ground and space based observations
  278. Catalytic oxidative desulfurisation over Co/Fe-γAl2O3 catalyst: performance, characterisation and computational study
  279. Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Ground-Level Ozone Concentration Based on Bayesian Maximum Entropy by Combining Monitoring and Satellite Data
  280. Environmental limits to the space sector’s growth
  281. Shopping mall retailing: A bibliometric analysis and systematic assessment of Chebat’s contributions
  282. Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of Winter Fog in Amritsar: An Urban City of North-Western India
  283. The role of forest and agriculture towards environmental fortification: designing a sustainable policy framework for top forested countries
  284. Ambipolar Diffusion in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of a Sunspot
  285.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  286.  Road traffic nanoparticle characteristics: Sustainable environment and mobility
  287. Experimental study on fresh, mechanical properties and embodied carbon of concrete blended with sugarcane bagasse ash, metakaolin, and millet husk ash as …
  288. How do environmental regulations affect carbon emission and energy efficiency patterns? A provincial-level analysis of Chinese energy-intensive industries
  289.  Effect of cooking temperatures on meat quality, protein carbonylation and protein cross-linking of beef packed in high oxygen atmosphere
  290.  Martian moons exploration MMX: sample return mission to Phobos elucidating formation processes of habitable planets
  291. Exposure risk assessment to organic compounds based on their concentrations in return water from shale gas developments
  292. Non-Chemical Approaches to Control Postharvest Gray Mold Disease in Bell Peppers
  293. Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
  294. Agriculture, forestry, and environmental sustainability: the role of institutions
  295. Evaluating the Atmospheric Loss of H2 by NO3 Radicals: A Theoretical Study
  296.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  297. Chemical Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Particulate Matter from Household Activities in Bamako, Mali, Western Sub-Saharan Africa
  299. Structure Modification, Evolution, and Compositional Changes of Highly Conductive La:BaSnO3 Thin Films Annealed in Vacuum and Air Atmosphere
  300. Indoor air quality study in four Malaysian hospitals for centralized and non-centralized ACMV systems
  301. Tellurium biogeochemical transformation and cycling in a metalliferous semi-arid environment
  302. Land‐atmosphere interactions at a semi‐arid region in the Deccan Plateau
  303. Atmospheric deposition of Pb and Cd in the Cedrus atlantica for environmental biomonitoring
  304.  The Mars system revealed by the Martian Moons eXploration mission
  305. Enhanced impacts evaluation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2020) on atmospheric microplastics in South China Sea during the East Asian Summer Monsoon
  306. Air Quality Health Benefits of the Nevada Renewable Portfolio Standard
  307.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  308. Vortices and dust devils as observed by the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer instruments on board the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover
  309. A new strategy for selective fluorescence detection of benzaldehyde and nitrobenzene
  310. Developing a Catering Quality Scale for University Canteens in China: From the Perspective of Food Safety
  311. Real-time in-situ determination of total gaseous carbon in the atmosphere by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
  312. Sustainability dimensions in space tourism: The case of Finland
  313. Establishing an Air Quality Index Based on Proxy Data for Urban Planning Part 1: Methodological Developments and Preliminary Tests
  315. An investigation on fresh and hardened properties of concrete blended with rice husk ash as cementitious ingredient and coal bottom ash as sand replacement …
  316. Monitoring the Dynamic Changes in Vegetation Cover Using Spatio-Temporal Remote Sensing Data from 1984 to 2020
  317. Influence of Seasonal Air–Sea Interaction on the Interannual Variation of the NPP of Terrestrial Natural Vegetation in China
  318.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  319. Environmental Problems In The Development Of The Master Plan Of Settlements (In The Case Of The City Of Pop, Namangan Region Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan)
  320. Analyses on the Multimodel Wind Forecasts and Error Decompositions over North China
  321. A review of atmospheric individual particle analyses: Methodologies and applications in environmental research
  322. Importance of early fault diagnosis for marine diesel engines: a case study on efficiency management and environment
  323. Emerging microplastics in the environment: Properties, distributions, and impacts
  324. Vertical distribution of dust in the Martian atmosphere: OMEGA/MEx limb observations
  325. Assessment of Lockdown Effectiveness during COVID-19 Pandemic Using Air Pollution Data in Armenia in March–June 2019 and 2020: A Cross-Sectional Study
  326. Particulate matter accumulation and leaf traits of ten woody species growing with different air pollution conditions in Cheongju City, South Korea
  327.  Energy and the Environment
  328. The Effect of a Hybrid Pretreatment Device for CEMS on the Simultaneous Removal of PM2.5 and Water Vapor
  329.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  330. Inverse Estimation of Mars 2020 Entry Aeroheating Environments Using MEDLI2 Flight Data
  331. Chemical Compositions of Rainfall Water in Nyingchi City, Tibet
  332. Observations and Forecasts of Urban Transportation Meteorology in China: A Review
  333. Studying the Physics of Vertical Transfer of Emissions from Industrial Enterprises in the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere
  334. Technological innovation and environmental quality nexus in India: Does inward remittance matter?
  335.  Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping
  336. Effects of urbanization and nonrenewable energy on carbon emission in Africa
  337. Simulation of supersonic gas–particle flows expanding from the nozzle into rarefied atmosphere
  338.  A Study on Healthy Work Atmosphere on Social & Development and Application Value
  339. MUSIC MARVEL: Experience To Atmosphere: Making The Invisible Visible
  340.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  341. Radiation exposure in the lower atmosphere during different periods of solar activity
  342. Evaluating the thermal-radiative performance of ENVI-met model for green infrastructure typologies: Experience from a subtropical climate
  343. Insight into Source and Evolution of Oxalic Acid: Characterization of Particulate Organic Diacids in a Mega-City, Shanghai from 2008 to 2020
  344. Forecasting Crop Residue Fires in Northeastern China Using Machine Learning
  345. … growth, renewable energy use, urbanization, industrialization, technological innovation, and forest area towards achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh
  346. Oxy-fuel and air atmosphere combustions of Chinese medicine residues: Performances, mechanisms, flue gas emission, and ash properties
  347. Effects of salts and its mixing ratio on the corrosion behavior of 316 stainless steel exposed to a simulated salt-lake atmospheric environment
  348. Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks. A specific case study and methodological approach
  349. Signatures of strong magnetization and a metal-poor atmosphere for a Neptune-sized exoplanet
  350. Understanding the hazards induced by microplastics in different environmental conditions
  351.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  352. Construction of Cu-BTC by carboxylic acid organic ligand and its application in low temperature SCR denitration
  353. The Ionospheric Responses from Satellite Observations within Middle Latitudes to the Strong Magnetic Storm on 25–26 August 2018
  354.  Impact of heavy metals on the environment and human health: Novel therapeutic insights to counter the toxicity
  355. Environmental crises at the Permian–Triassic mass extinction
  356. The radiation environment of Ceres and implications for surface sampling
  357. Combination of ethrel and antiseptic medium flow of micro‐circulating improves shelf‐life quality of kiwifruit after long‐term controlled atmosphere storage
  358. Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation 2 Trajectory, Aerodynamics, and Atmosphere Reconstruction
  359. Airborne microplastic concentrations and deposition across the Weser River catchment
  360. … influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment–a …
  361. The effects of chitosan containing nano-capsulated Cuminum cyminum essential oil on the shelf-life of veal in modified atmosphere packaging
  362.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  363. Effect of pyrocarbon interphase texture and thickness on tensile damage and fracture in T‐700™ carbon fiber–reinforced silicon carbide minicomposites
  364. Modelling the role of eco innovation, renewable energy, and environmental taxes in carbon emissions reduction in E− 7 economies: Evidence from advance panel …
  365. Investigation on the corrosion behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo-W-xSi laser cladding coating in H2S corrosion environment
  366. Evaluating the Impact of Vehicular Aerosol Emissions on Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Formation Using Modeling Study
  367.  Mantle Hg isotopic heterogeneity and evidence of oceanic Hg recycling into the mantle
  368. Vertical distributions of aerosol microphysical and optical properties based on aircraft measurements made over the Loess Plateau in China
  369. Direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells powered by rice husk biochar
  370. Phthalates in the environment: characteristics, fate and transport, and advanced wastewater treatment technologies
  371. Dilution of concentrations of PAHs from atmospheric particles, bulk deposition to soil: A review
  372. The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). III. Simulated Observables—the Return of the Spectrum
  373.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  374. The influence of environmental and atmospheric variables on allergenic pollen
  375. The Sensitivity of Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Change across the Tibetan Plateau
  376. Comparative Analysis, Use Recommendations, and Application Cases of Methods for Develop Ship Emission Inventories
  377. Airborne Microplastics
  378. Does sustainable environmental agenda matter? The role of globalization toward energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emissions in South …
  379. Analysis of multi‐omics data on the relationship between epigenetic changes and nervous system disorders caused by exposure to environmentally harmful …
  380.  Exposure to particulate matter: direct and indirect role in the COVID-19 pandemic
  381. Association between Chronic Exposure to Ambient Air Pollutants, Demography, Vaccination Level, and the Spread of COVID-19 during 2021 Delta Variant Morbidity …
  382. A multi-functional NO2 gas monitor and self-alarm based on laser-induced graphene
  383. Structure-Tailored Surface Oxide on Cu–Ga Intermetallics Enhances CO2 Reduction Selectivity to Methanol at Ultralow Potential
  384.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  385.  First-year sea ice leads to an increase in dimethyl sulfide-induced particle formation in the Antarctic Peninsula
  386. Potential effect of SARS-CoV-2 on solar energy generation: Environmental dynamics and implications
  387. Diversification of copper complexes with 2, 2′-bipyridyl ligand bearing benzylthio groups due to the different gas atmosphere
  388.  Extension of the Shelf-Life of Fresh Pasta Using Modified Atmosphere Packaging and bioprotective cultures
  389. Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Temporal Variability Analysis from 2-Year of Continuous Observation in an Amazonian City of Brazil
  390. The Impact of Air Pollution on Pulmonary Diseases: A Case Study from Brasov County, Romania
  391. Towards a critical pedagogy of atmosphere in Social Work Education: Using Counter-Mapping to examine the emplaced Power relations of Practice
  392. Revisiting Total Particle Number Measurements for Vehicle Exhaust Regulations
  394. Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) from Photo-Oxidation of Toluene: 1 Influence of Reactive Nitrogen, Acidity and Water Vapours on Optical Properties
  395.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  396. Accelerated weathering of hydrophobized sands
  397. Fine particulate matter (PM2. 5/PM1. 0) in Beijing, China: Variations and chemical compositions as well as sources
  398. Qualities of the environment that support a sense of home and belonging in nursing homes for older people
  399. Understanding farmers’ intention and willingness to install renewable energy technology: A solution to reduce the environmental emissions of agriculture
  400. Forensic carbon accounting: Assessing the role of seaweeds for carbon sequestration
  401. Impact of renewable energy consumption, financial development and natural resources on environmental degradation in OECD countries with dynamic panel data
  402. Fresh insight through the VAR approach to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on environmental pollution in Pakistan
  403.  THM analysis of a soil drying test in an environmental chamber: The role of boundary conditions
  404. Educational Resources for Geoethical Aspects of Water Management
  405.  Impact of Lockdown on Environment
  406.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  407. Dry sliding behavior and particulate emissions of a SiC-graphite composite friction material paired with HVOF-coated counterface
  408. An isotopic strategy to investigate the role of water vapor in the oxidation of 1, 2-dichloroethane over the Ru/WO3 or Ru/TiO2 catalyst
  409. The relevance of economic freedom for energy, environment, and economic growth in Asia-Pacific region
  410. Characterization of Imidazole Compounds in Aqueous Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated from Evaporation of Droplets Containing Pyruvaldehyde and Inorganic …
  411. Critical review of microplastics removal from the environment
  412. The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard Aditya-L1
  413. Atmospheric Cd, Cr, and Zn deposition in several landscape plants in Mersin, Türkiye
  414.  The microplastic cycle: An introduction to a complex issue
  415. Contamination, exposure, and health risk assessment of Hg in Pakistan: A review
  416.  Assessment of medical waste generation, associated environmental impact, and management issues after the outbreak of COVID-19: A case study of the
  417.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  418. Seasonal Aspects of Radiative and Advective Air Temperature Populations: A Canadian Perspective
  419. The impact of coronal mass ejections and flares on the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HD189733b
  420. Retrieval of Soil Moisture from FengYun-3D Microwave Radiation Imager Operational and Recalibrated Data Using Random Forest Regression
  421. Experimental investigation of multiphase hydrodynamics of the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer within laboratory modelling
  422. Plant-based remediation of air pollution: A review
  423.  Recent advances in carbon dioxide geological storage, experimental procedures, influencing parameters, and future outlook
  424. The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment
  425. Corrosion mechanism of SS316L exposed to NaCl/Na2CO3 molten salt in air and argon environments
  426. Extreme Environmental Thermal Shock Induced Dislocation‐Rich Pt Nanoparticles Boosting Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
  427. Estimation of biomass and soil carbon stock in the hydroelectric catchment of India and its implementation to climate change
  428.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
  429.  … via the Direct Hydrogen Atom Transfer Process in Photochemical Visible-Light-Induced Synthesis of 2-Amino-4H-Chromene Scaffolds Under Air Atmosphere
  430. Crop Residue Burning and Its Relationship between Health, Agriculture Value Addition, and Regional Finance
  431. Applicability of statistical and machine learning–based regression algorithms in modeling of carbon dioxide emission in experimental pig barns
  432. Lightning Whistler Wave Speech Recognition Based on Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm
  433. Producing oxygen and fertilizer with the Martian atmosphere by using microwave plasma
  434. An integrated life cycle multi-objective optimization model for health-environment-economic nexus in food waste management sector
  435. Effect of hydrogen charging on SCC of 2205 duplex stainless steel with varying microstructures in simulated deep-sea environment
  436. Effects of Effective Precipitation and Accumulated Temperature on the Terrestrial EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) in the Yellow River Basin, China
  437. Arctic mercury cycling
  438. Analysis of Atmospheric Pollutants and Meteorological Factors on PM2.5 Concentration and Temporal Variations in Harbin
  439.  The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience