Leadership and Followership MCQs

Leadership and Followership MCQs set with solved Multiple Choice Questions answers in pdf.

LBDQ stands for

(A). Leader behavior description Questionnaire

(B). Leader behavior defining questionnaire.

(C). Leader behavior dominance questionnaire.

(D). None of these

(E). None of these

Answer: Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire

Which of the following two are the primary models of communication that are associated with leadership communication styles.

(A). authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire; and task and interpersonal

(B). authoritarian, democratic, heterogeneous; and task and interpersonal

(C). authoritarian, equal, laissez-faire; and task and interpersonal

(D).None of these

(E). all of these

A boss asking the employee to suggest the due date for the given task would be a representation of?

(A). Laissez – leadership communication style

(B). Democratic  – leadership communication style

(C). Authoritarian – leadership communication style

(D). Interpersonal  – leadership communication style

(E). None of these

The terms “employee-oriented leaders”  and “production-oriented leaders” are associated with which of the following research efforts to recognize and identify the communication patterns of leaders of the team?

(A). Concern for production

(B). Theory X management

(C). Michigan Leadership Studies

(D). Initiating structure

(E). None of these

A boss allowing his employee to do his own work is the representation of?

(A). Authoritarian – leadership communication style

(B). Democratic – leadership communication style

(C). Laissez-Faire – leadership communication style

(D). Task – leadership communication style

(E). None of these

Task-oriented leadership can be ideally associated with which of the following?

(A). Solicit opinions

(B). Most often communicate orally

(C). Maintain a “closed-door” policy

(D). Make requests

(E). None of these

A boss ordering his employee to do his or her task is the representation of?

(A). Democratic  – leadership communication style

(B). Authoritarian  – leadership communication style

(C). Interpersonal  – leadership communication style

(D). Laissez- – leadership communication style

(E). None of these

Interpersonal-oriented leadership can be ideally associated with which of the following?

(A). Most often communicate in writing

(B). Solicit opinions

(C). Focus on facts, data, and information as they relate to tasks

(D). Disseminate information

(E). None of these

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