Paper 1 : Data Communications and Computer Networks
Data Communications and Computer Networks Past Guess Paper.
University Name – Confidential
NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.
Paper : Data Communications and Computer Networks
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Examination: Final, Fall – 2020
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Define the following terms:
- Periodic and Aperiodic signal
- Composite signal
- Data session
- Layered concept
- TCP and UDP protocol
Q2. Give brief introduction of Encoding and Modulation mechanism along discussion of its conversion techniques in detail.
Q3. Discuss in detail the frame relay concept along its operations and different layers.
Q4. Give briefly introduction to transmission of digital data. Discuss in detail the DTE-DCE and other
Interface standards.
Q5. Write a detail discussion on “ISDN services and voice communication over analog networks”.
Q6. Explain the working and concept of wireless transmission media in detail.
Q7. Write short notes on any two of the following.
- TCP/IP model
- Multiplexing
- Serial and Parallel transmissions.
Data Communications and Computer Networks Past Guess Paper.
Paper 2 : Data Communications and Computer Networks
University Name – Confidential
NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.
Paper : Data Communications and Computer Networks
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Examination: Final, Spring- 2020
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Attempt all parts of this question. (30 marks)
- Write down True or False for the following (10 marks)
- Twisted Pair cable is the most widely used transmission media in Local Area Network (LAN).
- Port number is assigned at application layer which identifies the specific process or service in the end system.
- In Virtual Circuit (VC) switching data is transmitted over a packet switched network where the paths are identified by the VC numbers.
- FECN and BECN bits are used in the Frame Relay networks for congestion avoidance.
- In the Internet Protocol (IP) hostname to IP address mapping is done by the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).
Choose the correct option. (10 marks)
On a busy router port the incoming packets are stored in
- Firewall c) Queue/Buffer of the router
- Email Server d) Queue/Buffer of the receiver node
DLCI (Data link connection identifier) is used in ….. networks to assign frames to PVC or SVC.
- ATM c) Ethernet networks
- Frame Relay d) both (a) and (b)
Repeaters and Hubs are …. devices.
- Network Layer c) Data Link Layer
- Application Layer d) Physical Layer
In a “class B” IPv4 address scheme the number of bits reserved for Network ID are
- 8 bits c) 16 bits
- 24 bits d) 32 bits
ATM Cell size is …. Bytes.
- 52 c) 65535
- 128 d) 512
Fill in the blanks (10 marks)
- IPv6 consists total of ……. bits.
- TFTP stands for …. .
- ICMP stands for … .
- UDP is used at …. layer for real time multimedia transmission.
- IP addresses are assigned at … layer of OSI model.
Q.2 What is Multiplexing? Explain Frequency and Time division multiplexing (FDM and TDM) in detail with examples/diagrams? (10 marks)
Q.3 Explain Circuit Switching and Packet Switching in detail with example for each specific type? Provide
diagrams for the two types of Packet Switching that is (a) datagram and (b) virtual circuit switching.
(10 marks)
Q.4 What is a Frame Relay? Explain Packet format, DLCI assignment and Congestion avoidance scheme in Frame Relay networks? (10 marks)
Q.5 What is Transmission Media? Write different types of Transmission Media used in Computer Networks. Explain briefly Cable Media. (10 marks)
Q.6 What is Domain Name System (DNS)? Briefly explain flat name space and hierarchical name space with diagrams. Explain the need of DNS in the IP networks? (3+4+3=10 marks)
Q.7 Write short note on any two of the following: (10 marks)
- ISDN, its services and layers
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SMNP)
- ATM and its connection types (PVC and SVc)
- Flow control schemes of the Data Link Layer