Research Area/ Research Interest: Atmosphere and environment
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Oxidative degradation of phenols and substituted phenols in the water and atmosphere: a review
- A systematic literature review of store atmosphere in alternative retail commerce channels
- Dynamics of airborne microplastics, appraisal and distributional behaviour in atmosphere; a review
- Nucleation in the Mediterranean atmosphere
- Optimize Ni, Cu, Mo element of low Cr-steel rebars in tropical marine atmosphere environment through two years of corrosion monitoring
- Influence of environment atmosphere on optical fiber strength
- Critical steps for microplastics characterization from the atmosphere
- … coupled WRF-Hydro ensemble simulations in high mountain environment: Impact of boundary layer-and lateral flow parameterizations on land–atmosphere …
- Effect of temperature and ultraviolet radiation on corrosion behavior of carbon steel in high humidity tropical marine atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Characterization of C-band laser transmitter through atmosphere in littoral environment
- Venus II: Geology, geophysics, atmosphere, and solar wind environment
- The “atmosphere” of the human body
- Analytical advances to study the air–water interfacial chemistry in the atmosphere
- Effect of annealing time on the microstructure and SCC behavior of an austenite-based low-density steel in a marine atmosphere
- Advances in research on the pollution characteristics, mechanisms and sources of active reactive oxygen species in the atmosphere
- Spatiotemporal distribution and influencing factors of secondary organic aerosols in the summer atmosphere from the Bering Sea to the western North Pacific
- Intercomparison of OH radical measurement in a complex atmosphere in Chengdu, China
- Microporous modified atmosphere packaging to extend shelf life of fresh foods: A review
- Ground-Based Reactive Gas Observations Within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Network
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Reducing Mercury Emissions And Compounds In The Atmosphere In Accordance With The Minamata Convention on Mercury 2013
- Biomass hydrothermal conversion under CO2 atmosphere: A way to improve the regulation of hydrothermal products
- Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
- An Overview: PAH and Nitro-PAH Emission from the Stationary Sources and their Transformations in the Atmosphere
- Heat Transfer Performance of Water Evaporators with Different Channels and Fin Structures in Sub-Atmosphere Environment
- Optical Fiber Behavior Under Inert Atmosphere
- An experiment of double dynamic lighting in an office responding to sky and daylight: Perceived effects on comfort, atmosphere and work engagement
- Land surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-arid Environment (LIAISE) Project: Overview of the Field Campaign intense phase
- Bioaerosols in the atmosphere at two sites in Northern Europe in spring 2021: Outline of an experimental campaign
- Light pollution and the concentration of anthropogenic photons in the terrestrial atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- New insights into the role of marine plastic-gels in microplastic transfer from water to the atmosphere via bubble bursting
- Ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange from semiarid mangroves in the Gulf of California
- Molecular characteristics, sources and influencing factors of isoprene and monoterpenes secondary organic aerosol tracers in the marine atmosphere over the Arctic …
- Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the atmosphere of waste management infrastructures: Uncovering secondary fluorotelomer alcohols, particle size …
- Simulations of the Waroona fire using the coupled atmosphere–fire model ACCESS-Fire
- Recent development of intake devices for atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion system
- Differentiation of closely related mineral phases in Mars atmosphere using frequency domain laser-induced plasma acoustics
- Terrestrial carbon cycle: a tipping edge of climate change between atmosphere and biosphere ecosystems
- Benzo (a) pyrene in the atmosphere and its carcinogenic risks to the health of the population of Irkutsk region cities
- Efficiency, by-product valorization, and pollution control of co-pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and waste solid adsorbents: Their atmosphere, temperature, and blend …
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Multivariate Urban Air Quality Assessment of Indoor and Outdoor Environments at Chennai Metropolis in South India
- Ammonia in urban atmosphere can be substantially reduced by vehicle emission control: A case study in Shanghai, China
- Analysis of Pandemic Atmosphere Pollution Data Using Virtual Sensors in São Paulo City
- Unraveling the properties of defective WS₂ monolayers in a controlled gas atmosphere: a theoretical study
- Simulation of solar neutron flux in the Earth’s atmosphere for three selected flares
- Assessing Green Solutions for Indoor and Outdoor Environmental Quality: Sustainable Development Needs Renewable Energy Technology
- Effects of natural and anthropogenic emissions on the composition and toxicity of aerosols in the marine atmosphere
- Air Pollution Dispersion Modelling in Urban Environment Using CFD: A Systematic Review
- A novel insight into green food preservation: Design of equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging (EMAP) based on gas barrier (GB)-gas conductor (GC) blending …
- A Systematic Literature Review on Controlled-Environment Agriculture: How Vertical Farms and Greenhouses Can Influence the Sustainability and Footprint of Urban …
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Analysis of emissions-driven changes in the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere in Europe
- In-situ detection of sulfur in the atmosphere via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and single particle aerosol mass spectrometry technology
- Seastate-Dependent Sea Spray and Air-Sea Heat Fluxes in Tropical Cyclones: A New Parameterization for Fully Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
- Hydroponic System in a Controlled Atmosphere and Substrate: Case Study in Morocco
- … of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A new approach to investigate the 3D distribution of GEM in the lower atmosphere
- Magnetic Signatures of Large-Scale Electric Currents in the Earth’s Environment at Middle and Low Latitudes
- Revealing the dynamics of magnetosphere, atmosphere, and interior of solar system objects with the Square Kilometre Array
- Laser-equipped gas reaction chamber for probing environmentally sensitive materials at near atomic scale
- CAMPYAIR, a New Selective, Differential Medium for Campylobacter spp. Isolation without the Need for Microaerobic Atmosphere
- Exploration of Atmosphere‐Only Model Deficiencies in Reproducing the 1992–2011 Pacific Trade Wind Acceleration
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The climatic role of interactive leaf phenology in the vegetation-atmosphere system of radiative-convective equilibrium storm-resolving simulations
- Pre-and Post-entry, Descent and Landing Assessment of the Martian Atmosphere for the Mars 2020 Rover
- Teleporting to the World of Online Shopping! Online Flow Experience and its Mediating Role between Virtual Store Atmosphere, Sales Promotions and Impulsive …
- Size-dependent aerosol iron solubility in an urban atmosphere
- Evaluation of the environmental effects of dew evaporation based on the PSR model
- Modulation of the Precipitation Isotopes by the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Variables of the Atmosphere in Southern Parts of India
- The determination of low oxygen threshold in garlic scapes during controlled atmosphere storage
- Application of Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model for Hydrological Modeling in Mountainous Environment
- Study on the polystyrene plastic degradation in supercritical water/CO2 mixed environment and carbon fixation of polystyrene plastic in CO2 environment
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Systems of Systems: Architectural Atmosphere, Neuromorphic Architecture, and the Well-Being of Humans and Ecospheres
- Effect of Dust Types on the Eco-Physiological Response of Three Tree Species Seedlings: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Conocarpus erectus and Bombax ceiba
- The Varympompi 2021 (Athens, Greece) Extreme Wildfire: Insights from Coupled Fire–Atmosphere Numerical Simulations
- Observing the Central Arctic Atmosphere and Surface with University of Colorado uncrewed aircraft systems
- Strong evidence for a weakly oxygenated ocean–atmosphere system during the Proterozoic
- Airborne microplastics: A review of current perspectives and environmental implications
- Particulate nitrate photolysis in the atmosphere
- Effects of Temperature, Seasons, Atmosphere, and Climate on the Exacerbation of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Monitoring of Gamma Radiation Prior to Earthquakes in a Study of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in Northern Tien Shan
- Evaluation of 137Cs, 133Xe and 3H activity concentrations monitored in the Arctic atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2, N2O, and CH4 from croplands
- Airborne Prokaryotic, Fungal and Eukaryotic Communities of an Urban Environment in the UK
- The Observed Impact of the South Asian Summer Monsoon on Land-Atmosphere Heat Transfers and Its Inhomogeneity over the Tibetan Plateau
- Interactions of Biosphere and Atmosphere within Longleaf Pine Restoration Areas
- Non-Invasive-Monitoring Methodology for the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts on Istrian Stone Surfaces in Venice
- Variability of thoron distribution in the surface atmosphere at Borok Geophysical Observatory
- Chemical fate and transport in the environment
- A novel mid-infrared hollow waveguide gas sensor for measuring water vapor isotope ratios in the atmosphere
- Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere
- Rectified SiC-Fe2O3 heterostructures for high efficient activation and degradation of sulfur hexafluoride in air atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The Influence of Price, Store Atmosphere and Food Product Quality on Buying Interest at Tootor Coffee Takengon
- Secondary organic aerosols from OH oxidation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes as an important Si source in the atmosphere
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated, nitrated and oxygenated derivatives in the atmosphere over the Mediterranean and Middle East …
- Drought: A common environmental disaster
- Thermal stability and high-temperature photoluminescence of chemical vapor deposited MoS2 in different atmosphere
- … Climate Change. From the Master of Light to the Concept of ‘Atmosphere’ by Sigurd Bergmann, London, Routledge Environmental Series, 2020, GBP104
- Construction of gas permeable channel in poly (l-lactic acid) membrane and its control of the micro atmosphere in okra packaging
- Corrosion behavior of the low alloy weathering steels coupled with stainless steel in simulated open atmosphere
- Long-term atmosphere surveillance (2016-2021) of PM2. 5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and health risk assessment in Yangtze River delta, China
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Experimental and numerical investigation on the geometric parameters of an open-to-atmosphere vortex-based solar particle receiver
- Assessment of the Performance of a Low-Cost Air Quality Monitor in an Indoor Environment through Different Calibration Models
- Improving the Thermal Comfort of an Open Space via Landscape Design: A Case Study in Hot and Humid Areas
- The Collective Construction of Technology; Re-Narrating the Bicycle Development in ANT Atmosphere
- Land use and land cover changes and their impacts on surface-atmosphere interactions in Brazil: A systematic review
- Insight into the combustion effect of the high-reactivity char particle on the low-reactivity char particle in a hot O2/CO2 atmosphere
- Can Environmental Regulation Reduce Urban Haze Concentration from the Perspective of China’s Five Urban Agglomerations?
- Compact Non-Dispersive Infrared Multi-Gas Sensing Platform for Large Scale Deployment with Sub-ppm Resolution
- Global practical potential for metal–organic frameworks assisted atmosphere water harvesting
- Impact of PM10 Particles on the Measurement Error of SO2 Electrochemical Gas Sensor
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Atmosphere and Climate Evolution on Earth and Earth-like Planets
- A machine learning method trained by radiative transfer model inversion for generating seven global land and atmospheric estimates from VIIRS top-of-atmosphere …
- Primary nature of brown carbon absorption in a frigid atmosphere with strong haze chemistry
- Biogenic aerosol in central East Antarctic Plateau as a proxy for the ocean-atmosphere interaction in the Southern Ocean
- Oxidative Degradation of Pharmaceutical Waste, Theophylline, from Natural Environment
- Rich carbon vacancies facilitated solar light-driven photocatalytic hydrogen generation over g-C3N4 treated in H2 atmosphere
- Dust-Associated Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Indoor Multiple-Use and Public Transportation Facilities
- Realistic Forests and the Modeling of Forest‐Atmosphere Exchange
- Nano-remediation technologies for the sustainable mitigation of persistent organic pollutants
- A reconstruction of June–July temperature since AD 1383 for Western Sichuan Plateau, China using tree‐ring width
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Ecosystem Functions of the Atmosphere in the Sustainable Development of Urbanized Territories (a Case Study of the City of Ulan-Ude)
- Long-term corrosion monitoring of carbon steels and environmental correlation analysis via the random forest method
- Research on the Fast-Response Air Pressure Sensor and Spectral Characteristics of the Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Atmosphere
- Storage of the Early Ripe Almonds under Modified Atmosphere to Preserve Kernel Qualitative and Sensory Traits
- Stable aqueous redox flow battery assembled in air atmosphere employing an anionic terpolymer as active cathode material
- Sintered Silicon Carbide composites deposited on zirconium alloy substrates in air and Ar atmosphere–Part I: Evaluation of scratch adhesion and tribology properties
- Modification of soy protein isolate using dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma assisted by modified atmosphere packaging
- Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms and Auroral Substorms using the ions in the Upper Atmosphere & Upper Ionosphere
- Tensile creep properties and damage mechanisms of 2D-woven C/HfC-SiC composites in high-temperature oxidizing atmosphere
- Comment on “Extreme Level of CO2 Accumulation Into the Atmosphere due to the Unequal Global Carbon Emission and Sequestration” by MF Hossain
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Global Ionospheric Disturbance Propagation and Vertical Ionospheric Oscillation Triggered by the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption
- Additive omnichannel atmospheric cues: The mediating effects of cognitive and affective responses on purchase intention
- 3D printing of essential oil/β-cyclodextrin/popping candy modified atmosphere packaging for strawberry preservation
- The interaction of deep convection with the general circulation in Titan’s atmosphere. Part 2: Impacts on the climate
- Using an asymmetrical technique to assess the impacts of CO2 emissions on agricultural fruits in Pakistan
- The influence and meaning of the birth environment for nulliparous women at a hospital-based labour ward in Sweden: An ethnographic study
- Application and Development Countermeasures of CCUS Technology in China’s Petroleum Industry
- The Effect of Family Emotional-Psychological Atmosphere on Suicide Attempt of Adolescents Referred to Hospitals in Hormozgan Province
- Influence of sintering atmosphere on phase, microstructure and mechanical properties of Li4Si0. 7Ti0. 3O4 tritium breeding ceramics
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Photochemical impacts on the toxicity of PM2.5
- The Effect of Green Marketing, Brand Image, Store Atmosphere, and Quality of Service on Customer Loyalty at Bojongsari Starbucks
- Biomass Combustion: Evaluation of POPs Emissions (VOC, PAH, PCB, PCDD/F) from Three Different Biomass Prunings (Olive, Citrus and Grapevine)
- Topographical and Thermal Forcing in Favorable Circulation Pattern to Early Spring Precipitation over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Slow pyrolysis of cork granules under nitrogen atmosphere: by-products characterization and their potential valorization
- A Holistic Approach Based on Biomonitoring Techniques and Satellite Observations for Air Pollution Assessment and Health Risk Impact of Atmospheric Trace …
- Do environmental pollutants carrier to COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-sectional analysis
- Atmosphere in Urban Design: A Workplace Ethnography of an Architecture Practice
- … report of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in coral tissues and the surrounding air-seawater system from the South China sea: distribution, source, and environmental …
- Inhibitory effect of modified atmosphere packaging on Escherichia coli O157: H7 in fresh-cut cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.) and effectively maintain quality during …
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Tropospheric weather influenced by solar wind coupling to the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system
- Understanding the atmosphere of hot Jupiter exoplanets: high resolution spectroscopy of ethylene in the 1.6 µm spectral region
- Measurement of Indoor-Outdoor Carbonyls in Three Different Universities Located in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico Valley during the First Period of Confinements …
- Thermospheric Density Perturbations Produced by Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances during August 2005 Storm
- Ionospheric Observation Using Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) Kototabang for the 26 December 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse Research
- Radiocarbon in the Atmosphere and Seawater in the South China Sea: Flux, Inventory and Air‐Sea CO2 Exchange Rate Tracing
- NIR observation of TOI-1235b, GJ 9827b and GJ 9827d: Absence of extended atmosphere in the radius-gap planets
- Effect of Odor-Treatment Biofilter on Bioaerosols from an Indoor Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Chloroform—An Emerging Pollutant in the Air
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations in Caves Protected as Nature Reserves and Related Gas Hazard
- Variable and Supersonic Winds in the Atmosphere of an Ultrahot Giant Planet
- Occurrence and distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the atmosphere of the Andean city of Medellin, Colombia
- Analysis and Correction of Polarization Response Calibration Error of Limb Atmosphere Ultraviolet Hyperspectral Detector
- Flow of light: balancing directionality and CCT in the office environment
- Atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interaction study in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, Japan 2021 (北海道サロマ湖における大気–海氷–海洋相互作用研究について)
- Storage of the Early Ripe Almonds under Modified Atmosphere to Preserve Kernel Qualitative and Sensory Traits. Agriculture 2022, 12, 974
- Morphology of char particles from coal pyrolysis in a pressurized entrained flow reactor: Effects of pressure and atmosphere
- A sulfuric acid nucleation potential model for the atmosphere
- Potassium doping carbon nitride: Dramatically enhanced photocatalytic properties for hydroxyalkylation of quinoxalin-2 (1H)‑ones with alcohol under air atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Incorporation of Carbon Dioxide Production and Transport Module into a Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Model
- Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Optimization with L-Aspartic Acid in Air Atmosphere
- Black Carbon Emission Prediction of Diesel Engine Using Stacked Generalization
- Integration of machine learning to increase steam turbine condenser vacuum and efficiency through gasket resealing and higher heat extraction into the atmosphere
- The Dual Nature of Chaos and Order in the Atmosphere
- A Study on the Framework for Estimating Ship Air Pollutant Emissions—Focusing on Ports of South Korea
- Narratives and Benefits of Agricultural Technology in Urban Buildings: A Review
- Atmosphere: Context and situational-aware collaborative IoT architecture for edge-fog-cloud computing
- The effects of hydrogen incorporation in modified atmosphere packaging on the formation of biogenic amines in cold stored rainbow trout and horse mackerel
- Effects of modified atmosphere packaging on physicochemical properties of fresh‐cut ‘Deveci’pears
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson’s evolving science of organization
- Long duration flights in Venus’ atmosphere using passive solar hot air balloons
- A Rapid‐Ab/Desorption and Portable Photothermal MIL‐101 (Cr) Nanofibrous Composite Membrane Fabricated by Spray‐Electrospinning for Atmosphere Water …
- International Legal Protection of the Atmosphere and Ozone Layer: the Continuation of the History
- Editorial for the Special Issue “Atmospheric Radon Measurements, Control, Mitigation and Management”
- Impacts of an urban density gradient on land-atmosphere thermodynamic fluxes across seasonal timescales
- Initial corrosion behavior and mechanism of 7B04 aluminum alloy under acid immersion and salt spray environments
- Evolution of solid-liquid coupling combustion characteristics of boron suspension fuel in O2/Ar atmosphere
- Quantifying changes in ambient NOx, O3 and PM10 concentrations in Austria during the COVID-19 related lockdown in spring 2020
- ? Is Online Store Atmosphere a Determinant of Online Store Revisit Intention
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Influence of Kuroshio Extension Variability on the North Pacific Atmosphere and Pacific Decadal Precession
- Analyzing Thermal Comfort Sensations in Semi-Outdoor Space on a University Campus: On-Site Measurements in Tehran’s Hot and Cold Seasons
- Mesoproterozoic oxygenation event: From shallow marine to atmosphere
- Micro‐Scale Plasma Instabilities in the Interaction Region of the Solar Wind and the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Low-temperature organic solvent-based synthesis of amorphous porous carbon nanoparticles with high specific surface area at ambient atmosphere
- Passive Sampling as a Tool to Assess Atmospheric Pesticide Contamination Related to Vineyard Land Use
- Do the respiration pulses induced by drying–rewetting matter for the soil–atmosphere carbon balance?
- Tuning the coordination environment of single-atom catalyst MNC towards selective hydrogenation of functionalized nitroarenes
- The investigation into the different Co species over Silicalite-1 via modulating heat-treatment atmosphere for propane dehydrogenation
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of common indoor plants in improving the indoor air quality of studio apartments
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). II. Moist Cases—The Two Waterworlds
- The environmental justice implications of the Paris low emission zone: a health and economic impact assessment
- Mercury cycling and isotopic fractionation in global forests
- UAV Inspection of Compliance of Fuel Sulfur Content of Sailing Ships in the Pearl River Delta, China
- Molecular Evolution of Nitrogen Dioxide on a Nanostructured Gold Surface in the Atmosphere by In Situ Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
- Airborne Wear Particles from Dry Clutches
- Hope as Atmosphere: An Existential-phenomenological and Inter-cultural Study into the Phenomenon of Hope
- The broad application and mechanism of humic acids for treating environmental pollutants: Insights from bibliometric analysis
- Effect of Martian atmosphere on aerodynamic performance of supersonic parachute two-body systems
- The Italian Pathway for Energy Transition: From the Coal Phase Out to the Problems Related to Natural Gas
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Single-Particle Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosols: Applications of Raman Spectroscopy
- Behavior of Sn-3.0 Ag-0.5 Cu Solder/Cu Fluxless Soldering via Sn Steaming under Formic Acid Atmosphere
- Status and prospects of atmospheric microplastics: A review of methods, occurrence, composition, source and health risks
- Estimating PM2.5 Concentrations Using an Improved Land Use Regression Model in Zhejiang, China
- CHESS: Measuring the Dynamics of Composition and Density of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere with CubeSats
- Mathematical modeling of oxygen levels in a controlled atmosphere store for preservation of apple fruits
- Nexus between economic efficiency, healthcare, and environmental expenditures: a perspective of BRI countries
- Mitigation strategies of air pollutants for mechanical ventilated livestock and poultry housing—A review
- Plant-Atmosphere Heat Exchange During Wind Machine Operation for Frost Protection
- The unexpected oceanic peak in energy input to the atmosphere and its consequences for monsoon rainfall
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Satellite observations and modelling of hydrogen cyanide in the Earth’s atmosphere
- One-Time Deep Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer: A Potential Measure of Ammonia Mitigation in Grainland
- Understanding the Origin of Tabula Rasa-Induced Defects in N-Type Cz C-Si: The Case of Nitrogen Atmosphere
- Health Risks Associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Dustfall Collected from Universities in Wuhan, China
- The Sea Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution Study (SeaSCAPE): Overview and Experimental Methods
- Contribution of Methanesulfonic Acid to the Formation of Molecular Clusters in the Marine Atmosphere
- Simultaneous Monitoring of Outdoor PAHs and Particles in a French Peri-Urban Site during COVID Restrictions and the Winter Saharan Dust Event
- Use of nitric oxide for ripening delay and oxidative stress reduction in Cavendish banana stored in a controlled atmosphere
- The Impact of Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Emissions in Southeast Asia on Southern China
- Characteristics of Photochemical Reactions with VOCs Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques on Data from Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Environmental concern in the era of industrialization: Can financial development, renewable energy and natural resources alleviate some load?
- Seminal Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (SS-LSTM) Model for Forecasting Particulate Matter (PM2. 5 and PM10)
- Tropical and Boreal Forest Atmosphere Interactions: A Review
- Early Childhood Behavior Management Strategy based on Fun Learning Environment
- Plastic pollution in the Arctic
- The Moderated Mediating Effects of Emotion on Restaurant Atmosphere, Perceived Quality, and Behavioral Intentions
- A long-term atmospheric baseline for intercontinental exchange of airborne pathogens
- Bioenergy: a foundation to environmental sustainability in a changing global climate scenario
- Applications of Coal Ash in the Production of Building Materials and Solving Environmental Problems
- Spatial Distribution, Material Composition and Provenance of Loess in Xinjiang, China: Progress and Challenges
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Equilibrium modified atmosphere packaging on postharvest quality and antioxidant activity of strawberry
- The Effect of Tourism Experience on Tourists’ Environmentally Responsible Behavior at Cultural Heritage Sites: The Mediating Role of Cultural Attachment
- Fully Dynamic High–Resolution Model for Dispersion of Icelandic Airborne Mineral Dust
- Experimental investigations on the performance of SI engine with Ethanol-Premium gasoline blends
- Effect of storage conditions on the shelf-life extension of fungus-colonized substrates based on Metarhizium anisopliae using modified atmosphere packaging
- Effects of ozone–vegetation interactions on meteorology and air quality in China using a two-way coupled land–atmosphere model
- Microplastics and environmental pollutants: key interaction and toxicology in aquatic and soil environments
- Measurements from the University of Colorado RAAVEN Uncrewed Aircraft System during ATOMIC
- Aging of tire and road wear particles in terrestrial and freshwater environments–a review on processes, testing, analysis and impact
- Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Neural Atmosphere
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Bushfire smoke plume composition and toxicological assessment from the 2019–2020 Australian Black Summer
- … changing climate: Is the seasonal variation in seawater temperature a significant factor in establishing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere …
- Understanding physical and dynamical processes in the atmosphere of the Solar System planets with ground and space based observations
- Catalytic oxidative desulfurisation over Co/Fe-γAl2O3 catalyst: performance, characterisation and computational study
- Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Ground-Level Ozone Concentration Based on Bayesian Maximum Entropy by Combining Monitoring and Satellite Data
- Environmental limits to the space sector’s growth
- Shopping mall retailing: A bibliometric analysis and systematic assessment of Chebat’s contributions
- Chemical Composition and Source Apportionment of Winter Fog in Amritsar: An Urban City of North-Western India
- The role of forest and agriculture towards environmental fortification: designing a sustainable policy framework for top forested countries
- Ambipolar Diffusion in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of a Sunspot
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Road traffic nanoparticle characteristics: Sustainable environment and mobility
- Experimental study on fresh, mechanical properties and embodied carbon of concrete blended with sugarcane bagasse ash, metakaolin, and millet husk ash as …
- How do environmental regulations affect carbon emission and energy efficiency patterns? A provincial-level analysis of Chinese energy-intensive industries
- Effect of cooking temperatures on meat quality, protein carbonylation and protein cross-linking of beef packed in high oxygen atmosphere
- Martian moons exploration MMX: sample return mission to Phobos elucidating formation processes of habitable planets
- Exposure risk assessment to organic compounds based on their concentrations in return water from shale gas developments
- Non-Chemical Approaches to Control Postharvest Gray Mold Disease in Bell Peppers
- Chemistry for Environmental Scientists
- Agriculture, forestry, and environmental sustainability: the role of institutions
- Evaluating the Atmospheric Loss of H2 by NO3 Radicals: A Theoretical Study
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Chemical Characterization and Health Risk Assessment of Particulate Matter from Household Activities in Bamako, Mali, Western Sub-Saharan Africa
- Structure Modification, Evolution, and Compositional Changes of Highly Conductive La:BaSnO3 Thin Films Annealed in Vacuum and Air Atmosphere
- Indoor air quality study in four Malaysian hospitals for centralized and non-centralized ACMV systems
- Tellurium biogeochemical transformation and cycling in a metalliferous semi-arid environment
- Land‐atmosphere interactions at a semi‐arid region in the Deccan Plateau
- Atmospheric deposition of Pb and Cd in the Cedrus atlantica for environmental biomonitoring
- The Mars system revealed by the Martian Moons eXploration mission
- Enhanced impacts evaluation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2020) on atmospheric microplastics in South China Sea during the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Air Quality Health Benefits of the Nevada Renewable Portfolio Standard
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Vortices and dust devils as observed by the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer instruments on board the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover
- A new strategy for selective fluorescence detection of benzaldehyde and nitrobenzene
- Developing a Catering Quality Scale for University Canteens in China: From the Perspective of Food Safety
- Real-time in-situ determination of total gaseous carbon in the atmosphere by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
- Sustainability dimensions in space tourism: The case of Finland
- Establishing an Air Quality Index Based on Proxy Data for Urban Planning Part 1: Methodological Developments and Preliminary Tests
- An investigation on fresh and hardened properties of concrete blended with rice husk ash as cementitious ingredient and coal bottom ash as sand replacement …
- Monitoring the Dynamic Changes in Vegetation Cover Using Spatio-Temporal Remote Sensing Data from 1984 to 2020
- Influence of Seasonal Air–Sea Interaction on the Interannual Variation of the NPP of Terrestrial Natural Vegetation in China
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Environmental Problems In The Development Of The Master Plan Of Settlements (In The Case Of The City Of Pop, Namangan Region Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan)
- Analyses on the Multimodel Wind Forecasts and Error Decompositions over North China
- A review of atmospheric individual particle analyses: Methodologies and applications in environmental research
- Importance of early fault diagnosis for marine diesel engines: a case study on efficiency management and environment
- Emerging microplastics in the environment: Properties, distributions, and impacts
- Vertical distribution of dust in the Martian atmosphere: OMEGA/MEx limb observations
- Assessment of Lockdown Effectiveness during COVID-19 Pandemic Using Air Pollution Data in Armenia in March–June 2019 and 2020: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Particulate matter accumulation and leaf traits of ten woody species growing with different air pollution conditions in Cheongju City, South Korea
- Energy and the Environment
- The Effect of a Hybrid Pretreatment Device for CEMS on the Simultaneous Removal of PM2.5 and Water Vapor
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Inverse Estimation of Mars 2020 Entry Aeroheating Environments Using MEDLI2 Flight Data
- Chemical Compositions of Rainfall Water in Nyingchi City, Tibet
- Observations and Forecasts of Urban Transportation Meteorology in China: A Review
- Studying the Physics of Vertical Transfer of Emissions from Industrial Enterprises in the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere
- Technological innovation and environmental quality nexus in India: Does inward remittance matter?
- Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping
- Effects of urbanization and nonrenewable energy on carbon emission in Africa
- Simulation of supersonic gas–particle flows expanding from the nozzle into rarefied atmosphere
- A Study on Healthy Work Atmosphere on Social & Development and Application Value
- MUSIC MARVEL: Experience To Atmosphere: Making The Invisible Visible
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Radiation exposure in the lower atmosphere during different periods of solar activity
- Evaluating the thermal-radiative performance of ENVI-met model for green infrastructure typologies: Experience from a subtropical climate
- Insight into Source and Evolution of Oxalic Acid: Characterization of Particulate Organic Diacids in a Mega-City, Shanghai from 2008 to 2020
- Forecasting Crop Residue Fires in Northeastern China Using Machine Learning
- … growth, renewable energy use, urbanization, industrialization, technological innovation, and forest area towards achieving environmental sustainability in Bangladesh
- Oxy-fuel and air atmosphere combustions of Chinese medicine residues: Performances, mechanisms, flue gas emission, and ash properties
- Effects of salts and its mixing ratio on the corrosion behavior of 316 stainless steel exposed to a simulated salt-lake atmospheric environment
- Performance assessment of air quality monitoring networks. A specific case study and methodological approach
- Signatures of strong magnetization and a metal-poor atmosphere for a Neptune-sized exoplanet
- Understanding the hazards induced by microplastics in different environmental conditions
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Construction of Cu-BTC by carboxylic acid organic ligand and its application in low temperature SCR denitration
- The Ionospheric Responses from Satellite Observations within Middle Latitudes to the Strong Magnetic Storm on 25–26 August 2018
- Impact of heavy metals on the environment and human health: Novel therapeutic insights to counter the toxicity
- Environmental crises at the Permian–Triassic mass extinction
- The radiation environment of Ceres and implications for surface sampling
- Combination of ethrel and antiseptic medium flow of micro‐circulating improves shelf‐life quality of kiwifruit after long‐term controlled atmosphere storage
- Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation 2 Trajectory, Aerodynamics, and Atmosphere Reconstruction
- Airborne microplastic concentrations and deposition across the Weser River catchment
- … influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment–a …
- The effects of chitosan containing nano-capsulated Cuminum cyminum essential oil on the shelf-life of veal in modified atmosphere packaging
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Effect of pyrocarbon interphase texture and thickness on tensile damage and fracture in T‐700™ carbon fiber–reinforced silicon carbide minicomposites
- Modelling the role of eco innovation, renewable energy, and environmental taxes in carbon emissions reduction in E− 7 economies: Evidence from advance panel …
- Investigation on the corrosion behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo-W-xSi laser cladding coating in H2S corrosion environment
- Evaluating the Impact of Vehicular Aerosol Emissions on Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Formation Using Modeling Study
- Mantle Hg isotopic heterogeneity and evidence of oceanic Hg recycling into the mantle
- Vertical distributions of aerosol microphysical and optical properties based on aircraft measurements made over the Loess Plateau in China
- Direct carbon solid oxide fuel cells powered by rice husk biochar
- Phthalates in the environment: characteristics, fate and transport, and advanced wastewater treatment technologies
- Dilution of concentrations of PAHs from atmospheric particles, bulk deposition to soil: A review
- The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI). III. Simulated Observables—the Return of the Spectrum
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- The influence of environmental and atmospheric variables on allergenic pollen
- The Sensitivity of Vegetation Dynamics to Climate Change across the Tibetan Plateau
- Comparative Analysis, Use Recommendations, and Application Cases of Methods for Develop Ship Emission Inventories
- Airborne Microplastics
- Does sustainable environmental agenda matter? The role of globalization toward energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon dioxide emissions in South …
- Analysis of multi‐omics data on the relationship between epigenetic changes and nervous system disorders caused by exposure to environmentally harmful …
- Exposure to particulate matter: direct and indirect role in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Association between Chronic Exposure to Ambient Air Pollutants, Demography, Vaccination Level, and the Spread of COVID-19 during 2021 Delta Variant Morbidity …
- A multi-functional NO2 gas monitor and self-alarm based on laser-induced graphene
- Structure-Tailored Surface Oxide on Cu–Ga Intermetallics Enhances CO2 Reduction Selectivity to Methanol at Ultralow Potential
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- First-year sea ice leads to an increase in dimethyl sulfide-induced particle formation in the Antarctic Peninsula
- Potential effect of SARS-CoV-2 on solar energy generation: Environmental dynamics and implications
- Diversification of copper complexes with 2, 2′-bipyridyl ligand bearing benzylthio groups due to the different gas atmosphere
- Extension of the Shelf-Life of Fresh Pasta Using Modified Atmosphere Packaging and bioprotective cultures
- Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Temporal Variability Analysis from 2-Year of Continuous Observation in an Amazonian City of Brazil
- The Impact of Air Pollution on Pulmonary Diseases: A Case Study from Brasov County, Romania
- Towards a critical pedagogy of atmosphere in Social Work Education: Using Counter-Mapping to examine the emplaced Power relations of Practice
- Revisiting Total Particle Number Measurements for Vehicle Exhaust Regulations
- Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) from Photo-Oxidation of Toluene: 1 Influence of Reactive Nitrogen, Acidity and Water Vapours on Optical Properties
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Accelerated weathering of hydrophobized sands
- Fine particulate matter (PM2. 5/PM1. 0) in Beijing, China: Variations and chemical compositions as well as sources
- Qualities of the environment that support a sense of home and belonging in nursing homes for older people
- Understanding farmers’ intention and willingness to install renewable energy technology: A solution to reduce the environmental emissions of agriculture
- Forensic carbon accounting: Assessing the role of seaweeds for carbon sequestration
- Impact of renewable energy consumption, financial development and natural resources on environmental degradation in OECD countries with dynamic panel data
- Fresh insight through the VAR approach to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on environmental pollution in Pakistan
- THM analysis of a soil drying test in an environmental chamber: The role of boundary conditions
- Educational Resources for Geoethical Aspects of Water Management
- Impact of Lockdown on Environment
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Dry sliding behavior and particulate emissions of a SiC-graphite composite friction material paired with HVOF-coated counterface
- An isotopic strategy to investigate the role of water vapor in the oxidation of 1, 2-dichloroethane over the Ru/WO3 or Ru/TiO2 catalyst
- The relevance of economic freedom for energy, environment, and economic growth in Asia-Pacific region
- Characterization of Imidazole Compounds in Aqueous Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated from Evaporation of Droplets Containing Pyruvaldehyde and Inorganic …
- Critical review of microplastics removal from the environment
- The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard Aditya-L1
- Atmospheric Cd, Cr, and Zn deposition in several landscape plants in Mersin, Türkiye
- The microplastic cycle: An introduction to a complex issue
- Contamination, exposure, and health risk assessment of Hg in Pakistan: A review
- Assessment of medical waste generation, associated environmental impact, and management issues after the outbreak of COVID-19: A case study of the
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- Seasonal Aspects of Radiative and Advective Air Temperature Populations: A Canadian Perspective
- The impact of coronal mass ejections and flares on the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HD189733b
- Retrieval of Soil Moisture from FengYun-3D Microwave Radiation Imager Operational and Recalibrated Data Using Random Forest Regression
- Experimental investigation of multiphase hydrodynamics of the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer within laboratory modelling
- Plant-based remediation of air pollution: A review
- Recent advances in carbon dioxide geological storage, experimental procedures, influencing parameters, and future outlook
- The Swedish Health Promoting Healthcare network and the built environment
- Corrosion mechanism of SS316L exposed to NaCl/Na2CO3 molten salt in air and argon environments
- Extreme Environmental Thermal Shock Induced Dislocation‐Rich Pt Nanoparticles Boosting Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
- Estimation of biomass and soil carbon stock in the hydroelectric catchment of India and its implementation to climate change
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience
- … via the Direct Hydrogen Atom Transfer Process in Photochemical Visible-Light-Induced Synthesis of 2-Amino-4H-Chromene Scaffolds Under Air Atmosphere
- Crop Residue Burning and Its Relationship between Health, Agriculture Value Addition, and Regional Finance
- Applicability of statistical and machine learning–based regression algorithms in modeling of carbon dioxide emission in experimental pig barns
- Lightning Whistler Wave Speech Recognition Based on Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm
- Producing oxygen and fertilizer with the Martian atmosphere by using microwave plasma
- An integrated life cycle multi-objective optimization model for health-environment-economic nexus in food waste management sector
- Effect of hydrogen charging on SCC of 2205 duplex stainless steel with varying microstructures in simulated deep-sea environment
- Effects of Effective Precipitation and Accumulated Temperature on the Terrestrial EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) in the Yellow River Basin, China
- Arctic mercury cycling
- Analysis of Atmospheric Pollutants and Meteorological Factors on PM2.5 Concentration and Temporal Variations in Harbin
- The Effect of Waiting Environment and Perceived Atmosphere on Temporal Experience