Cognitive Psychology MCQ

Cognitive Psychology MCQ

Which principle underlies cognitive therapy?
(A). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to be time-limited
(B). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy does not aim to be time-limited
(C). CBT sessions are not structured
(D). CBT is not goal-oriented and problem-focused
Answer: A

Who believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages?
(A). Robert Bjork
(B). John R. Anderson.
(C). Elizabeth Bates
(D). Kohlberg
Answer: (D)

cognitive processes refer to all characteristics previously learned: ________.
(A). beliefs
(B). expectations
(C). personality characteristics.
(D). All of these
Answer: (D)

The three components of __ are affective, cognitive, and behavioral.
(A). value assessment
(B). personality
(C). job satisfaction
(D). attitude
Answer: D
Which of the following would result in cognitive dissonance?
(A). having beliefs that do not contradict each other
(B). having beliefs that contradict each other
(C). feel like a human body is being pulled in two opposite directions due to their beliefs.
(D). Both B and C
Answer: (B)
Cognitive control can be observed as early as____
(A). infancy
(B). adulthood
(C). youth
(D). Both B and C
Answer: (A)

The social cognitive theory of hypnosis suggests that ___.
(A). people are not in hypnotic states as performing the social role of a hypnotized human being.
(B). people are in hypnotic states as performing the social role of a hypnotized person.
(C) people are not performing the social role of a hypnotized person
(D). Both B and C
Answer: (B)

A possible fifth stage of cognitive development that characterizes adult thinking is:
(A). informal thought
(B). semiformal thought
(C). postformal though
(D). preformal thought

Answer: (C)