Past Papers Introduction to Psychology


Subject: Introduction to Psychology

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1×10=10)

1. Long elongated part of the neuron is called

Axon                     Dendrites

Nucleus                                Synapse

2. The first psychological lab was established in Germany by

Freud                    Wundi

Watson                                Skinner

3. Which of the following is NOT a Monocular cue?

Shadowing          Interposition

Convergence     Linear effect

4. Pushing or pulling force towards a goal is called

Emotion               Interest

Movement         Motivation

5. There are no rods and cones in

Retina                   Optic disc

Cornea                 Fovea



Subject: Introduction to Psychology

Time Allowed: 2 Hrs. 45 Min

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give short answers! (20)

Q#1. Why psychology is called scientific? (2)

Q#2. When does the punishment work’? (2)

Q#3. Name and define schedules of partial reinforcement. (4)

Q#4. What is the difference between structuralism and functionalism? (2)

Q#5 What is the difference between stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination? (4)

Q#6. Name the lobes of brain. (2)

Q#7. What is the difference between negative and positive reinforcement? (2)

Q#8. Define forgetting. (2)


Part-II Answer the following questions (30)

Q#1. Define Depth Perception. Name and define monocular cues for depth perception. (10)

Q#2. Write note on Main Ethical Issues in Psychology. (10)

Q#3. Define Emotions. Write in detail about any ONE Theory of Emotion. (10)


Subject: Introduction to Psychology (BBA)

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)

A person was involved in a bad car accident three weeks ago in which his best friend died at the scene. Ever since the accident, he has not been able to sleep, thinks about the accident all the time and refuses to ride in a car. He is most likely suffering from:

a) Depression b) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

c) Apnea d) Acute Stress disorder

Once you have started work for an organization through socialization and training it will seek to shape you to fit in and to contribute to achieving its goals. But which of the following is NOT true of socialization?

a) Socialization is the process by which members of society are taught how to behave and feel by influential members of that society.

b) Socialization can occur in a country, organization or even in a family.

c) In the past, socialization theory research has concentrated on the development of adults, but more recently, it has become clear that children are socialized.

d) When employees start work, they learn to align their work values with those of the organization

All of the following are examples of selection procedures used by organizations to match people with jobs except for:

a) Workload test. B) Bio data

c) Interview d) None of the above

4. Research has indicated that egocentricity, group polarization and production- blocking all contribute to diminished

a) Group decision making. b) Group cohesiveness

c) Organizational culture d) Group effectiveness

5. What are the psychological effects of unemployment on individuals?

Depression b. Negative self-esteem

Low level of functioning d. Ail of the above

External stimuli that lead to goal-directed behavior are called:

Drives b. Needs

Incentive d. Reciprocal

Most psychologists believe that aggression is:

an innate biological response to frustration b. linked to sexual drive

a drive that builds up over time and must be released d. none of these

8. Psychology may best be described as the scientific study of and.

Mental states, physical states b. Thoughts, emotions

Behavior, mental processes d. Mental health, mental illness

9. Any stimulus that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated is called a:

Cue b. Situational stimulus

Reinforce d. Punisher

10. It is defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior

Learning b. Intelligence

Motivation d. Emotion



Subject: Introduction to Psychology (BBA)

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Part-II  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: What is the normal reaction to frustration?

Q#2: When does an individual require therapy?

Q#3: Name and define types of Communication.

Q#4: Group norms are important to follow. Why?

Q#5: Emotions make person weak. How?


Part-III  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: It is said that Man studies himself. How? Prove your answer with relevant examples.

Q#2: How Biology determines the behavior? Discuss

Q#3: Define Motivation. How incentives drive our behavior?


Subject: Introduction to Geography

Time Allowed: 10 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.

Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)

1. The average distance between sun and earth is _______ million km.
a) 145 b) 150
c) 155 d) 160
2. The ozone layer shields the earth surface from _______.
a) Smoke b) Dust
c) Ultra violet rays d) None of these
3. Which of the following is considered the largest Planet in Solar System?
a) Earth b) Mars
c) Jupiter d) Neptune
4. _______ is a field of geography that deals with map making.
a) Cartography b) Climatology
c) Surveying d) None of these
5. _______ tides occur during when Moon is either full or new.
a) Neap tides b) Spring tides
c) ebb tide d) None of these
6. _______ is considered the earliest geological era.
a) Proterozoic b) Paleozoic
c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic
7. The atmospheric humidity is measured by _______.
a) Anemometer b) Barometer
c) Hygrometer d) Thermometer
8. Which of the following is considered the smallest ocean in the world?
a) Pacific b) Atlantic
c) Indian d) Arctic
9. Which of the following is a Trace Gas found in the Atmosphere?
a) Nitrogen b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Oxygen d) Argon
10. The fastest thing in the universe is:
a) Sound b) light
c) water d) None of these


Subject: Introduction to Geography

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50


Part-II Give short answers, Each answer carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: What are the main themes of Geography?

Q#2: Enlist types of igneous rocks.

Q#3: What is International Date Line’?

Q#4: Differentiate between Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

Q#5: What is Geological Time Scale?

Q#6: Differentiate between rotation and revolution of Earth.

Q#7: Briefly tell the composition of Atmosphere.

Q#8: What is meant by an earthquake?

Q#9: What is continental shield?

Q#10: Name the continents of the world.

Part-III Give brief answers, Each answer carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Define Geography. Also briefly discuss the main branches of Human Geography.

Q#2: Write a detailed note on the internal structure of the Earth.

Q#3: Write a comprehensive note on the ocean currents of Atlantic Ocean.